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A ferroelectric memory diode consisting of Au/PZT/BIT/p-Si multilayer configuration has been fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. The ferroelectric properties and the memory characteristics are investigated. The P-E curve of the PZT/BIT/p-Si films system had an asymmetry saturated hysteresis loop with P, = 15 μC/cm2 and Ec = 48 kV/cm, and the decay in remanent polarization was only 10% after 109 switching cycles, meanwhile the increase in coercive field was 12% . The C-V hysteresis loop and the I-V curve showed a memory effect derived from the ferroelectric polarization of PZT/BIT films, and the current density was 6.7 × 10-8 A/cm2 at a voltage of + 4V. Our diode had nonvolatile and nondestructive memory readout operation. There was a read current disparity of 0.05 μA for logic "1" and logic "0" at a read voltage of + 2V, and the stored logical value ("1" or "0") could be read out in 30 min.  相似文献   

采用自行研制的工作在800℃的半导体器件高温测试装置,对Ni/4H-SiC肖特基二极管的伏安特性在常温297K至677K的温度范围内进行了测量,表明温度升高对正向特性的影响非常显著,而对较低偏置(30V以下)条件下的反向特性影响则比较小.对实验结果进行了比较分析,I-V特性测量说明镰4H-SiC肖特基二极管有较好的整流特性,在正向偏压条件下,热电子发射是其主要的输运机理,理想因子在297-677K的温度范围内从1.165增加到1.872,肖特基势垒高度的变化范围为0.916~2.117eV,正向导通电压为0.5V.  相似文献   

Fabrication of sub-micro size PZT array and their ferroelectric properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The photosensitive PZT sols and their gel films were prepared by sol-gel process. Based on the photosensitivity of the PZT gel films, two-dimensional (2D) array of the PZT gel film was fabricated using twice-exposure of double-beam interference on the gel film. PZT gel films coated on ITO/quartz substrate were exposed to an interference fringe of 325 He-Cd laser beams, the substrate was rotated by 90° between the first and second irradiation steps. Island type periodic 2D array structures with a pitch of 1 μm and cell size of about 480 nm × 480 nm × 40 nm were formed after the irradiation, and followed by leaching with organic solvent, and then by heat treatment at 600℃ for 15 min. The hysteresis loops of the cell in PZT array were in-situ measured by the online-operation of TF analyzer and atomic force microscope (AFM). The probe can be located on the locked cell of PZT array in the AFM image. The alternating voltage applied to the locked cell is supplied by the TF analyzer through the conductive coating probe, and then the test signal is fed back to the TF analyzer to obtain the hysteresis loop of the locked cell of array in the absence of top electrode. The results show that the sub-micro size PZT arrays prepared in this way are of polarization reversal characteristics with the alternating electric fields, thereby exhibiting obvious ferroelectricity.  相似文献   

The highly oriented perovskite-phase PT/PZT/PT ferroelectric thin film was pre- pared by sol-gel method. The domain structures and polarization retention proper- ties were investigated by scanning force microscopy. The amplitude and phase images of piezoresponse show complex various contrasts of dark, bright and gray. The complex variation of contrast in piezoresponse images results from the per- plexing orientation of grains and arrangement of domains in the ferroelectric films. The bright and dark areas in phase images correspond to top-to-bottom and bot- tom-to-top polarization oriented c-domain, respectively. The gray areas are c-domains with the polarization vector deviating from the direction normal to the film plane. The surface potential images of EFM are bright contrast, which is due to positive charges trapped on the film surface after being polarized by positive volt- age. And the brighter contrast is obtained from the higher electric field. The time-dependent surface potential images and line potential profiles show that the potential decays with time. And the decay in the region polarized by higher electric field is faster, especially at 15 min. This indicates that the polarization retention is related to the polarized electric field. Better retention properties may be obtained from a proper polarized electric field.  相似文献   

The physical properties of ceramics will be degraded by charging and restored by outgassing at 650℃[1,2]. This means that atomic hydrogen can enter into ceramics through diffusion during charging. The electrical properties of the integrated PZT capacitors will be deteriorated by an-nealing in low pressure hydrogen, and the inter-layer dielectric or top electrode adhesion will be destroyed in high pressure hydrogen[3]. For an aluminum ceramics, hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) or delayed fail…  相似文献   

报道了Au/n-ZnO形成的肖特基势垒经不同温度退火后其特性的变化.利用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和扩展电阻测试对ZnO外延片的晶体质量和电学性能进行测试.采用集成电路标准工艺在ZnO外延层上制备了Si3N4隔离层及Au电极,并对该结构进行不同温度下的退火实验,分别测量其I-V特性.结果表明ZnO外延层具有高度C轴取向,表面光洁,平整,外延层与衬底之间有明显的过渡区.退火前后的样品在室温下的I-V测试结果表明,Au/n-ZnO具有明显的整流特性,其中673 K,1 min退火所得的反向漏电流仅为-0.017μA(-5V).  相似文献   

为了得到简单、准确且移植性强的铁电存储器1T单元ID-VG(电流转移特性)模型,通过引入漏极电压影响因子、阈值电压和极化饱和程度等因素,从理论上得到了和MOSFET电流模型结构一致的铁电存储器1T单元的ID-VG特性模型。与测试数据进行对比,验证了该模型的正确性。  相似文献   

利用4155型CVIV测试仪表征了分别采用蒸镀Au、涂敷氯金酸(AuCl3溶液)作为电极材料时HgI2晶体I-V特性.测试表明,采用Au电极和AuCl3电极所测量HgI2晶体的电阻率分别为6×1011Ω.cm和8.1×1011Ω.cm,欧姆接触特性值b为0.8341和1.0291.分析认为溅射Au工艺中的温度升高和真空度造成晶体表面质量下降,使Au/HgI2欧姆接触特性较差.AuCl3电极本质上是氯金酸分解产生Au单质并形成电极.由于电极制备工艺没有显著影响晶体表面质量,使AuCl3/HgI2具有良好的欧姆接触特性.  相似文献   

