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The phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean spongeEctyoplasia ferox were studied. The novel fatty acids 25-methyl-5,9-heptacosadienoic (1) and 26-methyl-5,9-heptacosadienoic (2) were identified in 3.4 and 2.0% abundance, respectively, representing the longest set of Δ5,9iso andanteiso acids yet isolated from a marine sponge. The new acid 10,13-dimethyltetradecanoic (3), the unusual acid 15-methyl-11-hexadecenoic (4) and the also novel acid 9-methyl-11-hexadecenoic (5) were also identified inE. ferox. The principal sterols isolated fromE. ferox were 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol (46%) and 24(R)-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol (14%).  相似文献   

The rare phospholipid fatty acids 3,7,11-trimethyldodecanoic (1), 5,9-hexadecadienoic (2) and 12-methyl-hexadecanoic (3) were identified in the marine spongeXestospongia muta. Branched fatty acids inX. muta accounted for 35% of the total fatty acid mixture. It was observed that the occurrence of the 5,9-hexadecadienoic acid (2) coincides with the complete absence of the very long chain fatty acid 5,9-hexacosadienoic. The acid 5,9,19-octacosatrienoic seems to be found in mostXestospongia species.  相似文献   

The α-hydroxy fatty acids 2-hydroxy-eicosanoic (1) acid, 2-hydroxyheneicosanoic (2) acid, 2-hydroxydocosanoic (3) acid, 2-hydroxytetracosanoic (4) acid, 2-hydroxy-23-methyl-tetracosanoic acid and 2-hydroxypentacosanoic (5) acid were isolated from the Caribbean spongesVerongula gigantea andAplysina archeri. The very long chain fatty acids 5,9-nonacosadienoic acid (29∶2) and 5,9,23-tricontatrienoic acid (30∶3) were also identified together with theiso-prenoid fatty acid 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic (phytanic) acid that seems to be common in the Aplysinidae.A. archeri contained an extremely long chain fatty acid tentatively characterized as dotricontaenoic (32∶1) acid. These acids were found to occur in phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and traces of phosphatidylglycerol.  相似文献   

The fatty acyl components of the phospholipids from the spongePetrosia ficiformis consisted predominantly of branched, especially iso and anteiso acids. The two major components of the complex mixture are the hitherto unknown Z,Z-25-methyl-5,9-hexacosadienoic and Z,Z-24-methyl-5,9-hexacosadienoic acids. Other unknown acids are: 7,13,16-docosatrienoic acid, 15-methyldocosanoic acid, 15-methyltricosanoic acid and 24-methyl-5,9-pentacosadienoic acid. Short branched-chain fatty acids, presumably of bacterial origin, are considered to be the possible bioprecursors of these novel phospholipid constituents. The major phospholipids were PE, PC, PG, PS and PI. The distribution of fatty acids among the phospholipid classes was also studied.  相似文献   

The novel fatty acids (Z)-6-nonadecenoic acid (1) and (Z)-17-pentacosenoic acid (2) were characterized in the spongeGeodia gibberosa. These fatty acids were mainly found in phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of phospholipids from the New Caledonian spongeCinachyrella aff.schulzei Keller was studied. More than 60 fatty acids were identified as methyl esters andN-acyl pyrrolidides by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Two isoprenoid fatty acids also were shown to be present, namely 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanoic and 5,9,13-trimethyltetradecanoic acids. The unusual 6-tetradecenoic, 6-pentadecenoic, 12-nonadecenoic and 26-methylheptacosanoic (iso-28∶0) acids were found for the first time in sponge phospholipids. A series of six n−7 monoenoic long-chain fatty acids (C23 to C28) were identified, including the rare 16-tricosenoic, 18-pentacosenoic and 21-octacosenoic acids. Fifteen fatty acids possessing the typical 5,9 dienoic moiety accounted for 30% of the total fatty acid mixture. Two new fatty acids were identified, namely 5(Z)-octacosenoic and 27-methyl-5(Z),9(Z)-octacosadienoic (iso-5,9-29∶2). Based on gas chromatography/Fourier transform infrared experiments, the double bonds were assigned the (Z) configuration. For part 2 of this series, see Reference 1.  相似文献   

The marine sponseCliona celata contains 3.5% 30∶4ω6 and 7.0% 30∶5w3 in its total fatty acids. These C30 polyunsaturated structures are unknown in other living organisms. Both acids occur mainly as phosphatidylserine esters.  相似文献   

