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In this paper, we propose an integrated system aiming for hydrogen production with by-products using geothermal power as a renewable energy source. In analyzing the system, an extensive thermodynamic model of the proposed system is developed and presented accordingly. In addition, the energetic and exergetic efficiencies and exergy destruction rates for the whole system and its parts are defined. Due to the significance of some parameters, the impacts of varying working conditions are also investigated. The results of the energetic and exergetic analyses of the integrated system show that the energy and exergy efficiencies are 39.46% and 44.27%, respectively. Furthermore, the system performance increases with the increasing geothermal source temperature and reference temperature while it decreases with the increasing pinch point temperature and turbine inlet pressure.  相似文献   

In this study, geothermal-based hydrogen production methods, and their technologies and application possibilities are discussed in detail. A high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) process coupled with and powered by a geothermal source is considered for a case study, and its thermodynamic analysis through energy and exergy is conducted for performance evaluation purposes. In this regard, overall energy and exergy efficiencies of the geothermal-based hydrogen production process for this HTE are found to be 87% and 86%, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study develops a new solar and geothermal based integrated system, comprising absorption cooling system, organic Rankine cycle (ORC), a solar-driven system and hydrogen production units. The system is designed to generate six outputs namely, power, cooling, heating, drying air, hydrogen and domestic hot water. Geothermal power plants emit high amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The presence of H2S in the air, water, soils and vegetation is one of the main environmental concerns for geothermal fields. In this paper, AMIS(AMIS® - acronym for “Abatement of Mercury and Hydrogen Sulphide” in Italian language) technology is used for abatement of mercury and producing of hydrogen from H2S. The present system is assessed both energetically and exergetically. In addition, the energetic and exergetic efficiencies and exergy destruction rates for the whole system and its parts are defined. The highest overall energy and exergy efficiencies are calculated to be 78.37% and 58.40% in the storing period, respectively. Furthermore, the effects of changing various system parameters on the energy and exergy efficiencies of the overall system and its subsystems are examined accordingly.  相似文献   

In this paper, thermodynamic analysis and assessment of a novel geothermal energy based integrated system for power, hydrogen, oxygen, cooling, heat and hot water production are performed. This integrated process consists of (a) geothermal subsystem, (b) Kalina cycle, (c) single effect absorption cooling subsystem and (d) hydrogen generation and storage subsystems. The impacts of some design parameters, such as absorption chiller evaporator temperature, geothermal source temperature, turbine input pressure and pinch point temperature on the integrated system performance are investigated to achieve more efficient and more effective. Also, the impacts of reference temperature and geothermal water temperature on the integrated system performance are studied in detail. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the integrated system are then calculated as 42.59% and 48.24%, respectively.  相似文献   

In the present work, an advanced hydrogen liquefaction system with catalyst infused heat exchangers is proposed, analyzed and assessed energetically and exergetically. The analysis starts with exergetic considerations on hydrogen liquefaction using different alternatives of pre-cooling including the conversion from normal to parahydrogen. It further explains the fundamentals of a proposed liquefaction process. The goal is then to assess the proposed system, make modifications and improve the system. The present system covers all of these portions of a hydrogen liquefaction system with an ultimate goal of achieving a sustainable and environmentally harmless system. The proposed hydrogen liquefaction system is simulated in the Aspen Plus and the performance of the system is measured through energy and exergy efficiencies. The resulting energy efficiency of the system is calculated to be 15.4%, and the exergy efficiency of the system is found to be 11.5%.  相似文献   

In the present study, a novel supercritical hydrogen liquefaction process based on helium cooled hydrogen liquefaction cycles to produce liquid hydrogen is thermodynamically analyzed and assessed. The exergy analysis approach is used to study the exergy destruction rates in each component and the process efficiency. The energy and exergy efficiencies of liquefaction process are found to be 70.12% and 57.13%, respectively. In addition, to investigate the process efficiency more comprehensively to see how it is affected by varying process parameters and operating conditions, some parametric studies are undertaken to examine the impacts of different design variables on the energy efficiency, exergy efficiency and exergy destruction rates of the hydrogen liquefaction process. The results show that the increases in the cycle pressure of hydrogen and helium result in increasing hydrogen liquefaction process exergy efficiency and providing a smaller pinch point temperature difference of catalyst beds related with the heat transfer surface area and more efficiently process.  相似文献   

