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In this paper, we study nonblocking decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems. We introduce a modified normality condition defined in terms of a modified natural projection map. The modified normality condition is weaker than the original one and stronger than the co-observability condition. Moreover, it is preserved under union. Given a marked language specification, there exists a nonblocking decentralized supervisor for the supremal sublanguage which satisfies Lm(G)-closure, controllability, and modified normality. Such a decentralized supervisor is more permissive than the one which achieves the supremal Lm(G)-closed, controllable, and normal sublanguage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the reliable decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems (DESs) under the general architecture, where the decision for controllable events is a combination of the conjunctive and disjunctive fusion rules. By reliable control, we mean that the performance of closed-loop systems will not be degraded even in the face of possible failures of some local supervisors. The main contributions are twofold. First, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a k-reliable decentralized supervisor under the general architecture is presented after introducing notions of -controllability and k-reliable -coobservability. Second, a polynomial-time algorithm to verify the reliable -coobservability of a specification is proposed.  相似文献   

Modular supervisory control of discrete-event systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A modular approach to the supervisory control of a class of discrete-event systems is formulated, and illustrated with an example. Discrete-event systems are modeled by automata together with a mechanism for enabling and disabling a subset of state transitions. The basic problem of interest is to ensure by appropriate supervision that the closed loop behavior of the system lies within a given legal behavior. Assuming this behavior can be decomposed into an intersection of component restrictions, we determine conditions under which it is possible to synthesize the appropriate control in a modular fashion. The work of this author was supported by NSERC (Canada) under Grant No. A-7399. The work of this author was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. ECS-8504584.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a control synthesis method for discrete event systems whose behavior is dependent on explicit values of time. Our goal is to control the occurrence dates of the controllable events so that the functioning of the system respects given specifications. The system to be controlled is modeled by a time Petri net. In a previous work we proposed a systematic method to build the timed automaton which models the exact behavior of a time Petri net. Furthermore, the forbidden behaviors of the system are modeled by forbidden timed automaton locations. This paper focuses on the control synthesis method, which consists in computing new firing conditions for the timed automaton transitions so that the forbidden locations are no longer reachable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discrete event model-based approach for Fault Detection and Isolation of manufacturing systems. This approach considers a system as a set of independent Plant Elements (PEs). Each PE is composed of a set of interrelated Parts of Plant (PoPs) modeled by a Moore automaton. Each PoP model is only aware of its local behavior. The degraded and faulty behaviors are added to each PoP model in order to obtain extended PoP ones. An extrapolation of Gaussian learning is realized to obtain acceptable temporal intervals between the time occurrences of correlated events. Finally based on the PoP extended models and the links between them, a fault candidates' tree is established for each plant element. This candidates' tree corresponds to a local on-line fault event occurrence observer, called diagnoser. Thus, the diagnosis decision is distributed on each plant element. An application example is used to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

研究了混合信息下的分散监控综合问题.首先提出δ-可观察(hδ-可观察)可控闭语言是(状态部分可观察下)状态反馈综合解存在的充要条件,并由此得到n-联合可观察、可控闭的系统约束是保证混合分散监控器存在的充要条件,进而得到纯分散监控器(控制器)存在的充要条件为n-可观察(n-hδ-可观察)可控闭语言被满足.最后,又通过研究系统约束与混合约束的关系,提出混合分散监控器存在的充分条件是可观察、可控闭语言与可观察可控谓词被满足.  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the classical supervisory control theory for discrete event systems to a setting of dense real-time systems modeled by Alur and Dill timed automata. The main problem involved is that in general the state space of a timed automaton is (uncountably) infinite. The solution is to reduce the dense time transition system to an appropriate finite discrete subautomaton, the grid automaton, which contains enough information to deal with the timed supervisory control problem (TSCP). The plant and the specifications region graphs are sampled for a granularity defined in a way that each state has an outgoing transition labeled with the same time amount. We redefine the controllability concept in the context of grid automata, and we provide necessary and sufficient solvability conditions under which the optimal solution to centralized supervisory control problems in timed discrete event systems under full observation can be obtained. The enhanced setting admits subsystem composition and the concept of forcible event. A simple example illustrates how the new method can be used to solve the TSCP.  相似文献   

