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针对直流故障下高比例新能源交直流混联电网无功盈余而导致的暂态过电压问题,文章提出基于分布式能源集群暂态过电压抑制的交直流混联电网无功优化方法。首先,研究交直流混联电网换流站交流母线处等值交流电网、等值分布式能源集群、等值无功调节设备和换流站的功率平衡特性,考虑直流闭锁故障,研究暂态过程中无功盈余引起的交直流混联电网过电压机理。其次,分别建立包含分布式风电集群、分布式光伏集群和分布式储能集群的交直流混联电网分布式能源集群无功电压响应模型。再次,以最大限度保留动态无功设备的无功回降裕度和减少无功补偿设备投入量为目标,以功率平衡和并网点暂态过电压限值为约束,提出协调分布式能源集群的交直流混联电网无功优化模型。最后,利用修改的IEEE39节点系统以及南方某交直流混联电网实际运行数据进行算例分析,结果表明文章所提方法能够有效抑制交直流混联电网暂态过电压。  相似文献   

交直流混联电网是电网发展的新形态,如何有效保障交直流混联系统安稳运行是重大而紧迫的国家需求。文章针对含大规模风电的交直流混联系统稳定性问题,提出考虑风电波动不确定性的交直流混联弱送端系统同质化能量函数模型。首先,研究含大规模风电的交直流混联弱送端系统潮流方程;其次,建立含风电的交直流混联系统支路暂态势能函数模型,研究交直流混联系统功角稳定机理,建立基于同质化能量函数模型;在此基础上,提出基于同质化能量函数的电力系统稳定性评估模型,并推导交直流混联系统稳定性判据;最后,以北方某区域交直流混联系统为仿真算例,验证所提模型的有效性,为含大规模新能源的交直流混联系统的稳定性控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

我国已建成世界上规模最大、电压等级最高的交直流混联电网,如何有效保障交直流混联系统安稳运行是重大而紧迫的国家需求。文章针对含大规模风电的交直流混联系统稳定性问题,将动态逆方法作为鲁棒控制的内环,将储电、储热装置作为多能源进行协调,对模型不确定性进行外环鲁棒控制补偿。在H∞控制基础上进行了含风电的交直流混联弱送端系统μ综合的分析与设计,建立了考虑跨区多能源协调的交直流输电系统稳定性控制模型。仿真结果表明,文章所提模型保证了动态逆方法的鲁棒性,提高了交直流输电系统的控制性能。  相似文献   

针对风电场输出功率的强波动性对交直流互联电网调频的影响,提出了基于协作式分布式模型预测控制的交直流互联电网调频控制方法,以提高风电经交直流通道外送互联系统的频率稳定性,克服集中式模型控制方法扩展性差的缺点,该控制策略具有全局最优解。文章建立了含风电场的交直流互联电网调频控制模型,构建了基于协作式分布式模型预测控制的含风电场交直流互联电网的经济性调频控制策略。以3区域交直流互联电网调频控制模型进行仿真,结果表明,文章所提出的协作式分布式模型预测控制方法,能够有效地改善风电场输出功率随机波动的频率稳定性,使系统频率及区域间交换功率在较小的范围内变化,其控制效果明显优于传统的分布式模型预测控制和分散式模型预测控制。  相似文献   

针对风力机组的恒功率控制问题,提出了一种基于有限时间控制的方法,分别设计浆距角和转速控制器。通过调节桨距角,使风电场有功功率输出在有限时间内收敛到给定值;转速控制器对发电机的d,q轴电压Ud和Uq的控制,实现转矩响应和转速在有限时间内收敛到期望值。有限时间控制器可实现机组有功功率输出在有限时间内收敛到给定值。仿真结果表明,设计的控制方法是有效的。  相似文献   

在考虑信息通信系统和电力物理系统深度交互耦合的高比例可再生能源主动配电系统中,配电网优化规划决策不可避免地受到通信网络性能的影响。文章提出基于时变通信拓扑的可再生能源主动配电系统规划模型。首先基于电力信息物理深度融合系统和非理想时变通信拓扑特征在高比例可再生能源配电网规划中的作用机理,提出基于多智能体的主动配电系统规划架构;其次引入多智能体系统协同控制方法,研究具有通信时延和攻击行为节点的复杂网络环境下通信时延多智能体系统,提出具有自适应能力的一致性控制方法;最后通过仿真算例验证了所提方法对于具有通信时延和遭遇恶意节点攻击下可再生能源主动配电系统规划安全一致的有效性,并通过电压偏移灵敏度测试,验证了信息传输质量对于物理系统的影响。考虑多智能体主动配电系统物理系统和信息系统的协同规划,有利于配电网安全、可靠、稳定运行,能够为主动配电系统优化规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   

为了更好地进行能源调配,我国正开始建设坚强智能电网,直流输电控制系统应实现更多系统层的控制功能。智能电网中的直流输电系统的根本控制目标是保障电网整体的自适应和自愈性。为了实现这一目标,需要从直流输电控制的可观测性入手增加控制观测量,引入合理的集控、协调控制理论作为支撑,完善控制输出环节,实现对电网的有效控制。控制的实时性和决策能力是智能化直流输电控制的核心。从可观性、可控性、实时性、自适应性角度分析,提出了面向电网稳定性的多智能体智能化直流输电控制技术框架,为直流输电系统级控制技术的发展提出了思路。  相似文献   

针对单区域交直流系统受能源类型和机组容量制约,难以实现能源高效利用和频率稳定控制的问题,提出一种考虑多能源互补的多区域交直流系统频率稳定联合控制模型。首先建立单区域多能源能量耦合模型;再基于交直流混联电力系统的能量传递关系,建立交直流系统潮流模型;然后,基于多能源互补和多区域协调,建立考虑多能源互补的多区域交直流系统频率稳定联合控制模型。通过多区域交直流混联系统的算例分析表明,文章所提出的模型具有一定的鲁棒性,可以实现多区域交直流系统频率稳定联合控制,降低系统运行风险。  相似文献   

