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Delay measurements from timing message exchanges between two clocks produce a maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of the clock offset when fixed delays in each direction are equal and unknown, and variable delays in each direction have an exponential distribution with an unknown mean. It is shown that the MLE corresponds to a previously proposed estimator of clock offset. The ML interpretation of the estimator provides further insight and motivation for its use.  相似文献   

For orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals that suffer from frequency-selective fading, we derive the maximum-likelihood (ML) pilot-assisted carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimate and show that most proposals based on repetitive pilot symbols did not use the complete set of sufficient statistics. We convert the problem of obtaining the ML solution from searching exhaustively over the entire uncertainty range to that of solving a spectrum polynomial, thereby greatly reducing the computational load. By properly truncating the polynomial, we obtain a closed-form expression for the corresponding zeros so that the root-searching procedure is greatly simplified. The complexity of locating the desired root is further reduced at almost no expense of performance degradation by an alternate algorithm that uses the fact that the solution is related to the root of a special factor of the polynomial. This alternate method is very attractive for its simplicity and excellent performance that, even at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), is very close to the corresponding Crame/spl acute/r-Rao lower bound. A detailed analysis of the mean-squared error performance is presented and the analysis is validated by simulations.  相似文献   

本文论及非编码MPSK-OFDM系统载波跟踪中的重要部件?判决指导的相位估计器(PED)的研究.多载波系统的相位估计可以表示为各子载波相位估计的加权和.文中在分析单载波的基础上考察了符号判决错误对多载波相位估计的影响,并提出了两种改进方案,一是给出一组新的加权系数,改善了PED在较低信噪比的性能;二是由导频子载波相位估计指导其它数据子载波相位估计,获得了(-(/)M (/)M)区间上的线性无偏估计器.文中对两种改进算法进行了分析比较和仿真验证.  相似文献   

This letter addresses the simultaneous perturbation of a space-time (ST) OFDM receiver by a PHase Noise (PHN) process plus a fixed but unknown residual frequency offset (RFO), and then proceeds to propose two decision-directed schemes for their joint compensation. Reduced-complexity modifications thereof are also considered, and the corresponding symbol error rate (SER) performance loss is shown to be less than 0.5 dB.  相似文献   

OFDM在对抗多径方面是一种有效的宽带数字通信技术,但是由于频率误差的存在,使得OFDM(正交频分复用)子载波之间的正交性遭到破坏,系统在频率选择性衰落信道中的传输能力大大下降。本文提出了一种精确的频率误差估计法,可以很好地恢复频率同步。该方法的主要特点是以FFT为界分别在时域和频域内进行频率误差估计,并在时域中进行频率误差校正。  相似文献   

OFDM blind carrier offset estimation: ESPRIT   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In orthogonal frequency-division multiplex (OFDM) communications, the loss of orthogonality due to the carrier-frequency offset must be compensated before discrete Fourier transform-based demodulation can be performed. This paper proposes a new carrier offset estimation technique for OFDM communications over a frequency-selective fading channel. We exploit the intrinsic structure information of OFDM signals to derive a carrier offset estimator that offers the accuracy of a super resolution subspace method, ESPRIT  相似文献   

On timing offset estimation for OFDM systems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two timing offset estimation methods for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems as modifications to Schmidl and Cox's method (see IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.45, p.1613-21, 1997) are presented. The performances of the timing offset estimators in additive white Gaussian noise channel and intersymbol interference channel are compared in terms of estimator variance obtained by simulation. Both proposed methods have significantly smaller estimator variance in both channel conditions  相似文献   

Decision-directed fine synchronization in OFDM systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new decision-directed (DD) synchronization scheme is proposed for joint estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) and sampling clock frequency offset (SFO) in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. By exploiting the hard decisions, we report accurate estimators of residual CFO and small SFO. The performance analysis and simulation results indicate that the proposed novel DD scheme achieves much better performance than the conventional pilot-based schemes in both additive white Gaussian noise and frequency-selective channels.  相似文献   

A new fine carrier frequency offset estimation algorithm in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed. The correlation item is the training sequence instead of the received signal in the new algorithm. Simulation results show that the performance of the new algorithm is 4dB-9dB better than that of Schmidl's algorithm. Coarse frequency offset estimation is also discussed in this paper, which is the improvement of Zhang's method. The estimation range using the improvement method is twice as that using the Zhang's method. Based on the hardware of the receiver and the improved algorithm, a method using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is proposed to implement the coarse frequency estimation. The chip area of OFDM system can be reduced by using the proposed method.  相似文献   

Symbol time offset estimation in coherent OFDM systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a symbol time offset estimator for coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The estimator exploits both the redundancy in the cyclic prefix and available pilot symbols used for channel estimation. The estimator is robust against frequency offsets and is suitable for use in dispersive channels. We base the estimator on the maximum-likelihood estimator for the additive white Gaussian noise channel. Simulations for an example system indicate a system performance as close as 0.6 dB to a perfectly synchronized system  相似文献   

