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当前,玩具企业的利润空间受到两头挤压,逐渐缩小:一方面,原材料价格和劳动力成本不断上涨;另一方面,产品销售提价受市场所限并不能与成本上扬同步提升。关注玩具生产的中间环节,通过有效的车间管理,实现产出效益最大化,为企业生存发展注入新的活力,这是越来越多业内人土关注的问题。  相似文献   

在目前国内倡导经济可持续发展的背景下,应该及时地调整机械车间生产调度管理。机械车间生产调度管理在组织、指挥与预测机械车间的生产进度方面发挥着重要的作用,为机械车间生产提供重要的效率保障。文章阐述了机械车间生产调度管理的重要性,分析了国内外机械车间生产调度管理研究现状,在分析目前机械车间生产调度管理过程中存在的问题时提出了一些解决的新思路,希望可以为未来机械车间生产调度管理提供一定的新思路,提高企业的利润。  相似文献   

彭祖德 《新食品》2005,(6B):36-36
“管理出效益”是人所共知的,但怎样才能在企业的各个层面让管理真正出效益呢?长城川兴有自己的一套。  相似文献   

车间生产管理是企业生产管理的重要环节,提高车间生产管理水平对实现企业生产经营目标起着非常重要的作用。笔者根据多年车间管理岗位的工作经验,对车间生产管理中所采取的各种管理措施和手段进行了积极的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

在本刊的9月号上.我们谈到了车间管理的3个条件:制度、企业文化和生产团队。那么,这期我们就谈谈中小玩企如何从这3个方面入手,搞好车间管理。  相似文献   

报纸印刷车间生产管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>在现代化企业里,车间虽处于基层,但涉及到企业的人、财、物、产、供、销,直接影响到企业的产品质量和经济效益,是一个举足轻重的组织单位。而对于像湖北日报传媒集团楚天印务总公司这样的报业印刷企业而言,最重要、最基本的生产单位就是为中央代印报和集团自办报印刷生产的报版车间,它是反映楚天印务总公司的生产动态、质量控制、设备状  相似文献   

基于Witness的汽轮机叶片车间仿真优化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈彩丽  王加兴 《轻工机械》2010,28(4):116-118,122
针对作业车间(同时具有并行机和多功能机床情况下的)生产调度问题,提出一种基于Witness的仿真优化方法。建立了基于Witness动态仿真模型进行实时仿真运行,对实时数据的分析和评价,并优化优化指标和优化参数,将结果反馈给仿真系统实施控制。给出了基于传统车间作业调度方法和仿真技术的集成方案。以某汽轮机叶片数控生产车间为例验证了此方法的可行性和有效性。图4表2参8  相似文献   

对汽车制造车间的制造和管理现状进行分析,从中得出如何建立起一套适应当前情况的管理和监控体系,建立汽车制造车间相关生产数控设备管理的软、硬件体系。这一网络管理监控系统能够对汽车制造车间的生产制造过程及其设备的实际状况进行有效的监管,实现汽车制造车间生产管理的信息化,提高企业生产运作和管理效率。  相似文献   

成本控制是微型实木家具企业增强竞争力的有效途径之一。本文以Y企业为例分析备料车间的生产现状,借助精益生产的优化思路,对其工序、动线等方面的优化进行探讨,提出取消不合理的工序、合并可精简的工序、控制人力配置、厘清物流动线等工艺优化思路,以求为家具企业生产改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在多年对葱的冷冻生产实践的基础上,探索出了葱冷冻干燥的最佳工艺条件,给出葱的冷冻升华干燥曲线,在生产上具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Abstract . Spreadability characteristics of official creams and ointments of the British Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmaceutical Codex were determined using the Master Curve concept and continuous shear data. Experimental results were obtained using a Ferranti-Shirley cone and plate viscometer at 25 C and 34 C, representing an approximate temperature range encountered during spreading of topical preparations. Data derived for creams intersected the Master Curve in the preferred region, although not at the optimum value. Ointments demonstrated large variations in spreading properties. The variation and lack of optimum spreadability characteristics were explained by considering the medicinal criteria required of topical pharmaceutical products as distinct from cosmetics.  相似文献   

从产品同质化严重、附加值不高、能耗和污染问题严重、品牌意识薄弱等方面指出了目前织造行业存在的问题,运用"微笑曲线"理论提出了加强面料研发、提升装备水平、细化能源管理、推进信息化建设、强化品牌意识等转型升级措施,为江苏省织造行业的转型升级提供理论依据和有益借鉴。  相似文献   

A method is described for obtaining an average load–elongation curve from tests on about 100 similar fibres. The average curve is used to obtain a value for the specific work of rupture and the yield point of the fibre sample. The latter is obtained from the third derivative of the average curve, and a comparison is made between the yield point so obtained and that given by the method of Meredith.  相似文献   

An investigation is described in which, by means of a two-dimensional model of the plain-knitted structure, load-extension curves for extension in the course direction were calculated theoretically. It was assumed initially that the only mechanism of fabric extension was elastic deformation of the loop shape. Account was taken of setting of the yarns into the relaxed-loop shape, but this was found not to have any significant effect on the theoretical load–extension curves. It was found that the intial portions of these curves were almost linear but that the slope could be greatly affected by the occurrence of lateral yarn compression. When yarn compression was taken into account, good agreement was obtained with experimental results for a nylon-monofilament fabric and a series of wool plain-knitted fabrics.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of a large number of points on the variance–length curve with a high degree of accuracy and in a reasonably short period of time. A capacitance-type irregularity tester is employed, together with data-logging equipment for transferring details of strand linear density onto punched paper tape. Points on the variance–length curve can then be calculated by feeding this tape directly into a digital computer.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to quantify localized food texture by cutting through a cylindrical sample with a wire probe in an Instron universal testing machine. For probe wire diameters of 0.10, 0.63, 0.80, and 1.23 mm, finer wire was more sensitive to force changes for the fruit tested but required a preload tension and may not be strong enough for harder materials. A frequency analysis (FFT) was performed on the force-displacement curves generated as the wire penetrated the sample. FFT peak energies were found at frequencies below 4 Hz for both a standard material and fruit. The first energy peak was the narrowest for a nonbiological material and widest for apples and pears. Peaches stored 28 days had three times more FFT energy in the lowest frequency band.  相似文献   

Complex viscosity (η*) of 8% cornstarch dispersion during gelatinization at oscillatory frequencies (ω): 0.63–47.12 (rad s?1) was independent of the heating rates: 1.6–6.0 (°C min?1) when temperature was the independent variable. The influence of ω on η* was scaled by a frequency shift factor resulting in reduced complex viscosity (η*R) versus temperature (60–95C) master curve. Similar η*R master curves were derived for data on 6% and 3.5% dispersions. A modified Cox-Merz rule correlated the complex and apparent viscosity data, and a power law model described the effect of concentration of the gelatinized structures.  相似文献   

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