The very long-chain fatty acids, (5E,9Z)-6-bromo-5,9-tetracosadienoic, (5E,9Z)-6-bromo-23-methyl-5,9-tetracosadienoic, (5E,9Z)-6-bromo-5,9-pentacosadienoic and (5E,9Z)-6-bromo-24-methyl-5,9-pentacosadienoic acids, were identified in the phospholipids (mainly phosphatidylethanolamine) of the spongeAgelas sp. Structure elucidation was accomplished by means of mass spectrometry and chemical transformations, including deuteration with Wilkinson's catalyst. All of the sterols from the sponge had the Δ5,7 nucleus, with 24-methylcholesta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol (ergosterol) and 24-ethylcholesta-5,7,22-trien-3β-ol being the most abundant.  相似文献   

A recent space exploration has revealed that in the far reaches of outer space matter attains a state of complete weightlessness. Herman Brown, reporting on his latest spaced-out venture, indicates that weightless fatty acids obtained from the Superba Galaxy are ideally suited for the manufacture of improved food additives. What a magnificent way to provide the diet-control foodstuffs of the 21st Century!  相似文献   

The phospholipids of the spongeStrongylophora durissima were analyzed. The major phospholipids present were phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidylinositol (PI). The major fatty acid components of the phospholipids consisted of short chain (C14−C19) and very long chain (C25−C30) “Demospongic” acids. Three novel branched Δ5 monounsaturated acids,Z-19-methyl-5-pentacosenoic,Z-19-methyl-5-hexacosenoic andZ-19-methyl-5-heptacosenoic acids were encountered in the sponge. The 3-saturated counterparts of these compounds, 19-methylpentacosanoic, 19-methylhexacosanoic and 19-methylheptacosanoic acids, as well as 19-methylpentacosanoic and 20-methyloctacosanoic acids also are hitherto undescribed acids present in the sponge. Trace amounts of 2 very long chain acids also were detected and their structures tentatively assigned as 19,21-dimethylheptacosanoic and 20,22-dimethyloctacosanoic acids. The distribution of these fatty acids according to phospholipid head groups also was described.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary partially hydrogenated marine oils containing docosenoic acid on rat heart mitochondrial membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition was studied with particular reference to cardiolipin and oxidative phosphorylation. Five groups of male weanling rats were fed diets containing 20% (w/w) peanut oil (PO), partially hydrogenated peanut oil (HPO), partially hydrogenated Norwegian capelin oil (HCO), partially hydrogenated herring oil (HHO), and rapeseed oil (RSO) for 10 weeks. All the cardiac phospholipids investigated were influenced by the experimental diets. An increased amount of arachidonic acid observed in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) after feeding partially hydrogenated oils suggests a changed regulation of the arachidonic acid metabolism in comparison with PO treatment. 22∶1 originating from the dietary oils was incorporated only to a small extent into phosphatidylcholine (PC) and PE. A selective incorporation of 18∶1 isomers into the 1- and 2-positions of PC and PE with respect to geometry and position of the double bond was observed. Large amounts of 18∶1trans were incorporated into the 1-position of PC and PE, irrespective of the amount of 18∶2 supplemented to the diets, replacing a considerable proportion of stearic acid in this position. After feeding HHO and RSO, the content of 22∶1 in mitochondrial cardiolipin of rat heart was found to be 3% (mainly cetoleic acid) and 10% (mainly erucic acid), respectively, indicating a high affinity forcis isomers of 22∶1, but also a considerable resistance against incorporation oftrans isomers was observed. The ability of rat cardiac mitochondria to oxidize palmitoylcarnitine and to synthesize ATP was depressed after feeding HHO and RSO. Dietarycis isomers of 22∶1 seem to have a specific ability to interfere with cardiac ATP synthesis and also to alter the fatty acid composition of cardiolipin of rat heart.  相似文献   

The steryl ester and phospholipid fractions of the marine spongeAgelas conifera were isolated and analyzed. The fatty acyl components of the steryl ester and phospholipid fractions as determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry were very similar and consisted of 56.8 and 62.7% of C14−C20 acids (normal; branched, especiallyiso andanteiso; and monounsaturated, particularly Δ9 and Δ11 acids) and of 43.1 and 35.5% of C24−C26 acids (Δ5,9 diunsaturated acids), respectively. The major constituent fatty acids detected were 13-methyltetradecanoic,n-hexadecanoic, 10-methylhexadecanoic, 11-octadecenoic, 12-methyloctadecanoic, 5,9-pentacosadienoic and 5,9-hexacosadienoic acids. The phospholipids isolated were identified as phosphatidylcholine (37%), phosphatidylserine (34%), phosphatidylethanolamine (16%) and phosphatidylinositol (11%). The distribution of fatty acids within the phospholipid classes was also determined.  相似文献   

