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笔式用户界面以纸笔为隐喻,有着广泛的应用范围.提出了一种基于笔交互的电子表单设计工具,用户可以使用数字笔自然、高效地设计表单.介绍了笔式电子表单工具的设计思路以及其中的关键技术,包括笔手势的设计、笔迹处理的流程以及相关的识别技术.基于设计思路和关键技术,实现了一个原型系统.用户测试表明,基于笔交互的表单设计工具比传统的表单设计工具更加自然、高效.  相似文献   

基于笔交互的标注工具研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子文档的大量应用,人们需要寻找一种更加符合日常习惯的电子文档标注工具。该文介绍了一种基于笔交互的标注工具,用户可以在电子文档上使用笔进行任意标注。工具使用XML作为存储媒介,可以方便地将标注结果共享和再现。  相似文献   

针对传统笔式设备输入能力有限的问题,引入笔方位并考查其性能及其与笔倾斜的混合使用.首先设计笔方位目标选择和笔方位与笔倾斜混合目标选择2个实验;然后采用组内重复方法展开实验,考查笔方位及其与笔倾斜混合输入的性能.实验结果表明,正方向的笔方位输入优于斜方向; 30°, 60°和90°笔方位容限划分下,分别形成了6个、4个和1个速度一致区间;笔方位和笔倾斜划分越密集,用户完成目标选择任务的难度越大;当笔方位容限区间为60°且笔倾斜容限区间为20°时达到最优的划分.最后给出笔方位与笔倾斜混合使用的建议和应用场景,为基于方位和倾斜的笔式交互技术设计提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

基于笔交互的几何教学系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着电算化教学在广大中小学校中的推广,教师的板书教学同电算化教学之间的矛盾日益突出。针对这个问题该文基于人机交互中的笔交互技术,设计并实现了一套几何教学系统,并将双向几何约束的相关技术应用于该系统中。该系统有效地结合了当前教师丰富的板书教学经验和计算机对信息强大的处理能力,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

单显示多输入的交互方式具有节约设备成本和提高合作效率的优点,如何实现多个输入设备独立地控制是其中的关键问题.针对此问题,提出了多笔交互技术,从设备层开始分离各笔设备的输入,为各笔构建单独的处理部分,实现多用户共享单显示设备的功能,并以笔式输入模式使得交互更加自然与高效.将多笔交互技术应用在儿童讲故事原型系统中,儿童可以共同进行故事创作.结果表明,多笔交互技术能使多个儿童同时操作,共享讲故事软件,带给儿童新的协作体验.  相似文献   

基于概念图的自然语言语义解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语法分析器应用文法规则生成语法树来表明一个句子的语法结构。本文讨论用概念图表示自然语言的语义,描述一个从语法树开始生成概念图来解释句子语义的方法,生成过程由语法树引导,把与每一个输入语相关的概念图连接成一个较大的概念图表示整个句子的语义。  相似文献   

本文提出的“分布式认知系统中的协同感知交互”以系统作为分析单元,考虑人与媒介、媒介与媒介之间的交互,强调系统中的各个构成要素的相互作用在交互过程中的重要地位,这对于减少人在交互过程中的认知负担、创造自然高效的交互环境具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

基于笔交互的表格制作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用笔交互技术实现了表格的正式制作和草图制作,满足不同用户和不同应用的需要.提出了一种基于推理的自适应字线分离方法,首先通过上下文分析和全局分析来获取笔画的字特征和框线特征,然后对这2个特征进行综合评判来分离字线,通过交互来纠正分离错误.该方法实现了草图表格到正式表格的转换,增强了表格制作的灵活性.  相似文献   

支持协同感知的人—人交互界面的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述了有关人-人交互界面中协同感知的基本概念和支持协同感知的常用方法,并在一般远程光标的基础上,提出了自适应远程光标的概念,使之不仅可以表现成员的身份、聚焦注意力,并且能够适应不同的工作模式及对象的不同表现形式。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于随机笔剧的油画绘制方法。笔剧由一系列骨架点控制,使用随机数来定义每一组笔画的起始点,运用像素8-邻域的概念生成一系列骨架点。通过多个参数的不同设置,能够方便灵活地把一幅照片渲染成具有一定风格的艺术图像。  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation into the effects of collaborative concept mapping in a digital learning environment, in terms of students' overall learning gains, knowledge retention, quality of student artefacts (the collaboratively created concept maps), interactive patterns, and learning perceptions. Sixty‐four 12‐year‐old students from two 6th grade classes (32 from each class) participated in the study. Guided by the methodology of quasi‐experimental research, group scribbles 1.0 was adopted in which students carried out collaborative concept mapping activities for social studies in two different settings: (1) 1:1 (one‐device‐per‐student) – students working in pairs with one Tablet PC assigned to each of them; and (2) 1:m (one‐device‐to‐many‐students) – multiple students sharing a Tablet PC. Both settings were evaluated and the interactional patterns of the student groups' concept mapping were identified. The results indicated that in both 1:1 and 1:m settings, students had improved their learning results and retention. Nevertheless, while 1:1 groups had demonstrated more consistency in group participation, improved communication and interaction, the 1:m groups had instead generated superior artefacts as all the notes were well discussed among the group members. The findings suggest that a higher quality of collaborative processes does not necessarily lead to improved student artefacts.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of various conflict management mechanisms embedded into computer‐supported collaborative concept mapping systems on the behaviour and learning of elementary students. Four conflict management mechanisms were compared: an assign design, in which the mapping control was designated to a particular group member; a rotate design, in which the mapping control was rotated among the group members; a give design, in which the child with mapping control could relinquish control to another group member; and an open design, in which every group member simultaneously had mapping control. Ninety‐six fifth and sixth grade Taiwanese students participated in this study. They were arranged into assign, rotate, give, or open three‐member groups to generate collaboratively shared concept maps. Student interactions, attitudes, and achievement were analysed. The results suggest that each conflict management mechanism has a different effect on the elementary students.  相似文献   

