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在概述垂直轴风电机组发展情况和检索分析大量国内外专利文献的基础上,对国内外涉及垂直轴风电机组的相关专利情况进行了对比研究和分析,并就垂直轴风电机组技术的专利布局及专利战略提供了建议。  相似文献   

对于风电机组叶片,由于大型叶片根部翼型较厚,易出现流动分离现象,为了提高叶片气动性能,利用雷诺平均方程(RANS),采用SST k-ω湍流模型进行了叶片三维气动性能的仿真模拟,并与Bladed软件的计算值进行对比,验证了该方法的可行性。仿真模拟结果显示:叶片根部压力面和吸力面压力曲线交叉,严重影响了叶片轴端的输出功率,而安装扰流板的叶片根部压力面流体速度呈梯度下降,压力增大,同时提高了吸力面的流速,从而增大了叶片两面的压力差。在低于额定风速条件下,扰流板可以提高叶片轴端的输出功率2.3%~2.5%,推力增长仅为2.0%;扰流板安装高度越高,其轴端输出功率提升效果越好。  相似文献   

为提高低风速地区的风能利用率,研究风轮实度对低风速风电机组气动性能的影响。考虑影响风轮实度因素(叶片数量、弦长及安装角),设计2组不同弦长叶片与可调安装角轮毂。安装角改变时不仅会引起实度变化,还会使叶尖速比发生改变。通过车载试验验证安装角不同时对风轮气动性能的影响主要与叶尖速比相关。根据不同风轮表面压力分布数值模拟结果得出:相同风速下,弦长由叶根到叶尖逐渐增大的叶片更易启动。相同条件下,试验机组输出功率与数值模拟机组输出功率最大相差5.37%,说明数值模拟结果可信。随着风轮实度的增加,风速5 m/s时,其风能利用系数呈增大趋势,风速8 m/s时,其风能利用系数呈减小趋势,两趋势相交时实度为25.38%,得出该实度下风轮气动性能较优,即可得到适合低风速地区的风轮实度。  相似文献   

以1.5 MW风电机组叶片为模型,通过叶片数据采集和实验分析的方法,对外部环境对风电机组性能影响进行分析.通过Bladed软件对风电机组叶片进行仿真,研究结果表明:温度和高度的变化对空气密度和空气黏度的变化有一定影响,空气密度的变化引起升阻比变化,空气黏度的变化则主要引起雷诺数的变化,两者共同对风电机组的气动性产生影响...  相似文献   

针对水平轴串列式双风轮风电机组多输入多输出(MIMO)复杂非线性气动特性,提出了一种前后风轮干涉条件下的双风轮风电机组气动MIMO系统全工况分段仿射自回归(PWARX)建模方案。结合所搭建的双风轮风电机组半物理仿真平台进行运行仿真和测试验证,分析了该模型在不同工况场景下的输出值对实际值的跟踪精确度。结果表明:所建立的双风轮风电机组气动MIMO系统的PWARX模型对双风轮风电机组全工况气动特性具有高精度的全局逼近能力。  相似文献   

  目的  由于生态保护和风场边界等条件的限制,有些机位点的主风向方向存在明显山头障碍物遮挡,影响了机组的发电量和安全性能,文章旨在研究减小山头对机组影响的方法。  方法  基于STAR-CCM+软件平台对主风向上有山头遮挡的机位点附近地形进行了数值模拟,分析了扇区管理、提高轮毂高度、地形修整等方法对机组的安全影响。  结果  结果表明:扇区管理、提高轮毂高度和地形修整都能改善风机的安全性。但在该项目中,采用双平台的地形修整的方法对改善风机安全性更加有效。  结论  分析结果可为如何降低来风方向的山头对风机的影响提供方法参考。  相似文献   

针对垂直轴风力机切向力峰值特性,提出一种具普适性的直线翼垂直轴风力机气动弹片运动控制策略。采用高精度CFD数值模拟方法,研究不同尖速比下气动弹片对垂直轴风力机气动性能的影响并分析了其流动机理。结果表明:气动弹片在高尖速比下可显著抑制流动分离并改善其动态失速特性,功率系数得到极大提升;切向力和转矩系数在气动弹片作用相位角范围内,均有一定提高,而在其它相位角内,风力机性能不受影响。  相似文献   

