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Bacillus subtilis is the best-characterized member of the Gram-positive bacteria. Its genome of 4,214,810 base pairs comprises 4,100 protein-coding genes. Of these protein-coding genes, 53% are represented once, while a quarter of the genome corresponds to several gene families that have been greatly expanded by gene duplication, the largest family containing 77 putative ATP-binding transport proteins. In addition, a large proportion of the genetic capacity is devoted to the utilization of a variety of carbon sources, including many plant-derived molecules. The identification of five signal peptidase genes, as well as several genes for components of the secretion apparatus, is important given the capacity of Bacillus strains to secrete large amounts of industrially important enzymes. Many of the genes are involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites, including antibiotics, that are more typically associated with Streptomyces species. The genome contains at least ten prophages or remnants of prophages, indicating that bacteriophage infection has played an important evolutionary role in horizontal gene transfer, in particular in the propagation of bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Competent cells of Bacillus subtilis efficiently bind and internalize DNA. ComEA and the seven proteins encoded by the comG operon are required in vivo for the binding step. We show here that ComEA, a bitopic membrane protein, is itself capable of high-affinity DNA binding. A domain necessary for DNA binding is located at the C-terminus of ComEA. Proteins with similar 60-80 amino acid residue domains are widespread among bacteria and higher organisms. ComEA shows a marked preference for double-stranded DNA and can bind to oligomers as small as 22 bp in length. DNA binding by ComEA exhibits no apparent base sequence specificity. Using a membrane vesicle DNA-binding assay system we show that in the absence of cell wall, ComEA is still required for DNA binding, whereas the requirement for the ComG proteins is bypassed. We conclude that the ComG proteins are needed in vivo to provide access of the binding domain of ComEA to exogenous DNA. Possible specific roles for the ComG proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in bacterial polyadenylation with the recent demonstration that 3' poly(A) tails are involved in RNA degradation. Poly(A) polymerase I (PAP I) of Escherichia coli is a member of the nucleotidyltransferase (Ntr) family that includes the functionally related tRNA CCA-adding enzymes. Thirty members of the Ntr family were detected in a search of the current database of eubacterial genomic sequences. Gram-negative organisms from the beta and gamma subdivisions of the purple bacteria have two genes encoding putative Ntr proteins, and it was possible to predict their activities as either PAP or CCA adding by sequence comparisons with the E. coli homologues. Prediction of the functions of proteins encoded by the genes from more distantly related bacteria was not reliable. The Bacillus subtilis papS gene encodes a protein that was predicted to have PAP activity. We have overexpressed and characterized this protein, demonstrating that it is a tRNA nucleotidyltransferase. We suggest that the papS gene should be renamed cca, following the notation for its E. coli counterpart. The available evidence indicates that cca is the only gene encoding an Ntr protein, despite previous suggestions that B. subtilis has a PAP similar to E. coli PAP I. Thus, the activity involved in RNA 3' polyadenylation in the gram-positive bacteria apparently resides in an enzyme distinct from its counterpart in gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

In addition to stable donor-recipient DNA complexes, unstable complexes between donor and recipient DNA were formed in vitro with Bacillus subtilis. Whereas the stable complexes survived CsCl gradient centrifugation at pH 11.2 and phenol plus sodium p-aminosalicylate extraction with 0.17 M NaCl, the unstable complexes dissociated during these manipulations. The donor moiety from the unstable complexes remained associated with the recipient DNA during phenol plus sodium p-aminosalicylate treatment at 0.85 M NaCl. The unstable complexes could be stabilized artificially by cross-linking with 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen. Dissociation of the complexes during CsCl gradient centrifugation could be prevented by centrifuging at pH 10. Heterologous DNA fragments derived from phage H1 DNA appeared to be unable to form complexes with the recipient B. subtilis DNA. Unstable complexes were also formed with Escherichia coli DNA, although under all conditions tested, more complex was detectable by using homologous B. subtilis DNA.  相似文献   

The family has increasingly been recognized as an important component in the development, maintenance, and treatment of alcoholism. Few empirical studies, however, have examined alcoholism within a family context. Questionnaire and interview data were collected from women whose husbands received inpatient treatment for alcoholism. Since wives now typically work outside the home, this article focuses on the 60 employed wives. Employment was examined as a source of stress as well as social support. The majority of working wives reported minimal negative impact of their husbands' drinking on all areas of their work functioning, with a small subset indicating impairment attributable to the drinking. These wives were very satisfied with their current positions and described work as a positive experience. However, unobtrusive measures that alcoholism in a family member intrudes into the workplace were apparent, including changing jobs, absenteeism, and discussing husbands' drinking at work. Further, these women scored closer to a sample of depressed women than a community sample on measures of physical and mental health, depressed mood, and smoking symptoms. Possible reasons for the discrepancy between subjective reports and objective indicators are discussed.  相似文献   

