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含铝炸药圆筒试验及爆轰产物JWL状态方程研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为分析含铝炸药在强约束条件下的爆轰性能,对含铝炸药进行了50mm圆筒试验。使用了电探讨测量炸药爆速,用高速相机记录圆筒膨胀过程,使要用了计算机图像技术对高速摄影照片进行分析处理,通过对圆筒试验二维爆轰数值模拟,标定了含铝炸药爆轰产物JWL状态方程参数。  相似文献   

采用高速扫描相机测量冲击波在JO-9159炸药试样和铝试样中的传播速度,用对比法得到JO-9159炸药强爆轰产物的雨贡纽关系。采用JWL与γ的联合方程描述炸药强爆轰产物的状态,基于实验结果确定了其状态方程的参数值。结果表明,该状态方程的p-V曲线与实验结果吻合较好。用JWL与γ律联合方程可较准确地描述JO-9159炸药强爆轰产物的状态。  相似文献   

用圆筒试验研究了Φ25 mm和Φ50 mm含铝炸药的JWL状态方程,采用解析求解和二维数值模拟,得到了两种含铝炸药的JWL状态方程参数.结果表明,压装含铝炸药的后加速能力较强.含铝炸药的加速能力与JWL状态方程参数与尺寸有关.  相似文献   

为了降低爆轰产物及爆轰参数的求解难度,通过对质量守恒方程的基本可行解进行线性组合,得到了爆轰产物的平衡组成,并在此基础上进一步获得了爆轰参数。其主要实现方法为:由最小自由能原理对基本可行解进行筛选,然后根据最大放热原则确定初始解,并在最小自由能原则的引导下,由初始解和基本可行解的线性组合获得爆轰产物的平衡组成,以上操作步骤均由自编程序完成。应用支持向量机(SVM)线性模型对BKW状态方程参数进行了调整,并详细介绍了其主要步骤。使用此方法预测了PETN、CL-20和含铝炸药的爆轰产物及爆轰参数,经参数调整后,发现预测结果与实验值吻合良好;通过与单质炸药爆轰实验数据对比,发现调整BKW状态方程参数时,应当尽可能使用爆轰产物中气体含量相近的含能材料对SVM模型进行训练;若预测含铝炸药,应当使用铝氧比接近待测炸药的样品来训练SVM模型。  相似文献   

TNT和JOB-9003炸药的爆轰产物成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用气相色谱仪测定了铸装 TNT和塑料粘结 JOB- 90 0 3炸药在密封爆炸容器中爆炸产生的爆轰产物成分 ,实验结果表明在这种爆轰条件下 ,爆轰产物主要由 N2 、H2 、CO、CO2 、CH4、C2 H2 、C2 H4和 Nx Oy等气体组成 ,而且这些气体组分的含量随实验条件改变而变化。分析结果为爆轰产物的净化处理提供了定量依据  相似文献   

用双氧水、钨酸钠及甲磺酸氧化3,4-二氨基呋咱(DAF)合成了3-氨基-4-硝基呋咱;用100%硝酸硝化DAF得到3,4-二硝胺基呋咱;用NaNO_2、H_2SO_4及NaN_3DAF重氮、取代DAF得到3-氨基-4-叠氮基呋咱;用30%的双氧水、钨酸钠及甲磺酸氧化3-氨基-4-叠氮基呋咱,得到3-叠氮基-4-硝基呋咱及3,3′-二叠氮基-4,4′-氧化偶氮呋咱。用TG-DSC研究了这些化合物的热行为。采用B3LYP/6-31G*方法预估了化合物的理论密度、标准生成、爆速、爆压。结果表明,氧化偶氮基的引入增强了呋咱类化合物的热稳定性;叠氮基的引入提高了化合物的生成焓。3-氨基-4-硝基呋咱中氨基转化为叠氮基,生成焓由183.26kJ/mol增至571.40 kJ/mol;硝胺基的引入显著提高了含能化合物的密度、爆速和爆压。  相似文献   

