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阳光泵浦Nd:YAG激光器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第一台激光器问世不久,便有人致力于太阳能激光器的研究工作,鉴于Nd;YAG晶体的特点,所以阳光泵浦Nd;YAG激光器获得了长足发展,其研究和应用均取得了可喜的成绩,太阳能转化为激光的效率不断提高,输出功率逐渐增加,性能不断完善,各种应用构上继出台。  相似文献   

Experimental results are reported on the room-temperature operation of Nd:YAG lasers end pumped with an LED. The radiation from a 10-percent-efficient 0.46-mm-diam domed LED was coupled to the end of a 0.46-mm-diam × 5.0-mm-long laser rod with a large hemispherical reflector. At 20°C, a multimode laser power of 0.25 mW was obtained at an LED current of 250 mA. By measuring the variation of threshold pump power with rod temperature and the laser power versus pump power just above threshold, both the laser cavity loss and the output mirror transmission were determined. A round-trip cavity loss as low as 0.022 percent was measured. A calculation of the fractional pump power absorbed in the rod for the LED spectrum gave 56 percent for a 5-mm-long rod while measurements showed that 30 to 35 percent of the LED power was being absorbed indicating an LED-to-laser rod coupling efficiency of 54 to 63 percent for this arrangement. With such efficient absorption of pump power and low cavity loss, end-pumped Nd:YAG lasers with high slope efficiencies above threshold are possible.  相似文献   

The thermally induced stress birefringence has been known to severely affect the performance of a solid-state laser system when the beam is linearly polarized. This paper refines the theory of the interaction of a linearly polarized wave with a continuously pumped YAG : Nd crystal; in conjunction with experimental evidence this paper illustrates the angular independence of the birefringence, describes the radial dependence, and explains the laser power losses involved.  相似文献   

报道了一台激光二极管(LD)双端面抽运Nd:YLF和Nd:YAG双晶体串接多波长输出脉冲激光器。在抽运能量40.5mJ,电光调Q重复频率500Hz的工作条件下,获得单脉冲能量约为6mJ的1064nm/1053nm双波长激光脉冲输出,光-光转换效率约为14.8%。相同抽运条件下在腔内插入I类相位匹配LBO晶体作为非线性频率转换器,获得了脉冲总能量为3.6mJ的526.5、529.0、532.0nm三波长同时输出,由抽运光到输出绿光脉冲的转换效率约为8.9%,测得光束质量因子分别为M2x=1.61,My2=1.25。  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2003,39(20):1446-1448
A continuation of the previously introduced microstructured silicon carrier concept for diode-pumped solid-state lasers is presented, using novel heat-conducting polymers as a carrier. The most prominent features of the silicon carrier concept are maintained, adding to the mass production possibilities of the inexpensive polymers. The first experiments, using a continuous wave Nd:YAG microchip laser, have given an output power of 2 W at 1064 nm, showing the potential of this new approach.  相似文献   

新型全固化Nd:YAG激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
信信钜  黄维玲 《激光技术》1997,21(4):251-254
介绍了激光二极管泵浦Nd:YAG激光器(DPL)的优点和近期进展情况;还讨论了DPL的基本原理和不同的结构型式。  相似文献   

Nd:YAG激光器在焊接中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激光焊接在限制热影响区的尺寸、降低焊接表面的粗糙度、消除其机械影响等方面具有重要意义。以连续或脉冲模式工作的固体激光器都可以作为焊接源。目前使用的激光器具有很高的功率密度。固体掺钕激光器,如掺钕钇铝石榴石激光器(Nd:YAG)在工业上的应用已得到证明,这种激光器具有性能可靠、加工安全、控制简单的特点。发射的单脉冲功率可达10^7W或更高,可以极高的速度加工材料。具有高峰值功率的脉冲激光器的加工质量高于具有相同功率等级的平均功率激光器。高峰值功率可以克服贵金属材料如铜或铝的热扩散和反射,还可以利用单脉冲进行大体积焊接。通常,提高激光器的效率和能量是提高激光焊接质量和数量的先决条件。综合大量相关技术的Nd:YAG激光器可以对多种材料进行焊接,材料的厚度可以从几微米到几十毫米。本文对激光焊接近几年的发展历程及发展方向进行概述。  相似文献   

The mechanisms that cause amplitude modulation in CW-pumped YAG lasers were investigated experimentally. The depth of modulation and frequency spectrum of the output fluctuations of a commercially available Nd:YAG laser were measured. It was found that after performing several modifications on the laser system, the output fluctuations were reduced by two orders of magnitude. At the conclusion of the program, the depth of modulation for frequencies below 10 Hz was 10-2, and for frequencies between 10 Hz and 100 kHz, it was 10-3. Above 100 kHz, the modulation decreased rapidly to 10-5reaching shot noise level above 500 kHz.  相似文献   

LD泵浦的Cr4+:YAG/Nd:YLF激光器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张大勇  赵伟  赵鸿 《激光与红外》2004,34(3):172-173
文中介绍的小型LD端面泵浦的Nd:YLF激光器,采用Cr^4 :YAG作为被动Q开关,在1—100Hz的重复频率下可以实现脉)中能量30—40μJ,脉宽4—5ns的1053nm的单纵模激光脉冲输出。  相似文献   

