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实体链接是指将文本中具有歧义的实体指称项链接到知识库中相应实体的过程。该文首先对实体链接系统进行了分析,指出实体链接系统中的核心问题—实体指称项文本与候选实体之间的语义相似度计算。接着提出了一种基于图模型的维基概念相似度计算方法,并将该相似度计算方法应用在实体指称项文本与候选实体语义相似度的计算中。在此基础上,设计了一个基于排序学习算法框架的实体链接系统。实验结果表明,相比于传统的计算方法,新的相似度计算方法可以更加有效地捕捉实体指称项文本与候选实体间的语义相似度。同时,融入了多种特征的实体链接系统在性能上获得了达到state-of-art的水平。  相似文献   

With the advance of technology, business offices and organizations together with their clients create a massive amount of administrative documents every day. Administrative documents commonly contain some salient entities such as logos, stamps or seals as the means of their authentication and proprietorship. These salient entities provide quite discriminative information, which can effectively be used for different tasks of document image retrieval, classification and recognition in document-based applications. Thus, proper detection/recognition of these entities in document images increases the performance of such applications in terms of document retrieval, classification, and recognition. To present the state-of-the-art research on the retrieval of administrative document images, this paper deals with a survey of administrative document image retrieval in relation to seals and logos. All the available datasets, feature extraction and classification techniques for logo and seal detection/recognition are discussed systematically. The shortcomings of the present technologies on logo and seal based document processing are also highlighted. Avenues of the future works are further given for the benefit of readers. To the best of authors’ knowledge, there is no survey on administrative document image retrieval and hence the authors hope that this work will be helpful to the researchers of the document analysis community.  相似文献   

现有汉越跨语言新闻事件检索方法较少使用新闻领域内的事件实体知识,在候选文档中存在多个事件的情况下,与查询句无关的事件会干扰查询句与候选文档间的匹配精度,影响检索性能。提出一种融入事件实体知识的汉越跨语言新闻事件检索模型。通过查询翻译方法将汉语事件查询句翻译为越南语事件查询句,把跨语言新闻事件检索问题转化为单语新闻事件检索问题。考虑到查询句中只有单个事件,候选文档中多个事件共存会影响查询句和文档的精准匹配,利用事件触发词划分候选文档事件范围,减小文档中与查询无关事件的干扰。在此基础上,利用知识图谱和事件触发词得到事件实体丰富的知识表示,通过查询句与文档事件范围间的交互,提取到事件实体知识表示与词以及事件实体知识表示之间的排序特征。在汉越双语新闻数据集上的实验结果表明,与BM25、Conv-KNRM、ATER等基线模型相比,该模型能够取得较好的跨语言新闻事件检索效果,NDCG和MAP指标最高可提升0.712 2和0.587 2。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a survey of the past researches on character based as keyword based approaches used for retrieving information from document images. This survey also provides insights into the strengths and weaknesses of current techniques, relevancy lies between each technique and also the guidance in choosing the area that future work on document image retrieval could address.  相似文献   

Web信息查询优化的遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为帮助用户在丰富的网络资源中快速、准确地查询到所需要的信息,提出一种基于增强遗传算法的查询优化算法.其基本思想是:把查询种群组织成多个称为小生境的查询子种群,一个小生境用于查询文档空闻的一个区域,规定了相应的基于项权重和相似项的交叉算子、自适应变异算子,并通过引入局部搜索机制来增强算法的局部搜索能力,最后把查询结果依据相关性次序进行合并,并返回给查询用户.实验结果表明,该算法在查询精度和计算速度上均优于常用的查询优化技术。  相似文献   

Online opinions are one of the most important sources of information on which users base their purchasing decisions. Unfortunately, the large quantity of opinions makes it difficult for an individual to consume in a reasonable amount of time. Unlike standard information retrieval problems, the task here is to retrieve entities whose relevance is dependent upon other people’s opinions regarding the entities and how well those sentiments match the user’s own preferences. We propose novel techniques that incorporate aspect subjectivity measures into weighting the relevance of opinions of entities based on a user’s query keywords. We calculate these weights using sentiment polarity of terms found proximity close to keywords in opinion text. We have implemented our techniques, and we show that these improve the overall effectiveness of the baseline retrieval task. Our results indicate that on entities with long opinions our techniques can perform as good as state-of-the-art query expansion approaches.  相似文献   

现有张量分解技术在用于知识图谱学习和推理过程中时,只考虑知识图谱中实体与实体间的直接关系,忽略知识图谱图形结构的特点.因此,文中提出基于路径张量分解的知识图谱推理算法(PRESCAL),利用路径排列算法(PRA)获得知识图谱中各实体对间的关系路径.然后对实体对间的关系路径进行张量分解,并在优化更新过程中采用交替最小二乘法.实验表明,在路径问题回答任务和实体链接预测任务中,PRESCAL可以取得较好的预测准确率.  相似文献   

