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王新宇 《中国化工贸易》2014,(2):316-316,203
文章以试验研究的方式,就不同初始温度对航空煤油表面火蔓延现象的影响进行了分析与探讨,指出在液相控制、气相控制阶段中,初始温度变化对火蔓延趋势的影响机制,望能够引起各方关注与重视。  相似文献   

利用自行搭建的小尺寸实验平台,开展了对不同点火位置的乳胶泡沫材料燃烧过程的对比实验,通过对火蔓延过程中的部分重要参数(如最大火焰高度、火蔓延速度和蔓延过程中样品表面温度变化等)的测定,分析了点火位置不同时,乳胶泡沫材料的火蔓延特性。结果表明:边缘点火和中间点火条件下,最大火焰高度分别为397和491 mm,火蔓延速度分别为1.8和0.97 mm·s-1;边缘点火时的乳胶泡沫材料表面火蔓延过程中的温度低于中间点火情况下。  相似文献   

为研究点火位置对乳胶泡沫材料水平方向火蔓延规律的影响。搭建小尺寸实验平台,在距离材料中心点0(x1)、3.54 cm(x2)、7.08 cm(x3)、10.62 cm(x4)、14.16 cm(x5)、17.70 cm(x6)位置处点火,研究了试样表面温度、质量损失、火焰高度、火蔓延速度等特性参数的变化规律。结果表明,随着点火位置由材料中心点向边缘点移动,平均火蔓延速度分别为0.24、0.23、0.19、0.31、0.42、0.51 cm·s-1,呈现先减小后增大的规律;x3点火位置时的平均火焰高度较低,燃烧时间较长,平均质量损失速率较低,主要与火蔓延过程中的热量传递方式有关。研究结果显示了乳胶泡沫的火蔓延过程,得到了点火位置对火蔓延的影响规律。  相似文献   

通过熔融共混法制备了9种PMMA复合阻燃材料,对其进行小尺寸的水平火蔓延实验研究,对比分析了可膨胀石墨(EG)和碳纳米管(Carbon Nanotube, CNTs)阻燃剂的加入对材料燃烧特性的影响,主要研究了火蔓延速度、火焰形态、固相温度、质量损失速率等火蔓延特性参数变化规律。结果表明,EG能产生阻燃效应,随EG含量增加,复合材料的火蔓延速度、质量损失速率、表面热流密度均有所减小;CNTs表现出拮抗和协同阻燃的复合效应。EG含量较低时,添加1% CNTs反而会使火蔓延速率加快;随着EG含量增加,拮抗作用逐渐消失,最后表现为协同阻燃,原因是CNTs的高热导率、“灯芯效应”促进表面燃烧作用和EG/CNTs体系阻燃性之间存在竞争关系;添加EG和CNTs前后,火蔓延过程中表现出明显不同的燃烧行为,未添加阻燃剂前PMMA会产生熔融滴落物积聚成池火,表现为明显的热塑性材料燃烧特征;加入EG和CNTs后则会形成碳层,表现为明显的可碳化材料燃烧特征。  相似文献   

张宇伦  陈长坤  雷鹏 《化工学报》2022,(4):1826-1833
为探究不同可燃液体层高度下浸润多孔介质砂床组合燃烧特性,开展了一系列不同粒径和液体层高度的燃烧测试,测量了燃料(乙醇)质量损失速率、火焰高度、多孔介质砂床(石英砂)温度和羽流温度等特征参数,分析研究了液体层高度的影响机制。结果表明:可燃液体层的存在对浸润石英砂层燃烧特性具有一定的影响。当砂层上方存在液体层时(h=20~60 mm),浸润石英砂层燃料质量损失速率明显增大,这可归因于液体层燃烧的预热作用。火焰高度随液体层高度增加而先增加随后几乎不变,表现为与质量损失速率相似趋势。浸润石英砂层内部在78.7~79.0℃(接近燃料沸点)出现温度增长迟滞,据此可对砂层内部蒸气区移动速率进行评估。随着液体层高度增加及石英砂粒径减小,砂层内蒸气区移动速率逐渐增大。此外,基于前人推荐的羽流关系和当前实验数据,获得了描述可燃液体浸润多孔介质砂床燃烧火焰羽流轴向温度经验公式。  相似文献   

张宇伦  陈长坤  雷鹏 《化工学报》2022,(4):1826-1833
为探究不同可燃液体层高度下浸润多孔介质砂床组合燃烧特性,开展了一系列不同粒径和液体层高度的燃烧测试,测量了燃料(乙醇)质量损失速率、火焰高度、多孔介质砂床(石英砂)温度和羽流温度等特征参数,分析研究了液体层高度的影响机制。结果表明:可燃液体层的存在对浸润石英砂层燃烧特性具有一定的影响。当砂层上方存在液体层时(h=20~60 mm),浸润石英砂层燃料质量损失速率明显增大,这可归因于液体层燃烧的预热作用。火焰高度随液体层高度增加而先增加随后几乎不变,表现为与质量损失速率相似趋势。浸润石英砂层内部在78.7~79.0℃(接近燃料沸点)出现温度增长迟滞,据此可对砂层内部蒸气区移动速率进行评估。随着液体层高度增加及石英砂粒径减小,砂层内蒸气区移动速率逐渐增大。此外,基于前人推荐的羽流关系和当前实验数据,获得了描述可燃液体浸润多孔介质砂床燃烧火焰羽流轴向温度经验公式。  相似文献   