In this study, we conduct an exergy, cost, energy and mass (EXCEM) analysis of a copper-chlorine thermochemical water splitting cycle driven by geothermal energy for hydrogen production. We also investigate and illustrate the relations between thermodynamic losses and capital costs. The results show that hydrogen cost is closely and directly related to the plant capacity and also exergy efficiency. Increasing economic viability and reducing the hydrogen production costs will help these cycles play a more critical role in switching to hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

Seven models are considered for the production and liquefaction of hydrogen by geothermal energy. In these models, we use electrolysis and high-temperature steam electrolysis processes for hydrogen production, a binary power plant for geothermal power production, and a pre-cooled Linde–Hampson cycle for hydrogen liquefaction. Also, an absorption cooling system is used for the pre-cooling of hydrogen before the liquefaction process. A methodology is developed for the economic analysis of the models. It is estimated that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction ranges between 0.979 $/kg H2 and 2.615 $/kg H2 depending on the model. The effect of geothermal water temperature on the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction is investigated. The results show that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction decreases as the geothermal water temperature increases. Also, capital costs for the models involving hydrogen liquefaction are greater than those for the models involving hydrogen production only.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel integrated geothermal absorption system for hydrogen liquefaction, power and cooling productions. The effect of geothermal, ambient temperature and concentration of ammonia-water vapor on the system outputs and efficiencies are studied through energy and exergy analyses. It is found that both energetic and exergetic coefficient of performances (COPs), and amounts of hydrogen gas pre-cooled and liquefied decrease with increase in the mass flow rate of geothermal water. Moreover, increasing the temperature of geothermal source degrades the performance of the quadruple effect absorption system (QEAS), but at the same time it affects the liquefaction production rate of hydrogen gas in a positive way. However, an increase in ambient temperature has a negative effect on the liquefaction rate of hydrogen gas produced as it decreases from 0.2 kg/s to 0.05 kg/s. Moreover, an increase in the concentration of the ammonia-water vapor results in an increase in the amount of hydrogen gas liquefied from 0.07 kg/s to 0.11 kg/s.  相似文献   

Geothermal power plants emit high amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The presence of H2S in the air, water, soils and vegetation is one of the main environmental concerns for geothermal fields. There is an increasing interest in developing suitable methods and technologies to produce hydrogen from H2S as promising alternative solution for energy requirements. In the present study, the AMIS technology is the invention of a proprietary technology (AMIS® - acronym for “Abatement of Mercury and Hydrogen Sulfide” in Italian language) for the abatement of hydrogen sulphide and mercury emission, is primarily employed to produce hydrogen from H2S. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer operates at 150 °C with gaseous H2S sulfur dimer in the anode compartment and hydrogen gas in the cathode compartment. Thermodynamic calculations of electrolysis process are made and parametric studies are undertaken by changing several parameters of the process. Also, energy and exergy efficiencies of the process are calculated as % 27.8 and % 57.1 at 150 °C inlet temperature of H2S, respectively.  相似文献   