为减小流体从吸力面流至压力面的速度损失,基于小间距翼缝有助于减小气动损失的设计原理,针对NA-CA0021翼型,提出双侧导流式、内导流式和外导流式3种新型翼缝形式.通过数值模拟方法,分析不同翼缝对垂直轴风力机气动性能和流场结构的影响,并将其性能参数与原始翼型和非圆弧翼缝翼型进行对比.结果表明:内导流式翼缝风力机气动性能...  相似文献   

直线翼垂直轴风力机气动效率普遍较低,为此提出一种具有内侧、外侧、双侧格尼襟翼和凹槽格尼襟翼的翼型叶片以提升其气动性能。通过数值模拟研究6种新型叶片对垂直轴风力机风能利用率、力矩系数、流场结构和叶片切向力等气动性能的影响。结果表明:6种格尼襟翼叶片均可在一定尖速比(TSR)范围内提高风能利用率,外侧凹槽格尼襟翼最大风能利用率可提高17.92%;外侧格尼襟翼与双侧凹槽格尼襟翼相比原始叶片可有效降低风力机载荷波动并提高平均力矩系数;双侧dimple-GF可改善动态失速特性,明显抑制旋涡发展;单叶片切向力在上游区明显增大,有效提高了风力机气动性能。  相似文献   

贺敬  李庆  秦世耀  王莹莹 《可再生能源》2014,(12):1828-1836
风电机组的低电压穿越能力主要采用现场测试的方式考核。由于同种类型和容量的风电机组通常采用多种长度的叶片配置,在其中一种叶片长度的机组完成低电压穿越测试后,是否必须对其它叶片长度的机组进行重新检测是目前制造商和检测机构面临的问题。针对该问题,文章首先分析了不同的风轮直径引起风电机组低电压穿越过程中机械功率、发电机转速、桨距角、有功功率和无功功率等状态量的变化,提出风轮直径变化对机组各部件低电压穿越特性的影响程度;其次,采用Bladed与Matlab联合仿真模型,在与实测数据对比校验其仿真准确性后,通过设置Bladed模型中详细的叶片、传动链等机械参数,仿真对比不同风轮直径的风电机组各环节状态变量的区别,验证了理论分析的有效性;最后,以77 m和82 m风轮直径的1.5 MW风电机组低电压穿越测试数据进行对比分析,进一步验证了理论分析和仿真结果的正确性。研究表明,在一种叶片长度的双馈风电机组完成低电压穿越检测后,采用其他长度叶片的风电机组可通过模型仿真方式对其低电压穿越性能进行分析和评估。  相似文献   

This paper presents a wind tunnel experiment for the evaluation of energy performance and aerodynamic forces acting on a small straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) depending on several values of tip speed ratio. In the present study, the wind turbine is a four-bladed VAWT. The test airfoil of blade is symmetry airfoil (NACA0021) with 32 pressure ports used for the pressure measurements on blade surface. Based on the pressure distributions which are acted on the surface of rotor blade measured during rotation by multiport pressure-scanner mounted on a hub, the power, tangential force, lift and drag coefficients which are obtained by pressure distribution are discussed as a function of azimuthally position. And then, the loads which are applied to the entire wind turbine are compared with the experiment data of pressure distribution. As a result, it is clarified that aerodynamic forces take maximum value when the blade is moving to upstream side, and become small and smooth at downstream side. The power and torque coefficients which are based on the pressure distribution are larger than that by torque meter.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel and numerical study of a small vertical axis wind turbine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a combined experimental and computational study into the aerodynamics and performance of a small scale vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). Wind tunnel tests were carried out to ascertain overall performance of the turbine and two- and three-dimensional unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were generated to help understand the aerodynamics of this performance.Wind tunnel performance results are presented for cases of different wind velocity, tip-speed ratio and solidity as well as rotor blade surface finish. It is shown experimentally that the surface roughness on the turbine rotor blades has a significant effect on performance. Below a critical wind speed (Reynolds number of 30,000) the performance of the turbine is degraded by a smooth rotor surface finish but above it, the turbine performance is enhanced by a smooth surface finish. Both two bladed and three bladed rotors were tested and a significant increase in performance coefficient is observed for the higher solidity rotors (three bladed rotors) over most of the operating range. Dynamic stalling behaviour and the resulting large and rapid changes in force coefficients and the rotor torque are shown to be the likely cause of changes to rotor pitch angle that occurred during early testing. This small change in pitch angle caused significant decreases in performance.The performance coefficient predicted by the two dimensional computational model is significantly higher than that of the experimental and the three-dimensional CFD model. The predictions show that the presence of the over tip vortices in the 3D simulations is responsible for producing the large difference in efficiency compared to the 2D predictions. The dynamic behaviour of the over tip vortex as a rotor blade rotates through each revolution is also explored in the paper.  相似文献   

