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A multibody methodology for systematic construction of a two-dimensional biomechanical model of a human body is presented, aimed at effective determination of the muscle forces and joint reaction forces in the lower extremities during sagittal plane movements such as vertical jump, standing long jump or jumping down from a height. While the hip, knee and ankle joints are modeled as enforced directly by the muscle forces applied to the foot, shank, thigh and pelvis at the muscle attachment points, the actuation of the other joints is simplified to the torques representing the respective muscle action. The developed formulation is applicable to both the flying and support phases, enhanced by an effective scheme for the determination of reaction forces exclusively in the lower extremity joints. The determination of reactions from the ground is also provided. The problem of muscle force redundancy in the lower extremities is solved by applying the pseudoinverse method, with post-processing procedures used to assure the muscle being tensile. Results of the inverse dynamics analysis of vertical jump are reported.  相似文献   

The main objective is to generate kinematic models for the head and neck movements. The motivation comes from our study of individuals with quadriplegia and the need to design rehabilitation aiding devices such as robots and teletheses that can be controlled by head-neck movements. It is then necessary to develop mathematical models for the head and neck movements. Two identification methods have been applied to study the kinematics of head-neck movements of able-body as well as neck-injured subjects. In particular, sagittal plane movements are well modeled by a planar two-revolute-joint linkage. In fact, the motion in joint space seems to indicate that sagittal plane movements may be classified as a single DOF motion. Finally, a spatial three-revolute-joint system has been employed to model 3D head-neck movements  相似文献   


A series of experiments are reported in which the effects of transferred mass and resistive/assistive forces were investigated for both ballistic and visually-controlled movements. The first experiment involved the transfer of mass in the horizontal plane so that only inertia] forces were present. This was followed by experiments in which movements were made with a purely resistive or assistive force, without the presence of increased inertia. Finally the effects of transferring mass in the vertical direction were investigated, where resistive/assistive forces were present due to gravity, as well as increased inertia force due to the transferred mass. Both theoretical and empirical models are presented for each of these cases. It was found that, for both ballistic and visually-controlled movements, the data were well accounted for simply by a component of added time proportional to the transferred mass or the magnitude of the constant force. This result is in agreement with the procedure used in some predetermined motion time systems.  相似文献   

博客评论的人类行为动力学实证研究和建模*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于Internet上的在线通信信息可以存储在数据库中,它为研究人类动力学提供了机遇。本文基于网上博客评论的数据统计,给出评论时间间隔分布的实证研究。发现人们对于某个话题的兴趣逐渐消失,评论的时间间隔服从幂律分布。根据这个特征,提出一个兴趣逐渐消失的人类行为动力学模型。用非齐次Poisson过程对模型进行严格分析,获得事件的时间间隔分布的解析表达式。结果表明,这个模型的时间间隔服从幂律分布,幂律指数由两个参数调节,其范围在区间(1,∞)中. 理论预测和实证结果相吻合。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - The analysis of human gait dynamics allows an individual to obtain interesting biometric features through which gait disturbances can be observed from normal and...  相似文献   

Municipal water systems provide crucial services for human well-being, and will undergo a major transformation this century following global technological, socioeconomic and environmental changes. Future demand scenarios integrating these drivers over multi-decadal planning horizons are needed to develop effective adaptation strategies. This paper presents a new long-term scenario modeling framework that projects future daily municipal water demand at a 1/8° global spatial resolution. The methodology incorporates improved representations of important demand drivers such as urbanization and climate change. The framework is applied across multiple future socioeconomic and climate scenarios to explore municipal water demand uncertainties over the 21st century. The scenario analysis reveals that achieving a low-carbon development pathway can potentially reduce global municipal water demands in 2060 by 2–4%, although the timing and scale of impacts vary significantly with geographic location.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid pace of urbanization, cities in the global South are growing with most of this growth occurring in informal settlements. Urban upgrading aims to improve living conditions in such settlements by improving the infrastructure but might lead to unexpected effects such as income segregation. InformalCity, a spatially explicit agent-based model, simulates the implications of urban upgrading in an artificial city. Our simulation experiments show that maintenance of the upgraded infrastructure, the scope of upgrading efforts, and timing (early vs. late investments) affect infrastructure quality, housing development and income segregation. However, we also find that urban upgrading interventions can have contradictory effects; for example, maintenance increases the quality of infrastructure and income segregation. Thus, policy makers need to establish clear targets for upgrading projects, and empirical evaluation studies should consider studying the impacts of urban upgrading on an entire city's development rather than limiting them to informal settlements.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of pre-obesity and obesity, the physical capabilities of pre-obese/obese individuals are not well documented. As an effort to address this, this study investigated the pre-obesity and obesity impacts on joint range of motion (RoM) for twenty-two body joint motions. A publicly available passive RoM dataset was analysed. Three BMI groups (normal-weight, pre-obese, and obese [Class I]) were statistically compared in joint RoM. The pre-obese and obese groups were found to have significantly smaller RoM means than the normal-weight for elbow flexion and supination, hip extension and flexion, knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion. The pre-obese and obese groups exhibited no significant inter-group mean RoM differences except for knee flexion; for knee flexion, the obese group had significantly smaller RoM means than the pre-obese. The findings would be useful for designing work tasks and products/systems for high BMI individuals and developing digital human models representing differently sized individuals.