从海量文档中快速有效地搜索到相似文档是一个重要且耗时的问题。现有的文档相似性搜索算法是先找出候选文档集,再对候选文档进行相关性排序,找出最相关的文档。提出了一种基于文档拓扑的相似性搜索算法——Hub-N,将文档相似性搜索问题转化为图搜索问题,应用相应的剪枝技术,缩小了扫描文档的范围,提高了搜索效率。通过实验验证了算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

基于本体的设计原理信息提取   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
重用已有设计必须理解设计原理,从各种文档中提取设计原理信息,但其完整性和一致性很难得到保证,文中提出一种基于本体的设计原理信息提取方法,该方法以设计原理的知识模型为 基础,通过查询驱动的用户界面,动态地预测设计人员所关心的问题,并给出相应的回答。在文献综述和案例分析的基础上,文中建立了设计原理的本体,并以铁路货车转向架设计为例说明了智能信息提取的实现,初步研究表明,与文档 管理和关键字搜索相比,这种基于本体的设计原理信息提取方法具有 完整性和一致性等优点,可以作为KBDSS(Knowledge-Based Design Support System)的技术基础之一。  相似文献   

快速相似性检索技术对于各种信息检索应用都具有很大的意义,其中基于语义哈希的快速相似性检索即是一个合理有效的检索方式,其检索模型能够在保证语义相关的基础上将高维空间中大量相关的文档数据,映射在低维空间中.虽然近年来许多关于语义哈希的研究都表现了不错的实验结果,但是都没有考虑到利用文档集合自身的信息来加强文档间的相关信息.为了有效利用文档自身信息,提出结合强化文档间邻接关系的马尔可夫迁移过程及使用保留局部信息的拉普拉斯映射方法的相似性检索方式.  相似文献   

实体链接任务是识别文本中潜在的实体指称,并将其链接到给定知识库中无歧义的实体上。在绝大多数情况下,实体链接可能存在中文短文本缺乏有效上下文信息,导致存在一词多义的歧义现象;同时候选链接过程中,候选实体的不确定相关性也影响候选实体链接精确性。针对上述两个问题,提出深度神经网络与关联图相结合的实体链接模型。模型添加字符特征、上下文、信息深层语义来增强指称和实体表示,并进行相似度匹配。利用Fast-newman算法将图谱知识库聚类划分不同类型实体簇,将相似度计算得分最高候选实体所属实体簇映射到关系平面,构建聚类实体关联图。利用偏向随机游走算法考查候选实体之间语义相关度,计算指称与候选实体的匹配程度,输入链接实体。该模型可以实现短文本到知识图谱目标实体的准确链接。  相似文献   

This paper reports a document retrieval technique that retrieves machine-printed Latin-based document images through word shape coding. Adopting the idea of image annotation, a word shape coding scheme is proposed, which converts each word image into a word shape code by using a few shape features. The text contents of imaged documents are thus captured by a document vector constructed with the converted word shape code and word frequency information. Similarities between different document images are then gauged based on the constructed document vectors. We divide the retrieval process into two stages. Based on the observation that documents of the same language share a large number of high-frequency language-specific stop words, the first stage retrieves documents with the same underlying language as that of the query document. The second stage then re-ranks the documents retrieved in the first stage based on the topic similarity. Experiments show that document images of different languages and topics can be retrieved properly by using the proposed word shape coding scheme.  相似文献   

在信息检索建模中,确定索引词项在文档中的重要性是一项重要内容。以词袋(bag-of-word)的形式表示文档来建立检索模型的方法中大多是基于词项独立性假设,用TF和IDF的函数来计算词项的重要性,并未考虑词项之间的关系。该文采用基于词项图(graph-of-word)的文档表示形式来捕获词项间的依赖关系,提出了一种新的基于词重要性的信息检索图模型TI-IDF。根据词项图得到文档中词项的共现矩阵和词项间的概率转移矩阵,通过马尔科夫链计算方法来确定词项在文档中的重要性(Term Importance, TI),并以此替代索引过程中传统的词项频率TF。该模型具有更好的鲁棒性,我们在国际公开数据集上与传统的检索模型进行了比较。实验结果表明,该文提出的模型都要优于BM25,且在大多数情况下优于BM25的扩展模型、TW-IDF等模型。  相似文献   

