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The Nup154 gene of Drosophila encodes a protein showing similarity with known nucleoporins: rat Nup155 and yeast Nup170 and Nup157. Hypomorphic mutant alleles of Nup154 affected female and male fertility, allowing investigation of the gene function in various steps of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Nup154 was required in testes for cyst formation, control of spermatocyte proliferation and meiotic progression. In ovaries, Nup154 was essential for egg chamber development and oocyte growth. In both the male and female germ line, as well as in several other cell types, the Nup154 protein was detected at the nuclear membrane, but was also present inside the nucleus. Intranuclear localization has not previously been described for rat Nup155 or yeast Nup170 and Nup157. In mutant egg chambers the Nup154 protein accumulated in the cytoplasm, while it was only barely detected at the nuclear envelopes. FG repeats containing nucleoporins detected with mAb414 antibody were also mislocalized to a certain extent in Nup154 mutant alleles. This suggests that Nup154 could be required for localizing other nucleoporins within the nuclear pore complex, as previously demonstrated for the yeast Nup170. On the other hand, no evident defects in lamin localization were observed, indicating that Nup155 mutations did not affect the overall integrity of the nuclear envelope. However, ultrastructural analyses revealed that in mutant cells the morphology of the nuclear envelope was altered near the nuclear pore complexes. Finally, the multiplicity of phenotypes observed in Nup154 mutant alleles suggests that this gene plays a crucial role in cell physiology.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors are composed of proteins from two families: NMDAR1 and NMDAR2. We used quantitative double-label in situ hybridization to examine in rat brain the expression of NMDAR1, NMDAR2A, NMDAR2B, and NMDAR2C mRNA in six neurochemically defined populations of striatal neurons: preproenkephalin (ENK) and preprotachykinin (SP) expressing projection neurons, and somatostatin (SOM), glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67), parvalbumin (PARV), and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) expressing interneurons. NMDAR1 was expressed by all striatal neurons: strongly in ENK, SP, PARV and ChAT neurons, and less intensely in SOM and GAD67 positive cells. NMDAR2A mRNA was present at moderate levels in all striatal neurons except those containing ChAT. Labeling for NMDAR2B was strong in projection neurons and ChAT interneurons, and only moderate in SOM, GAD67 and PARV interneurons. NMDAR2C was scarce in striatal neurons, but a low level signal was detected in GAD67 positive cells. NMDAR2C expression was also observed in small cells not labeled by any of the markers, most likely glia. These data suggest that all striatal neurons have NMDA receptors, but different populations have different subunit compositions which may affect function as well as selective vulnerability.  相似文献   

The wild-type gene encoding granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) is capable of both complementing the amylose-free (amf) potato mutant and inhibiting the endogenous GBSS gene expression in wild-type potato. Co-suppression of the endogenous GBSS gene, easily visualised by staining the starch with iodine, occurred when the full-size GBSS sequence (genomic), GBSS cDNA or even the mutant amf allele were introduced into the wild-type potato. Conversely, introduction of the GBSS promoter sequence alone, did not result in co-suppression in the 80 analysed transformants. Neither the orientation of the GBSS gene with respect to kanamycin resistance nor the presence of an enhancer influenced the frequency of plants showing a co-suppression phenotype. After crossing a partially complemented amf mutant with a homozygous wild-type plant, the F1 offspring segregated into plant phenotypes with normal and decreased expression of the GBSS gene. This decreased expression correlated with the presence of a linked block of five T-DNA inserts which was previously shown to be correlated with partial complementation of the amf mutant. This crossing experiment indicates that co-suppression can cause inhibition of gene expression of both inserted and endogenous wild-type GBSS genes. The frequency of partially complemented amf plants was equal to the frequency of co-suppressed wild types when a construct, with an enhancer in front of the GBSS promoter, was used (pWAM 101E). This might suggest that partial complementation of the amf genotype caused by unstable expression of the transgene can be overcome by inserting an enhancer in front of the GBSS promoter.  相似文献   

In a search for new partners of the activated form of Rac GTPase, we have isolated through a two-hybrid cloning procedure a human cDNA encoding a new GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Rho family GTPases. A specific mRNA of 3.2 kilobases was detected in low abundance in many cell types and found highly expressed in testis. A protein of the predicted size 58 kDa, which we call MgcRacGAP, was detected in human testis as well as in germ cell tumor extracts by immunoblotting with antibodies specific to recombinant protein. In vitro, the GAP domain of MgcRacGAP strongly stimulates Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPase activity but is almost inactive on RhoA. N-terminal to its GAP domain, MgcRacGAP contains a cysteine-rich zinc finger-like motif characteristic of the Chimaerin family of RhoGAPs. The closest homolog of MgcRacGAP is RotundRacGAP, a product of the Drosophila rotund locus. In situ hybridization experiments in human testis demonstrate a specific expression of mgcRacGAP mRNA in spermatocytes similar to that of rotundRacGAP in Drosophila testis. Therefore, protein sequence similarity and analogous developmental and tissue specificities of gene expression support the hypothesis that RotundRacGAP and MgcRacGAP have equivalent functions in insect and mammalian germ cells. Since rotundRacGAP deletion leads to male sterility in the fruit fly, the mgcRacGAP gene may prove likewise to play a key role in mammalian male fertility.  相似文献   

Tctex3 showing restricted expression in male germ cells has been isolated during the process of chromosome walking in the mouse t-complex region. The total sequence of Tctex3 cDNA predicts a protein of 580 amino acids with two C4HC3 type PHD fingers. The region containing this conserved motif is shared among members of the Polycomblike proteins that include the mouse M96 and Drosophila Polycomblike. A partial cDNA for a human homolog of Tctex3, HUTEX3, has also been isolated. Mouse Tctex3 gene was mapped adjacent to Tsc2 gene on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 17, and HUTEX3 was located closely to HSET gene in the HLA class II region of chromosome 6.  相似文献   

