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We present a generalization of the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithm to systems of equations and inequalities in functions of the form p(x,f1(x),…,fm(x),y1,…,yn), where pQ[x,t1,…,tm,y1,…,yn] and f1(x),…,fm(x) are real univariate functions such that there exists a real root isolation algorithm for functions from the algebra Q[x,f1(x),…,fm(x)]. In particular, the algorithm applies when f1(x),…,fm(x) are real exp-log functions or tame elementary functions.  相似文献   

We prove that there is a polynomial time substitution (y1,…,yn):=g(x1,…,xk) with k?n such that whenever the substitution instance A(g(x1,…,xk)) of a 3DNF formula A(y1,…,yn) has a short resolution proof it follows that A(y1,…,yn) is a tautology. The qualification “short” depends on the parameters k and n.  相似文献   

We consider a Riemann surface X defined by a polynomial f(x,y) of degree d, whose coefficients are chosen randomly. Hence, we can suppose that X is smooth, that the discriminant δ(x) of f has d(d−1) simple roots, Δ, and that δ(0)≠0, i.e. the corresponding fiber has d distinct points {y1,…,yd}. When we lift a loop 0∈γCΔ by a continuation method, we get d paths in X connecting {y1,…,yd}, hence defining a permutation of that set. This is called monodromy.Here we present experimentations in Maple to get statistics on the distribution of transpositions corresponding to loops around each point of Δ. Multiplying families of “neighbor” transpositions, we construct permutations and the subgroups of the symmetric group they generate. This allows us to establish and study experimentally two conjectures on the distribution of these transpositions and on transitivity of the generated subgroups.Assuming that these two conjectures are true, we develop tools allowing fast probabilistic algorithms for absolute multivariate polynomial factorization, under the hypothesis that the factors behave like random polynomials whose coefficients follow uniform distributions.  相似文献   

Let R be a commutative ring and let n ≥ 1. We study Γ(s), the generating function and Ann(s), the ideal of characteristic polynomials of s, an n-dimensional sequence over R .We express f(X1,…,Xn) · Γ(s)(X-11,…,X-1n) as a partitioned sum. That is, we give (i) a 2n-fold "border" partition (ii) an explicit expression for the product as a 2n-fold sum; the support of each summand is contained in precisely one member of the partition. A key summand is βo(f, s), the "border polynomial" of f and s, which is divisible by X1Xn.We say that s is eventually rectilinear if the elimination ideals Ann(s)∩R[Xi] contain an fi (Xi) for 1 ≤ in. In this case, we show that Ann(s) is the ideal quotient (ni=1(fi) : βo(f, s)/(X1 … Xn )).When R and R[[X1, X2 ,…, Xn]] are factorial domains (e.g. R a principal ideal domain or F [X1,…, Xn]), we compute the monic generator γi of Ann(s) ∩ R[Xi] from known fi ϵ Ann(s) ∩ R[Xi] or from a finite number of 1-dimensional linear recurring sequences over R. Over a field F this gives an O(ni=1 δγ3i) algorithm to compute an F-basis for Ann(s).  相似文献   

On the structure of generalized rough sets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we consider some fundamental properties of generalized rough sets induced by binary relations on algebras and show that
Any reflexive binary relation determines a topology.
If θ is a reflexive and symmetric relation on a set X, then O={AX|θ-(A)=A} is a topology such that A is open if and only if it is closed.
Conversely, for every topological space (X,O) satisfying the condition that A is open if and only if it is closed, there exists a reflexive and symmetric relation R such that O={AX|R-(A)=A}.
Let θ be an equivalence relation on X. For any pseudo ω-closed subset A of Xθ(A) is an ω-closed set if and only if ω(xx, … , x) ∈ θ(A) for any x ∈ X.
Moreover we consider properties of generalized rough sets.  相似文献   

Here we propose an efficient algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing circle whose center is constrained to lie on a query line segment. Our algorithm preprocesses a given set of n points P={p1,p2,…,pn} such that for any query line or line segment L, it efficiently locates a point c on L that minimizes the maximum distance among the points in P from c. Roy et al. [S. Roy, A. Karmakar, S. Das, S.C. Nandy, Constrained minimum enclosing circle with center on a query line segment, in: Proc. of the 31st Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, 2006, pp. 765-776] have proposed an algorithm that solves the query problem in O(log2n) time using O(nlogn) preprocessing time and O(n) space. Our algorithm improves the query time to O(logn); but the preprocessing time and space complexities are both O(n2).  相似文献   

