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针对某尾翼稳定火箭弹姿态估计的问题,以姿态角、位置、速度参数作为状态变量,建立了火箭弹运动参数的捷联惯性解算模型,将GPS的位置和速度测量值作为输出变量,构成组合滤波模型,并分别采用扩展卡尔曼滤波和无迹卡尔曼滤波方法进行滤波处理。仿真结果表明,扩展卡尔曼滤波在滚转速率变化较快、模型非线性较强的情况下不能达到预期的滤波效果,而基于无迹卡尔曼滤波的组合滤波方法更为有效,相比扩展卡尔曼滤波,其俯仰、偏航角估计误差均方根降低了一半,滚转角估计误差均方根降低了三分之二,满足姿态估计的需求。 相似文献
对于机动目标跟踪问题,由于目标机动能力的增强,需建立大量模型来逼近真实模式,使建立的目标模型与目标的实际运动适配,但这使计算量增大,而且性能不一定能提高.针对这个问题,将两阶段卡尔曼滤波器与一般的交互式多模型算法相结合,设计了一种自适应交互式多模型算法.该算法采用两阶段卡尔曼估计器估计目标的加速度,然后将其反馈到由多个不同参数构成子滤波器的交互式多模型滤波算法中进行交互式多模型滤波.与自适应半交互式多模型算法进行对比的仿真验证了该算法有效地减少了子滤波器的数量,同时在一定程度上也提高了跟踪的精度. 相似文献
自适应交互式多模型目标跟踪算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以防空火控系统的跟踪预测为背景,提出一种自适应的交互式多模型跟踪算法。该算法采用后验信息修正模型的噪声方差和马尔可夫转移矩阵,使IMM具有自适应能力。将该算法应用于由CA、CV两模型组成的交互式多模型算法中取得良好的效果。仿真结果表明,该算法跟踪精度比标准IMM有较大改善。 相似文献
基于自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波算法的多股螺旋弹簧动态响应模型参数辨识和分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对传统方法在辨识多股螺旋弹簧(以下简称多股簧)非线性响应模型参数时效率较低、精度较差的问题,提出带噪声统计估计器的自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波(AUKF)算法。该算法通过对多股簧试验数据中的量测(过程)噪声进行递推和估计,能够确保非线性模型参数辨识的收敛性;结合多股簧动态试验对该算法进行检验。研究结果表明:即使在量测噪声级别较高的情况下,AUKF算法也可以准确地求出多股簧的动力学模型参数;在预测多股簧动态响应过程中,若预测振幅和参数辨识所用振幅相差太大则会导致较大的预测误差;当加载速度变化时,多股簧动力学模型中的迟滞部分参数基本不变,但0阶非线性刚度系数和非线性放大因子变化较大。 相似文献
针对舰船发电系统的多状态特征,考虑舰船计划维修间隔期对系统可靠性参数的影响,利用马尔可夫报酬模型构建冷储备结构的发电系统状态转移矩阵、报酬矩阵、报酬函数和系统需求满足函数,通过对报酬矩阵元素的合理赋值,获得系统区间可用度、平均可工作时间、平均停机时间、平均故障次数、计划维修间隔期内系统可靠度等参数,并通过算例验证模型正确性和适用性,分析系统计划维修间隔时间、单机组平均修复时间等指标对系统可靠性参数的影响,为研究舰船发电系统可靠性设计提供建模工具,为合理安排舰船装备维修结构提供技术支持。研究结果验证了马尔可夫报酬模型在复杂多状态系统可靠性建模和计算方面的便捷性和灵活性。 相似文献
基于自适应比例修正无迹卡尔曼滤波的目标定位估计算法 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
针对无线传感器网络中基于接收信号指示强度(RSSI)定位系统在精确性和实时性方面存在的问题,提出了一种基于自适应比例修正无迹卡尔曼滤波(ASUKF) 的定位估计算法。通过分析RSSI 定位模型的特点,将定位问题转化为非线性系统估计问题。该算法在滤波过程中采用比例修正对称采样策略,并利用次优Sage-Husa 估计器实时处理系统噪声的统计特性,对目标位置和信道参数进行同时估计解算。实验及仿真结果表明,与标准UKF 估计算法相比,新算法有效减小了状态估计误差,提高了滤波的稳定性,定位精度更为准确。 相似文献
为准确估计全轮电驱动车辆行驶状态参数,设计了一种基于数据融合的质心侧偏角估计方法。该方法充分利用低成本普通车载传感器信息、电机输入信息和驾驶信号,在建立非线性3自由度 车辆模型和轮胎模型基础上,采用无迹卡尔曼滤波算法对质心侧偏角进行估计;同时通过信号积分法估计质心侧偏角,结合车辆行驶工况和路面条件,将无迹卡尔曼滤波和信号积分两种算法结果进行了数据融合。基于硬件在环实时仿真平台进行了车辆操纵仿真验证,结果表明,提出的估计算法与单一估计算法相比,具有更高的观测精度,能够满足多种行驶工况下的质心侧偏角观测需求。 相似文献
基于随机有限集的高斯混合概率假设密度(GM-PHD)滤波是处理多目标跟踪问题的一种有效方法。GM-PHD滤波器在密集杂波环境中会因估计误差过大而导致跟踪性能的下降,主要是因为没有充分考虑来自多目标量测的不确定性。为此,提出在考虑高斯分量权重的情况下,通过分量值改变协方差更新式,并通过引入标签,采用自适应阈值对高斯分量进行合并。理论分析和仿真结果表明:该方法在杂波环境下,目标最优次模式分配距离小,跟踪精度更高;目标数量的估计结果受杂波的影响更小,其估计值更接近真实的目标数量;通过具有不同杂波以及检测概率条件的跟踪场景,证明了该方法的目标数量估计精度和滤波性能明显好于传统算法。 相似文献
为提高导引头末制导阶段抗干扰能力,针对典型的欺骗式距离-速度联合拖引干扰模型,研究了基于概率假设密度(PHD)滤波的多目标跟踪与基于无迹Kalman滤波(UKF)的多目标识别技术。为说明导引头目标识别原理,给出了距离-速度联合拖引干扰模型;根据导引头测量原理,通过导引头框架角、导弹-目标相对距离、径向速度建立系统跟踪模型,给出了基于PHD滤波的多目标跟踪与基于UKF的多目标识别的基本原理;基于典型的目标运动模型(匀速直线与匀速转弯模型),针对目标施加的4次距离-速度联合拖引干扰,采用目标跟踪结果以及估计的目标速度和加速度信息进行多目标跟踪与识别分析,能够很快实现真假目标识别。仿真实验结果表明,利用PHD滤波与UKF信息能够有效实现对距离-速度拖引干扰下的多目标跟踪与识别。 相似文献
Open rule-setting method advanced in this paper concentrates on providing designers of engines with a convenient way to express their design innovations and develop the expected prototypes in the early CAD stage, and constitute effective models for the following analysis process of CAE and CAPP. The problems arisen in the process of conceptual design with the traditional experience-based development method are analyzed. Based on those analyses, open rule-setting method is presented and some associated technical problems are discussed. The functional framework of open rule-setting system was built as software engineering methods. The speciality of the engine product as a kind of complex product and the requirement of the engine product based on its structural particularity to rule-setting system are considered carefully. A demonstration is supplied to illustrate how the open rule-setting method enhances the efficiency and quality of the engine conceptual design. 