采用高速扫描相机及电探针测速法测量了具有相同铝含量的CL-20基和RDX基含铝炸药的拟定态爆轰波形及爆速,分析了炸药波阵面法向速度Dn与曲率κ之间的函数关系。结果表明,CL-20基含铝炸药的爆轰波阵面较RDX基含铝炸药的平坦,其法向爆速受曲率效应的影响也较RDX基含铝炸药的小。当κ0.005mm-1时,其法向爆速的下降速率明显小于RDX基含铝炸药;当κ0.005mm-1时,其法向爆速的下降速率略高于RDX基含铝炸药。  相似文献   

为研究装药密度对3,4-二硝基呋咱基氧化呋咱(DNTF)驱动性能的影响,采用不同的凝固工艺制备了两种密度的DNTF装药试样,并开展了Φ25mm圆筒试验,获得了圆筒壁膨胀位移与时间的关系,计算了爆轰产物在特定相对比容下的比动能及装药的格尼系数,并依据圆筒试验数据拟合了两种装药密度下DNTF爆炸产物的JWL状态方程。结果表明,常温常压凝固工艺条件下,DNTF装药密度仅为1.58g/cm3;在80℃、0.6MPa工艺条件下,装药密度升至1.80g/cm3,较常温常压下提高了13.9%;在装药密度为1.58g/cm3下,DNTF的格尼系数为2.97mm/μs,爆轰产物相对比容为7.0时的比动能为1.471kJ/g;在装药密度为1.80g/cm3下,DNTF的格尼系数增至3.03mm/μs,爆轰产物比动能增至1.716kJ/g,分别较常温常压下提高了2%和16.7%。表明DNTF装药密度的提升不仅能够显著提升单位体积装药的驱动性能,也有利于单位质量装药驱动性能的进一步增强。  相似文献   

为了提高乳化炸药的爆炸威力,研制出了一种MgH2型复合敏化储氢乳化炸药。该乳化炸药采用包覆后的MgH2与玻璃微球复合敏化,两种材料分别起到含能添加剂和敏化剂的作用。通过研究“热点”数量和包覆材料对炸药爆轰性能的影响,确定了MgH2型复合敏化储氢乳化炸药的配方。利用水下爆炸实验和猛度实验,研究了MgH2型复合敏化储氢乳化炸药的爆轰特征参数和水下爆炸特性。实验结果表明,MgH2型复合敏化储氢乳化炸药的铅柱压缩量为24.3 mm,达到军用炸药的猛度;与传统玻璃微球型乳化炸药相比,其水下爆炸峰值压力虽然下降了4.90%,但比冲击波能、比气泡能和总能量分别提高了7.83%、22.94%和18.32%。MgH2型复合敏化储氢乳化炸药的猛度和做功能力得到了显著提高。  相似文献   

A semi-empirical model is proposed for the equation of state of high explosives in a range of pressures and temperatures typical of detonation processes. A possibility of formation of solid phases (e.g., graphite or diamond) in the gas is implied. The model can be used to calculate all thermodynamic quantities for arbitrary molecular compositions and to calculate the thermodynamically equilibrium molecular (and phase) composition. An iterative scheme of calculations is proposed. The model contains several empirical functions whose form can be changed without violating the overall calculation scheme. A particular set of these functions is considered as an illustration. Some results calculated for a number of high explosives containing four elements (C, H, N, and O) are presented. The calculated results are compared with available experimental data. __________ Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 87–99, January–February, 2006.  相似文献   

发展马丁-侯方程作为水的专用方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展了适用于极性物质水的MH方程。由线性最小二乘法拟合单相区和汽液共存区的PVT及相平衡数据 ,得到方程常数 ,并用统计方法检验了方程的有效性。计算结果表明 ,饱和蒸汽压和摩尔体积误差一般小于0 .6。单相区体积和压力平均误差分别为 0 .3 %和 2 .5 %。与Bender方程相比 ,新方程准确度更高  相似文献   