在研究基于混合信息的分散监控时,由于部分监控器与部分控制器发生失败,故提出了一种新型的混合可靠分散监控问题.通过修改局部可控事件集与不可控事件集,提出新的可控语言与可靠联合可观察语言定义,进而得到混合可靠分散监控器存在的充分必要条件就是整体约束语言是可靠联合可观察,可控闭的.之后,又通过研究整体约束与混合子约束之间的关系,给出了判别混合可靠分散监控器存在的一个充分条件,即混合子约束分别满足基于谓词的可观察,可控性与基于语言的联合可观察,可控封闭性.  相似文献   

In many practical systems, supervisory control is not performed by one centralized supervisor, but by multiple local supervisors. When communication networks are used in such a system as the medium of information transmission, the communication channels between local supervisors and the system to be controlled will unavoidably result in communication delays. This paper investigates how to use these local supervisors to control the system in order to satisfy given specifications even under communication delays. The specifications are described by two languages: a minimal required language which specifies the minimal required performance that the supervised system must have and a maximal admissible language which specifies the maximal boundary that the supervised system must be in. The results show that if the control problem is solvable, then there exists the minimal control policy which can be calculated based on state estimates. Furthermore, we derive algorithms to check whether the control problem is solvable or not.  相似文献   

In networked control systems, uncontrollable events may unexpectedly occur at a plant before a proper control command is applied to it due to communication delays. In this paper, we address the problem of decentralized supervisory control under such communication delays based on the C&P (conjunctive and permissive) and D&A (disjunctive and antipermissive) decision architecture. In particular, for the existence of a decentralized supervisor, we present the notion of delay-coobservability of a given language specification and a polynomial-time algorithm for verifying it. In addition, algebraic properties of the delay-coobservability are investigated. We further present a synthesis method of the decentralized supervisor for practical usefulness.  相似文献   

Seong-Jin Park 《Automatica》2007,43(4):738-743
In many practical discrete event systems (DESs), some unexpected and uncontrollable events can subsequently occur before a proper control action is actually applied to a plant due to communication delays. For such DESs, this paper investigates necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a nonblocking decentralized supervisor that can correctly achieve a given language specification when the decentralized supervisor is assumed to have a conjunctive and permissive decision structure. In particular, this paper presents a notion of delay-coobservability for a given language specification and shows that it is a key condition for the existence of such a decentralized supervisor.  相似文献   

Mutually nonblocking supervisory control of discrete event systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M.  R.   《Automatica》2000,36(12):1863-1869
A single maximally permissive and nonblocking supervisor to simultaneously fulfill several marked specifications pertaining to a single plant is investigated. Given a plant G and two marked specification languages K1 and K2, a supervisor S is said to be (K1,K2)-mutually nonblocking if (for i,j=1,2) . This means that when the closed-loop system marks a trace of Ki, then it is always able to continue to a trace of Kj, also marked in the closed-loop system. Thus, the controlled system can execute traces within one specification while always being able to continue a trace of the other and hence not blocking the other specification. A complete, globally nonblocking and (K1,K2)-mutually nonblocking supervisor such that Lm(G || S)K1K2 exists if and only if there exists a controllable mutually nonblocking sublanguage of the union of the specifications. There does exist a supremal such language. Furthermore, in the case that each specification is nonconflicting with respect to the prefix-closure of the other, this supremal language can be calculated by expressing it as the union of the supremal prefix-bounded sublanguages of the respective specifications. Finally, we show that the multiply nonblocking supervision of Thistle, Malhame, Hoang and Lafortune ((1997). Internal Report, Dept. de genie electrique et de genie informatique, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada) is equivalent to globally and mutually nonblocking supervision.  相似文献   

Seong-Jin Park 《Automatica》2007,43(2):377-383
This paper addresses a decentralized supervisory control problem for an uncertain discrete event system (DES) modeled by a set of possible nondeterministic automata with unidentified internal events. For a given language specification, we present the existence condition of a robust and nonblocking decentralized supervisor that achieves this specification for any nondeterministic model in the set. In particular, we show that the given language specification can be achieved based on the properties of its controllability and coobservability with respect to the overall nominal behavior of the uncertain DES. It is further shown that the existence of a nonblocking decentralized supervisor can be examined with a trajectory model of the language specification.  相似文献   

This paper studies robust supervisory control of timed discrete event systems proposed by Brandin and Wonham. Given a set of possible models which includes the exact model of the plant, the objective is to synthesize a robust supervisor such that it achieves legal behavior for all possible models. We show that controllability for each possible model and observability for a suitably defined aggregate model are necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution to the robust supervisory control problem. Moreover, when there does not exist a solution, a maximally permissive robust supervisor is synthesized under the assumption that all controllable events are observable.  相似文献   