相似文献
By analyzing the working principle of Linux network device driver, discussing the Linux network driver structure and its key technologies, the general network driver structure and its design methodologies in Linux system are summarized. Through modifying the network device driver of Linux device driver 3rd version snull, c and improving the COW technology, the Zero-Copy technology in Linux (kernel version 2.6.11 ) is implemented. In the end, the success test tells us that the thorough analysis of network device driver is the foundation of many applications, and it also provides a certain improvement to a lot of real applications, even to military application development. 相似文献
Multi-laser-target tracking is an important subject in the field of signal processing of laser warners. A clustering method is applied to the measurement of laser warner, and the space-time fusion for measurements in the same cluster is accomplished. Real-time tracking of multi-laser-target and real-time picking of multi-laser-signal are introduced using data fusion of the measurements. A prototype device of the algorithm is built up. The results of experiments show that the algorithm is very effective. 相似文献
Expert systems aimed at the general design of projectiles can implement a series of intelligent designs, such as the design of HE shell, the scheme expounded and proved, the emulation analysis and calculation, etc. Aiming at the product design feature, the expert system adopts the object-oriented knowledge representation and all kinds of inference control engines to describe and reason the relevant knowledge regarding the product through the microcomputer. It embodies the foundation of emulation analysis and simulated manufacturing of the shell. It makes use of the method that knowledge expression is combined with condition of inference to carry out the overall design and emulation and reference.The paper gives the ways through which the functions can be achieved, gives the modularization of reference and the design methods of systematization, puts forward the method of knowledge expression and working interface, and supplies a platform for similar products of the shell category that can be quickly designed. 相似文献
The paper introduces the performances of magnetostrictive actuators and its applications, discusses the design methods for the structure and internal magnetic circuit of a giant magnetostrictive actuator, and makes tests on the output displacement and force characteristics for an actuator using homemade magnetostrictive material. The experimental result shows that the actuator has satisfactory output precisions and ranges in transient and stable states, and can be used in lowfrequency vibration control system of precise equipment. 相似文献