通过向起泡剂中加入硬脂酸,构建了高表面扩张模量气泡体系。对比研究了起泡剂溶液的表面扩张模量对搅拌法和多孔介质中气液同注两种泡沫生成方式的影响。结果表明:与常规起泡体系相比,高表面扩张起泡体系通过搅拌法生成的泡沫高度较低,析液半衰期较短,但生成的泡沫粒径小;而对于向多孔介质中同时注入气液生泡方式,高表面扩张模量起泡体系具有生泡速度快,泡沫粒径小,封堵压差高的优点。填砂管驱替实验结果表明:高表面扩张模量起泡体系生成的泡沫具有更好的提高采收率效果。因此,起泡体系的筛选应主要以填砂管中的泡沫评价结果为主。  相似文献   

黄逸群  张缦  单露  杨海瑞  岳光溪 《化工学报》2017,68(10):3870-3876
油页岩干馏过程中发生挥发分物质的析出,导致颗粒的孔隙结构发生重大的变化,进而会对油页岩半焦的燃烧反应、成灰等特性产生重要的影响。利用扫描电镜、氮气吸附/脱附法对不同干馏温度、不同干馏时间下制备得到的桦甸油页岩半焦进行了孔隙分析,并与前人针对相同样品的油页岩半焦燃烧特性实验研究进行了对照分析。结果表明,在实验范围内,随干馏温度增加,受热解二次反应产生的焦炭对孔隙堵塞的影响,油页岩半焦孔隙比表面积和比容积先增加后减小;随干馏时间增加,伴随着小孔之间的合并,油页岩半焦孔隙比表面积先增加后减小,比容积单调增加。  相似文献   

综述了换热器用多孔表面管沸腾传热的各种影响因素,既介绍了如孔穴直径、多孔层厚度及孔隙率等多孔层的特征参数的特性;也介绍了材料物性、加工工艺、工质物性、压力与温度等对沸腾传热的影响.同时对各种因素对沸腾换热的具体影响进行了分析归纳,对今后多孔表面强化沸腾传热的研究提出了一些自己的建议.  相似文献   

综述了换热器用多孔表面管沸腾传热的各种影响因素,既介绍了如孔穴直径、多孔层厚度及孔隙率等多孔层的特征参数的特性;也介绍了材料物性、加工工艺、工质物性、压力与温度等对沸腾传热的影响。同时对各种因素对沸腾换热的具体影响进行了分析归纳,对今后多孔表面强化沸腾传热的研究提出了一些自己的建议。  相似文献   

以超纯水为工质,在不同的充液率(35%、50%、70%)和倾角(60°、90°)下,对并联式脉动热管的传热特性进行实验研究,分析在不同加热功率下充液率和倾角对并联式脉动热管壁面温度、加热端与冷凝端温差、传热量及传热热阻的影响,并对传热热阻进行不确定度计算。实验结果表明,充液率和倾角对脉动热管的传热特性影响显著。倾角为90°时,3种充液率条件下,充液率为35%和50%时的壁面温度脉动稳定性要优于充液率为70%的情况,并且充液率为50%的传热热阻最小,加热端与冷凝端温差最小,充液率为70%的传热热阻最大,加热端与冷凝端温差最大。充液率为50%,倾角为60°和90°时,在相同的加热功率下,倾角为60°的壁面温度的脉动幅度较大,传热热阻较高,传热极限变窄,传热效果明显差于倾角为90°的情况。  相似文献   

Flame spread over solid fuels in high‐pressure situations, such as nuclear containment shells during a pressurized period, has potential to result in catastrophic disaster, thus requiring further knowledge. This paper experimentally reveals the flame spread behaviors over fuel cylinders in high pressures. Polyethylene and polymethyl‐methacrylate cylinders with the diameter of 4.0 mm are used in this study. Ambient gas is air, and total pressures are varied from naturally normal pressure (100 kPa) to elevated pressure (500 kPa). Flame characteristics including flame appearance and flame size and burning rate and flame spread rate are investigated. Results show that in high pressure, the flame appearance is significantly affected. As the pressure increases, the blue flame disappeared, and the color of flame tip changes from luminous yellow to orange as well the orange part extends down towards the base of flame. The dimensionless flame height increases with pressure for pressure below 150 kPa and then decreases with pressure above that level. The burning rates show increasing trend with pressure and are proportional to P0.6 and P0.79 for polymethyl‐methacrylate and polyethylene, respectively. Besides, flame spread rates for polymethyl‐methacrylate and polyethylene both were found to be proportional to P0.5.  相似文献   

