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不同种酿酒葡萄酚类物质特性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对欧亚种,野生种和杂交种共9个酿酒葡萄(种)品种酚类物质特性进行了研究,结果表明不同种酿酒葡萄品种果实酚类物质含量之间存在显著差异;发酵和贮藏过程中各品种酚类物质的变化趋势不同。酚类物质各指标间大都呈极显著相关关系;根据酚类物质特性可以选择适宜的酿酒品种酿造不同类型的葡萄酒。  相似文献   

酿酒葡萄成熟度的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
含糖量、糖/酸是酿酒葡萄成熟度的指标,决定着酒的质量。适期采收能达到葡萄酒质与量的统一。文中还对不同地区葡萄的成熟度进行了比较。  相似文献   

不同葡萄品种酿酒特性的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,我国掀起的"干红葡萄酒热"带动了酿酒葡萄种植业的迅速发展,许多地区建立了大面积酿酒葡萄生产基地[1].世界范围内的研究证明,葡萄酒的质量主要决定于品种原料的质量,其次才是工艺和设备.因此葡萄品种对葡萄酒质量起着决定性的作用[2].优良的葡萄品种只有在适宜的生态和栽培条件下,才能表现出本身的品质特性[3,4].本文通过对昌黎和怀来两个地区酿酒葡萄品种理化特性和酿酒特性的比较分析,以及同一品种在不同地形地貌的表现,为这两个地区酿酒葡萄生产基地的发展提供一些参考.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法检测山东胶东半岛产区马瑟兰、小味儿多、小芒森、玛尔维萨4种酿酒葡萄果皮与籽中15种酚类物质的含量。结果表明,白藜芦醇含量以马瑟兰最高,小芒森和玛尔维萨中含量相差不大,并列最低;15种酚类物质总量则以小味儿多为最高,马瑟兰次之,玛尔维萨最低;整体来看,红色酿酒葡萄品种酚类物质含量高于白色酿酒葡萄品种。  相似文献   

石河子地区酿酒葡萄成熟度与葡萄酒质量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结果表明,石河子地区梅鹿辄、霞多丽葡萄含糖量的变化符合"S"型曲线,而它们的含酸量从8月1日起处于下降趋势.在石河子的生态条件下,梅鹿辄葡萄糖酸比在30-40之间,霞多丽的糖酸此在28~37之间,所酿的葡萄酒质量最好.本文还探讨了确定葡萄成熟度其它的方法,如糖×pH值、糖×(pH值)2.  相似文献   

以新疆天山北麓石河子产区的4种不同成熟度‘赤霞珠’葡萄果实所酿葡萄酒为样本,对葡萄酒中的酚类物质组成和抗氧化活性进行测定,分析样品的差异性及相关性,探究葡萄成熟度对葡萄酒酚类物质和抗氧化活性的影响。通过对酚类物质含量、DPPH自由基清除能力和铁离子还原能力的测定,结果表明,葡萄成熟度对葡萄酒酚类物质和抗氧化能力有较大影响。花色苷含量随着葡萄成熟度的上升呈现增高趋势,黄酮醇和黄烷-3-醇含量呈现下降趋势。抗氧化能力的不同主要是由酚类物质差异导致。黄酮醇和黄烷-3-醇类物质对DPPH自由基清除率影响较大;花色苷乙酰化物质会使低成熟度的葡萄酒呈现出与高成熟度葡萄酒相似的铁离子还原能力。  相似文献   

通过品尝评价酿酒葡萄的成熟度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,由于多种原因,酿酒葡萄有早采的趋向,而事实上,在葡萄成熟季节适时采收,无论对于葡萄的颜色、香气、含糖量和含酸量都有好处,从而提高葡萄酒的质量.但是,对于秋季多雨的地区,延迟采收会导致葡萄的霉烂.  相似文献   

气象条件对酿酒葡萄品质影响的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
葡萄酒产业的竞争关键是原料基地的竞争。国内外酿酒师一致认为,名牌品种 名牌产地 先进的酿造工艺=名牌葡萄酒。名牌葡萄酒的质量,70%在葡萄,30%在酿造工艺,酿酒葡萄的品质是由自  相似文献   

酚类物质的结构与性质及其与葡萄及葡萄酒的关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
酚类物质是一类大而复杂的化合物。葡萄与葡萄酒中常见的酚类物质可分为类黄酮和非类黄酮两大类,它们是葡萄中重要的次生代谢产物,与葡萄的抗病性、采后生理、贮存、保鲜等密切相关。葡萄酒中的酚类物质来自于葡萄果实、果梗、酵母代谢以及橡木桶,参与形成葡萄酒的味道、骨架、结构和颜色等,对红葡萄酒的特征和质量尤其重要。  相似文献   

