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高档半甜苹果酒生产的技术工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文是以红富士苹果为原料,经打浆、护色、酶处理、调整成分、发酵、澄清等工艺生产干型苹果酒。通过单因素试验确定了防褐变和澄清的最佳条件为:打浆后加入0.1%柠檬酸和0.04%VC护色;添加0.25%壳聚糖于苹果酒中澄清24 h。通过正交试验得到苹果酒最佳发酵工艺条件为:初始糖度为20%,接种量为8%,发酵时间为10 d。最终得到的干型苹果酒呈浅黄绿色,澄清透明,酒体丰满,酸甜适中,具有悦人的苹果果香和清新的酒香。  相似文献   

以糯米为原料,选择安琪甜酒曲发酵制作甜米酒,通过单因素试验和正交设计试验,研究了影响甜米酒发酵工艺条件的关键 因素,探讨了发酵时间、料水比、接种量对甜米酒产品品质的影响。 结果表明,在发酵时间为42 h、料水比为1.0∶0.9(g∶mL)、接种量为 0.4%时,制得的甜米酒综合评分最高为98分,此时的甜米酒质地均匀、酒醪清澈、醇香浓郁,柔和爽口,具有独特的甜米酒风格。  相似文献   

苹果酒发酵条件的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
杨辉  张智维 《酿酒》2004,31(5):72-74
选择了一种适宜苹果酒生产的酵母,利用单因子和正交实验法对苹果酒的发酵条件进行了优化,得到理想的发酵条件为:温度20℃、糖度22°Bx、酸度2g/L(pH=4.06)和接种量0.5g/L.研究结果对苹果酒的酿造有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

前言 苹果是一种含有丰富营养成分的果品,在其果肉中含有0.2%-0.4%的蛋白质、0.5%-0.8%的有机酸、17种氨基酸、10种维生素,其中维生素H含量为其他果实所罕见,此外,苹果中还含有锌、钙、磷等多种微量元素。正是由于苹果的果香诱人、酸甜适口,营养丰富,目前它已成为一种极为普遍的大众消费品,但是,在近年来苹果种植业高速发展的形势下,苹果供过于求的矛盾也日益突出,致使不少果农种植苹果增产不增效。 为了做好苹果的深加工,使果农提高经济效益,本文拟根据当前中国绝大多数消费者的饮用习惯,提出一种以苹…  相似文献   

苹果酒发酵条件优化及模型的建立研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用原生质体融合技术构建的增香型苹果酒酵母融合子W12,通过3因素5水平二次通用旋转组合设计,选取接种量、pH、发酵温度等对影响苹果酒品质的3个关键因子,分别以苹果酒感官评分、酒精度和残糖量等3个质量指标为因变量,建立了与接种量、初始pH、发酵温度之间的数学关系模型,且各模型均达到极显著水平,为优质苹果酒的研究和开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

高档半甜苹果酒的生产开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍以苹果为原料酿造高档半甜苹果酒的工艺流程,叙述了生产的操作要求,并提出了高档半甜苹果酒的质量标准。  相似文献   

选用原生质体融合技术构建的增香型苹果酒酵母融合子W12,通过3因素5水平二次通用旋转组合设计,选取接种量、pH、发酵温度等对影响苹果酒品质的3个关键因子,分别以苹果酒感官评分、酒精度和残糖量等3个质量指标为因变量,建立了与接种量、初始pH、发酵温度之间的数学关系模型,且各模型均达到极显著水平,为优质苹果酒的研究和开发提供了理论依据。   相似文献   

苹果是一种含有丰富营养成分的果品,本文介绍了以苹果为原料酿造高档半甜苹果酒的工艺流程,叙述了高档半甜苹果酒生产的操作要求,并提出了产品的质量标准以及生产的注意事项。  相似文献   

苹果酒苹果酸乳酸菌顺序发酵工艺的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对乳酸菌Oenococcus oeni L4在起泡苹果酒(cider)中的具体应用工艺和影响因素进行了研究。结果发现,采用顺序发酵是三种发酵方式中产乙酸的量最少,发酵温度在20℃、接种量为6×105cfu/ml最有利于苹果酸乳酸发酵的进行。研究还发现,在相同的发酵时间内,发酵初始苹果酸含量在6676.95mg/L仍能够顺利完成MLF发酵。在此工艺条件下酿制的苹果酒不仅实现了苹果酸向乳酸的转化,并且苹果酒的口感能够得到较大的改善。  相似文献   

以冷破碎红富士苹果浆为原料发酵制备低度苹果酒,通过分析不同酵母发酵周期的糖度、酒精度、pH和总酸筛选酵母菌株;在此基础上采用单因素与响应面试验以优化发酵工艺,确定冷破碎苹果浆发酵酒的最佳条件,通过分析酒品指标,与苹果清汁发酵酒的品质进行对比。结果表明,冷破碎苹果浆发酵酒的最佳工艺参数为:SY酵母发酵的初始糖度18%、酵母接种量0.1 g/L、发酵温度20℃;苹果浆发酵酒的残糖(7.5±0.46 g/L)、酒精度(7.8±0.1%)分别与苹果清汁发酵酒的残糖(7.3±0.31 g/L)、酒精度(8.0%±0.1%)差异不显著;苹果浆发酵酒的总酚(74.99±1.23 mg/100 mL)和有机酸(5.33±0.01 g/L)等成分含量高于苹果汁发酵酒(总酚47.5±2.2 mg/100 mL,有机酸5.01±0.03 g/L)。该结果可供苹果酒实际生产借鉴,也为苹果加工产业多元化发展提供思路。  相似文献   