正交频分复用(OFDM)是一种能够有效地抗频率选择性衰落的技术。由于载波频偏的存在会引起载波间干扰,导致系统性能的严重下降。在分析载波频偏对系统影响的基础上,提出了一种联合译码的新型盲频偏估计算法。该算法只需要一个OFDM符号,将BICM译码的硬判决反馈信息作为虚拟训练序列,利用该反馈信号与接收信号的相关性进行频偏估计。通过BICM迭代译码,更新译码反馈信息,提高频偏估计精度。仿真结果表明,提出的算法经过3次迭代,可以有效地进行频偏估计。  相似文献   

Blind estimation of OFDM carrier frequency offset via oversampling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blind deterministic estimation of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) frequency offset via oversampling is proposed in this paper. This method utilizes the intrinsic phase shift of neighboring sample points incurred by the frequency offset that is common among all subcarriers. The proposed method is data efficient - it requires only a single OFDM symbol to achieve reliable estimation, hence making it more suitable to systems with stringent delay requirement and mobility-induced channel variation. The proposed scheme is devised to perfectly retrieve frequency offset in the absence of noise. Quite remarkably, we show that in the presence of channel noise, this intuitive scheme is indeed the maximum likelihood estimate of the carrier frequency offset. The possible presence of virtual carriers are also accommodated in the system model, and some interesting observations are obtained. The Cramer-Rao lower bound is derived for the oversampling-based signal model, and we show through numerical simulation that the proposed algorithm is efficient. Practical issues such as identifiability, the front-end filter bandwidth, and the possible presence of correlated noises are also carefully addressed.  相似文献   

Carrier frequency offset (CFO) in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing(OFDM) systems, which can induce the loss of orthogonality among subcarriersand result in significant performance degradation, is critical to be estimatedand compensated for. In this paper, a suboptimal scheme is proposed to estimatethe CFO using subcarriers. In the proposed scheme, the CFO is dividedinto the fractional part and the integer part, with the fractional CFO estimatedfollowed by the integer CFO estimation. Compared with previous work using subcarriers and exhaustive search, the implementation complexity of theproposed scheme is significantly lower due to the fact that the main componentrequired is a simple correlator. Furthermore, with only one trainingOFDM symbol and proper subcarrier allocation, the estimation range ofthe proposed scheme can be the inverse of the sampling duration. In contrast,conventional schemes with the same estimation range and complexity require two OFDM symbols. To achieve good performance,it will be shown that the subcarrier allocation should be based uponsome specific binary sequences such as the proposed extended m-sequences. It willalso be shown by simulations that the same subcarrier allocation criterionshould be employed for optimal maximum-likelihood CFO estimation.  相似文献   

A new carrier frequency offset estimation scheme in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) system is proposed. The carrier frequency offset estimation includes acquisition and tracking, and the acquisition range is as large as one half of overall signal bandwidth. The proposed tracking estimator is a maximum-likelihood estimator, and in AWGN channel, the Cramer-Rao lower bound is met at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); in multipath channel, the tracking algorithm works well at moderate SNR. Timing synchronization can be also performed during the course of acquisition.  相似文献   

吴杰  李建东 《通信学报》2004,25(11):107-111
对OFDM频偏的盲估计算法进行了研究,采用PRONY方法,利用对OFDM码元的过取样来构成估计所需的空间。着重对多径环境下的性能进行了仿真,证明该方法在多普勒频移下有较好的性能,并进一步分析了估计性能与过采样倍数的关系。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的基于训练符号的频偏估计方法.该方法通过综合利用训练符号和循环前缀的信息得到时域的细频偏估计,通过峰值检测得到频域的粗频偏估计.仿真结果表明,在多径衰落信道下,在频偏估计范围达到整个信号带宽的同时,本算法的估计精度也有了明显的提高,并且当信噪比达到12dB时,可以使剩余频偏限制在子载波间隔的2%以内.  相似文献   

无线信道中OFDM系统的频偏估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OFDM技术作为一种适用于高速无线传输的调制技术近年来越来越受到关注。但 OFDM系统的显著问题是对频率偏移十分敏感。针对OFDM信道传输系统,提出了一种频率 偏移估计算法。该估计器采用内插技术,通过频域来实现,与传统的最大似然估计器相比,该 算法具有良好的性能和较简单的结构。  相似文献   

提出了一种低复杂度的OFDM粗频偏估计方法,这种方法综合利用单个OFDM训练符号中的相位信息和幅度信息,先通过一个能量滑动窗进行频偏搜索确定可能发生的频偏,然后再根据符号相位相关性进行判断。仿真结果表明,本算法在多径衰落信道下,与传统算法性能保持相当的同时具有运算量小的优点。  相似文献   

本文针对子载波频率偏移对大气激光通信下的OFDM系统的影响,在LS估计准则下,采用基于训练符号的信道估计来抑制频偏对系统产生的影响,从而精确恢复子载波.仿真结果表明:在大气激光通信下的系统中,子载波的频率偏移仍会对系统产生很大的ICI,通过对系统进行基于训练符号的信道估计,可以有效补偿子载波频偏对系统带来的影响,能显著降低系统的BER.,证明了此方法的可行性.  相似文献   

ML estimation of time and frequency offset in OFDM systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
We present the joint maximum likelihood (ML) symbol-time and carrier-frequency offset estimator in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Redundant information contained within the cyclic prefix enables this estimation without additional pilots. Simulations show that the frequency estimator may be used in a tracking mode and the time estimator in an acquisition mode  相似文献   

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