二极管角部抽运Nd:YAG基模激光器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了分析角部抽运方式在中小功率激光器设计中的可行性,基于光线追迹法,计算了不同的激光介质几何结构参量和不同的二极管温度条件下角部抽运复合板条激光器的抽运效率和抽运均匀性.从模拟计算结果可知,只要选择合理的激光介质结构参量,角抽运方式能得到高的抽运效率和较好的抽运均匀性.设计了一种角部抽运Nd:YAG复合板条激光器,在45W的抽运功率下获得了12W的激光输出,光光转换效率约为26.7%,在40W抽运时光束质量Mx2=1.47,My2=1.36.理论分析和实验设计表明,角抽运方式在小功率激光器设计中是可行的.  相似文献   

An Nd:YAG 1-cm-long crystal has been used as the active medium for tunable single- and double-frequency lasers with a metallic absorbing thin-film selector. Cobalt and chromium thin films (210-nm thickness) were used for mode number and frequency control. The laser with a short cavity (25 mm) provided slow smooth tuning up to 6 GHz, the frequency chirp up to 4 GHz with repetition rate about 0.5 kHz and hop tuning over 150 GHz at a maximum pump power of 1.8 W. 520 mW of single-frequency output power was achieved. Double-frequency operation with a space of 1.5-2.5 GHz was realized in a laser with cavity length up to 100 mm  相似文献   

Amplified spontaneous emission-application to Nd:YAG lasers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Amplified spontaneous emission can seriously degrade the Q-switched performance of a strong four-level transition such as the 1.064 μm Nd:YAG transition or can even prevent oscillation on a weaker quasi-four-level transition such as the 0.946-μm Nd:YAG transition. To characterize, and thus be able to mitigate, amplified spontaneous emission, a closed-form model is developed. By employing a closed-form solution, the differential equations describing both the evolution and decay of the upper laser manifold population density can be solved exactly. An advantage of this model is the separation of the spectral and spatial portions of amplified spontaneous emission. Gain measurements, as a function of time and pump energy, are compared with the model and good agreement is found. With these principles in mind, a flashlamp-pumped Nd:YAG laser was designed to operate at 0.936 μm. At room temperature, a threshold of 12 J and a slope efficiency of 0.009 was achieved  相似文献   

The frequency and intensity noise spectra, as well as the frequency modulation (FM) response, of 1320-nm laser-diode-pumped miniature Nd:YAG ring lasers have been measured. The frequency noise spectrum has a resonance peak at the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser (between 123 and 150 kHz) and is flat beyond 200 kHz with a spectral density of 613 rad2-Hz, much smaller than that of semiconductor lasers; the corresponding laser linewidth is less than 49 Hz. The relative intensity noise is -140 dB/Hz at the valley and has a resonance peak at the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser. The FM response is flat from DC to 110 kHz and is in the 0.65-3 MHz/V range; the modulation frequency is limited by the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser  相似文献   

高光束质量短脉宽电光腔倒空Nd:YLF激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用国产光纤束模块端面脉冲泵浦Nd:YLF激光晶体和电光腔倒空技术,实现了短脉宽、高稳定性和高光束质量的1 053 nm激光输出.在不同重复频率1 Hz至200 Hz及不同泵浦注入条件下,获得了脉冲宽度稳定在4 ns左右的激光输出;当重复频率为1 Hz、单脉冲注入能量为7.94 mJ时.单脉冲输出能量为0.78 mJ,脉冲稳定性的RMS为1.9%;当重复频率为200 Hz、注入平均功率为3.1 W时,输出平均功率为240 mW,脉冲稳定性的P-P值小于±5.1%.通过小孔选模获得了光束质量因子M2x为1.02、M2y为1.03的高光束质量激光输出.  相似文献   

An optical amplifier consisting of an erbium-doped germanosilicate fiber optically pumped at 532 nm is described. Negligible excited-state absorption at 532 nm allows efficient pumping, enabling a gain of 34 dB at 1536 nm to be obtained for only 25 mW of pump power. The pulsed pump source produces negligible noise on the small signal if the pump repetition rate is above 10 kHz. Pulsed laser operation is achieved by pumping a Fabry-Perot erbium-doped fiber laser with a frequency-doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Pulses of 0.9-W peak power and 280-ns duration at 1.538-μm were obtained  相似文献   

It is argued that RF-excited krypton arc lamps should exhibit superior reliability and lifetime characteristics compared with conventional dc lamps. The operation of a laser pumped by a 30-MHz multikilowatt lamp is described.  相似文献   

The power spectrum of the relative intensity noise (RIN) of single-frequency diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers is observed to be shot-noise limited at frequencies above 20 MHz for a photocurrent of up to 4.4 mA. Relaxation oscillations result in noise 60-70 dB above shot noise at a few hundred kilohertz. These relaxation oscillations have been suppressed using electronic feedback  相似文献   

Heat generation and laser performance of Nd:YAG oscillators pumped in two regimes, band pumping at /spl sim/808 nm and "thermally boosted" (TB) pumping at 884.5 nm, are compared. The crystal, pumped with a Ti:sapphire laser, lased with slope efficiencies of 52% and 57% when pumped at 802 and 884.5 nm, respectively. The heat generated during lasing was found to be 27% lower with TB pumping as compared to traditional band pumping. Moreover, the experimental results suggest that the coupling efficiency between the pump band and the upper lasing level (the quantum efficiency) is unity, and about 8% of the upper lasing level population decays via nonradiative channels.  相似文献   

介绍了一种能大幅降低Nd:YAG激光器热负载的新技术——低热抽运技术,该技术将斯托克斯频移减到最小,完全消除了量子效率损耗,从根源上最大限度地减少了系统的热负载,有利于进一步提高输出功率和改善光束质量.简述了低热抽运的发展概况,对其技术关键进行了理论分析,并探讨了其发展前景.  相似文献   

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