The replication terminator protein (RTP) of Bacillus subtilis interacts with its cognate DNA terminators to cause replication fork arrest, thereby ensuring that the forks approaching one another at the conclusion of a round of replication meet within a restricted terminus region. A similar situation exists in Escherichia coli, but it appears that the fork-arrest systems in these two organisms have evolved independently of one another. In the present work, RTP homologs in four species closely related to B. subtilis (B. atrophaeus, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. mojavensis, and B. vallismortis) have been identified and characterized. An RTP homolog could not be identified in another closely related species, B. licheniformis. The nucleotide and amino acid changes from B. subtilis among the four homologs are consistent with the recently established phylogenetic tree for these species. The GC contents of the rtp genes raise the possibility that these organisms arose within this branch of the tree by horizontal transfer into a common ancestor after their divergence from B. licheniformis. Only 5 amino acid residue positions were changed among the four homologs, despite an up to 17.2% change in the nucleotide sequence, a finding that highlights the importance of the precise folded structure to the functioning of RTP. The absence of any significant change in the proposed DNA-binding region of RTP emphasizes the importance of its high affinity for the DNA terminator in its functioning. By coincidence, the single change (E30K) found in the B. mojavensis RTP corresponds exactly to that purposefully introduced by others into B. subtilis RTP to implicate a crucial role for E30 in the fork-arrest mechanism. The natural occurrence of this variant is difficult to reconcile with such an implication, and it was shown directly that RTP.E30K functions normally in fork arrest in B. subtilis in vivo. Additional DNA terminators were identified in the new RTP homolog-containing strains, allowing the definition of a Bacillus terminator consensus and identification of two more terminators in the B. subtilis 168 genome sequence to bring the total to nine.  相似文献   

Prokaryotes can exchange chromosomal and plasmid genes via extracellular DNA in a process termed genetic transformation. This process has been observed in the test tube for several bacterial species living in the environment but it is not clear whether transformation occurs in natural bacterial habitats. A major constituent of terrestrial environments are solid particles such as quartz, silt and clay, which have considerable surface areas and which make up the solid-liquid interfaces of the habitat. In previous experiments the adsorption of DNA to chemically purified quartz and clay minerals was shown and the partial protection of adsorbed DNA against DNAase I. In a microcosm consisting of natural groundwater aquifer material (GWA) sampled directly from the environment and groundwater (GW) both linear duplex and supercoiled plasmid DNA molecules bound rapidly and quantitatively to the minerals. The divalent cations required to form the association were those present in the GWA/GW microcosm. The association was stable to extended elution over one week at 23 degrees C. Upon adsorption, the DNA became highly resistant against enzymatic degradation. About 1000 times higher DNAase I concentrations were needed to degrade bound DNA to the same extent as DNA dissolved in GW. Furthermore, chromosomal and plasmid DNA bound on GWA transformed competent cells of Bacillus subtilis. However, in contrast to DNA in solution, on GWA the chromosomal DNA was more active in transformation than the plasmid DNA. The studies also revealed that in the transformation of B. subtilis Mg2+ can be replaced by Na+, K+ or NH4+. The observations suggest that in soil and sediment environments, mineral material with inorganic precipitates and organic matter can harbour extracellular DNA leaving it available for genetic transformation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding an endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinase (protopectinase C) of Bacillus subtilis was determined by sequencing fragments amplified by the cassette-ligation-mediated PCR (CLM-PCR). The gene covering the start and stop codon was amplified by PCR with two specific primers, which were designed from the sequence data determined by CLM-PCR. An approximately 1.5-kb amplification product was cloned into the vector pUC119, forming a plasmid termed pPPC. An ORF that encodes the arabinase composed of 324 amino acids including a 33-amino-acid signal peptide was assigned. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of the enzyme with that of an Aspergillus niger endoarabinase showed 37% identity in a 207-amino-acid overlap. The optimal nucleotide sequence for catabolite repression of B. subtilis was found upstream of the structural gene. In a culture of Escherichia coli DH5alpha cells harboring pPPC, no arabinase activity was detected, either intracellularly or extracellularly, suggesting that the B. subtilis promotor is not functional in this transformant. In B. subtilis IFO 3134 strain, production of protopectinase C was repressed by readily metabolizable carbohydrates. In contrast, productivity (total enzyme activity/bacterial growth) of the enzyme was increased about fourfold in the presence of 0.75 M potassium phosphate in the culture medium. The phosphate anion seemed to be involved in the stimulation of protopectinase C production in this stain.  相似文献   

Rates of lysis by lysozyme (expressed as the decrease in A550 min-1) of synchronously dividing cells of Bacillus subtilis rose in concert with the stepwise increase in cell numbers. Asynchronously growing cells showed no periodicities in sensitivity; rates of lysis reflected the exponential increase in culture density.  相似文献   

A 277-bp long DNA fragment, Ba813, was isolated from an avirulent Bacillus anthracis strain 7700 genomic library. Two oligonucleotides derived from the Ba813 sequence were used as primers in polymerase chain reaction tests on genomic DNA from 28 Bacillus anthracis and from 33 heterologous bacteria strains. A specific, 152-bp long DNA fragment was amplified only when Bacillus anthracis DNA was used as the target. The amplified product was analysed by non-radioactive sandwich hybridisation in microtiter plates using two oligonucleotides. The capture oligonucleotide C1 was covalently linked onto aminated wells of microtiter plates. The detection oligonucleotide D3 was labelled with biotine. The hybrid molecules were detected by avidine conjugated with alkaline phosphatase and chromogenic substrate. Amplification of Ba813 sequence may provide the basis for rapid and reliable assay for the detection and identification of Bacillus anthracis.  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize progress on the regulation of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes in Bacillus subtilis. Most of the genes encoding this set of enzymes in B subtilis are members of a large family of Gram-positive genes and operons controlled by a novel antitermination mechanism that uses their cognate uncharged tRNA as the effector. A subset of these genes is, in addition, likely to be controlled at the level of mRNA processing and degradation. We describe the key experiments leading to these conclusions.  相似文献   

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