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This paper presents an algebraic compilation approach to the correct synthesis (compilation into hardware) of a synchronous language with shared variables and parallelism. The synthesis process generates a hardware component that implements the source program by means of gradually reducing it into a highly parallel state-machine. The correctness of the compiler follows by construction from the correctness of the transformations involved in the synthesis process. Each transformation is proved sound from more basic algebraic laws of the source language; the laws are themselves formally derived from a denotational semantics expressed in the Unified Theories of Programming. The proposed approach is based on previous efforts that handle both software and hardware compilation, in a pure algebraic style, but the complexity of our source language demanded significant adaptations and extensions to the existing approaches.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how reduction to normal form can help in the design of a correct compiler for Dijkstra's guarded command language. The compilation strategy is to transform a source program, by a series of algebraic manipulations, into a normal form that describes the behaviour of a stored-program computer. Each transformation eliminates high-level language constructs in favour of lower-level constructs. The correctness of the compiler follows from the correctness of each of the algebraic transformations.  相似文献   

Translation validation was invented in the 90’s by Pnueli et al. as a technique to formally verify the correctness of code generators. Rather than certifying the code generator or exhaustively qualifying it, translation validators attempt to verify that program transformations preserve semantics. In this work, we adopt this approach to formally verify that the clock semantics and data dependence are preserved during the compilation of the Signal compiler. Translation validation is implemented for every compilation phase from the initial phase until the latest phase where the executable code is generated, by proving the transformation in each phase of the compiler preserves the semantics. We represent the clock semantics, the data dependence of a program and its transformed counterpart as first-order formulas which are called clock models and synchronous dependence graphs (SDGs), respectively. We then introduce clock refinement and dependence refinement relations which express the preservations of clock semantics and dependence, as a relation on clock models and SDGs, respectively. Our validator does not require any instrumentation or modification of the compiler, nor any rewriting of the source program.  相似文献   

A certifying compiler takes a source language program and produces object code, as well as a certificate that can be used to verify that the object code satisfies desirable properties, such as type safety and memory safety. Certifying compilation helps to increase both compiler robustness and program safety. Compiler robustness is improved since some compiler errors can be caught by checking the object code against the certificate immediately after compilation. Program safety is improved because the object code and certificate alone are sufficient to establish safety: even if the object code and certificate are produced on an unknown machine by an unknown compiler and sent over an untrusted network, safe execution is guaranteed as long as the code and certificate pass the verifier.Existing work in certifying compilation has addressed statically generated code. In this paper, we extend this to code generated at run time. Our goal is to combine certifying compilation with run-time code generation to produce programs that are both fast and verifiably safe. To achieve this goal, we present two new languages with explicit run-time code generation constructs: Cyclone, a type safe dialect of C, and TAL/T, a type safe assembly language. We have designed and implemented a system that translates a safe C program into Cyclone, which is then compiled to TAL/T, and finally assembled into executable object code. This paper focuses on our overall approach and the front end of our system; details about TAL/T will appear in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

RETE网络中的优化编译模式及其PVS形式验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓建  陈平 《计算机科学》2003,30(6):168-171
In the compilation of rule program to the intermediate code-RETE network,optimizing compilation is an important compiler schema,and is a necessary step in the compiler verification.In this paper,we discuss optimization schemas in rule program compilation,and prove the semantic equivalence theorems of these schemas.Firstly,the structure of RETE network and its PVS specification are represented.Secondly,three kinds of optimization schemas are listed.Then algorithms evaluating semantics of target RETE network are given.Finally,we prove the semantic equivalence theorems with theorem prover PVS (Prototype Verification System).  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce Continuation Passing C (CPC), a programming language for concurrent systems in which native and cooperative threads are unified and presented to the programmer as a single abstraction. The CPC compiler uses a compilation technique, based on the CPS transform, that yields efficient code and an extremely lightweight representation for contexts. We provide a proof of the correctness of our compilation scheme. We show in particular that lambda-lifting, a common compilation technique for functional languages, is also correct in an imperative language like C, under some conditions enforced by the CPC compiler. The current CPC compiler is mature enough to write substantial programs such as Hekate, a highly concurrent BitTorrent seeder. Our benchmark results show that CPC is as efficient, while using significantly less space, as the most efficient thread libraries available.  相似文献   

We study issues in verifying compilers for modern imperative and object-oriented languages. We take the view that it is not the compiler but the code generated by it which must be correct. It is this subtle difference that allows for reusing standard compiler architecture, construction methods and tools also in a verifying compiler.Program checking is the main technique for avoiding the cumbersome task of verifying most parts of a compiler and the tools by which they are generated. Program checking remaps the result of a compiler phase to its origin, the input of this phase, in a provably correct manner. We then only have to compare the actual input to its regenerated form, a basically syntactic process. The correctness proof of the generation of the result is replaced by the correctness proof of the remapping process. The latter turns out to be far easier than proving the generating process correct.The only part of a compiler where program checking does not seem to work is the transformation step which replaces source language constructs and their semantics, given, e.g., by an attributed syntax tree, by an intermediate representation, e.g., in SSA-form, which is expressing the same program but in terms of the target machine. This transformation phase must be directly proven using Hoare logic and/or theorem-provers. However, we can show that given the features of today's programming languages and hardware architectures this transformation is to a large extent universal: it can be reused for any pair of source and target language. To achieve this goal we investigate annotating the syntax tree as well as the intermediate representation with constraints for exhibiting specific properties of the source language. Such annotations are necessary during code optimization anyway.  相似文献   