袁宇翔 《软件》2012,33(9):122-124
协作能力是高职学生应必备的一种重要的实践能力.本研究利用《大学生信息素养》课程,尝试应用概念图开展协作学习,培养学生的协作能力.通过问卷调查和量表测试,分析概念图在大学生协作学习中的应用效果,初步证实概念图在高职学生协作学习中应用具有一定的效果,并认为基于概念图的协作学习活动应包括协作学习准备、协作学习实施、学习成果汇报三个阶段.  相似文献   

通过分析当前笔式应用开发的技术、方法和环境,对跨设备笔式操作平台的体系结构和构建原理进行研究,并结合当前农村信息服务的实际应用,提出基于笔式操作平台的适合农村信息服务的应用系统开发思路。  相似文献   

基于概念集群的本体映射方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕文涛  向阳  张波 《计算机应用》2008,28(11):2859-2862
本体异构是目前本体应用的一大瓶颈,而本体映射则是解决本体异构性的基础。基于概念集群的本体映射方法(CCOM)将概念间的语义结构关系引入映射过程中,用概念集群相似度代替概念相似度进行映射规则推导。实验证明本方法具有较好的查全率与查准率。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test collaborative concept mapping activities using computers in a classroom scenario and to evaluate the possibilities that Elkar-CM offers for collaboratively learning non-technical topics. Elkar-CM is a multi-lingual and multi-media software program designed for drawing concept maps (CMs) collaboratively. Concept mapping is a widely accepted technique that promotes meaningful learning. Graphically representing concepts of the learning domain and relationships between them helps students integrate new knowledge into their current cognitive structure. This study was carried out with Social Education degree students at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The experiment included two learning activities. First, all students collaboratively constructed in the classroom a CM on the subject of Moral Development. Second, students were organised into groups to complete the CM generated in the first part.  相似文献   

本体映射是实现异构本体间互操作的有效方法,其核心环节是概念相似度的计算。针对传统概念相似度计算方法中存在的不足之处,提出了一种综合的概念相似度计算方法——DISS模型。该算法从概念定义、概念实例、概念结构三个方面计算相似度。实验证明,该算法改善了传统计算方法中存在的片面性和不完善性问题,提高了本体映射的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

Abstract The key research question in this small‐scale study focuses on the effects that an ICT (information and communications technologies)‐based concept mapping intervention has on creativity and writing achievement in 10–11‐year‐old primary age pupils. The data shows that pupils using a concept mapping intervention significantly improve their NFER non‐verbal reasoning age‐standardised scores over a control group with a higher baseline whose scores remain constant. Evidence linking this with using ICT‐based concept mapping remains inconclusive. Correlation studies show that writing achievement and creativity are linked and that writing achievement and concept mapping connectivity are linked. However, there is no conclusive evidence for linking concept mapping connectivity with creativity. Findings show that concept mapping components increase post‐test and that concept mapping ability can be evaluated using a connectivity index that may have some predictive value in assessing writing achievement. The findings suggest that ICT‐based concept mapping provides a reliable framework from which to structure writing and that ICT enhances learning and use of this representational technique and provides opportunities for developing innovative and educationally valid practices.  相似文献   

We report an empirical study where we investigated the effects, on the collaborative outcomes and processes, of a cognition-related awareness tool providing learners with cues about their peer’s level of prior knowledge. Sixty-four university students participated in a remote computer-mediated dyadic learning scenario. Co-learners were provided (or not) with a visual representation of their peer’s level of prior knowledge through what we refer to as a knowledge awareness tool (KAT). The results show that, providing co-learners with objective cues about the level of their peer’s prior knowledge positively impacts learning outcomes. In addition, this effect seems to be mediated by the fact that co-learners provided with these objective cues become more accurate in estimating their partner’s knowledge - accuracy that predicts higher outcomes. Analyses on the process level of the verbal interactions indicate that the KAT seems to sensitize co-learners to the fragile nature of their partner’s as well as their own prior knowledge. The beneficial effect of the KAT seems to mainly rely on this induction of epistemic uncertainty that implicitly triggers compensation socio-cognitive strategies; strategies that appear to be beneficial to the learning process.  相似文献   

协作感知是协同虚拟环境用户协作和交互的基础,目前没有一种协作感知模型适用于所有虚拟协作应用.介绍了协同虚拟环境和协作感知的定义,分析了协同虚拟环境中用户协作过程和任务关系,引入角色理论和Agent技术对协同虚拟环境和协作者的操作权限进行表示,通过对角色任务图分解/合并划分协作感知层次,建立协作感知模型量化计算感知强度,动态组建协作虚拟组,提高通信效率.  相似文献   

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