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据报道,苏联若干年来研究并采用了桩基础。对于骨架房屋,设计出两种方案的基础(管桩和棱柱桩):组合式和整体式桩柱。这两种桩柱已在巴什基里亚的实验性建筑中得到检验。  相似文献   

许春 《福建建筑》2012,(9):81-82
江滨大厦续建工程,由于上部建筑方案改变,整体计算结果表明续建后部分框架柱柱底内力大于原设计并已施工完成桩基竖向承载力。根据地质勘察资料和工程试验报告,本工程采取后注浆处理方法,改善桩端持力层岩土力学性能,提高单桩竖向极限承载力的同时满足设计要求。  相似文献   

王丙辉 《工程质量》2024,(1):81-85+93
对于采用盖挖逆作法施工的结构,其临时竖向支撑体系是逆作施工的关键结构,一般为一桩一柱形式,施工方法有先插法和后插法两种,北京城市副中心站综合交通枢纽工程02标段逆作柱采用后插法施工,该建筑B3层为国铁轨行层,对逆作桩柱的施工精度要求非常高,通过对后插法逆作桩柱施工工序分析,可分为两个施工阶段,分别为逆作桩施工阶段和逆作柱植入施工阶段。分析逆作桩柱施工的两个阶段,研究在深厚砂层地质条件下,对后插法逆作桩柱的关键工序:逆作桩成孔、逆作柱加工精度、逆作柱植入施工等,分别制定相应的控制措施,确保逆作桩柱达到设计精度。  相似文献   

近年来,由于高层建筑的迅速发展、施工技术的进步,以及修建跨越长江、黄河、海湾、海峡等特大型桥梁,工程建设中采用-柱(墩)-桩的单桩结构的情况日趋增多。大直径桩的采用可以显提高单桩的承载力,高层建筑、大跨度建筑、大型桥梁的发展都要求提高基础的承载力,为大直径桩的应用与研究提供了契机。因此,大直径桩承载力的确定就成为大直径桩基设计的核心问题。  相似文献   

大连某超高层建筑塔楼大屋面高249.4m,建筑顶高度为267.6m,采用框架-核心筒-伸臂结构,外框柱为钢管混凝土柱。通过分析该结构的基础设计、体系特点、抗震性能化设计原则、整体弹性计算结果、罕遇地震作用下的动力弹塑性分析,着重阐述了设计中的关键问题:桩筏基础的设计要点,内埋型钢的混凝土核心筒加强原则、加强层的设计以及矩形钢管混凝土外框柱设计。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的建筑业得到了快速的发展,对建筑的安全问题引起了广泛的重视。在建筑施工时,大型桩柱施工对于建筑的质量有着很大的影响,必须保证大型桩柱的施工质量。本文主要对大型桩柱施工的方法以及需要注意的问题进行了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

苏联若干年来研究并采用了桩基础。对于骨架房屋,设计出两种方案的基础(管桩和棱柱桩):组合式和整体式桩柱。若干建筑物曾采用了管桩和棱角断面柱的组合式桩柱。这些建筑物均为采用陶粒混凝土墙板的骨架建筑。嵌入管桩空腔中的柱子构成骨架,管桩外径为700毫米。桩的长度视荷载和土质条件而定,一般为3~6米。在每根柱子的下面打入一根桩。在桩的空腔内填充砂砾石混合物。在砂砾石填充料的上  相似文献   

洪鸿  江梅 《建筑》2010,(5):12-15
国内逆作支撑桩柱存在技术瓶颈:其一,钢管柱的垂直度控制难度大,目前仅限于桩身长度的1/400;其二,桩柱不同标号砼浇筑质量控制难度大。 南京德基广场二期工程不同直径136根钢管柱需要与工程桩形成竖向支撑桩柱。鉴于设计工况要求,工程逆作钢管柱长度27米,垂直度要求不超过桩身长度的1,600,这在国内史无前例。  相似文献   

地下车库采用桩基抗浮时,其受压工况的计算一直不太明确。结合工程实例,分别在单层和两层抗浮车库中,采用柱墩筏板+抗拔桩(减沉桩)的基础形式,桩基数量以抗浮工况确定,受压工况下采用减沉疏桩复合桩基的设计方式,实现以最少的桩基数量满足抗浮又能合理发挥天然土层承载力的目的,达到安全、经济、受力合理的目的。该方法是一种较为简化的设计方法,但其理论依据清晰,安全度可以满足要求。  相似文献   

