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基于带宽按需分配的宽带卫星无线资源管理技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦勇  张军  张涛 《计算机科学》2010,37(2):23-30
无线资源管理技术是宽带多媒体卫星通信研究的一个重要内容。如何有效应对多媒体业务的突发性问题,以获得业务QoS与资源利用率之间的较好平衡,是无线资源管理技术面临的主要挑战。基于带宽按需分配的卫星无线资源管理机制是一个有效的解决途径与发展方向,也是目前研究的热点。在分析基于带宽按需分配的卫星无线资源管理体系结构的基础上,将其分解为5个主要功能部分,并将现有宽带卫星无线资源管理技术的研究成果分别对应到这5个功能,重点对每个功能近年来的实现算法进行了分类总结,并分析比较了各类算法的特点与存在的问题,最后就进一步的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

LTE系统建设日益完善,逐渐有更多新型技术被应用其中,利用更高载波频率与宽带配置方法,已经可以实现百兆赫每秒传输,并且能够基于全IP架构与现行无线通信网络有效兼容。为进一步提高LTE系统建设效果,需要重视无线资源的管理,针对网络覆盖与信号噪声干扰比进行分析,采取措施来消除存在的问题,降低各项因素的影响。本文对 LTE 系统中无线资源管理技术进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

基于北斗卫星系统的物联网网络层体系架构设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合物联网的特点,利用蜂窝移动通信网络和中国北斗卫星系统的通信功能,提出了一种新的物联网网络层体系架构.新架构不但扩大了物联网的覆盖范围,而且也提高了整个物联网体系的可靠性和经济性,从而为物联网领域带来更多新的应用.  相似文献   

DVB-RCS 卫星通信系统中,已有的带宽请求算法多注重于队列延迟以及带宽利用率等性能的提高而未考虑卫星终端的存储优化针对此问题,提出了一种应用于 DVB-RCS 卫星通信系统的存储优化带宽请求算法,该算法通过预测到达数据流的容量来实现对发送队列中数据总量的控制,同时兼顾对传输时延以及传输效率的平衡。仿真表明,该算法能够合理控制系统的存储容量,并且在优化带帘利用率、控制时延抖动等方面与已有算法相比具有同样的高性能.  相似文献   

Web服务作为一种新型的分布式计算和处理的技术,为实现大范围的信息系统之间的通信和交互提供了条件.根据Web服务本身的特点,提出了一个面向Web服务的管理体系架构.并举例说明如何应用此架构解决实际应用中Web服务管理的问题.  相似文献   

在异构网络环境中构建远程分布式无线测控系统,节点设备的在线管理、数据采集和协调控制行为会导致复杂的通信问题。为此,提出一种基于SIP架构的远程分布式无线测控系统,通过下一代网络核心控制协议SIP及其相关扩展的运用,实现Internet和短距离ZigBee无线传感器网络的融合。应用结果表明,该系统能够统一和简化系统中分布式测控节点的各种远程通信控制操作。  相似文献   

横机是羊毛衫的主要生产设备,适合棉、毛、麻、丝、羊绒及各种化纤、混纺纱线的编织。基于无线分离架构的设计,正是综合考虑多种改良因素,包括横机控制器运算处理能力、控制性能的增强以及机头大量数据线在伴随机头高速往复运动时容易损坏而导致系统崩溃问题的解决等,从体系结构方面做一个全面性的开发改进。  相似文献   

经过对知识管理和业务流程管理的不断研究发现,知识和业务流程必须通过生命周期进行整合和管理才能完全体现出结合起来的优势.为此,对知识管理和业务流程管理生命周期进行了深入分析,描述了3种类型的流程知识并且讨论了它们的特征,提出一个能够同时反映知识管理和业务流程管理生命周期要求的面向流程知识管理体系架构.  相似文献   

通过在Motorola A388手机上开发成功的移动购书系统这个例子,来具体介绍J2ME的系统架构及基于J2ME架构的无线应用程序的开发步骤。  相似文献   

从手机的新双模式结构入手,介绍在原有无线局域网络架构下,基于手机的小范围内的无线局域网络方法原理。在不需要经过中心交换网络的情形下,实现内部成员间通话与短信服务,然后通过内部服务器架设一个无线WEB服务器,实现内部数据的查询与信息的发布。  相似文献   

Maria  Guray  Barry  Ariane 《Computer Networks》2008,52(13):2461-2472
VoIP is one of the most popular applications on the Internet. The DVB-S2 (digital video broadcasting-satellite version 2) and DVB-RCS (digital video broadcasting-return channel satellite) standards provide the potential for reliable and efficient voice and data transfer over satellite networks. This is important, as satellites can play a role in broadband service provision by addressing the cases of limited terrestrial access such as in rural or underserved areas. The first part of this paper presents the results of our VoIP trials with different commercial DVB-S/RCS satellite offers and popular internet telephony and videoconferencing applications (Skype, MSN, etc.). These results reveal that packet delay and jitter are strongly affected by the satellite network component as well as the type of speech codec used. Accordingly, research presented in the second part of this paper is focused on dynamic speech coding rate control adapted to the conditions of the underlying network, in which the satellite domain presents the most challenging portion of the end-to-end path. For this purpose, a novel cross-layer mechanism is proposed to facilitate and increase the accuracy of the speech coding rate adaptation mechanism. Cross-layer design is a relatively new idea aiming to exploit information exchange among layers of the protocol stack. Our simulation analyses show that the proposed cross-layer mechanism can help us in optimally adjusting the speech coding rate to maintain the user-perceived quality in terms of MOS (mean opinion score) in the face of time-varying available satellite channel capacity.  相似文献   