采用文献计量法对Web of Science(WOS)核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)中1990-2022年数据库有关酿酒葡萄成熟度文献进行可视化分析.结果表明,研究酿酒葡萄成熟度领域的国家主要为西班牙125次、意大利97次、美国93次,国际上University of Adelaide、French National Agriculture Research In-stitute、University of California是目前领域中最为重要和关键的机构,各机构合作关系较为紧密.国内西北农林科技大学和宁夏大学保持较高发文量,但合作较少,应多加强合作.研究热点主要集中在\"酿酒葡萄\"果实品质\"成熟度\"采收期\"气候\"温度\"颜色\"等关键词,报道了光照、温度、水肥、气候、采收期等对酿酒葡萄及葡萄酒感官品质、理化指标、酚类物质的影响.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the fungicide, fenhexamid, on grapes, and during wine-making, as well as its effect on the microflora of alcoholic and malolactic fermentation has been studied. After treatment, the residue on grapes decreased rapidly to one-third of the initial level after the first week, while it remained constant during the following two weeks. At harvest, in the wine obtained by vinification without skins, the fungicide residue decreased on average by 49% , while in the wine obtained by vinification with skins, the decrease was on average 62% . The presence of this fungicide on grapes and in the wine did not affect alcoholic and malolactic fermentation, nor did fermentation cause any degradation of the fungicide. A simple and rapid gas chromatograhic method (GC-NPD) for the determination of fenhexamid residues in grapes, must and wine is described.  相似文献   

The ochratoxigenic mycobiota of grapes belonging to representative wine regions located along the Mediterranean coast of Spain at different developmental stages was identified. During the development of the berries, the occurrence of Aspergillus spp. increased while the percentage of berries contaminated by non-ochratoxin A (OTA) producing species such as Alternaria spp. and Cladosporium spp. decreased. Penicillium verrucosum, the only confirmed Penicillium spp. that is able to produce OTA, was not isolated. The contamination by OTA-producing species comes from the surface of the berries and not from the inner fruit. Black aspergilli were predominant among the different Aspergillus spp. isolated. All the Aspergillus carbonarius isolates were able to produce OTA at different concentrations. None of the isolates belonging to Aspergillus niger aggregate and to Aspergillus japonicus var. aculeatus were able to produce OTA. These results are a strong evidence of the contribution of A. carbonarius in the OTA contamination in wine grapes, mainly at the last developmental stages of the berries.  相似文献   

贵腐酒、冰酒、稻草酒等通常采用干化葡萄原料进行酿造,适当的干化处理可显著改善或提高酿酒葡萄品质,这是酿造高品质葡萄酒有效的技术途径之一。该文对葡萄干化的常见方式、优缺点进行总结,从葡萄形态和物理特性、表皮和葡萄醪颜色、糖类和有机酸、花色苷和非花色苷多酚以及挥发性成分等方面分别综述干化对酿酒葡萄原料品质的影响,以期为提高干化葡萄酒的质量提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Implications of nitrogen nutrition for grapes, fermentation and wine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This review discusses the impacts of nitrogen addition in the vineyard and winery, and establishes the effects that nitrogen has on grape berry and wine composition and the sensory attributes of wine. Nitrogen is the most abundant soil‐derived macronutrient in a grapevine, and plays a major role in many of the biological functions and processes of both grapevine and fermentative microorganisms. Manipulation of grapevine nitrogen nutrition has the potential to influence quality components in the grape and, ultimately, the wine. In addition, fermentation kinetics and formation of flavour‐active metabolites are also affected by the nitrogen status of the must, which can be further manipulated by addition of nitrogen in the winery. The only consistent effect of nitrogen application in the vineyard on grape berry quality components is an increase in the concentration of the major nitrogenous compounds, such as total nitrogen, total amino acids, arginine, proline and ammonium, and consequently yeast‐assimilable nitrogen (YAN). Both the form and amount of YAN have significant implications for wine quality. Low must YAN leads to low yeast populations and poor fermentation vigour, increased risk of sluggish/stuck/slow fermentations, increased production of undesirable thiols (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) and higher alcohols, and low production of esters and long chain volatile fatty acids. High must YAN leads to increased biomass and higher maximum heat output due to greater fermentation vigour, and increased formation of ethyl acetate, acetic acid and volatile acidity. Increased concentrations of haze‐causing proteins, urea and ethyl carbamate and biogenic amines are also associated with high YAN musts. The risk of microbial instability, potential taint from Botrytis‐infected fruit and possibly atypical ageing character is also increased. Intermediate must YAN favours the best balance between desirable and undesirable chemical and sensory wine attributes. ‘Macro tuning’, of berry nitrogen status can be achieved in the vineyard, given genetic constraints, but the final ‘micro tuning’ can be more readily achieved in the winery by the use of nitrogen supplements, such as diammonium phosphate (DAP) and the choice of fermentation conditions. This point highlights the need to monitor nitrogen not only in the vineyard but also in the must immediately before fermentation, so that appropriate additions can be made when required. Overall, optimisation of vineyard and fermentation nitrogen can contribute to quality factors in wine and hence affect its value. However, a better understanding of the effect of nitrogen on grape secondary metabolites and different types of nitrogen sources on yeast flavour metabolism and wine sensory properties is still required.  相似文献   

