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采用神经网络技术建立了沉积坯特征尺寸模型,该模型描述了喷射成形关键工艺参数对沉积坯尺寸的影响规律,模型输出的相对误差为6.58%,RMS(均方差)为0.372mm.模型的仿真结果给出了沉积坯尺寸的变化规律,其中稳态仿真结果可用于预先确定喷射实验中所采用的合适工艺参数;而动态仿真结果表明,雾化气体压力和沉积器平移速度对沉积坯几何尺寸都有较大影响,其中沉积器平移速度具有调节范围大的优点,成为调节沉积坯几何尺寸较合适的工艺参数.  相似文献   

雾化喷射沉积成形技术的发展已经开始由实验室进入工业化应用阶段,如何实现过程的优化控制,使喷射沉积成形成为具有重复性的可靠过程,已经成为实用化过程的关键问题之一。重点讨论雾化喷射沉积成形过程中沉积坯件几何形状控制的基本原理及其应用,这是实现喷射沉积成形近终型成形优化控制的基础。  相似文献   

影响喷射成形沉积坯质量的参数众多,除材料本身特性参数外,制备工艺是决定沉积坯质量优劣的关键参数。本实验主要从沉积坯的外形、孔隙率、微观组织三个方面研究喷射成形过热度、雾化压力两个关键工艺参数对M3型高速钢沉积坯质量的影响规律。研究结果表明:过热度和雾化压力对沉积坯外形、孔隙率及微观组织的影响显著。过热度降低或雾化压力提高,沉积坯组织都将得到细化。过热度增大,沉积坯底部孔隙率降低,而边缘、表面、心部区域孔隙率先减小后增大。雾化压力提高,沉积坯底部、边缘、表面区域的孔隙率增大,而心部区域孔隙率先减小后增大。在过热度为160~180℃,雾化压力为0.45~0.50 MPa的条件下,单喷嘴雾化系统可获得外形优良、心部孔隙率低于4%、组织均匀细小的M3型高速钢沉积坯。  相似文献   

雾化喷射沉积技术的发展概况及展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雾化喷射沉积技术是一种新的金属成形工艺,近年来发展十分迅速,本文从实验装置、传热特点、临界沉积条件、沉积材料的组织和性能及主要工业化产品等方面对该工艺进行了综述。并对雾化喷射沉积作了评价和展望。  相似文献   

喷射沉积快速凝固材料的研究及应用概况   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
喷射沉积是一种新型的快速凝固技术,近年来广泛应用于研究和开发多种高性能愉速凝固材料。简要介绍了喷射沉积技术的基本原理和特点,对其在快速凝固材料中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

用有限元方法计算分析了喷射成形工模具钢沉积坯内部疏松等冶金缺陷的成因,并计算、验证了热等静压或锻轧等热加工消除内部缺陷的过程。研究表明,喷射成形工模具钢沉积坯粥状层补缩不足和冷却收缩产生的热应力是造成坯体中疏松等冶金缺陷的重要原因。热等静压采用的温度为1 170 ℃,锻造加工温度也能达到1 150 ℃,在这样温度下,工模具钢表现出一定的塑性,高温高压的热加工过程,对材料内部的冶金缺陷起到了一定的弥和作用。试验结果表明,经历热加工过程后的工模具钢内部的冶金缺陷明显减少。热等静压或锻轧等热加工可有效减少喷射成形工模具钢坯体内部的疏松等缺陷,热锻、热轧是消除沉积坯内部冶金缺陷的重要方法。另外,与Ar气相比,采用N2做雾化气体的喷射成形工模具钢沉积坯,由于高温下气体和合金元素的反应,沉积坯内部的含气式疏松很少。因此,采用N2喷射成形制备的工模具钢经热加工后,沉积坯密度更接近理论密度。  相似文献   

多层喷射沉积技术的研究及进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
详细阐述了多层喷射沉积技术的产生及发展现状。多层喷射沉积技术与传统喷射沉积技术相比,在制备大型预成形坯件时冷却速度更大,工艺操作更简单,坯件表面精度更高。  相似文献   

雾化喷射沉积技术是一种新的金属成形工艺,近年来发展十分迅速。本文从实验装置、传热特点、临界沉积条件、沉积材料的组织和性能及主要工业化产品等方面对该工艺进行了综述。并对雾化喷射沉积技术作了评价和展望  相似文献   

本文主要研究了大尺寸喷射成形高合金化材料高温合金沉积坯内部疏松成因及其改善工艺。研究认为,高温合金沉积坯中最后凝固部位液相金属补缩不足和断裂应变低是产生疏松的必要条件,而沉积坯的局部收缩变形产生的热应力是造成疏松的重要原因。通过有限元计算,提出一种热控喷射成形工艺,并得到试验验证。该工艺有效减少了坯体内部的疏松等冶金缺陷,改善了沉积坯的质量。  相似文献   

对喷射沉积过程中气体流动的动力学特征进行的试验研究结果表明,气体的轴向速度随雾化压力的增加而增大,并在一定压力下具有极大值,随着Pitot管压力测测针位置与雾化器之间距离的增加,气体速度按幂九规律衰减,在距离开喷嘴较近的位置,径向气体速度减较快,分别采用氮气和氩气雾化时,气体速度表现出类似的轴向和径向变化规律,沉积器的位置对气体流场不产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