为实现电网电压不平衡时对T型三电平光伏并网系统输出功率和电流质量的控制,以达到入网功率平稳或电流正弦为控制目标,结合光伏阵列输出功率前馈,在两相静止坐标系下提出一种直流母线电压外环PI控制、并网电流内环有限集模型预测控制的控制策略,并在电压外环中引入2倍频陷波器以获得平滑的入网功率参考值。仿真结果表明:当电网电压不对称时,采用所提控制策略能够实现对入网有功、无功功率2倍频脉动及负序电流的分别抑制或协调控制,且并网电流谐波畸变小、入网电能质量高,同时实现T型三电平逆变器的中点电位平衡。  相似文献   

分布式电源从属于不同运营部门,相互之间缺乏有效的信息交换,难以进行集中控制。文章针对可再生能源电网中由于新能源占比较高,易出现出力波动或出力不足,难以保障供能可靠性等问题,提出一种基于信息物理融合的可再生能源电网分布式能量控制模型。首先,为进一步提高可再生能源电网能量平衡控制能力,建立了可再生能源电网信息物理模型;然后,考虑可再生能源波动性对系统的干扰,建立一种自适应滑模观测器对可再生能源电网的扰动进行估计;最后,提出一种基于可再生能源电网的分布式协同控制器,并基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论验证了该控制器的收敛性。仿真结果表明,文章所提出的控制方法可以提高可再生能源电网的能源利用率,增强系统的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

柔性直流远距离输送有仅通过直流送出模式和交直流混联送出模式。两种送出模式下,系统的运行点存在较大差异,直接切换会对电网产生较大冲击。文章首先分析了两种送出模式下系统的调压控制特点,指出并网点电压幅值偏差是切换过程的关键点,设计了以可再生能源集群并网点电压偏差最小为主目标,换流站综合无功裕度最大为次目标的柔性切换策略。最后,基于某柔直电网可再生能源送端规划系统进行仿真,验证了所提策略的有效性。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the multilevel converters control strategy for renewable energy resources integration in distribution grids. The proposed control scheme ensures the injection of the generated power in the distribution grid with fast dynamic response, while providing an additional active power filtering capability providing the required harmonic and reactive currents to the considered non-linear loads. The proposed control scheme is applicable to a general multilevel converter and to any types of the renewable energy resources. The control scheme is validated by means of simulations with a three-level diode-clamped converter which interfaces a wind power generation system to a distribution grid supplying non-linear loads. From extensive simulation results, high performance of this control strategy in renewable energy application is demonstrated with reduced total harmonic distortion, increased power factor and compensated load’s reactive powers.  相似文献   

This paper presents the impact of large penetration of wind power on the transient stability through a dynamic evaluation of the critical clearing times (CCTs) by using intelligent agent-based approach. A decentralised multi-agent-based framework is developed, where agents represent a number of physical device models to form a complex infrastructure for computation and communication. They enable the dynamic flow of information and energy for the interaction between the physical processes and their activities. These agents dynamically adapt online measurements and use the CCT information for relay coordination to improve the transient stability of power systems. Simulations are carried out on a smart microgrid system for faults at increasing wind power penetration levels and the improvement in transient stability using the proposed agent-based framework is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Intermittent new energy delivery requires increasing the flexibility of ultra-high voltage direct current (DC) power adjustment. Based on a converter steady-state model and a DC power model, the control angle constraints of a converter valve are relaxed for power regulation. In this paper, a flexible DC power control method based on a fixed tap changer position is proposed. The initial ratio of the converter transformer is optimized. The effects of the fixed-tap changer position control on the control angle, reactive power compensation, and commutation failure are analyzed. The new control method allows a DC system to operate at a large angle and increase the additional reactive power loss while improving the commutation security margin. Steady-state and electromagnetic transient simulations in the CIGRE test system verify the validity of the method proposed in this paper and the correctness of the analysis conclusions.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a growing interest in harnessing renewable energy resources particularly for electricity generation. One of the main concerns in the design of an electric power system that utilizes renewable energy sources, is the accurate selection of system components that can economically satisfy the load demand. This depends on the load that ought to be met, the capacity of renewable resources, the available space for wind machines and solar panels, and the capital and running costs of system components. Once size optimization is achieved, the autonomous system must be controlled in order to correcly match load requirements with instantaneous variation of input energy. In this paper, a new formulation for optimizing the design of an autonomous wind-solar-diesel-battery energy system is developed. This formultation employs linear programming techniques to minimize the average production cost of electricity while meeting the load requirements in a reliable manner. The computer program developed reads the necessary input data, formulates the optimization problem by computing the coefficients of the objective function and the constraints and provides the optimum wind, solar, diesel, and battery ratings. In order to study the effect of parameters predefined by the designer on the optimum design, several sensitivity analysis studies are performed, and the effects of the expected energy not served, the load level, the maximum available wind area, the maximum available solar area, and the diesel engines' lifetime are investigated. A controller the monitors the operation of the autonomous system is designed. The operation of this controller is based on three major policies; in the first, batteries operate before diesel engines and hence the storage system acts as a fuel saver, while in the second diesel engines are operated first so that the unmet energy is lower but the fuel cost is high. According to the third policy, the supply is made through diesel engines only. This is done for the purpose of making a performance comparison between the isolated diesel system and the hybrid renewable energy system. The proposed optimization and control techniques are tested on Lebanese data. Although three different control policies have been adopted in this work, the software is able to accommodate other policies.  相似文献   

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