南瓜酒发酵工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南瓜为主要原料,充分利用其营养丰富的特点,经打浆、糖化、成分调整后接种活性干酵母进行发酵,再经适当陈酿制成酒香浓郁的果酒。通过正交试验方法优化确定的最佳工艺条件和配方为:调整后糖度20°Bx、菌种添加量5%、主发酵温度25℃、发酵时间6d。  相似文献   

A cider fermentation at laboratory scale with controlled inoculation with selected yeasts and malolactic bacteria was performed. The composition of the major volatile compounds with low boiling points (<145°C) was determined by gas chromatography throughout the fermentation process, under the different operating conditions of inoculation time of the microorganisms (simultaneous or sequential) and fermentation temperature (15°C or 22°C). Temperature had a more important effect on the levels of certain volatile compounds when the simultaneous inoculation method was used. It was observed that when fermentation temperature increased to 22°C, using the simultaneous method, the final concentrations of ethyl acetate and some of the higher alcohols decreased, while others maintained similar levels. In the sequential inoculation model, after completion of the alcoholic fermentation at 15°C, an increase in the temperature of the malolactic fermentation (15°C to 22°C) showed no statistically significant differences in the profiles of the volatile compounds tested. Thus, malolactic fermentation could be conducted at 22°C, favouring malic acid degradation, without losses in the major volatile compounds, in relation to the levels measured at the lower temperature. Considering the traditionally recognized preference for low alcoholic fermentation temperatures in cider making, the results allow for the optimisation of the operating conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of two apple juice treatments (clarification with a pectin methylesterase in the presence and absence of sulphiting) on the cidermaking process was investigated. Pre‐fermentative clarification with the pectin methylesterase (Rapidase CPE) slowed the alcoholic fermentation in respect to traditional fermentation, the greatest effect being found for the combination of the enzymatic treatment with sulphur dioxide addition. With this treatment the start of the fermentation was delayed seven days. Enzymatic clarification delayed malolactic fermentation (MLF) and the interaction of both treatments produced a cider in which malolactic fermentation had not occurred. Both treatments ensured that the volatile acid levels during the maturation phase were significantly lower than in the traditional fermentation. Enzymatic clarification led to lower levels of yeasts during the active phase of alcoholic fermentation with respect to the control. When this treatment was combined with sulphiting, a decrease in apiculate yeast numbers during alcoholic fermentation was observed and a better survival of these species was noted after 59 days of fermentation.  相似文献   

This study looked at the effects of an operation used by some French cider makers in order to optimise the process. The technique examined is one that consists of reducing the yeast population during fermentation, so that the fermentation velocity decreases. At different stages of the fermentation, several decimal biomass reductions were performed and their effects were determined both by counting the two main yeast populations (fermenting yeast and oxidative yeasts) and by analysing the main parameters involved in yeast growth and fermentation (total nitrogen, density). In the present experiments, it was shown that a single decimal biomass reduction was enough to control the fermentation once the density of the untreated raw juice had undergone a 5 to 10 point drop corresponding to the consumption of about 13–26 g sugar per litre. This drop was linked to the growth phase of the yeasts in the untreated assay. When this reduction was performed later, the fermentation velocity became too low to reach the expected density. Nitrogen consumption appears to be one of the key parameters of this operation.  相似文献   

采用超声辅助微滤澄清工艺,通过单因素试验考察超声功率、超声时间和超声温度对苹果酒浊度值的影响。在此基础上,采用Box-Behnken响应曲面法,以浊度值为响应值优化超声辅助微滤澄清苹果酒工艺。结果表明,3个因素对苹果酒澄清的影响大小依次为超声功率、超声温度、超声时间;苹果酒澄清最佳工艺条件为超声功率300 W、超声温度19.12℃、超声时间25.83 min,此条件下苹果酒浊度值为0.55 NTU,与预测值的相对误差较小。该研究为降低苹果酒浑浊度和指导生产实践提供部分理论依据。  相似文献   

为了研究玉米甜酒酿发酵的工艺条件,利用单因素试验与四元二次回归正交旋转试验设计方法研究了加曲量、玉米蒸煮时间、发酵温度、发酵时间对玉米甜酒酿品质的影响,并建立了回归模型,通过响应面分析,得出制作玉米甜酒酿的适合工艺为:加曲量0.22%、玉米蒸煮时间86 min、发酵温度25.5℃、发酵时间89 h,并对此工艺进行了验证:在此条件下可以研制出风味独特、营养丰富的玉米甜酒酿。  相似文献   

嗜杀酵母发酵苹果酒的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对筛选得到的S1嗜杀酵母,通过单因素试验和正交试验确定其最佳发酵苹果酒工艺条件,结果表明,糖度25%,酸度2 g/L,发酵温度为20℃,接种量6%为其最佳工艺条件.发酵果酒澄清透明、具有苹果香气、酒体醇厚,酸甜协调.S1嗜杀酵母分泌的嗜杀毒素的活力与发酵温度和发酵基质pH值有关,在25℃、pH 4.2时毒素活力最高.(孙悟)  相似文献   

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