In this article, a thermodynamic investigation of solar power tower assisted multigeneration system with hydrogen production and liquefaction is presented for more environmentally-benign multigenerational outputs. The proposed multigeneration system is consisted of mainly eight sub-systems, such as a solar power tower, a high temperature solid oxide steam electrolyzer, a steam Rankine cycle with two turbines, a hydrogen generation and liquefaction cycle, a quadruple effect absorption cooling process, a drying process, a membrane distillation unit and a domestic hot water tank to supply hydrogen, electrical power, heating, cooling, dry products, fresh and hot water generation for a community. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies for the performance of the present multigeneration system are found as 65.17% and 62.35%, respectively. Also, numerous operating conditions and parameters of the systems and their effects on the respective energy and exergy efficiencies are investigated, evaluated and discussed in this study. A parametric study is carried out to analyze the impact of various system design indicators on the sub-systems, exergy destruction rates and exergetic efficiencies and COPs. In addition, the impacts of varying the ambient temperature and solar radiation intensity on the irreversibility and exergetic performance for the present multigeneration system and its components are investigated and evaluated comparatively. According to the modeling results, the solar irradiation intensity is found to be the most influential parameter among other conditions and factors on system performance.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a sustainable fuel option and one of the potential solutions for current energy and environmental problems. Its eco-friendly production is really crucial for better environment and sustainable development. In this paper, various solar hydrogen production methods are discussed. A comparative performance assessment study of solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) hydrogen production methods is carried out. It is found that the solar thermal hydrogen production via electricity production is an environmentally benign method and possesses higher exergy efficiency than PV hydrogen production. However, the latter is better in a way that it does not involve any moving parts. PV hydrogen production suffers lower exergy efficiency because of low PV efficiency.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of the combined cooling cycle with the Organic Rankine power cycle, which provides cooling of the hydrogen at the compressor inlet which compresses the constant temperature in the Claude cycle used for hydrogen liquefaction, on the system is examined. The Organic Rankine combined cooling cycle was considered to be using a geothermal source with a flow rate of 120 kg/s at a temperature of 200 °C. The first and second law performance evaluations of the whole system were made depending on the heat energy at different levels taken from the geothermal source. The thermodynamic analysis of the equipment making up the system has been done in detail. The temperature values at which the hydrogen can be effectively cooled were determined in the presented combined system. The efficiency coefficient of the total system was calculated based on varying pre-cooling values. As a result of the study, it was determined that cold entry of hydrogen into the Claude cycle reduced the energy consumption required for liquefaction. Amount of hydrogen cooled to specified temperature increase by increase in mass flow of geothermal water and its temperature. Liquefaction cost is calculated to be 0.995 $/kg H2 and electricity produced by itself is calculated to be 0.025 $/kWh by the new model of liquefaction system. Cost of the liquefaction in the proposed system is about 39.7% lower than direct value of hydrogen liquefaction of 1.650 $/kg given in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper discusses environmentally benign and sustainable, as green, methods for hydrogen production and categorizes them based on the driving sources and applications. Some potential sources are electrical, thermal, biochemical, photonic, electro-thermal, photo-thermal, photo-electric, photo-biochemical, and thermal-biochemical. Such forms of energy can be derived from renewable sources, nuclear energy and from energy recovery processes for hydrogen production purposes. These processes are analyzed and assessed for comparison purposes. Various case studies are presented to highlight the importance of green hydrogen production methods and systems for practical applications.  相似文献   

In this study, we thermodynamically analyze and experimentally investigate a continuous type hybrid photoelectrochemical H2 generation reactor. This system enhances solar spectrum use by employing photocatalysis and PV/T. Additionally, by replacing electron donors with electrodes to drive the photocatalysis, the potential of pollutant emissions are minimized. In this study, the present reactor is tested under electrolysis operation during which the present reactor is investigated under three different inlet mass flow rates (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/s) and four different operating temperatures (20, 40, 60, and 80 °C). Some parametric studies are run by varying the environmental temperature between 0 and 40 °C. In addition, the impact of coating the membrane electrode assembly of the reactor with Cu2O is investigated. The present results show that the highest energy and exergy efficiencies occur at the environmental temperature of 20 °C which is about 60% and 50%, respectively. The Cu2O coated membrane gives a lot higher current readings, meaning that the coating makes the membrane more conductive and increases H2 production by permitting ions at a higher rate.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a comparative environmental impact assessment of possible hydrogen production methods from renewable and non-renewable sources with a special emphasis on their application in Turkey. It is aimed to study and compare the performances of hydrogen production methods and assess their economic, social and environmental impacts, The methods considered in this study are natural gas steam reforming, coal gasification, water electrolysis via wind and solar energies, biomass gasification, thermochemical water splitting with a Cu–Cl and S–I cycles, and high temperature electrolysis. Environmental impacts (global warming potential, GWP and acidification potential, AP), production costs, energy and exergy efficiencies of these eight methods are compared. Furthermore, the relationship between plant capacity and hydrogen production capital cost is studied. The social cost of carbon concept is used to present the relations between environmental impacts and economic factors. The results indicate that thermochemical water splitting with the Cu–Cl and S–I cycles become more environmentally benign than the other traditional methods in terms of emissions. The options with wind, solar and high temperature electrolysis also provide environmentally attractive results. Electrolysis methods are found to be least attractive when production costs are considered. Therefore, increasing the efficiencies and hence decreasing the costs of hydrogen production from solar and wind electrolysis bring them forefront as potential options. The energy and exergy efficiency comparison study indicates the advantages of biomass gasification over other methods. Overall rankings show that thermochemical Cu–Cl and S–I cycles are primarily promising candidates to produce hydrogen in an environmentally benign and cost-effective way.  相似文献   