《建筑桩基技术规范》报批稿节录第5.4.1条一般建筑物和横向荷载较小的高大重建筑物单桩基础和群柱中的复合基柱应满足式中H1─—单桩基础或群柱中复合基柱桩顶处横向力设计值;RHd─—单桩基础或群桩中复合基桩的横向承载力设计值;1.对于受横向荷载较大的一...  相似文献   

Innovators require more than creativity, if they are to maximise the profits accruing to them from their activities. They need to carefully design their business strategies, so as to tighten their appropriability regime, the set of environmental factors that determine how much of the true profits of its activities the innovator may capture. The two main strategies for tightening appropriability regimes are to regulate and to invest in complementary assets. Regulation is achieved by the legal protection of intellectual property, establishing industry standards and government intervention. Investment in complementary assets is achieved by gaining market-related advantages, contractual agreements and vertical integration. The choice of strategy and its method of implementation depends on the nature of the innovation; however, neither strategy is ideal in practice and imitation is nearly always inevitable. The author discusses the methods for implementing each strategy, their applicability and their limitations. Two cases are used to illustrate the application of these methods. One case takes a new technology and a tight appropriability regime, and aims to sustain the regime. The other case takes just a `good idea' and a loose appropriability regime, and aims to tighten the regime  相似文献   

House sharing amongst young adults is often regarded as being of significance only as a short term, transitional arrangement, and is associated with economic constraint. This association is, however, undergoing change, as it is a household form increasingly adopted by young people in professional and managerial occupations. This paper focuses on the experiences of these rather more advantaged sharers, and explores their own accounts of why they live in shared housing. The language of choice features heavily in their narratives, embracing a consideration of the material and non-material benefits of sharing, and of their own projected domestic trajectories. It is concluded that, whilst financial concerns are not unimportant in their decision-making, most regard their living arrangements as appropriate to the needs and demands of their current lifestyles, and do not experience their living arrangements as products of constraint.  相似文献   

Disproportionate collapse of building structures can be defined as the partial or total failure of a building as a consequence of an initial local damaging event which develops throughout the structural system of the building. Various building structural systems depending on their level of available ductility and redundancy can perform better or worse to disproportionate collapse events; their resistance to the phenomenon is a function of many parameters including their regularity or not. This paper presents an extensive parametric study on the response of irregular steel frames in case of initial damage, expressed by the total removal of their columns, one in turn. The study regards a set of 15 steel frames designed according to the Eurocodes and the Greek codes. Morphologically, the frames include vertical geometric irregularity leading to useful conclusions regarding the influence of such a property in their resistance to disproportionate collapse. At the end of the paper, the results of the analyses are presented for their limit analysis, their elastic limit and their respective robustness measures. Special attention is given to the influence of vertical geometric irregularity through comparative results.  相似文献   

张蔚 《南方建筑》2006,(9):12-15
本文将建筑中的“阶台状空间“作为一个独立的空间模式提炼出来,对它们的形式、功能及在建筑中的运用进行了仔细分析,目的在于强调它们对建筑与城市开放空间的衔接过渡作用,对建筑微气候的调节作用,以及对建筑外界面的重组作用.在现代建筑日趋多元化与集合化的时代,以它们在实际工程中的巧妙运用为基础进行综合比较与分析将有一定的实际指导意义.  相似文献   

在2011成都双年展国际建筑展实践板块中,作品遴选的挑战在于如何挑选对城市化问题具有重要意义和价值的作品。入选的作品与"物我之境"的主题相关,在地域性和方法论的批评性方面都十分多样化,它们的一致之处在于处理当代社会问题时具有明确的立场,并坚持其批评性的实践。  相似文献   