Practitioner summary: This study investigated the pre-obesity and obesity impacts on joint range of motion (RoM) by comparing three participant groups: normal-weight; pre-obese and obese. The pre-obese and obese groups had significantly smaller RoM means than the normal-weight for elbow flexion and supination; hip extension and flexion; knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion.

Abbreviations: ANCOVA: Analysis of Covariance; BMI: Body Mass Index; CI: Confidence Interval; RoM: Range of Motion; SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences  相似文献   

An aim of human factors research is to have models that allow for the advance design of user-friendly environments. This is still a distant dream because existing models are not yet sufficiently sophisticated. Models in the domain of motor control are a case in point, but recent developments in computational motor control suggest that the gap between the current state of modeling in this area and the desired state is shrinking. To illustrate this point, we review principles of motor control research that any model of motor control must accommodate. Then we describe a model that captures many of the capacities of actors in the everyday world, including the capacity to reach for objects in different ways depending on factors such as the ease with which different joints can rotate, the required speed of movement, and whether obstacles are present. The model relies on the ideas that goal postures are internally specified before movements are generated, that tasks are defined with flexibly ordered constraint hierarchies, and that movements can be shaped according to task demands. Actual or potential applications of this research include designing and testing possible environments where motor components play a key role.  相似文献   

This article proposes a simple linear-by-part approach for perfectly elastic 3D multiple-point impacts in multibody systems with perfect constraints and no friction, applicable both to nonredundant and redundant cases (where the normal velocities of the contact points are not independent). The approach is based on a vibrational dynamical model, and uses the so called “independent contact space.” Two different time and space scales are used. At the macroscale, the impact interval is negligible, and the overall system configuration is assumed to be constant. Consequently, the inertia and Jacobian matrices appearing in the formulation are also constant. The dynamics at the contact points is simulated through stiff springs undergoing very small deformations and generating system vibrations at the microscale. The total impact interval is split into phases, each corresponding to a constant set of compressed springs responsible for an elastic potential energy. For each phase, a reduced inertia matrix associated with a set of contact points, and a reduced stiffness matrix obtained from the potential energy (associated with all contact points undergoing compression) are introduced. From these matrices, a modal analysis is performed yielding an all-analytical solution within each phase. The main difference between the redundant and nonredundant cases concerns the inertia and stiffness matrices for modal analysis. While in the former case, both are related to the total set of contact points (total contact space), in the latter one they are related to two subsets: a subset of independent points for the inertia matrix (independent contact space), and the total set for the stiffness matrix. A second difference concerns the calculation of the normal impulses generated at each contact point. For the nonredundant case, they can be directly obtained from the total incremental normal velocities of the contact points through the inertia and stiffness matrices. For the redundant one, they can be obtained by adding up their incremental values at each impact phase. This requires an updating of a new effective stiffness matrix depending on the contact points undergoing compression at each phase. Four planar application cases are presented involving a single body and a multibody system colliding with a smooth ground.  相似文献   

针对当前汽车动力学仿真软件建模复杂度高、模型结构不易理解、模板开放性不高等缺点,提出开放的模板化建模技术.将汽车动力学模型分解为相对独立的子系统并抽象为基本模板,采用“基本模板—结构模板—模板实例化”的架构,用XML描述模板,从而实现模板的开放性,构建汽车动力学模型的树状层级模板库和实例库,结合基于实例推理的方法生成模型.在此基础上开发了汽车整车建模软件,并以某重型汽车起重机为例说明了该技术的应用.  相似文献   