A viscosity model is proposed for mixed liquids and dense gases obeying a modified van der Waals equation of state. Estimates are given for the viscosity of the explosion productsof RDX, PETN, and nitromethane in the states occurring in detonation processes.  相似文献   

扩展了立方扰动硬链(CSPHC)状态方程在天然气工业中通常遇到物质的纯组分参数, 并建立了纯组分参数的普遍化关联式; 将过量Gibbs自由能混合规则引入CSPHC状态方程, 以应用于高度非对称体系与极性体系相平衡性质计算。结合MPHC活度系数模型及Wilson 活度系数模型, 对13组二元体系的汽液平衡性质获得较满意的结果。  相似文献   

Due to its simplicity, the Becker‐Kistiakowsky‐Wilson (BKW) equation of state has been used in many thermochemical codes in the calculation of detonation properties. Much work has been done in the calibration of the BKW EOS parameters to achieve agreement with experimental detonation velocities and pressures thus resulting in many different sets of BKW constants (α, β, κ and θ) and covolumes of detonation products, with varying levels of accuracy over broad density limits, i.e. broad pressure limits. The covolumes of the product gases in BKW EOS may be regarded as measures of intermolecular interactions, and their values should affect the predicted detonation properties, particularly at higher explosives densities. This work aims to study the effect of covolumes on calculated values of detonation parameters. Several sets of covolumes available from literature and derived by different methods (matching experimental Hugoniots of individual products, by stochastic optimization, and calculated from van der Waals radii), were studied. In addition, the covolumes of the product gases were also calculated by ab initio methods. The effect of covolumes is studied comparing detonation properties calculated using different sets of covolumes, and experimental data for a series of standard CHNO explosives. It was found that it is possible to reproduce experimental detonation velocities and pressures within reasonable accuracy (root mean square error of less than 5 % for all tested sets) using different set of covolumes, and simultaneously optimizing constants in BKW EOS. However, different values of covolumes strongly affect the composition of detonation products at the Chapman‐Jouguet state. It particularly applies to oxygen‐deficient explosives and at higher densities, where formic acid appears to be an important detonation product.  相似文献   

A new general equation of state is presented, which can be used to express not only common cubic equations of state, but also quartic equations of state and so on. Main advantage of the new equation over the previous general equations is that it is in simple form, and is easy to manipulate mathematically.  相似文献   

In our previous paper we extended the Tao and Mason equation of state (TM EOS) to refrigerant fluids, using the speed of sound data. This is a continuation for evaluating TM EOS in predicting PVT properties of heavy n-alkanes. Liquid density of long-chain n-alkane systems from C 9 to C 20 have been calculated using an analytical equation of state based on the statistical-mechanical perturbation theory. The second virial coefficients of these n-alkanes are scarce and there is no accurate potential energy function for their theoretical calculation. In this work the second virial coefficients are calculated using a corresponding state correlation based on surface tension and liquid density at the freezing point. The deviation of calculated densities of these alkanes is within 0.5% from experimental data. The densities of n-alkanes obtained from the TM EOS are compared with those calculated from Ihm-Song-Mason equation of state and the corresponding-states liquid densities (COSTALD). Our results are in favor of the preference of the TM EOS over other two equations of state.  相似文献   

工业炸药的爆轰性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用有机玻璃法测定了岩石膨化、煤矿膨化、铵梯以及乳化炸药的爆速和爆压,同时用VLWR爆轰程序对岩11石膨化硝铵和铵梯炸药的爆轰参数及C—J产物的平衡组成进行了计算。结果表明,工业炸药具有低爆速和低爆压的非理想爆轰特征,而理论计算值和实验值比较接近,获得了较好的结果。  相似文献   

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