We define a mixed imperative/declarative programming language: declarative contracts are enforced upon imperatively described behaviors. This paper describes the semantics of the language, making use of the notion of Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS). We target the application domain of adaptive and reconfigurable systems: our language can serve programming closed-loop adaptation controllers, enabling flexible execution of functionalities w.r.t. changing resource and environment conditions. DCS is integrated into a1 programming language compiler, which facilitates its use by users and programmers, performing executable code generation. The tool is concretely built upon the basis of a reactive programming language compiler, where the nodes describe behaviors that can be modeled in terms of transition systems. Our compiler integrates this with a DCS tool, making it a new environment for formal methods. We define the trace semantics of our contracts language, describe its compilation and establish its correctness, and discuss implementation and examples.  相似文献   

Compiling quantum programs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we study a possible compiler for a high-level imperative programming language for quantum computation, the quantum Guarded-Command Language (qGCL). It is important because it liberates us from thinking of quantum algorithms at the data-flow level, in the same way as happened for standard computation a few decades ago.We make use of the normal-form approach to compiler design, introduced by Hoare, Jifeng and Sampaio. In this approach a source program is transformed, by means of algebraic manipulations, into a particular form which can be directly executed by a target machine. This entails the definition of a simple quantum hardware architecture, derived from Hoare et al.’s computing model.Our work provides a general framework for the construction of a compiler for qGCL, focusing mainly on the correctness of the design. Here we do not deal with other topics such as efficiency of compiled code, factorisation of unitary transformations and compilation of quantum data structures.  相似文献   

Conclusion An L2B-L2C optimizing compiler has been developed for compiling the procedural subset of the interpreted untyped language APLAN of the algebraic programming system APS into C. Controlled automatic compiling of procedures is regarded as a technological step toward efficient solution of problems in an algebraic programming environment. A distinctive feature of the compiler is that optimization is initiated by the user and relies on hierarchical algebraic specifications. If no specifications are present, the system guarantees compilation consistent with common APLAN semantics. The compiler is formally described on two levels. On the architectural level, we describe the general structure of the compiling process. The main data structures used for optimization are dictionaires of algebraic program components and expression type arrays. The semantic level of multialternative compiling of language constructs is represented in the language of relationships with selection of an appropriate translation alternative. The implementation of the proposed compiler requires a flexible support environment, which allows nonhomogeneous processing of an extended source language, in particular construction of static and dynamic information environments, compilation of the procedural part, and also analysis of the compiling environment, definition of the set of translations of procedural constructs, and selection of the best translation alternative for each particular case. An implementation of the proposed compiler is described in [13]. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 6, pp. 3–16, November–December, 1995.  相似文献   

Compiling code for the Icon programming language presents several challenges, particularly in dealing with types and goal-directed expression evaluation. In order to produce optimized code, it is necessary for the compiler to know much more about operations than is necessary for the compilation of most programming languages. This paper describes the organization of the Icon compiler and the way it acquires and maintains information about operations. The Icon compiler generates C code, which makes it portable to a wide variety of platforms and also allows the use of existing C compilers for performing routine optimizations on the final code. A specially designed implementation language, which is a superset of C, is used for writing Icon's run-time system. This language allows the inclusion of information about the abstract semantics of Icon operations and their type-checking and conversion requirements. A translator converts code written in the run-time language to C code to provide an object library for linking with the code produced by the Icon compiler. The translation process also automatically produces a database that contains the information the Icon compiler needs to generate and optimize code. This approach allows easy extension of Icon's computational repertoire, alternate computational extensions, and cross compilation.  相似文献   

Guaranteeing correctness of compilation is a vital precondition for correct software. Code generation can be one of the most error-prone tasks in a compiler. One way to achieve trusted compilation is certifying compilation. A certifying compiler generates for each run a proof that it has performed the compilation run correctly. The proof is checked in a separate theorem prover. If the theorem prover is content with the proof one can be sure that the compiler produced correct code. This paper reports on the construction of a certifying code generation phase for a compiler. It is part of a larger project aimed at guaranteeing the correctness of a complete compiler. We emphasize on demonstrating the feasibility of the certifying compilation approach to code generation and focus on the implementation and practical issues. It turns out that the checking of the certificates is the actual bottleneck of certifying compilation. We present a proof schema to overcome this bottleneck. Hence we show the applicability of the certifying compilation approach for small sized programs processed by a compiler's code generation phase.  相似文献   

We present the results of our experience in introducing modularity into the programming language Pascal in order to aid the creation and use of library modules. Our system performs the symbolic linking of source language modules producing a single Pascal text ready for compilation; performing the link phase before compilation anticipates interface consistency checks, and suggests a possible improvement of program development systems. Our extension is implemented in a preprocessor which ensures a complete compatibility with any standard Pascal compiler. In this paper we examine the main features of some high-level programming languages which support modularization and data abstraction and some experiences in introducing modularity into Pascal; on this basis we describe our choice in detail. The design and implementation details are discussed and some examples are presented.  相似文献   