The burrowing spongesAnthosigmella varians andSpheciospongia vesparium were found to be rich in the isoprenoid phospholipid fatty acid 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanoic (5.2% and 23%, respectively, of the total fatty acid composition), while the burrowing spongeChondrilla nucula and the demospongeAgelas dispar contained the acid 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic (13.8% and 8.6%, respectively, of the total phospholipid fatty acid composition). No other isoprenoid fatty acid was found, and the two acids described in this work did not occur concomitantly in the same sponge.  相似文献   

Acclimation to different temperatures by a poikilothermous animal must include modification of its membrane lipids to maintain the proper physical properties. The simplest way to achieve this acclimation would seem to be by modification of the phospholipid fatty acids. In a freshwater cray-fish,Procambarus clarkii, rapid changes in the degree of unsaturation of newly synthesized phospholipid fatty acids were correlated with changes in environmental temperature, both in whole animals and in slices of hepatopancreas tissue. At 5 C, the rate of fatty acid synthesis was about half that occurring at 23 C. Hepatopancreas tissue from animals acclimated to either 5 C or 23 C, when incubated for 2 hr at 5 C, incorporated a higher percentage of exogenous [1-14C] acetate into polyunsaturated acids (27–38% of the radioactivity in total fatty acids) than when incubated at 23 C (12–14%); conversely, more saturated fatty acids were synthesized at 23 C (73–80% vs 51–73%). The higher average unsaturation of the fatty acids biosynthesized at 5 C constitutes an effective response to the animal's need for modification of lipids to maintain adequate membrane function at the lower environmental temperature. Presented at the AOCS meeting in Mexico City, Mexico, April 27–May 2, 1974. Work done at the Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024.  相似文献   

The FA composition of 12 strains of marine aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria belonging to the genera Erythrobacter, Roseobacter, and Citromicrobium was investigated. GC-MS analyses of different types of derivatives were performed to determine the structures of the main FA present in these organisms. All the analyzed strains contained the relatively rare 11-methyloctadec-12-enoic acid, and three contained 12-methyl-octadec-11-enoic acid, which has apparently never been reported before. High amounts of the very unusual octadeca-5,11-dienoic acid were present in 9 of the 12 strains analyzed. A FA containing a furan ring was detected in three strains. Analytical data indicated that this FA was 10,13-epoxy-11-methyloctadeca-10,12-dienoic acid. A very interesting enzymatic peroxidation of the allylic carbon 10 of cis-vaccenic acid was observed in three strains. Deuterium labeling and GC-MS analyses enabled us to demonstrate that this enzymatic process involves the initial dioxygenase-mediated formation of 10-hydroperoxyoctadec-11(cis)-enoic acid, which is then isomerized to 10-hydroperoxyoctadec-11(trans)-enoic acid and converted to the corresponding hydroxy-acids and oxoacids. Different biosynthetic pathways were proposed for these different compounds.  相似文献   

Cardiac fatty acids were studied in young rats fed marine oils for 1 week. When the diet contained 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16% by weight of partially hydrogenated oil from Norwegian capelin, the concentration of fatty acids in the cardiac tissue was elevated only at the highest level. The amount of the lipid and the content of docosenoic acid in the heart were less than those observed with 15% partially hydrogenated oil from Canadian herring. Nonhydrogenated Peruvian anchovy oil lacking docosenoic acid produced no change in the amount of fat deposited. The extent of fatty acid accumulation in the heart was related to the dietary C22 acids.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Two liver oils (Elasmobranch) fromCarcharias melanopterus andPristis cuspidatus, caught off the Madras coast are studied, and their component fatty acids are reported. 2. The mixed acids were separated into three groups (varying unsaturation) of acids, and their methylesters were fractionated. 3. The liver oils are found to belong to the fourth group of Tsujimoto’s classification of Elasmobranch fish liver oils.Carcharias melanopterus liver oil contains 31.1% unsaturated acids (myristic 3.1, palmitic 18.4, stearic 9.5, and 0.1% arachidic) and 68.9% unsaturated acids (C16 10.8, C18 19.7, C20 15.2, C22 17.1, C24 5.3%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid).Pristis cuspidatus liver oil contains 36.9% saturated acids (myristic 1.2, palmitic 22.9, stearic 12.7, and arachidic 0.1%) and 67.1% unsaturated acids (C16 8.2, C18 28.5, C20 16.4, C22 5.2, C24 4.6%, and traces of C14 monoethenoid). The unsaturations of the different groups of acids are almost of the same order. 4. The abnormal content of saturated acids can be explained by the process of bio-hydrogenation. The relatively less amount of saturated acids inCarcharias melanopterus liver oil along with its higher content of polyethylenic acids (C20 and above) points strongly to the possible presence of intermediate types of fats among the four groups of Elasmobranch oils.  相似文献   