The optimal control issue of discrete-time nonlinear unknown systems with time-delay control input is the focus of this work. In order to reduce communication costs, a reinforcement learning-based event-triggered controller is proposed. By applying the proposed control method, closed-loop system's asymptotic stability is demonstrated, and a maximum upper bound for the infinite-horizon performance index can be calculated beforehand. The event-triggered condition requires the next time state information. In an effort to forecast the next state and achieve optimal control, three neural networks (NNs) are introduced and used to approximate system state, value function, and optimal control. Additionally, a M NN is utilized to cope with the time-delay term of control input. Moreover, taking the estimation errors of NNs into account, the uniformly ultimately boundedness of state and NNs weight estimation errors can be guaranteed. Ultimately, the validity of proposed approach is illustrated by simulations.  相似文献   

We formulate and solve a new supervisory control problem for discrete event systems. The objective is to design a logical controller—or supervisor—such that the discrete event system satisfies a given set of requirements that involve event ordering. The controller must deal with a limited amount of controllability in the form of uncontrollable events. Our problem formulation considers that the requirements for the behavior (i.e., set of traces) of the controlled system are specified in terms of a desired behavior and a larger tolerated behavior. Due to the uncontrollable events, one may wish to tolerate behavior that sometimes exceeds the ideal desired behavior if overall this results in achieving more of the desired behavior. The general solution of our problem is completely characterized. The nonblocking solution is also analyzed in detail. This solution requires the study of a new class of controllable languages. Several results are proved about this class of languages. Algorithms to compute certain languages of interest within this class are also presented.Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants ECS-8707671, ECS-9057967, and ECS-9008947.  相似文献   

针对离散事件系统模型难以建立的大型实际系统,无法对其进行有效故障诊断的问题,提出一种基于主动学习的故障诊断方法。首先,为获取到的系统事件日志添加正常/故障标签,并将日志集划分为训练集和测试集,提出一种基于抽象技术的迭代算法提取训练集中日志的故障特征样本。然后,通过故障特征样本构造初始故障识别器,并利用测试集中的日志检验识别器的准确性。仿真结果表明,该故障诊断算法使得模型未知下诊断精度更高。最后,实例说明系统模型未知下故障诊断算法的应用。与现有研究相比,提出的方法可以在系统模型未知下进行故障诊断且算法复杂度为多项式,诊断精度更高,应用范围更加广泛。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the concept of relative coobservability in decentralised supervisory control of discrete-event systems under partial observation. This extends our previous work on relative observability from a centralised setup to a decentralised one. A fundamental concept in decentralised supervisory control is coobservability (and its several variations); this property is not, however, closed under set union, and hence there generally does not exist the supremal element. Our proposed relative coobservability, although stronger than coobservability, is algebraically well behaved, and the supremal relatively coobservable sublanguage of a given language exists. We present a language-based algorithm to compute this supremal sublanguage; the algorithm allows straightforward implementation using off-the-shelf algorithms. Moreover, relative coobservability is weaker than conormality, which is also closed under set union; unlike conormality, relative coobservability imposes no constraint on disabling unobservable controllable events.  相似文献   

This paper presents a preemptive scheduling scheme for real-time systems with sporadic tasks based on the supervisory control theory of discrete event systems. In particular, we present a systematic method of computing a schedulable language that includes all achievable sequences that meet the given deadlines of accepted sporadic tasks. A supervisor that achieves the schedulable language corresponds to a scheduler that can secure the deadlines of all accepted tasks. We further show that the schedulable language includes the decisions on whether a scheduler accepts or rejects a newly arrived sporadic task.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is the pseudometric used as a key concept in our previous work on optimal supervisory control of probabilistic discrete event systems. The pseudometric is employed to measure the behavioural similarity between probabilistic systems, and initially was defined as a greatest fixed point of a monotone function. This paper further characterizes the pseudometric. First, it gives a logical characterization of the pseudometric so that the distance between two systems is measured by a formula that distinguishes between the systems the most. A trace characterization of the pseudometric is then derived from the logical characterization, characterizing the similarity between systems from a language perspective. Further, the solution of the problem of approximation of a given probabilistic generator with another generator of a prespecified structure is suggested such that the new model is as close as possible to the original one in the pseudometric. The significance of the approximation is then discussed, especially with respect to previous work on optimal supervisory control of probabilistic discrete event systems.  相似文献   

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