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Accurate measurement of short (<1 mm depth) elliptical fatigue cracks that grow from the toes of fillet welds has proved to be an obstacle to the application of fracture mechanics principles to welding fatigue. This paper reports a DC potential drop technique which allows continuous measurement of the depth of such elliptical cracks. A delicate compromise between sensitivity and accuracy, combined with superior electrical stability displayed by the measurement apparatus, has allowed detection of: 1 — crack growth less than 0.01 mm and; 2 — crack growth rates less than 10?7 mm/cycle for cracks less than 1 mm deep.Preliminary results have indicated the relative importance of stress ratio, defect size and material variation on the growth of these short elliptical cracks. When the weld toe is subject to high stress ratios the phenomenon may be considered propagation dominated whereas low stress levels increase the influence of threshold and initiation mechanisms. 相似文献
Gear mesh stiffness plays a very important role in gear dynamics and it varies in the presence of gear fault such as crack. The measurement of stress intensity factor can lead to the determination of gear tooth mesh stiffness variation in the presence of crack in a spur gear system. In this paper, the technique of conventional photoelasticity has been revisited to explore the possibility of using it as a supplementary technique to experimentally measure the variation of gear mesh stiffness. An attempt has been made to calculate the variation of mesh stiffness for a pinion having a cracked tooth and a gear tooth with no crack of a spur gear pair. An analytical methodology based on elastic strain energy method in conjunction with total potential energy model has been adopted and implemented within the mesh stiffness calculations. To visualize the state of stress in a structure using finite element and other currently available methods, photoelasticity is considered to be one of the oldest and most developed experimental technique. An experimental methodology based on conventional photo-elasticity technique for computing stress intensity factor (SIF) for cracked spur gear tooth is presented for different single tooth contact position and crack length. The relation between contact position, crack length, crack configuration, SIF and the variation of total effective mesh stiffness have been quantified. Finally, a comparison has been made and the results obtained from finite element method (FEM) based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), analytical method and proposed experimental method has been outlined. 相似文献
S. PODRUG D. JELASKA S. GLODE 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2008,31(5):327-339
A computational model for determination of the service life of gears with regard to bending fatigue at gear tooth root is presented. In conventional fatigue models of the gear tooth root, it is usual to approximate actual gear load with a pulsating force acting at the highest point of the single tooth contact. However, in actual gear operation, the magnitude as well as the position of the force changes as the gear rotates. A study to determine the effect of moving gear tooth load on the gear service life is performed. The fatigue process leading to tooth breakage is divided into crack‐initiation and crack‐propagation period. The critical plane damage model has been used to determine the number of stress cycles required for the fatigue crack initiation. The finite‐element method and linear elastic fracture mechanics theories are then used for the further simulation of the fatigue crack growth. 相似文献
为避免传统设计和加工的近似球面渐开线齿形螺旋锥齿轮存在的缺陷,提出了一种新型螺旋锥齿轮设计方案.从齿面精确组成和形状特征出发,将球面渐开线理论应用于齿面基本曲线的方程表达式求导中,实现了齿面曲线的分段参数化.然后,对组成齿面的各区域分别求取齿面离散点数据,并采用三次均匀B样条曲面方法进行初步的拟合与拼接.为了进一步提高齿面精度,借助NURBS方法对拼接后的齿面进行了统一的NURBS精确拟合,并给出了齿面统一参数化的优化方法.最后的算例表明了相关方法的精确性和可行性,为螺旋锥齿轮的数字化设计与NURBS加工提供了新的思路与途径. 相似文献
局部均值分解在齿轮故障诊断中的应用研究 总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3
局部均值分解(Local Mean Decomposition,简称LMD)作为一种新的自适应的时频分析方法,在故障诊断领域开始得到研究。本文利用仿真信号研究了LMD算法的特性,验证了LMD处理描述齿轮故障信号特征的多分量调幅调频信号的有效性;在此基础上将LMD综合应用于断齿、磨损和剥落三种齿轮故障诊断中,并与传统解调方法进行了对比。结果表明,LMD方法可以有效提取故障齿轮的故障特征,消除虚假成分的影响,从而提高了齿轮故障诊断的准确性 相似文献
Planetary gears are widely used in aeronautic and industrial applications that require compactness and high torque-to-weight
ratios. Despite these advantages, the severe conditions under which such gears are typically used may lead to failure. Tooth
pitting and cracking are frequently encountered failure modes. The defects are modeled and discussed for a planetary gear
set. The influence of tooth defects on gear mesh stiffness is scrutinized. Healthy planetary gear dynamic response and the
response of planetary gears containing tooth defects are compared in both the time and frequency domains and in the joint
time-frequency domains by use of the Wigner-Ville distribution. 相似文献
The efficiency of high contact ratio (HCR) gearing can be achieved by proper selection of gear geometry for increased load capacity and smoother operation despite of their high sliding velocities. The prediction of variation in mesh stiffness of HCR gearing is critical as the average number of teeth being in contact is high at a given time as compared to conventional low contact ratio (LCR) gearing. In this paper, linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) based finite element method is used to perform the crack propagation path studies of HCR spur gear having tooth root crack for two gear parameters viz. backup ratio and pressure angle. A total potential energy model has been adopted to analytically estimate the mesh stiffness variation. The results depict the mesh stiffness reduction in the presence of the crack. The percentage change in mesh stiffness with increasing crack length is an important parameter in fault diagnosis of geared transmission. Higher the percentage change in mesh stiffness, easier to detect the fault. Two gear parameters viz. back-up ratio and pressure angle has been studied and the effect of crack length on mesh stiffness have been outlined. With the increase of deterioration level gears having lower back-up ratio fault can be detected at an early stage, similarly, chances for early fault detection is more for gears having higher pressure angle. 相似文献
