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纳米颗粒具有极高的增强效率,能够显著提高铝基复合材料的综合性能.纳米Al2 O3/Al复合材料作为其中的代表,具有高弹性模量、高强度和低密度等优势,得到长期的关注和研究.详细介绍了纳米Al2O3/Al复合材料的制备方法,分析了各制备方法的优点和缺点,并对纳米Al2O3/Al复合材料的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

为克服颗粒增强铝基复合材料的强度低、脆性大、机械加工难等问题, 选用平均直径为0.15Lm, 细小且接近圆形的Al2O3颗粒增强LD2铝合金, 对其铸态材料和挤压材料的室温及高温拉伸性能进行了考察和组织分析, 结果发现: 颗粒尺寸小到亚微米级之后, 材料的组织中极难观察到位错, 增强机制也有所变化。在30~ 40% 体积率的挤压材上得到了640~ 760M Pa 拉伸强度和8. 6~2% 的延伸率, 增强率达到了212% , 获得了高强度、高塑性、易加工性的复合材料。   相似文献   

将纳米ZnO粉末和Al粉球磨后冷压成Al-ZnO预制块,然后将其加到Al-Zn-Cu熔体中进行Al-ZnO原位反应,制备出纳米Al2O3颗粒增强Al-Zn-Cu基复合材料。能谱面扫描分析和透射电镜观察结果表明,复合材料由纳米Al2O3颗粒和Al2Cu析出相两种颗粒/析出相组成。纳米Al2O3颗粒通过异质形核和晶界钉扎,细化了Al-Zn-Cu合金晶粒组织和Al2Cu析出相。原位纳米Al2O3颗粒的生成提高了基体合金的拉伸性能,轧制+热处理使Al2O3/Al-Zn-Cu复合材料的拉伸强度比相同处理的基体合金提高约100%,总伸长率提高约98%。  相似文献   

作为20世纪90年代兴起的一类连续陶瓷纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料,连续氧化铝纤维增韧氧化铝(Al2O3f/Al2O3)复合材料已经发展为与Cf/SiC、SiCf/SiC等非氧化物复合材料并列的陶瓷基复合材料。以多孔基体实现基体裂纹偏转成为Al2O3f/Al2O3复合材料主要的增韧设计方法,形成的多孔Al2O3f/Al2O3复合材料具有优异的抗氧化性能和高温力学性能,可在高温富氧、富含水汽的中等载荷工况中长时服役,是未来重要的热结构材料。经过近30年的发展,多孔Al2O3f/Al2O3复合材料已被应用于航空发动机、燃气轮机等热端部件。本文综述了多孔Al2O3f...  相似文献   

Al2O3颗粒增强纯铝基复合材料的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨了用粉末冶金法,采用常规的冶金加工设备和工艺,制造Al2O3颗粒增强纯铝基复合材料的可行性。研究了不同Al2O3体积含量复合材料的显微组织及力学性能。初步试验了二次热挤压变形对颗粒分布和对基体强化的影响。结果表明,Al2O3颗粒与纯铝粉混合,加压烧结制备的复合材料,组织致密,颗粒分布均匀,随Al2O3含量增加,复合材料强度、硬度及弹性模量大大提高,Al2O3含量小于10%时,塑性不降低。二次热挤压有助于提高颗粒分布的均匀性;并使基体显著强化。  相似文献   

采用一种具有芯-壳结构的复合纳米纤维增强铝合金复合材料,可以在提高抗拉强度的同时增加塑性。通过真空热压烧结技术制备了Al2O3@Y3Al5O12复合纳米短纤维增强2024铝合金复合材料。研究了纤维添加质量分数对复合材料致密度、硬度、抗拉强度及延伸率的影响;并探究了芯-壳结构在复合材料增韧中的作用。结果表明:Al2O3@Y3Al5O12纳米短纤维具有良好的分散性,在超声分散及机械搅拌混粉后均匀吸附在铝合金颗粒表面,无分层及团聚现象;经热压烧结后,Al2O3@Y3Al5O12纳米短纤维以短纤维形态均匀分散在铝合金基体内,少量添加Al2O3@Y3Al5O12纳米短纤维起到了桥联和孔洞填充作用,使复合材料致密度和硬度提高;添加质量分数为1wt%时,抗拉强度和延伸率取得最大值,由铝合金的249.3 MPa、2.9%增加到299.1 MPa、4.3%。Al2O3@Y3Al5O12纳米短纤维的添加可以细化晶粒,阻碍裂纹扩展,且在拔出/断过程中Al2O3@Y3Al5O12纳米短纤维芯-壳结构的塑性变形起到了增强增韧作用。   相似文献   