Cognitive analysis techniques to document field personnel's knowledge have been a recent topic of interest in construction. However, the decision to utilize such techniques remains a difficult one, given their perceived complexity, their variety of scopes and means and their expected limitations for utilization in jobsites. This paper presents a critical review of cognitive analysis techniques to analyze their value for construction management research. The evaluation is geared towards identifying the function of different types of techniques as well as constraints for their implementation in construction environments. In the evaluation, the components of techniques are dissected to uncover their individual capabilities and applications, while also providing insight into the actual difficulties to collect and represent knowledge. This analysis is complemented by the authors' experience in previous cognitive analysis studies, which helps produce a set of recommendations about the practical challenges and implications of deploying specific techniques in construction jobsites.  相似文献   

The internationalization of British construction companies is not a new phenomenon. A recent stated aim of some of the larger companies has been to increase their overseas activities in an attempt to counteract some of the problems within the domestic construction market. This paper examines the international performance of British construction firms during the period 1990–1996, and is based on a questionnaire survey of senior executives of the largest British construction companies in an attempt to analyse their perceptions of the overseas market. The survey was concerned with the companies' general views, reasons, objectives, conditions, location and future expectations with regard to their overseas operations. The principal findings indicate that British firms had increased their overseas activities during the study period. However, despite theory to the contrary and relatively high levels of construction demand in some developing countries, they had tended to conduct the major share of their overseas work in developed countries. The reasons given for this bias were that developed countries provided: a secure environment in which to evaluate risks; financial security; and less corruption. The results suggest further that shareholder influence is an important factor affecting the respondent companies location overseas. It was concluded that while market demand is a factor for overseas location by British construction companies, it is only one of many.  相似文献   

建筑物由于其结构系统遭受初始局部破坏后发生的非比例倒塌,往往被认定为建筑物局部失效或整体失效。不同结构体系的建筑物能否更好地应对非比例倒塌事件,要依赖其延性和冗余度;建筑物的抵抗力为多参数函数,其中可能包括其规则性。对不规则钢架在遭遇假设的初始破坏(依次移除柱子,直到全部移除)下的反应进行大量的参数研究。按照欧洲和希腊规范,设计15个钢架作为1组。从形态学上讲,钢架的竖向几何不规则性,在抵抗非比例倒塌上是很有效的。最后,给出了钢架的极限状态分析,弹性极限及其各自的鲁棒性测量结果。比较表明,应对钢架的竖向几何不规则性给予特别关注。  相似文献   

This article examines the maintenance behaviour of listed building owner-occupiers. In particular it evaluates the degree to which owners are aware of and undertake maintenance of their building from a conservation perspective, which emphasises maximising the retention of historic fabric and encourages preventive maintenance as the least destructive of all conservation interventions. The research suggests that the primary motivation for owners to carry out maintenance is that the building is their home: to avoid the discomfort and financial cost of disrepair, and to gain the personal satisfaction of keeping their home in ȁ8good orderȁ9. Whilst owners were keenly aware of their statutory duty in relation to their building, they do not think about and prioritise maintenance from a cultural perspective. The article concludes that encouraging owners to undertake maintenance from a conservation perspective will require both mechanisms for awareness raising and providing fiscal incentives and practical support. Crucially, there is a need for the development of a framework for policy which addresses the inherent tensions in a system which imparts on listed building owners a responsibility to protect something that is of value to society as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing experiences of immigrants to Canada through a survey of first-generation Portuguese homebuyers in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. The survey focused on the push/pull factors leading to their decision to live in the suburbs, their housing search strategies, and their use of services in Mississauga and in the initial area of Portuguese immigrant settlement in downtown Toronto. This study uses data from a questionnaire administered to 110 Portuguese homebuyers in 1990, shortly after their first move to suburban Mississauga; a sample of those respondents were re-interviewed in 2003. The evidence indicates that these immigrants were ‘pulled’ into relocating to Mississauga because of their desire to live in a single-family dwelling in a good neighbourhood. Their housing search relied extensively on ethnic sources of information, particularly Portuguese real estate agents. In general, this group of immigrants expressed satisfaction with their move. The Portuguese community in Mississauga is characterized by a form of voluntary segregation, which seems to be partly a result of their reliance on their own ethnic community for information, language barriers to participating in non-Portuguese activities, and a cultural preference for living near people of the same ethnic background. One consequence of this re-segregation process, by which Portuguese people recreate a Portuguese ‘homeland’ in the suburbs, has been the limitation of their social contacts with members of other ethnic communities that have also settled in suburban Mississauga.  相似文献   

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