Kam Leung Yeung  Li Li 《Displays》2013,34(2):165-170
We have previously shown that concurrent head movements impair head-referenced image motion perception when compensatory eye movements are suppressed (Li, Adelstein, & Ellis, 2009) [16]. In this paper, we examined the effect of the field of view on perceiving world-referenced image motion during concurrent head movements. Participants rated the motion magnitude of a horizontally oscillating checkerboard image presented on a large screen while making yaw or pitch head movements, or holding their heads still. As the image motion was world-referenced, head motion elicited compensatory eye movements from the vestibular-ocular reflex to maintain the gaze on the display. The checkerboard image had either a large (73°H × 73°V) or a small (25°H × 25°V) field of view (FOV). We found that perceptual sensitivity to world-referenced image motion was reduced by 20% during yaw and pitch head movements compared to the veridical levels when the head was still, and this reduction did not depend on the display FOV size. Reducing the display FOV from 73°H × 73°V to 25°H × 25°V caused an overall underestimation of image motion by 7% across the head movement and head still conditions. We conclude that observers have reduced perceptual sensitivity to world-referenced image motion during concurrent head movements independent of the FOV size. The findings are applicable in the design of virtual environment countermeasures to mitigate perception of spurious motion arising from head tracking system latency.  相似文献   

Human movements, and their underlying muscular recruitment strategies, can be studied in several ways. In order to increase the understanding of human movement planning strategies, the movement problem is here seen as a boundary value problem for a mechanism with prescribed initial and final configurations. The time variations of a set of control actuator forces are supposed to fulfil some optimality criterion while creating this motion. The boundary value problem is discretized by temporal finite element interpolation, where the discrete variables are seen in an optimization context. The present work focusses on the introduction of the activation dynamics of the actuators, introducing a delay in the force production from the stimulation variables. The choice of interpolations of the variables is discussed in the light of the optimization setting. Examples show aspects of the results obtained for different assumptions. It is concluded that the formulation gives a good basis for further improvement of muscular force production models in an optimal movement setting.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bio-mimetic trajectory of robots for manipulating a nonholonomic car is generated with a time base generator (TBG). In order to reveal what kind of trajectories the robots should generate for the given task, experiments with human subjects were performed. It has been shown that a human generates the trajectory with a single- or double-peaked velocity profile according to the geometrical conditions of the car. Then, bio-mimetic trajectories were generated by modeling the observed primitive profiles with the TBG and also compared with the human trajectories.  相似文献   

To cope with data limitations and to provide insight into the dynamics of LUCC for local stakeholders in the Municipality of Koper, Slovenia, we constructed an ABM (loosely defined) that integrates utility theory, logistic regression, and cellular automaton-like rules to represent the decision-making strategies of different agents. The model is used to evaluate the impact of LUCC on human well-being, as represented by the provision of highly productive agricultural soil, the extent of noise pollution, and quality-of-life measurements. Results for the Municipality of Koper show that, under a range of model assumptions, (1) high quality agricultural soils are disproportionately affected by urban growth, (2) aggregate resident quality of life increases non-linearly with a change in development density, (3) some drivers of residential settlement produce non-linear preference responses, and (4) clustering industrial development had a beneficial impact on human well-being. Additional novel contributions include the incorporation of noise pollution feedbacks and an approach to empirically inform agent preferences using a conjoint analysis of social survey data.  相似文献   

The consolidation of salt-saturated porous media is modeled with space-time nonlocality effects and with/without the relaxation of the filtration rate taken into account. A numerical algorithm for modeling the dynamics of the process is proposed and an asymptotic analysis of the problem for excess head is performed for weak spatial nonlocality. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 6, pp. 59–66, November–December 2008.  相似文献   

Animating human locomotion with inverse dynamics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Because the major force components (the internal muscular forces and torques) are not known a priori over time, you cannot use forward dynamics to predict how the human body will walk. The alternative to the apparently intractable problem of specifying the joint torque patterns in advance is to use inverse dynamics to analyze the torques and forces required for the given motion. Such an analysis can show, for example, that the motion induces excessive torque, that the system is out of balance at a certain point, or that the step length is too great. We present a method of using an inverse dynamics computation to dynamically balance the resulting walking motion and to maintain the joint torques within a moderate range imposed by human strength limits. This method corrects or predicts a motion as indicated by the inverse dynamics analysis. Dynamic correctness is a sufficient condition for realistic motion of nonliving objects. In animating a self-actuated system, however, visual realism is another important, separate criterion for determining the success of a technique. Dynamic correctness is not a sufficient condition for this visual realism. An animation of dynamically balanced walking that is also comfortable in the sense of avoiding strength violations can still look quite different from normal human walking. A visually realistic and dynamically sound animation of human locomotion is obtained using an effective combination of kinematic and dynamic techniques  相似文献   

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