刘慧敏  王楠  苏娟 《材料工程》2014,(11):23-27
采用原位反应近液相线铸造方法制备含有3.6%(质量分数)原位Al2O3颗粒的Al-6.8Cu基复合材料,在基体合金的固液两相区选择580,590,600℃和610℃进行二次加热保温实验,淬火固定其半固态组织。通过光学显微镜及透射电镜观察合金的组织结构,研究Al2O3原位颗粒对材料组织的影响。结果表明:原位Al2O3颗粒对Al-6.8Cu合金的铸态组织具有一定的细化作用,但没有明显的球化作用。在半固态二次加热过程中原位Al2O3颗粒对晶粒长大行为具有抑制作用和球化作用,与基体合金相比,在相同的二次加热条件下晶粒尺寸减小20~40μm。  相似文献   

郑梦  赵玉涛  陈登斌  张钊  董洪标 《功能材料》2011,42(Z4):748-750,754
开发了新型反应体系,以硼砂( Na2B4O7·10H2O)和K2ZrF6粉剂为原料采用熔体直接反应法,在铝熔体中成功制备了原位纳米Al2O3颗粒增强铝基复合材料.借助于扫描电镜( SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)等测试方法,对复合材料的相组成和微观组织进行了分析,结果表明反应生成了纳米级γ-Al2O3...  相似文献   

采用SRV摩擦磨损试验机研究了球墨铸铁及三维网络Al2O3增强球墨铸铁基复合材料的干摩擦磨损性能, 测量了球墨铸铁和复合材料在不同摩擦频率及载荷下的摩擦系数和磨损率; 用扫描电镜观察磨损表面形貌, 并分析了三维网络Al2O3对复合材料磨损机制的影响。结果表明: 陶瓷与金属基体之间具有良好界面结合的三维网络Al2O3/球墨鋳铁复合材料, 其摩擦系数随载荷和摩擦频率的变化保持稳定; 复合材料的耐磨性能远优于球墨铸铁, 而且随着摩擦频率和载荷的增加, 复合材料的抗磨损性能明显提高。这是由于复合材料中陶瓷与金属相之间三维空间结构和良好的界面结合有利于摩擦载荷的传递; 金属基体中的石墨减摩作用保持摩擦系数的稳定; 三维陶瓷骨架在磨损表面形成硬的微突体并起承载作用, 制约了基体的塑性变形和高温软化, 有利于磨损表面氧化膜的留存。  相似文献   

在前期研究工作的基础上,着重讨论了不同颗粒体积分数对Al2O3/钢基复合材料900 ℃下高温磨料磨损抗力的影响。结果表明:适当的颗粒体积分数(39 %左右)的复合材料因颗粒对基体保护好,起主要抗磨作用,因而高温抗磨性较好;较高或较低颗粒体积分数的复合材料因颗粒脱落或基体磨损严重使得其高温抗磨性较低。   相似文献   

电铸nano-Al2O3 / Cu 复合材料的组织与性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用复合电铸工艺, 在硫酸铜镀液中加入纳米氧化铝颗粒制备了纳米颗粒弥散增强铜基复合材料, 利用扫描电镜、电子透镜对复合材料的表面、拉伸断面和摩擦磨损表面的形貌以及微观组织进行了观察, 并对显微硬度、拉伸性能、磨损性能及电阻率进行了研究。结果显示, 氧化铝颗粒及其团聚体以纳米级尺寸弥散分布在铜基体中, 且与铜基体结合良好。复合材料的硬度最大增幅达42 %。氧化铝颗粒含量在1. 26 %时, 复合材料的拉伸强度和延伸率分别高达385 MPa 、26 %。相对电铸纯铜, 复合材料的耐磨性能明显提高, 而复合材料的电阻率最大增幅小于6 %。   相似文献   

通过机械分散技术制备了纳米Al2O3 /环氧、酚酞聚芳醚酮/环氧和纳米Al2O3/ 酚酞聚芳醚酮/环氧复合材料,并对比研究了其拉伸模量、拉伸强度、断裂性能和热性能。结果表明:纳米Al2O3及酚酞聚芳醚酮在环氧树脂中呈均匀的分散状态;纳米Al2O3使环氧树脂拉伸模量增加,使拉伸强度先增后降;酚酞聚芳醚酮使环氧树脂拉伸模量略微下降,对拉伸强度影响不明显;纳米Al2O3/酚酞聚芳醚酮/环氧三元复配体系的拉伸模量和拉伸强度呈非单调变化的趋势;纳米Al2O3和酚酞聚芳醚酮对环氧树脂均有增韧作用,三元复配体系增韧效果更明显,表现出协同增韧效果;高含量纳米Al2O3降低了环氧树脂的初始分解温度,而其余填料对环氧树脂热稳定性具有改善作用,填料均使环氧树脂玻璃化转变温度有所降低。  相似文献   

P. Cavaliere   《Composites Part A》2005,36(12):1657-1665
The effect of Friction Stir Processing (FSP) on the mechanical properties of 2618 aluminium alloy reinforced with 20% of alumina particles aluminium alloy has been studied in the present paper. The material was processed into the form of sheets of 7 mm thickness after T6 treatment and was tested in tension and fatigue at room temperature.