Due to a large number of applications, bicliques of graphs have been widely considered in the literature. This paper focuses on non-induced bicliques. Given a graph G=(V,E) on n vertices, a pair (X,Y), with X,YV, XY=∅, is a non-induced biclique if {x,y}∈E for any xX and yY. The NP-complete problem of finding a non-induced (k1,k2)-biclique asks to decide whether G contains a non-induced biclique (X,Y) such that |X|=k1 and |Y|=k2. In this paper, we design a polynomial-space O(n1.6914)-time algorithm for this problem. It is based on an algorithm for bipartite graphs that runs in time O(n1.30052). In deriving this algorithm, we also exhibit a relation to the spare allocation problem known from memory chip fabrication. As a byproduct, we show that the constraint bipartite vertex cover problem can be solved in time O(n1.30052).  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce “approximate solutions" to solve the following problem: given a polynomial F(x, y) over Q, where x represents an n -tuple of variables, can we find all the polynomials G(x) such that F(x, G(x)) is identically equal to a constant c in Q ? We have the following: let F(x, y) be a polynomial over Q and the degree of y in F(x, y) be n. Either there is a unique polynomial g(x)   Q [ x ], with its constant term equal to 0, such that F(x, y)  = j = 0ncj(y  g(x))jfor some rational numbers cj, hence, F(x, g(x)  + a)   Q for all a  Q, or there are at most t distinct polynomials g1(x),⋯ , gt(x), t  n, such that F(x, gi(x))   Q for 1   i  t. Suppose that F(x, y) is a polynomial of two variables. The polynomial g(x) for the first case, or g1(x),⋯ , gt(x) for the second case, are approximate solutions of F(x, y), respectively. There is also a polynomial time algorithm to find all of these approximate solutions. We then use Kronecker’s substitution to solve the case of F(x, y).  相似文献   

Yan Yang 《Information Sciences》2007,177(22):4922-4933
This paper deals with a general α-decomposition problem of fuzzy relations, which can be stated as follows: given a fuzzy relation RF(X×Y), determine two fuzzy relations QF(X×Z) and TF(Z×Y) such that , where X (resp. Y) is a finite set. Firstly we point out that every fuzzy relation R is always generally α-decomposable, and give an algorithm to construct Q and T with for a given R. Secondly, we show that the general content ρ(R) with is equal to the chromatic number of the simple graph FR generated by R. Therefore, finding an exact algorithm for calculating ρ(R) is an NP-complete problem.  相似文献   

In computer aided verification, the reachability problem is particularly relevant for safety analyses. Given a regular tree language L, a term t and a relation R, the reachability problem consists in deciding whether there exist a positive integer n and terms t0,t1,…,tn such that t0L, tn=t and for every 0?i<n, (ti,ti+1)∈R. In this case, the term t is said to be reachable, otherwise it is said unreachable. This problem is decidable for particular kinds of relations, but it is known to be undecidable in general, even if L is finite. Several approaches to tackle the unreachability problem are based on the computation of an R-closed regular language containing L. In this paper we show a theoretical limit to this kind of approaches for this problem.  相似文献   

The following search game is considered: there are two players, say Paul (or questioner) and Carole (or responder). Carole chooses a number x*Sn={1,2,…,n}, Paul has to find the number x* by asking q-ary bi-interval queries and Carole is allowed to lie at most once throughout the game. The minimum worst-case number LB(n,q,1) of q-ary bi-interval queries necessary to guess the number x* is determined exactly for all integers n?1 and q?2. It turns out that LB(n,q,1) coincides with the minimum worst-case number L(n,q,1) of arbitrary q-ary queries.  相似文献   

For a given sequence a=(a1,…,an) of numbers, a global rounding is an integer sequence b=(b1,…,bn) such that the rounding error |iI(aibi)| is less than one in all intervals I⊆{1,…,n}. We give a simple characterization of the set of global roundings of a. This allows to compute optimal roundings in time O(nlogn) and generate a global rounding uniformly at random in linear time under a non-degeneracy assumption and in time O(nlogn) in the general case.  相似文献   