Hamberg M 《Lipids》2000,35(4):353-363
[1-14C]Linoleic acid was incubated with a whole homogenate preparation from potato stolons. The reaction product contained four major labeled compounds, i.e., the α-ketol 9-hydroxy-10-oxo-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid (59%), the epoxy alcohol 10(S),11(S)-epoxy-9(S)-hydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid (19%), the divinyl ether colneleic acid (3%), and a new cyclopentenone (13%). The structure of the last-mentioned compound was determined by chemical and spectral methods to be 2-oxo-5-pentyl-3-cyclopentene-1-octanoic acid (trivial name, 10-oxo-11-phytoenoic acid). Steric analysis demonstrated that the relative configuration of the two side chains attached to the five-membered ring was cis, and that the compound was a racemate comprising equal parts of the 9(R), 13(R) and 9(S), 13(S) enantiomers. Experiments in which specific trapping products of the two intermediates 9(S)-hydroperoxy-10(E), 12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid and 9(S), 10-epoxy-10, 12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid were isolated and characterized demonstrated the presence of 9-lipoxygenase and allene oxide synthase activities in the tissue preparation used. The allene oxide generated from linoleic acid by action of these enzymes was further converted into the cyclopentenone and α-ketol products by cyclization and hydrolysis, respectively. Incubation of [1-14C]linolenic acid with the preparation of potato stolons afforded 2-oxo-5-[2′(Z)-pentenyl]-3-cyclopentene-1-octanoic acid (trivial name, 10-oxo-11, 15(Z)-phytodienoic acid), i.e., an isomer of the jasmonate precursor 12-oxo-10, 15(Z)-phytodienoic acid. Quantitative determination of 10-oxo-11-phytoenoic acid in linoleic acid-supplied homogenates of different parts of the potato plant showed high levels in roots and stolons, lower levels in developing tubers, and no detectable levels in leaves.  相似文献   

Preliminary investigation of the phospholipid fatty acid composition of the tropical marine spongeAmphimedon terpenensis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed the presence of some novel brominated fatty acids. Two new brominated fatty acids, (5E, 9Z)-6-bromo-5,9-tetracosadienoic acid (2a) and (5E, 9Z)-6-bromo-5,9-pentacosadienoic acid (3a) were subsequently isolated from a chloroform/methanol (3∶1, vol/vol) extract of the sponge and characterized as their methyl esters 2b and 3b. The known brominated fatty acid (5E, 9Z)-6-bromo-5,9-hexacosadienoic acid (4a) was also isolated. The new fatty acid methyl esters were confirmed as brominated δ5,9 acid derivatives by chemical ionization mass spectrometry. The position of the bromine substituent was determined to be C-6 by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques while the stereochemistry of the two double bonds was deduced by nuclear Overhauser enhancement difference spectroscopy. The biosynthetic implications of the co-occurrence of the three brominated acids are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Shrimp, crabs, the marine diatomNitzschia closterium, Platymonas sp., and the fresh water algaChlorella pyrenoidosa were maintained or cultured in the laboratory. The crustacea were fed low-fat, cottonseed oil, and menhaden oil rations. The fatty acid composition of all groups, as well as that of native phytoplankton and zooplankton catches, were determined as the extinction coeffcients, (E 1% 1cm. ), at wavelengths of maximum absorption. It was found that both shrimp and crabs lost much of their polyunsaturated acids on the fat-free diet and regained it again by ingestion, as do fish. The shrimp however appeared to synthesize more highly unsaturated acids from cottonseed oil than did other aquatic animals. Phytoplankton do produce a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The importance of the determination of the structure of aquatic plant and animal fatty acids in the problem of the origin of the acids and their mechan ism of synthesis was discussed. Contribution from the Departments of Oceanography and Meteorology and of Biochemistry and Nutrition of the Agricultural and Mechanical College System of Texas, Oceanography and Meteorology Series No. 137; supported in part by Grant No. A-777 from the National Institutes of Health and Grant No. A-020 from the Robert A. Welch Foundation.  相似文献   

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