Tensile tests were also performed at higher temperatures and different strain rates in the nugget zone, in order to analyse the superplastic properties of the recrystallized material and to observe the differences with the parent materials as a function of the strong grain refinement due to the Friction Stir Process. The high temperature behaviour of the material was studied, in longitudinal direction, by means of tensile tests in the temperature and strain rate ranges of 400–500 °C and 10−3–10−1 s−1, respectively.

Fracture surfaces of the deformed fatigue test specimens were comprehensively examined in a scanning electron microscope equipped with field emission gun to determine the macroscopic fracture mode and characterize the fine-scale topography and microscopic mechanisms governing fatigue fracture.

The mechanisms governing fatigue life, cyclic deformation and fracture characteristics are analysed in function of magnitude of applied stress, intrinsic micro structural evolution and material deformation behaviour.  相似文献   

Mg/1.1Al2O3 nanocomposite was synthesized using solidification process called disintegrated melt deposition technique followed by hot extrusion. Microstructural characterization showed that reasonably uniform distribution of reinforcement leads to significant grain refinement of commercially pure magnesium matrix and effectively restricted the grain growth during high-temperature tensile test. Physical properties characterization revealed that addition of nano-Al2O3 particulates as reinforcement improves the dimensional stability of pure magnesium. Mechanical properties characterization revealed that the presence of thermally stable nano-Al2O3 particulates as reinforcement leads to a significant increase in room temperature microhardness, dynamic elastic modulus, 0.2% yield strength, UTS and ductility of pure magnesium and efficiently maintained the strengthening effect up to 150 °C. Fractography revealed that fracture behavior of magnesium matrix change from brittle to mixed ductile mode with activation of non-basal slip system in room temperature to complete ductile mode at high temperature due to the presence of nano-Al2O3 particulates.  相似文献   

The lead-free Sn-1.7Sb-1.5Ag solder alloy and the same material reinforced with 5 vol.% of 0.3-μm Al2O3 particles were synthesized using the powder-metallurgy route of blending, compaction, sintering, and extrusion. The mechanical properties of both monolithic and composite solders were studied by shear punch testing (SPT) at temperatures in the range of 25-130 °C. Depending on the test temperature, the shear yield stress (SYS) increased by 4.8-8.8 MPa, and ultimate shear strength (USS) increased by 6.2-8.8 MPa in the composite material. The strength improvement was mostly due to the CTE mismatch between the matrix and the particles, and to a lesser extent to the Orowan strengthening mechanism of the submicro-sized Al2O3 particles in the composite solder. The contribution of each of these mechanisms was used in a modified shear lag model to predict the total composite-strengthening achieved.  相似文献   

Titanium matrix composites reinforced with TiB and Y2O3 were prepared by a non-consumable arc-melting technology. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to identify the phases in the composites. Microstructures of the composites were observed by means of optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results show that there are two kinds of reinforcements formed in the titanium matrix, needle-shaped TiB and Y2O3 with near-equiaxed and dendritic shape. The interfaces between reinforcements and titanium are clear and there is no evidence of interfacial reaction. The hardness of the composites decreases with the increasing contents of yttrium in the composite.  相似文献   

The 6061 aluminum matrix composite reinforced with SnO2-coated Al18B4O33 whisker was fabricated by squeeze casting and following by extrusion extruded at elevated temperatures from 300 °C to 400 °C. Optimization of the extruding process, microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of the extruded composites were investigated. The lowest extrusion temperature at which a composite rod with high surface quality was successfully produced was 300 °C. The yield strength of composites is much improved after extrusion, and especially their elongation is increased by 300%. Such big improvements depend on a fact that SnO2 coating can introduce low-melting-point Sn phase into the interface through an interfacial reaction. The melting of interphase and their surrounding areas is the main reason for the excellent extrusion ability of the composite. Besides, detailed X-ray diffraction analysis of the extruded composite textures reveals the significant effects of extrusion temperatures on their features.  相似文献   

Aluminum matrix composite reinforced by in situ generated single crystalline MgAl2O4 whiskers was fabricated by chemical synthesis method in an Al-Mg-H3BO3 system. A large number of MgAl2O4 whiskers were generated during the sintering process and distributed homogeneously in the Al matrix. The whiskers penetrate into the matrix grains to form the framework of the materials, leading to an incredible increase in mechanical properties of the composites. The generation mechanism of the MgAl2O4 whiskers was also discussed.  相似文献   

The microstructure, mechanical properties, fracture behaviour and toughening mechanisms of Al2O3-20 vol% ZrO2 (2 mol% Y2O3)-20 vol% SiCW ceramic matrix composite were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopies, energy dispersive analysis of X-rays, high-resolution electron microscopy techniques and three-point bending tests. The results show that the Al2O3 matrix is simultaneously strengthened and toughened by both ZrO2 particles and SiC whiskers. The interfacial amorphous layers between SiC whiskers and ZrO2, and Al2O3 grains were observed by both TEM dark-field and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques.  相似文献   

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