The Academic Schools Act of 1920 and the Ordinance of 1924 pertaining to doctorates provided that one could earn the degree only having submitted a disseration. The Austrian Act which was in force up to that moment had allowed to receive the degree without writing a thesis. Protests voiced by medical students extended validity of the Act. The Jagiellonian University medicals played an important role in delaying the Ordinance coming into force. Protesting against the newest regulations they organized public meetings, wrote memorials and filled petitions. The Jagiellonian University Faculty of Medicine granted doctorates without dissertation up to the end of December 1932. However some doctorates were granted even after that term.  相似文献   

We have cloned cDNAs from a novel gene designated Unp. Unp cDNAs contain a large open reading frame that would encode a protein of 89 kDa. The predicted protein contains a putative nuclear localization signal, as well as consensus sequences for binding to the retinoblastoma gene product. The latter elements are contained within a region having strong similarity to the human tre oncogene. We have localized the Unp gene to mouse chromosome 9 in a region of homology with human chromosome 3p. This region has been implicated in a number of human malignancies.  相似文献   

Response to the steroid hormone ecdysone in Drosophila is controlled by genetic regulatory hierarchies that include eight members of the nuclear receptor protein family. The DHR3 gene, located within the 46F early-late ecdysone-inducible chromosome puff, encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that recently has been shown to exert both positive and negative regulatory effects in the ecdysone-induced genetic hierarchies at metamorphosis. We used a reverse genetics approach to identify 11 DHR3 mutants from a pool of lethal mutations in the 46F region on the second chromosome. Two DHR3 mutations result in amino acid substitutions within the conserved DNA binding domain. Analysis of DHR3 mutants reveals that DHR3 function is required to complete embryogenesis. All DHR3 alleles examined result in nervous system defects in the embryo.  相似文献   

The Staphylococcus aureus plasmid gene, vgaB, conferring resistance to streptogramin (SgA) and related compounds (PIIA, virginiamycin M, mikamycin A, synergistin A, Dalfopristin) was cloned and sequenced. This gene potentially encodes a 552-aa protein, VgaB, of 61,327 Da, which exhibits a significant similarity with the ATP-binding domains of numerous proteins. VgaB has two ATP-binding domains containing each of the A and the B motifs described by Walker et al. [Walker, J.E., Saraste, M., Runswick, M.J., Gay, N.J., 1982. Distantly related sequences in the alpha- and beta-subunits of ATP synthase, myosin, kinases and other ATP-requiring enzymes and a common nucleotide binding fold. EMBO J., 1, 945-951], but does not include TM hydrophobic domains. The 155-amino-acid sequence between the two ATP-binding domains of VgaB is richer in Glu than the rest of the protein. The vgaB gene was found in 21 of the 52 SgA(R) and independent wt staphylococci investigated. In each of the 21 staphylococci, vgaB was carried on a plasmid of 50-90 kb also harboring the vatB gene encoding an acetyltransferase inactivating SgA. In all plasmids, vgaB and vatB have the same relative positions.  相似文献   

The open reading frame immediately upstream of uspA is demonstrated to encode a 14-kDa protein which we named UspB (universal stress protein B) because of its general responsiveness to different starvation and stress conditions. UspB is predicted to be an integral membrane protein with at least one and perhaps two membrane-spanning domains. Overexpression of UspB causes cell death in stationary phase, whereas mutants of uspB are sensitive to exposure to ethanol but not heat in stationary phase. In contrast to uspA, stationary-phase induction of uspB requires the sigma factor sigmaS. The expression of uspB is modulated by H-NS, consistent with the role of H-NS in altering sigmaS levels. Our results demonstrate that a gene of the RpoS regulon is involved in the development of stationary-phase resistance to ethanol, in addition to the regulon's previously known role in thermotolerance, osmotolerance, and oxidative stress resistance.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To determine the safety of early extubation (EE) after coronary artery surgery. DESIGN: Prospective randomized controlled trial. SETTING: The cardiac surgery operating room and ICU of a university-affiliated teaching hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred eligible patients presenting for elective coronary artery surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Patients randomized to the EE group were administered a reduced dose of fentanyl (15 microg/kg) and an anesthetic compatible with EE, while patients randomized to the conventional extubation (CE) group were given fentanyl (50 microg/kg). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The time to extubation in the EE group (median, 240 min; range, 30 to 930 min) was significantly less than the CE group (median, 420 min; range, 125 to 1,140 min) (p<0.01). Twenty patients were withdrawn from the study according to protocol guidelines. There were no cases of reintubation or complications attributable to EE. CONCLUSIONS: By using an appropriate anesthetic technique and postoperative management, EE can be achieved following coronary artery bypass surgery without major complications.  相似文献   

J Costentin 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,181(6):1057-69; discussion 1069-71
Traditionally, the screening of new neuropsychotropic agents started from the observation of behavioural effects resulting from the administration of a new chemical. Then, one tried to precise its mechanism of action. Since about a decade the way for discovering psychotropic agents tends to be inverse. It starts from the characterization of genes and investigates on their expression products which are new biological targets. Ligands for these targets are developed and then the effects resulting from their administration are considered. In this new strategy, we will consider the cloning of genes and their expression in cultured cells; the knock out of these genes by homologous recombination; the extinction of gene expression by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides; the concentration of behavioural phenotypes by selective breeding.  相似文献   

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