缺陷的存在,会影响软件系统的正常使用甚至带来重大危害.为了帮助开发者尽快找到并修复这些缺陷,研究者提出了基于信息检索的缺陷定位方法.这类方法将缺陷定位视为一个检索任务,它为每个缺陷报告生成一份按照程序实体与缺陷相关度降序排序的列表.开发者可以根据列表顺序来审查代码,从而降低审查成本并加速缺陷定位的进程.近年来,该领域的研究工作十分活跃,在改良定位方法和完善评价体系方面取得了较大进展.与此同时,为了能够在实践中更好地应用这类方法,该领域的研究工作仍面临着一些亟待解决的挑战.对近年来国内外学者在该领域的研究成果进行系统性的总结:首先,描述了基于信息检索的缺陷定位方法的研究问题;然后,分别从模型改良和模型评估两方面陈述了相关的研究进展,并对具体的理论和技术途径进行梳理;接着,简要介绍了缺陷定位的其他相关技术;最后,总结了目前该领域研究过程中面临的挑战并给出建议的研究方向.  相似文献   

互联网上聚集了大量的文本、图像等非结构化信息,RDF作为W3C提出的互联网上的资源描述框架,非常适合于描述网络上的非结构化信息,因此形成了大量的RDF知识库,如Freebase、Yago、DBPedia等。RDF知识库中包含丰富的语义信息,可以对来自网页的名字实体进行标注,实现语义扩充。将网页上的名字实体映射到知识库中对应实体上称作实体标注。实体标注包括两个主要部分:实体间的映射和标注去歧义。利用海量RDF知识库的特性,提出了一种有效的实体标注方法。该方法采用简单的图加权及计算解决实体标注的去歧义问题。该方法已在云平台上实现,并通过实验验证了其准确度和可扩展性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new document representation with vectorized multiple features including term frequency and term-connection-frequency. A document is represented by undirected and directed graph, respectively. Then terms and vectorized graph connectionists are extracted from the graphs by employing several feature extraction methods. This hybrid document feature representation more accurately reflects the underlying semantics that are difficult to achieve from the currently used term histograms, and it facilitates the matching of complex graph. In application level, we develop a document retrieval system based on self-organizing map (SOM) to speed up the retrieval process. We perform extensive experimental verification, and the results suggest that the proposed method is computationally efficient and accurate for document retrieval.  相似文献   

实体链接技术是将文本中的实体指称项正确链接到知识库中实体对象的过程,对知识库扩容起着关键作用。针对传统的实体链接方法主要利用上下文相似度等表层特征,而且忽略共现实体间的语义相关性,提出一种融合多特征的集成实体链接方法。首先结合同义词表、同名词表产生候选实体集,然后从多角度抽取语义特征,并将语义特征融合到构建的实体相关图中,最后对候选实体排序,选取top1实体作为链接目标。在NLP&CC2013中文微博实体链接评测数据集上进行实验,获得90.97%的准确率,与NLP&CC2013中文微博实体链接评测的最优系统相比,本文系统具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

The increasing performance and wider spread use of automated semantic annotation and entity linking platforms has empowered the possibility of using semantic information in information retrieval. While keyword-based information retrieval techniques have shown impressive performance, the addition of semantic information can increase retrieval performance by allowing for more accurate sense disambiguation, intent determination, and instance identification, just to name a few. Researchers have already delved into the possibility of integrating semantic information into practical search engines using a combination of techniques such as using graph databases, hybrid indices and adapted inverted indices, among others. One of the challenges with the efficient design of a search engine capable of considering semantic information is that it would need to be able to index information beyond the traditional information stored in inverted indices, including entity mentions and type relationships. The objective of our work in this paper is to investigate various ways in which different data structure types can be adopted to integrate three types of information including keywords, entities and types. We will systematically compare the performance of the different data structures for scenarios where (i) the same data structure types are adopted for the three types of information, and (ii) different data structure types are integrated for storing and retrieving the three different information types. We report our findings in terms of the performance of various query processing tasks such as Boolean and ranked intersection for the different indices and discuss which index type would be appropriate under different conditions for semantic search.  相似文献   

In this paper we present context matching, a novel context-based technique for the ad-hoc retrieval of web documents. The aim of the technique is to dynamically generate a measure of document term significance during retrieval that can be used as a substitute or co-contributor of the term frequency measure. Unlike term frequency, which relies on a term occurring multiple times in a document to be considered significant, context matching is based on the notion that if a term in a given document occurs in that document in the context of the query, then that term is deemed to be significant. Context matching has the ability to potentially determine a term to be significant even if it occurs only once in a document. Vice versa, it also has the ability to determine a term to be insignificant, even if occurs frequently within a document. We show how expanded terms generated by a typical query expansion technique can be used effectively as query context for context matching. The technique is ideally suited to the nature of web information retrieval and we show how context matching significantly improves retrieval accuracy through experimental results on TREC web benchmark data.  相似文献   

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