Fire hazard of extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal insulation materials has aroused public concern. In order to develop flame spread theory and the guideline for fire risk assessment of XPS, an experimental study on upward flame spread behavior and heat transfer mechanism of XPS in a vertical channel with different frontal shielding rates was conducted. Maximum temperature at the place 2 cm from XPS surface and at the center of channel first increase and then decrease as the shielding rate rises. The former is higher than the latter. Experimental value of average flame height rises as the shielding rate increases. A model for predicting the flame height is built, and the predicted results are consistent with the experimental results. Moreover, the relation between flame height and pyrolysis height under different shielding rates is obtained. The flame spread rate rises as the shielding rate increases. A prediction model of flame spread rate is established, and its prediction results are more accurate compared with those from previous models. The model also predicts that radiative heat transfer is the dominant heat transfer mode, accounting for 93% of the total heat transfer. This work is beneficial for fire risk assessment and fire safety design of building façade.  相似文献   

Experimental methods and theoretical analysis are employed to investigate effects of channel opening area on downward flame spread characteristics of extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal insulation materials on building facade. The average flame height first drops and then rises as dimensionless opening area (the ratio of sidewall opening area to sidewall area, ie, S*) increases. As S* rises, both the average and maximum temperature of the curtain wall decrease, and the decreasing of the average temperature is linear. XPS surface temperature history can be divided into four stages, ie, inapparent rising stage (preheating), significant rising stage (melting), dropping stage (pyrolysis), and rerising stage (ignition). The preheating length first rises and then drops as S* increases. The XPS flame spreads steadily at the early period while acceleration occurs at the later period. For different opening areas, the difference in spread distance history is not apparent in the early stage while this difference is significant in the later stage. The flame spread rate (Vf) first increases and then decreases as S* rises. A downward flame spread model for XPS in vertical channel with openings is built. The varied trend of Vf predicted using this model corresponds to the experimental result.  相似文献   

This paper considers the solid phase heat conduction along with the effect of ultraviolet (UV) aging on the flame spread and separately discussed the upward and downward flame spread. The 0.15‐mm‐thick ethylene‐tetrafluoro‐ethylene (ETFE) insulated with a 0.5‐mm‐diameter copper core used in the paper. The flame spread was measured at various inclined angles (vertical ± 90, to horizontal 0) in the directions of gravity assistance (up) and gravity opposition (down). The ETFE was categorized into two groups: the unaged ETFE (ETFE‐U) and the UV aged ETFE (ETFE‐A). The kinetic parameters of samples were obtained from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) test. The flame spread experimental results showed that the bigger the absolute inclined angle, the higher the flame spread rate. Besides, the effect of UV aging on the upward spread is greater than that of the downward spread. A theoretical system was established through the flame spread experiments and TGA test. The heat flux and the flame spread rate of upward and downward equations were presented to reveal the effects of solid conduction, orientation, inclination, and UV aging on wire flame spread.  相似文献   

陈曦  林毅  邵帅 《化工学报》2019,70(4):1383-1389
为了研究脉动热管在中低温区的传热性能,设计了一台乙烷脉动热管,采用低温Stirling制冷机为冷源。实验研究了在不同温区范围内,加热功率和倾角两个因素对乙烷脉动热管传热性能的影响。研究结果显示:在-40℃和-70℃温区,当倾角小于45°时,倾角对传热温差的影响较小,而倾角在45°~90°之间时,随着倾角的增大,传热温差呈明显上升趋势。在较低加热功率下,倾角对传热温差的影响较小,在较高加热功率时,倾角对传热温差的影响较大。实验还发现在同一倾角下,随着加热功率的增加,传热温差逐渐增大,传热热阻呈现出先减小后增大的趋势。  相似文献   

The spread of fire over liquid fuel is a common phenomenon, and it has been demonstrated experimentally that the flame length and tilt angle change with the transient heat release rate and different positions of the flame. The coupling relationship between these factors is studied in this paper. The experiments are composed of a rectangular pool with dimensions of 80 cm × 6 cm × 5 cm and crosswind with speeds of 0.8 to 2.4 m/s. Diesel is used as the fuel, and a new method is applied to ensure that the initial temperature of the diesel is constant during ignition. The results show that the traditional method of luminous flame intermittency may not be suitable for studying the geometric characteristics of the spread of fire over a pool, and a new method is proposed. In addition, the transient variation of flame length in different positions of the pool is shown to fluctuate around a mean flame length. The evolution of flame tilt angle along the longitudinal direction of the pool exhibits a U‐shaped curve. Moreover, the multivariate nonlinear relationships of mean flame length and tilt angle among the heat release rate, fire position, and wind speed are established, and relevant coefficients are determined.  相似文献   

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