1Introduction Piezoelectricceramicshavebeenusedastheconven tionalintelligentmaterialsforalongtime.Theirinterest ingpropertiesusedintransducersarehighpiezoelectric straincoefficient(d33),highelectromechanicalcoupling coefficient(Kp)[15].However,therelative…  相似文献   

The Ce (x nm)/Au (15 nm) stacked layers were used as semitransparent cathodes in the top-emission organic light emitting devices (TOLEDs) fabricated on a p-type silicon anodes and substrate,where x varies from 4 to 16.The consequence of the Ce layer thickness on transmittance and the device performance were studied when the organic layers NPB (60 nm)/ALQ (60 nm) were kept unchanged,where NPB was N,N'-bis-(1-naphthl)-diphenyl-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine,and AlQ is tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum.The cathod...  相似文献   

针对铁电薄膜极化疲劳的问题,详细综述了其疲劳机理及其影响因素.给出了影响铁电薄膜疲劳的因素,该因素可分为内在因素和外在因素两大类.重点讨论了外在因素元素掺杂、电极、界面层优化、温度及气氛等的影响,并提出了相应的改善薄膜疲劳性能的措施.比较实用有效的方法是在金属电极和薄膜之间沉积一层与薄膜晶格参数接近的界面层.最后结合自身研究工作,指出建立界面层设计-微结构演变-疲劳性能之间的关系是我们以后重点关注的问题.  相似文献   

Barium strontium titanate/magnesia (BSTO/MgO) ferroelectric material for phase shift was prepared by traditional solid phase synthesis. The phase distribution, microstructure and electric properties were investigated. The results show that no secondary phase appears in the composites and the dimension of grains distributes uniformly. With 50 wt% MgO content, the dielectric tunability reaches 17.5 % in the external DC field of 4 000 Vomm^-1 and the microwave loss at about 2.5 GHz is 8×10^-3. Hence, it can be applied in tunable microwave phase shifters.  相似文献   

利用射频溅射工艺,在低阻硅p-Si(111)基片上分别制备Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3(PZT)和PZT/LaN iO3(LNO)薄膜,样品在大气中进行650℃/15 min后热退火处理.用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)等手段分析不同衬底与PZT薄膜之间的界面对薄膜微观结构和铁电性能的影响,实验结果分析表明,即使溅射工艺相同,在p-Si和LNO/p-Si上外延生长的PZT薄膜结晶取向、晶颗大小和表面平整度存在很大差异,薄膜与底电极间的界面明显地影响PZT薄膜的微观结构和铁电性能.  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,ferroelectricthinfilmsandtheirapplicationhavebecomeoneofthepopularresearchfieldsincondensedphysicsandsolidstateelectronics[1,2].Especiallytheriseofphysicsofferroelectricthinfilmsanditsapplicationforsolidstatefunctiondeviceshavepushedtheres…  相似文献   

综述了溶胶—凝胶法制备择优取向铁电陶瓷薄膜的研究现状,主要介绍了制备过程中衬底材料、热处理工艺、前驱体以及掺杂等因素对铁电陶瓷薄膜择优取向的影响以及铁电陶瓷薄膜的择优取向与铁电性能的关系。  相似文献   

综述了溶胶—凝胶法制备择优取向铁电陶瓷薄膜的研究现状,主要介绍了制备过程中衬底材料、热处理工艺、前驱体以及掺杂等因素对铁电陶瓷薄膜择优取向的影响以及铁电陶瓷薄膜的择优取向与铁电性能的关系。  相似文献   

薄膜厚度对铁电薄膜铁电性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究薄膜厚度对外延铁电薄膜铁电性能的影响,应用与时间有关的Ginzburg-Landau方程,在同时考虑应力和表面效应的条件下,获得了不同应力情况下,不同厚度铁电薄膜的电滞回线及蝶形应变迟滞回线.计算结果显示,处于不同应力值下的铁电薄膜,剩余极化强度和场致应变随着薄膜厚度的增加而增加.而矫顽场随着薄膜厚度的增加而减小.证明了不同应力情况下,薄膜厚度对剩余极化强度和矫顽场的影响是不能忽略的.这种变化趋势与实验结果的情况是一致的.  相似文献   

为满足嵌入式电容器、柔性电容器等新型电子器件的发展需求,对铁电粉体/聚合物复合材料及其界面修饰问题的研究尤其引人注目.本文对当前铁电粉体表面有机改性的研究进展进行了文献评述.首先,对铁电粉体改性方法进行定义、分类;然后,介绍各种改性方法涉及的路线、技巧和主要结果,并对其优缺点进行比较;最后,展望该领域未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The molecular aggregation, orientation, and structure in Langmuir-Blodgett films ot terroelectric liquid crystal were studied by ultraviolet and Fourier transform infrared spectra. The results show that medium strong H-aggregates in the Langmuir-Blodgett films of ferroelectric liquid crystal are formed by chromophores where the alkyl chains are nearly perpendicular to the film surface. Compared with the cast films, the C-O stretching hands, due to the rotational isomerism around the O-C axis of the chiral part, can be identified clearly in Langmuir-Blodgett films.  相似文献   

A detailed theoretical analysis of strip-coupled LiNbO3/p n diode surface acoustic wave (SAW) memory correlator in the parametric mode is presented. The influence of some important factors on correlation output is analyzed and calculated, including the amplitudes of reference, read and write signal, duration of write signal and doping density of the diode array. The conclusions can be employed for the design of improved strip-coupled SAW memorycorrelators.  相似文献   

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