The use of typed intermediate languages can significantly increase the reliability of a compiler. By type-checking the code produced at each transformation stage, one can identify bugs in the compiler that would otherwise be much harder to find. We propose to take the use of types in compilation a step further by verifying that the transformation itself is type correct, in the sense that it is impossible that it produces an ill typed term given a well typed term as input.We base our approach on higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS), a representation of programs where variables in the object language are represented by meta-variables. We use a representation that accounts for the object language's type system using generalized algebraic data types (GADTs). In this way, the full binding and type structure of the object language is exposed to the host language's type system. In this setting we encode a type preservation property of a CPS conversion in Haskell's type system, using witnesses of a type correctness proof encoded in a GADT.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of compiler correctness. The approach taken is to systematically construct a correct compiler for a language from a formal semantic definition of the language. For this purpose, an operational semantics of a language is chosen as the basis for the approach. That is, the compiler for a language is derived from an interpreter of the language. The derivation process uses the notion of mixed computation proposed by Ershov. Briefly stated, one begins interpreting and when a primitive state changing instruction is about to be executed, the instruction is emitted as code instead. The correctness of all compilers produced by the method is guaranteed by proving the derivation rules correct. This proof is a one-time task for each specification language. The specification language studied in this paper is the Vienna Definition Language (VDL). The object code generated by the compiler is in an intermediate language close to an assembly language. Therefore, the translation from the intermediate language into the assembly language should be straightforward.  相似文献   

We describe our efforts to use rule-based programming to produce a model of Jumbo, a run-time program generation (RTPG) system for Java. Jumbo incorporates RTPG following the simple principle that the regular compiler — or, rather, its back-end — can be used both for ordinary, static compilation and for run-time compilation. This tends to produce a run-time compiler that is inefficient but potentially subject to improvement by partial evaluation. However, the complexity of the language and compiler have made it difficult for us to achieve actual optimization. The model, written in Maude, preserves all the essential ingredients of Jumbo, but operates on a simplified language, called Mumbo. The simplification in the language together with Maude's support for code rewriting has allowed us to make rapid progress. We discuss the model in detail, the kinds of optimizations we have obtained, and the impact on the Jumbo project.  相似文献   

Software testing is a critical and important stage of the application software development life-cycle. Testing is a verification activity that affects the overall software quality. The verification of critical and dependable computer software such as real-time safety-critical software systems consumes about 50% of the project time. In this work, we consider testing compilers. Since a compiler is a highly usable software, an increased emphasis on reliability requires a careful testing before releasing the compiler. In compiler testing, the compiler implementation is verified to conform to the specified language syntax and semantic available in the standard language documentation. In this work, an algorithm is designed and a tool is developed to automate the generation of test cases to check the language syntax. In addition, we propose a heuristic approach to cover language semantics. Since Java is a relatively new programming language, we concentrate on testing the adherence of new Java compilers to the language syntax and semantics.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for compiler synthesis based on Mosses-Watt's action semantics. Each action in action semantics notation is assigned specific “analysis functions”, such as a typing function and a binding-time function. When a language is given an action semantics, the typing and binding-time functions for the individual actions compose into typing and binding-time analyses for the language; these are implemented as the type checker and static semantics processor, respectively, in the synthesized compiler. Other analyses can be similarly formalized and implemented. We show a sample language semantics and its synthesized compiler, and we describe the compiler synthesizer that we have developed.  相似文献   

Tamiya Onodera 《Software》1993,23(5):477-485
In language systems that support separate compilation, we often observe that header files are internalized over and over again when the source files that depend on them are compiled. Making a compiler a long-lived server eliminates such redundant processing of header files, thus reducing the compilation time. The paper first describes compilation servers for C-family languages in general, and then a compilation server for our C-based object-oriented language in particular. The performance results of our server show that a compilation server can substantially shorten the compilation time.  相似文献   

Following Lockwood Morris, a method for algebraically structuring a compiler and proving it correct is described. An example language with block structure and side-effects is presented. This determines an initial many-sorted algebra L which is the ‘abstract syntax’ of the example language. Then the semantics of L is completely determined by describing a semantic algebra M ‘similar’ to L. In particular, initiality of L ensures that there is a unique homomorphism Lsem:L→>M. This is algebraically structuring the semantic definition of the language.A category of flow-charts over a stack machine is used as a target language for the purposes of compilation. The semantics of the flow charts (Tsem:TS) is also algebraically determined given interpretations of the primitive operations on the stack and store. The homomorphism comp:LT is the compiler which is also uniquely determined by presenting an algebra T of flowcharts similar to L. This is algebraically structuring the compiler.Finally a function encode:MS describes source meanings in terms of target meanings. The proof that the compiler is correct reduces to a proof that encode:MS is a homomorphism; then both comp ° Tsem and Lsem ° encode are homomorphisms from L to S and they must be equal because there is only one homomorphism from L to S.  相似文献   

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