喷射成形锭材传热过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过把喷射沉积形状预测模型的计算结果实时传递到二维传热方程中 ,建立起喷射沉积锭材的计算机传热模型 ,可对不同工艺条件、不同时刻的沉积锭传热行为进行计算 ,可得到任何喷射工艺条件下、任何时刻沉积坯的温度分布及任何点的冷却曲线 .并得出以下结论 :沉积衬底预热有利于减少沉积坯初始阶段的不致密区 ;改变喷射沉积工艺时 ,沉积坯的温度分布随沉积坯形状的不同发生变化 .  相似文献   

喷射成形一种先进的金属热成形技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
喷射成形是一种新型快速凝固技术,近年来被广泛用于多种高性能金属材料的研究与制备。本文综述了喷射成形技术的原理、发展、特点与应用,并就其发展趋势提出了一些看法。  相似文献   


Mg alloy AZ31 was spray-formed using an indigenously developed spray atomisation and deposition unit under protective atmosphere and various processing parameters were optimised. The microstructural features of the bell shaped AZ31 spray-formed deposit were characterised using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer, X-ray diffraction and high resolution transmission electron microscope. It was observed that the microstructural features are critically dependent on location in the spray-formed deposits. Under optimised processing conditions, the central region of the bell shaped deposit exhibited minimal porosity and a uniform fine grained equiaxed microstructure with fine Mg17Al12 intermetallics preferably located at the grain boundaries. However, the peripheral regions of the spray-formed deposit indicate higher porosity with distinct microstructural characteristics different from those in the central region. These microstructural features, observed at different locations in the spray-formed deposit, have been analysed and their evolution is discussed in the light of variations in thermal and solidification conditions of the droplets in flight, during impingement as well as those of the deposition surface.  相似文献   

In order to understand the solidification process of an atomized droplet and predict the fraction solidification of droplets with flight distance during spray forming, a numerical model based on thepopulation dynamics approach is developed to describe the microstructure evolution under the common action of the nucleation and growth of grains.The model is coupled with droplets heat transfer controlling equations and solved for Al-4.5 wt pct Cu alloy. It is demonstrated that the numerical results describe the solidification process well.  相似文献   

The technique of atomising liquid metal and compacting the micro‐droplets to a billet on a rotating support combines advantages from cast, wrought and powder metallurgical materials. A production rate of several tons per hour requires precisely controlled processing routines. Important process parameters based on processing, manufacturing and application of spray formed material are now developed by fundamental investigations established in projects focused in a special co‐operative research program (SFB 372) at the University of Bremen which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By this method advanced alloys of high hardness can be formed without inhomogeneities like segregations and pores in the center of the ingot. By example of tool steels the influence of spray forming on microstructure and homogeneity of the elemental distribution is shown.  相似文献   

A self-consistent model is developed to describe the morphology evolution during unidirectional solidification, which shows that, for a given temperature gradient, the interface morphology will go planar → shallow cell → deep cell → dendrite → cell → planar with increasing growth velocity. By examining the interaction of adjacent cells/dendrites, a wide allowable range of primary spacing for given growth conditions is determined, which shows a good agreement with experimental results. Numerical results show that cellular/dendritic and dendritic/cellular transitions appear not at a unique velocity but over a range of velocities, the critical velocity for the transition being dependent on the primary spacing before the transition.  相似文献   

快速凝固耐热铝合金及其进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了耐热铝合金及其制备工艺,并介绍了耐热铝基复合材料及机械合金化,喷射成型等新工艺的进展。  相似文献   

Modelling of billet shapes in spray forming using a scanning atomizer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A numerical method is presented to predict and analyze the shape of a growing billet produced from the ‘spray forming’ which is a fairly new near-net shape manufacturing process. It is important to understand the mechanism of billet growth because one can obtain a billet with the desired final shape without secondary operations by accurate control of the process, and it can also serve as a base for heat transfer and deformation analyses. The shape of a growing billet is determined by the flow rate of the alloy melt, the mode of nozzle scanning which is due to cam profile, the initial position of the spray nozzle, scanning angle, and the withdrawal speed of the substrate. In the present study, a theoretical model was first established to predict the shape of the billet and next the effects of the most dominant processing conditions, such as withdrawal speed of the substrate and the cam profile, on the shape of the growing billet were studied. Process conditions were obtained to produce a billet with uniform diameter and flat top surface, and an ASP30 high speed steel billet was manufactured using the same process conditions established from the simulation.  相似文献   

本文采用“反推法”研究了雾化沉积工艺中关键参数的确定原则,并推导了双喷扫描过程中沉积平面上任意一点处金属质量流率与时间的关系。文中采用优化后的工艺参数进行了数学计算,并通过雾化沉积实验对计算结果进行了验证,对比结果证明采用“反推法”确定沉积工艺参数具有很高的计算效率和准确性,同时该结果可推广应用于任意数目喷嘴的雾化沉积工艺。  相似文献   

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