The ochratoxigenic mycobiota of grapes intended for liqueur wines from four Spanish vineyards were studied. The specific wine-making technology of these wines requires overripening of the grapes on the vine or extended post-harvest exposure of the grapes in the sun. In every vineyard, samples were taken at three different developmental stages: veraison, harvesting time and after over-ripening. With the maturation of the berries there was a clear increase of Aspergillus spp. In the last sampling time studied, they were isolated from the 90.3% of the plated berries. Black aspergilli (mainly A. niger aggregate and A. carbonarius) were predominant among the different Aspergillus spp. isolated and constituted 98.5% of the total Aspergillus strains isolated. At harvesting time and after over-ripening, the percentage of colonized berries with A. carbonarius exceeded that of Aspergillus niger aggregate. Due to their low frequency of isolation, Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp. outside black aspergilli are not an important source of ochratoxin A in grapes for liqueur wine production. On the contrary, 98.5% of the A. carbonarius isolates screened were able to produce ochratoxin A. Although the possible participation of different ochratoxin A-producing species may occur, our results confirm that A. carbonarius is the most important source of ochratoxin A in liqueur wines, increasing its occurrence along the ripening of grapes.  相似文献   

Ochratoxigenic mycobiota in grapes from representative wine regions in Valencia was identified. Black aspergilli were predominant among the different Aspergillus spp. isolated. Restriction digestion analysis of the ITS products was tested as a rapid method to identify isolates of black Aspergillus species from grapes. Restriction endonuclease digestion of the ITS products using the endonucleases HhaI, NlaIII and RsaI, distinguished five types of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) corresponding to Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tubingensis, Aspergillus carbonarius and Aspergillus aculeatus species. In addition, a new RFLP type in the A. niger aggregate was identified. The fragments obtained by digestion with the endonuclease NlaIII could be used to identify these new isolates. Black Aspergillus isolates were tested for their ability to produce OTA. Most of the isolates that produced ochratoxin A in YES medium belonged to A. carbonarius species. These results support evidence that A. carbonarious greatly contributes to OTA contamination in grapes and consequently in wine. The ITS-RFLP assay is proposed as a rapid and easy method to identify black Aspergillus species isolated from grapes, especially in studies that involve a large number of isolates.  相似文献   

Phytochemical profiles and antioxidant activities of wine grapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grapes are rich in phenolics, flavonoids and resveratrol, which have been suggested to be responsible for their health benefits. The concentrations of phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanins and resveratrol of 14 grape varieties grown in the Finger Lakes area of New York State were examined. Among the varieties tested, Cabernet Franc and Pinot Noir contained the highest total phenolic content with 424.6 ± 3.8 and 396.8 ± 12.4 mg/100 g, respectively. The total flavonoid content of Pinot Noir (301.8 ± 6.2 mg/100 g) was around 3.1-fold higher than that of Baco Noir. Baco Noir had the highest resveratrol content (571 ± 30 μg/100 g) of the varieties tested. Cabernet Franc possessed the highest antioxidant activity. Total antioxidant activities of grape extracts are well correlated with total phenolic content. The proliferation of Caco-2, HepG2 and MCF-7 human cancer cells was significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner after exposure to Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Catawba, Concord, Sheridan, Niagara and Riesling. The results suggest that phytochemicals in the selected wine grapes have potent antioxidant and antiproliferative activities.  相似文献   

与欧洲种葡萄相比欧美杂交种葡萄的栽培面积和总产量所占的份额都较小,受到的重视也较少.受到自然环境条件的限制,在一些雨热同季、降水较多,病害发生严重或冬季严寒的地区,欧美杂交种葡萄具有一定的优势.众所周知,日本和我国的葡萄栽培区,都有大规模的欧美杂交鲜食葡萄品种的生产.  相似文献   

Occurrence and significance of Bacillus thuringiensis on wine grapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wine grapes harvested at different stages during cultivation from several vineyards in New South Wales, Australia, harboured Bacillus thuringiensis at viable populations of 10(2)-10(6) cfu/g. Commercial preparations of B. thuringiensis had been sprayed onto the grapes as a biological insecticide. B. thuringiensis (10(1)-10(3) cfu/ml) was isolated from grape juice and fermenting grape juice in a commercial winery. Although B. thuringiensis remained viable when inoculated at 10(3)-10(4) cfu/ml into grape juice and wine (pH 3.0-6.0), it did not grow. Using in vitro agar culture assays, B. thuringiensis inhibited several grape-associated yeasts and bacteria as well as various species of fungi associated with grape spoilage and ochratoxin A production. B. thuringiensis did not inhibit Saccharomyces cerevisiae in agar culture or during alcoholic fermentation of grape juice. B. thuringiensis inhibited the malolactic bacterium, Oenococcus oeni, in agar culture but not during mixed cultures in a liquid medium.  相似文献   

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