The aerodynamics generated by a small small‐scale vertical axis wind turbine are illustrated in detail as a NACA0022 rotor blade carries out a complete rotation at three tip speed ratios. These aerodynamic details are then linked to the wind turbine performance. This is achieved by using detailed experimental measurements of performance and near‐blade particle image velocimetry (PIV) and also by using a two‐dimensional Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes‐based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Uniquely, therefore, the CFD model is validated against both PIV visualizations and performance measurements. At low tip speed ratios ( λ = 2), the flow field is dominated by large‐scale stalling behaviour as shown in both the experimental results and simulations. The onset of stall appears to be different between the experiment and simulation, with the simulation showing a gradual separation progressing forward from the trailing edge, while the experiment shows a more sudden leading‐edge roll‐up. Overall, similar scales of vortices are shed at a similar rate in both the experimental results and simulations. The most significant CFD–PIV differences are observed in predicting flow re‐attachment. At a higher tip speed ratio ( λ = 3), the flow separates slightly later than in the previous condition, and as occurs in the lower tip speed ratio, the main differences between the experiment and the simulation are in the flow re‐attachment process, specifically that the simulations predicts a delay in the process. At a tip speed ratio of 4, smaller predicted flow separation in the latter stages of the upwind part of the rotation is the main difference in comparison to the experiment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper shows the results of an experimental investigation into the effect of changes in solidity on the performance of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Two VAWT configurations are used, one of solidity σ = 0.26 (chord C = 0.03 m) and the other with σ = 0.34 (C = 0.04 m). The turbine performance coefficient (Cp) was measured over a range of tip speed ratios and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to determine the flow field around both turbine configurations.Performance (Cp–λ) curves for the two VAWTs are compared at the same Reynolds numbers to investigate the effects of solidity alone on the performance and aerodynamics of each configuration. The higher solidity (σ = 0.34) VAWT attained a similar maximum Cp but with a narrower Cp–λ curve than the lower solidity VAWT. The performance differences between the two VAWT configurations at two tip speed ratios are explained in detail using PIV around both VAWT rotor blades. This allows the linking of detailed aerodynamics to the performance and it was shown that the generation and shedding of stall vortices started earlier on the lower solidity VAWT than the higher solidity VAWT, thus limiting the rotor efficiency.  相似文献   

垂直轴风力机气动性能研究是风力机设计、实验的重要部分,对其运动状态下的流场进行分析是观测垂直轴风力机性能重要环节.基于NACA0012对称翼型,建立二维几何模型并进行模拟计算.采用k-ωSST湍流模型及滑移网格技术,通过CFD软件数值计算得到达里厄型直叶片垂直轴风力机运行时周边流场分布情况.通过比较不同方位角下流场涡量以及升、阻力系数得出:在方位角为105°附近时,翼型下表面产生流动分离,并导致失速;下风区翼型运行的流场由于受到上风区尾流的影响,翼型周围没有产生明显的流动分离.  相似文献   