A multi-user multi-cell Multiple-Input Multiple Output/Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (MIMO/OFDMA) system for next generation Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) networks is studied, in which the Base Station (BS) or evolved Node B (eNB) has only knowledge of the statistics of the channel. A combination of MIMO and OFDMA could increase the spectral efficiency in a high speed network. We investigate methods with scalable channel feedback and we analyze the trade off between the amount of Channel State Information (CSI) to the transmitter and the system performance. The proposed schemes with limited feedback are combined with other cell interference reduction strategies based on cooperation for improving the performance of a coordinated multi-cell system under very dynamic conditions like high velocity and fast fading. Simulation results demonstrate that substantial gain is obtained by the proposed schemes which take advantage of the statistical information of the highly dynamic channel.  相似文献   

基于DVB-RCS标准的卫星链路IP适配技术是卫星因特网协议(IPoS)研究与应用的热点,它主要解决IP互通在卫星子网和非卫星子网(有线网络)之间的透明互操作。对卫星链路IP适配技术的相关技术:PEP、IP分组传输、分割和重组等进行分析研究,并在项目中进行设计应用。  相似文献   

基于博弈论的无线宽带网络协作资源管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
未来无线网络将提供高速率多媒体宽带数据业务,为保证传输的可靠性和有效性,协作通信技术被引入到无线网络中。提出一种基于博弈论的无线宽带网络协作资源管理策略。该策略通过确定转发价格和协作资源量求解Nash均衡点,利用Pareto最优理论验证结果的有效性,并运用理论分析方法论证博弈论用于协作资源分配的可行性和合理性。仿真结果表明,与按照确定价格分配协作资源的策略相比,该策略可支持更好的网络性能。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of game theory tools in the context of cognitive radio networks (CRN). Specifically, we propose a resource management strategy with the objective to maximize a defined utility function subject to minimize the mutual interference caused by secondary users (SUs) with protection for primary users (PUs). In fact, we formulate a utility function to reflect the needs of PUs by verifying the outage probability constraint, and the per-user capacity by satisfying the signal-to-noise and interference ratio (SNIR) constraint, as well as to limit interference to PUs. Furthermore, the existence of the Nash equilibrium of the proposed game is established, as well as its uniqueness under some sufficient conditions. Theoretical and simulation results based on a realistic network setting, and a comparison with a previously published resource management method are provided in this paper. The reported results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed technique in terms of CRN deployment while maintaining quality-of-service (QoS) for the primary system.  相似文献   

基于DVB-RCS标准的多频-时分多址(MF-TDMA)接入技术是宽带卫星通信系统中研究与应用的热点。对MF-TDMA接入技术的相关技术:TDM前向链路NCR网络时钟同步、突发帧设计、TDMA动态时隙规划等进行分析研究,并在项目中进行设计应用。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity and convergence are two distinctive connotations of future wireless networks emanated from International Telecommunications Union (ITU)’s vision of Optimally Connected, Anywhere, Anytime. Multiple access networks, multiple terminals and multiple services are expected to converge in a manner where heterogeneity can be exploited to realize this ultimate goal. This raises the importance of radio resource management (RRM) for a multiple radio access technologies (multi-RAT) environment, where coalitions of heterogeneous access networks are each connected to a common Internet Protocol (IP)-based core network. In this article, we develop a cooperative RRM framework for future IP-based multi-RAT environment to coordinate better utilization of radio resources in an opportunistic yet altruistic manner. We motivate the importance of cooperation which can exploit heterogeneity as an enabler to improve system capacity and quality of service (QoS) of users. We exemplify the proof of concept based on a heterogeneous multiple access points (multi-AP) wireless local area network (WLAN) and argue that our technology agnostic approach is readily applicable to future IP-based multi-RAT environment. We demonstrate that our cooperative RRM framework benefits from the unified actions of joint optimization and results in a QoS-balanced system by enabling different functional entities to form synergies and multiple access networks to interact. We further show that a QoS-balanced system has salient traits of providing statistical QoS guarantee to support demanding multimedia applications while maximizing overall system capacity. Consequently, we advocate the notion of QoS balancing as criterion to quantify the state of balance in future IP-based multi-RAT environment.  相似文献   

针对已有模型不能实现更多范围内获取所需要的资源,提出了一个改进的通用抽象体系结构模型,通过接口向网格资源管理系统发布、获取自己所需要的资源,实现用户在更大范围内获取所需要的资源.创建了该模型的原型系结构模型,通过接口向网格资源管理系统发布、获取自己所需要的资源,实现用户在更大范围内获取所需要的资源.创建了该模型的原型系统的网格,并在该网格上进行了一些算法研究.实验结果证实了该实践中的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

为强化卫星通信资源统筹,提高系统运行管理效能,在研究分析云资源服务体制下卫星通信资源管理信息系统体系构建方法的基础上,结合一体化卫星通信管理需求,运用云资源池和大数据技术整合各类分散独立运行的卫星管理系统,采用服务化软件架构,构建易于资源共享和软件服用的服务体系.设计实现具有应用和数据一体化管理能力的统一服务平台,为卫...  相似文献   

提出了一种基于资源认知信道的接入算法,可用于认知无线电环境下的无线资源管理。对资源认知信道上传输的每个分组——数据域部分采用了基于联合检测的扩频码,而控制域部分则分别采用了5种不同的信道接入协议。分析并仿真了认知用户在资源认知信道上的成功接入概率以及吞吐量性能。  相似文献   

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