Sorting is a classic problem and one to which many others reduce easily. In the streaming model, however, we are allowed only one pass over the input and sublinear memory, so in general we cannot sort. In this paper we show that, to determine the sorted order of a multiset s of size n containing σ?2 distinct elements using one pass and o(nlogσ) bits of memory, it is generally necessary and sufficient that its entropy H=o(logσ). Specifically, if s={s1,…,sn} and si1,…,sin is the stable sort of s, then we can compute i1,…,in in one pass using O((H+1)n) time and O(Hn) bits of memory, with a simple combination of classic techniques. On the other hand, in the worst case it takes that much memory to compute any sorted ordering of s in one pass.  相似文献   

In [5] the notion of an L form F defining a family Ld(F) of languages by means of X-interpretations has been introduced. Here X is one of a number of possible variations of the notion of interpretation originally used in [1] for grammar forms. In this paper it is shown that the questions whether Ld(F) = Ld(F1) for L forms F and F1 is decidable, if deterministic interpretations of PDOL systems are considered, where L(F) and L(F1) contain at most one word of length n for any n ? 0, and it is shown that same question is undecidable, if full or uniform interpretations are chosen. In contrast to this, no such results are known for grammar forms at this point.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A global secure set SDV is a dominating set which also satisfies a condition that |N[X]∩SD|≥|N[X]−SD| for every subset XSD. The minimum cardinality of the global secure set in the graph G is denoted by γs(G). In this paper, we introduce the notion of γs-monotone graphs. The graph G is γs-monotone if, for every k∈{γs(G),γs(G)+1,…,n}, it has a global secure set of cardinality k. We will also present the results concerning the minimum cardinality of the global secure sets in the class of cographs.  相似文献   

Let V be a finite set of n elements and F={X1,X2,…,Xm} a family of m subsets of V. Two sets Xi and Xj of F overlap if XiXj≠∅, Xj?Xi≠∅, and Xi?Xj≠∅. Two sets X,YF are in the same overlap class if there is a series X=X1,X2,…,Xk=Y of sets of F in which each XiXi+1 overlaps. In this note, we focus on efficiently identifying all overlap classes in time. We thus revisit the clever algorithm of Dahlhaus [E. Dahlhaus, Parallel algorithms for hierarchical clustering and applications to split decomposition and parity graph recognition, J. Algorithms 36 (2) (2000) 205-240] of which we give a clear presentation and that we simplify to make it practical and implementable in its real worst case complexity. An useful variant of Dahlhaus's approach is also explained.  相似文献   

We prove a separation between monotone and general arithmetic formulas for polynomials of constant degree. We give an example of a polynomial C in n variables and degree k which is computable by a homogeneous arithmetic formula of size O(k2n2), but every monotone formula computing C requires size (n/kc)Ω(logk), with c∈(0,1). Since the upper bound is achieved by a homogeneous arithmetic formula, we also obtain a separation between monotone and homogeneous formulas, for polynomials of constant degree.  相似文献   

Edge-pancyclicity and path-embeddability of bijective connection graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An n-dimensional Bijective Connection graph (in brief BC graph) is a regular graph with 2n nodes and n2n−1 edges. The n-dimensional hypercube, crossed cube, Möbius cube, etc. are some examples of the n-dimensional BC graphs. In this paper, we propose a general method to study the edge-pancyclicity and path-embeddability of the BC graphs. First, we prove that a path of length l with dist(Xnxy) + 2 ? l ? 2n − 1 can be embedded between x and y with dilation 1 in Xn for xy ∈ V(Xn) with x ≠ y in Xn, where Xn (n ? 4) is a n-dimensional BC graph satisfying the three specific conditions and V(Xn) is the node set of Xn. Furthermore, by this result, we can claim that Xn is edge-pancyclic. Lastly, we show that these results can be applied to not only crossed cubes and Möbius cubes, but also other BC graphs except crossed cubes and Möbius cubes. So far, the research on edge-pancyclicity and path-embeddability has been limited in some specific interconnection architectures such as crossed cubes, Möbius cubes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the generalized quasi-contractive mapping f in a cone metric space (X,d). f is called a generalized quasi-contractive if there is a real λ∈[0,1) such that for all x,yX,
d(fx,fy)≤λs  相似文献   

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