叶片是风力机最重要的组成部分,在不同的风能资源情况下,翼型的选择对垂直轴风力机气动特性有着重要的影响。文章分别以NACA0018翼型(对称翼型)和NACA4418翼型(非对称翼型)建立3叶片H型垂直轴风力机二维仿真模型。应用数值模拟的研究方法,从功率系数、单个叶片切向力系数等方面比较两种风力机模型在不同叶尖速比下的气动特性,并采用风洞实验数据验证了流场计算的准确性。CFD计算结果表明:在低叶尖速比下,NACA4418翼型风力机气动特性优于NACA0018翼型风力机,适用于低风速区域;在高叶尖速比下,NACA0018翼型风力机气动特性较好,适用于高风速地区。而且在高叶尖速比时,NACA0018翼型在上风区时,切向力系数平均值要高于NACA4418翼型,在下风区时,NACA418翼型切向力系数平均值高。该研究可为小型垂直轴风力机翼型的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the power performance of straight-bladed VAWT is experimentally investigated by wind tunnel experiment and field test. The test rotor is two-bladed with NACA0021 airfoil profile. A survey of varying unsteady wind parameters is conducted to examine the effects of blade pitch angle, Reynolds number and wind velocity on the power performance of VAWT. Moreover, the flow field characteristics are obtained through measuring the wind velocity by Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) system in the wind tunnel experiment and three-cup type anemometers in field test. Power and torque performance are obtained through a torque meter installed in rotor shaft of the wind turbine. Experimental results estimated from the measured values from field test and wind tunnel experiment are compared. In this research, power performance and flow field characteristics are discussed and the relationship between operating conditions and wind velocity are verified. These results provided a theoretical guiding significance to the development of VAWT simplified.  相似文献   

A 2D vortex panel model with a viscous boundary layer formulation has been developed for the numerical simulation of a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), including the operation in dynamic stall. The model uses the ‘double wake’ concept to reproduce the main features of the unsteady separated flow, including the formation and shedding of strong vortical structures and the wake–blade interaction. The potential flow equations are solved together with the integral boundary layer equations by using a semi‐inverse iterative algorithm. A new criterion for the reattachment of the boundary layer during the downstroke of a dynamically stalled aerofoil is implemented. The model has been validated against experimental data of steady aerofoils and pitching aerofoils in dynamic stall at high and low Reynolds numbers (Re = 1.5 × 106 and Re = 5 × 104). For the low Reynolds number case, time‐resolved 2D particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements have been performed on a pitching NACA 0012 aerofoil in dynamic stall. The PIV vorticity fields past the oscillating aerofoil are used to test the model capability of capturing the formation, growth and release of the strong leading edge vortex that characterizes the dynamic stall. Furthermore, the forces extracted from the PIV velocity fields are compared with the predicted ones for a quantitative validation of the model. Finally, the model is applied to the computation of the wake flow past a VAWT in dynamic stall; the predicted vorticity fields and forces are in good agreement with phase‐locked PIV data and CFD‐DES available in the literature. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the soaring energy demands, an urge to explore the alternate and renewable energy resources has become the focal point of various active research fronts. The scientific community is revisiting the inkling to tap the wind resources in more rigorous and novel ways. Recent idea of net-zero buildings has prompted the realization of novel ideas such as employment of omni-directional vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) for roof-top application etc. Generally, owing to the high computational cost and time, different levels of geometric simplifications are considered in numerical studies. It becomes very important to quantify the effect of these approximations for realistic and logical conclusions. The detailed performance of a 2.5 m diameter VAWT is sequentially presented with various levels of approximations spanning from two-dimensional to complete three-dimensional geometry. The performance along with the flow physics with focus on tip effects, spanwise flow effects, effect of supporting arms and central hub is discussed. We conclude that two-dimensional approximation can over predict the performance by 32%. Similar trend is also observed for other geometric and flow approximations.  相似文献   

在风力机前方安装挡流板可提高H型垂直轴风力机的发电功率,但目前缺少对该结构装置的全面系统研究,且评估安装挡流板时所使用的风能利用系数CP的计算方法并不恰当,以至于某些计算结果突破贝兹极限,导致概念混淆。文章通过对挡流板安装位置及安装角度进行测试,获取了不同位置的风力发电功率随风轮转速的变化关系。结果表明:在一定距离范围内,挡流板与风轮有一最佳距离,挡流板远离风轮时,提高风速的效果差,挡流板距离风轮越近对来流风干扰变大,输出功率反而降低;挡流板的最佳安装角度为90°,安装角小于或者大于90°时,风速变化平缓,输出功率增长减弱,失去聚风作用。考虑到挡流板聚风后叶轮前的风场不均匀,在计算CP时不能取某一个风速值或用平均值代入其定义式,文章提出了采用平均风动能的统计方法计算CP,计算结果表明,增加挡流板可以提高输出功率,但不一定能增加CP值。  相似文献   

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