In this study, four potential methods are identified for geothermal-based hydrogen production, namely, (i) directly from the geothermal steam, (ii) through conventional water electrolysis using the electricity generated from geothermal power plant, (iii) using both geothermal heat and electricity for high temperature steam electrolysis and/or hybrid processes, (iv) using the heat available from geothermal resource in thermochemical processes to disassociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. Here we focus on relatively low-temperature thermochemical and hybrid cycles, due to their greater application possibility, and examine them as a potential option for hydrogen production using geothermal heat. We also present a brief thermodynamic analysis to assess their performance through energy and exergy efficiencies for comparison purposes. The results show that these cycles have good potential and become attractive due to the overall system efficiencies over 50%. The copper–chlorine cycle is identified as a highly promising cycle for geothermal hydrogen production. Furthermore, three types of industrial electrolysis methods, which are generally considered for hydrogen production currently, are also discussed and compared with the above mentioned cycles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a parametric study to show the best steam to carbon ratio that produces the maximum system performance of an integrated gasifier for hydrogen production. The study focuses on the energy and exergetic efficiency of the system and hydrogen production. The work is completed using computer simulation models in Engineering Equation Solver software package. This software is used for its extensive thermodynamic properties library. An equilibrium based model is used to determine the performance of the system. The data is presented in graphs which show the chemical composition in molar fractions of the syngas, the overall energy and exergy efficiency of the system, and the hydrogen production rates. A study of these parameters is conducted by varying the steam to carbon ratio entering the gasifier and the ambient temperature. It is observed that the higher the steam to carbon ratio that is achieved the more hydrogen and more power the plant is able to produce. Because of this, the exergy and energy efficiency of the system increases as the steam to carbon ratio increases as well. It is also observed that the system favors a lower ambient temperature for maximum exergy efficiency and hydrogen production.  相似文献   

In this paper, waste tires are comparatively studied and assessed as a feedstock relative to coal and coconut char. An Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is developed by using the Aspen Plus to assess the suggested gasification feedstocks based on their carbon dioxide emissions and hydrogen production to feed rate ratios. Note that many tires are disposed of every year in North America and are stockpiled in the masses in landfills, which cause various environmental implications. In the present study, it is found that waste tires as a feedstock for gasification are a viable solution to this ever-rising problem. The hydrogen production to feed rate ratio is found to be 0.158 which is very competitive with high-quality coals and coconut char. The net power production from the combined cycle when tires are used as the feedstock for the gasifier is found to be 11.1kW. The optimal hydrogen production to feed rate ratio is also achieved at the maximum net power production rate. The energy and exergy efficiencies of the overall system are found to be 55.01% and 52.31% when the waste tires are used as a feedstock.  相似文献   

A new configuration of solar energy-driven integrated system for ammonia synthesis and power generation is proposed in this study. A detailed dynamic analysis is conducted on the designed system to investigate its performance under different radiation intensities. The solar heliostat field is integrated to generate steam that is provided to the steam Rankine cycle for power generation. The significant amount of power produced is fed to the PEM electrolyser for hydrogen production after covering the system requirements. A pressure swing adsorption system is integrated with the system that separates nitrogen from the air. The produced hydrogen and nitrogen are employed to the cascaded ammonia production system to establish increased fractional conversions. Numerous parametric studies are conducted to investigate the significant parameters namely; incoming beam irradiance, power production using steam Rankine cycle, hydrogen and ammonia production and power production using TEGs and ORC. The maximum hydrogen and ammonia production flowrates are revealed in June for 17th hour as 5.85 mol/s and 1.38 mol/s and the maximum energetic and exergetic efficiencies are depicted by the month of November as 25.4% and 28.6% respectively. Moreover, the key findings using the comprehensive dynamic analysis are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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