In a planetary gearbox, there are multiple vibration sources, and the transmission path of vibration signals changes due to the rotation of the carrier. This study aims to model the vibration signals of a planetary gearbox and investigate the vibration properties in the healthy condition and in the cracked tooth condition. A dynamic model is developed to simulate the vibration source signals. A modified Hamming function is proposed to represent the effect of the transmission path. By incorporating the effect of multiple vibration sources and the effect of transmission path, resultant vibration signals of a planetary gearbox are obtained. Through analyzing the resultant vibration signals, some vibration properties of a planetary gearbox are revealed and the fault symptoms of sun gear tooth crack are identified and located. Finally, the proposed approach is experimentally verified. 相似文献
Stanislav Pehan 《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》2008,75(5):1266-1283
This paper describes the problem of determining crack initiation location and its influence on crack propagation in a gear tooth’s root. Three different load positions on the gear tooth’s flank were considered for this investigation of crack initiation and propagation. A special test device was used for the single tooth test. It can be concluded from the measurements that a crack can be initiated at very different locations in a tooth’s root and then propagate along its own paths. A numerical investigation into a crack initiation’s position and its influences on its propagation were carried out within the framework of linear fracture mechanics. The influence of a tooth’s load position, the geometry of the tooth’s root, and the influence of non-parallel load distribution on the tooth’s flank were considered when investigating the crack initiation’s position. Results show that linear fracture mechanics can be used for determining crack propagation, if better initial conditions for crack initiation are considered. 相似文献
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen - In shot-peened components, failures can be caused by a crack initiation below the surface at a non-metallic inclusion in the steel matrix. This... 相似文献
研究双模组合齿形齿轮泵的流量、压力特性.通过将不同模数的齿轮叠加组合,设计双模数齿形的主、从动齿轮,以增加齿轮啮合过程中的容积变化量,提高齿轮泵的排量,利用Fluent对齿轮泵内液压流场进行了仿真,得出齿轮泵在启动和稳定工作状态下流场压力分布云图、速度分布云图和速度矢量图,并据此分析了齿轮泵流场的流态.结果表明:同体积下双模齿轮泵的输出流量是普通齿轮泵的1.6~3.3倍,该齿轮泵中大齿将流场分成不同压力区,且大齿两侧流体压力差较大,齿顶间隙处液体流动速度较大,说明齿轮泵径向泄漏较为严重,在泵的人口处存在涡流现象,会产生压力冲击,影响齿面的使用寿命. 相似文献
H. Y. CHUNG Y. Z. LIN R. S. LIN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2009,32(1):41-60
Due to its simplicity, the least-squares method provides an efficient means to evaluate the stress intensity factors (SIFs) of cracks in complicated structures. This paper demonstrates numerical and experimental applications of the least-squares method to study mode-II SIFs of double fillet welded lap joints. In the numerical application, double fillet welded lap joints with different geometric parameters, including overlap length, weld leg size, plate thickness and plate length, were systematically analysed by the finite-element method combined with the least-squares method. The computed SIF results were then employed to develop the general formulae of the shearing fracture mode (mode-II) stress intensity factors. To validate the numerical results, three double fillet welded lap joint specimens were tested by a non-contact optical experiment using a common digital camera and a proposed image processing scheme. The measured crack shearing displacements near the crack tip were substituted into the least-squares procedure to obtain the SIFs of the specimens. The numerical and experimental results were in good agreement with the existing numerical results for double fillet welded lap joints provided in the handbook (Murakami, 1987). The non-contact optical experiment makes the field measurement of SIFs possible, which is very useful for fracture analysis or fatigue evaluation of structures like steel bridges, naval structures and offshore structures. 相似文献
M. Guagliano 《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》2006,73(14):1947-1958
Aim of this paper is to propose a numerical tool able to compute the stress intensity factor for the Mode I, II and III along the front of any subsurface cracks found in spiral and hypoid gear teeth, allowing to assess the criticality of the crack itself. The described approach is based on two steps: firstly the contact pressures in the un-cracked teeth are efficiently computed by an advanced contact solver; in this way the complex tooth geometry and the intricate meshing condition can be accurately considered; then, the displacements field due to those pressures is applied as boundary conditions to a finite element model of the cracked zone and the SIFs are efficiently computed. This information, together with the knowledge of the ΔK threshold value of the material, makes possible to decide whether the defect is acceptable and to evaluate the conditions of propagation. 相似文献
针对齿轮启停过程中故障振动信号的调频特性,提出了基于广义解调时频分析和瞬时频率计算的阶次谱方法,并将其应用于齿轮瞬态信号的分析。广义解调时频分析是一种新的时频分析方法,它可以将多分量的信号分解为若干个瞬时频率具有物理意义的单分量信号,每个单分量信号可以是调幅-调频信号,因此非常适合处理多分量的调幅-调频信号。而当齿轮发生故障时,其启停过程中的振动信号就表现为多分量的调幅-调频特征。在基于广义解调时频分析和瞬时频率计算的阶次谱方法中,首先采用广义解调时频分析方法将齿轮瞬态信号分解为若干个单分量信号,然后计算各个分量的瞬时频率,再对其瞬时频率信号进行重采样,最后对重采样信号进行频谱分析得到阶次谱,从而提取齿轮振动信号的故障特征,判断齿轮的工作状态。仿真信号和实验信号的分析结果表明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献