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该文针对济宁城区中深层含水层回灌能力研究基本空白问题,在济宁市任城区针对中深层孔隙承压含水层开展抽水-回灌试验,根据抽水试验计算中深层孔隙承压含水层导水系数和渗透系数,根据回灌试验计算单井最大回灌量。试验结果表明,试验区含水层渗透性、导水能力强,含水层分布稳定且连续性好,单井回灌率达54.68%~79.67%,采用“抽1注2”回灌方式可实现100%同层回灌。 相似文献
含水层的渗透系数是基坑降水设计中的重要参数,不同计算方法得出的渗透系数也不同,应取最适合的计算方法,以免产生较大误差。基于砂卵石潜水含水层现场单井抽水试验结果,分别利用Dupuit-Kusargent法、Thiem法、直线斜率法及水位恢复法等四种方法来计算潜水含水层渗透系数,对比各方法计算的渗透系数所模拟的水位值与现场实测值的偏差,讨论了造成这种偏差的原因,指出了各种方法的优缺点和适用性。研究结果表明,Dupuit-Kusargent法误差最大,直线斜率法次之,水位恢复法和Thiem法误差较小。同时Dupuit-Kusargent法计算结果受流量影响较大,一致性较差,其他方法结果的一致性较好。在计算砂卵石含水层的渗透系数时,如有2个以上观测井,应优先选用Thiem法;无观测井的情况下选用水位恢复法;有1个观测井且其降深-时间对数关系直线段明显时可选用直线斜率法。 相似文献
分级抽水试验可以用来同时估计井损失和含水层的性质。本文作者提出了一个分析各级历时不等的分级抽水试验的方法,并编有上机程序。方法通过最小平方拟合误差分析确定出含水层的性质和井损值,适用于满足泰斯井函数条件的承压含水层情况。本文给出了方法的操作步骤和应用实例。 相似文献
为解决抽水试验求取含水层渗透系数周期长、操作复杂的问题,以天津某场地潜水含水层和承压含水层的微水试验为例,采用Hvorslev模型、Cooper模型和Bouwer&Rice模型计算含水层渗透系数,并与抽水试验结果对比,Bouwer&Rice模型分析潜水含水层微水试验数据求得的渗透系数与抽水试验结果相比误差小,结果准确;Hvorslev模型分析承压含水层微水试验数据求得的渗透系数与抽水试验结果的相对误差远小于Cooper模型,Hvorslev模型计算结果更为准确。研究表明:相较于抽水试验,微水试验周期短、操作简便,是一种经济、快速确定含水层渗透系数的现场试验方法。 相似文献
巴基斯坦塔尔地区某燃煤电站冷却水计划回灌至煤层下部承压含水层,为了确保回灌的可行性,开展了一系列的抽水、注水试验。根据非稳定流抽水试验,计算了含水层的导水系数和渗透系数;根据非稳定流抽水试验的s~lgt曲线形态以及三段降深稳定流抽水试验结果判断出煤层下部含水层为稳定分布的承压含水层;采用补给影响半径的概念,基于三段降深稳定流抽水试验结果,计算了合理的回灌井距;结合短周期回灌试验和设计要求确定了单井回灌量;通过对比稳定流抽水试验数据和短周期回灌试验数据,分析了回灌阻力,并确定了回灌阻力曲线;将长期回灌试验曲线划分为回灌阻力阶段和阻塞效应阶段,分析了阻塞效应。通过试验观测数据以及试验曲线的一阶导数,认为阻塞效应并不明显。研究成果可为未来回灌工程建设提供一定的理论基础和技术依据。 相似文献
关于一种潜水井裸井slug数学模型的探讨及实证 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用slug试验测量渗透系数在国内外已有了比较成熟的发展,但是专门应用于潜水井裸井的slug数学模型却极少出现在各类文献中。通过注水高度对潜水含水层厚度的影响推导对潜水含水层完整井的slug数学模型,此模型与传统的Bouwer and Rice模型相比考虑了注水后潜水面水位的增加对渗透系数K的影响,并结合室内变水头渗透试验和前期抽水试验来验证在工程实例运用此模型算出的渗透系数的准确性。更多还原 相似文献
通过对毛细透排水带进行试验,测试其抗淤堵性能。在清水和浑水条件下,对滤料渗透系数、毛细透排水带与滤料组成的综合渗透系数进行对比分析,结果表明,在清水情况下,毛细透排水带与滤料组成的综合渗透系数是未采用毛细透排水带原滤料渗透系数的407.0~544.3%;在采用浑水进行27次试验后,试验段从上至下4段的综合渗透系数分别是清水综合渗透系数的46.0%、58.5%、64.5%和83.9%。试验表明毛细透排水带能显著提高综合的渗透系数,并具有较好的抗淤堵性能。 相似文献
An analytical solution of a two-dimensional linearized Boussinesqequation is presented to predict the water table fluctuations in anunconfined aquifer due to time-varying recharge and withdrawal frommultiple basins and wells, respectively. This solution is obtainedby using the finite Fourier sine transform. The time-varying recharge(discharge) rate is approximated by a number of piecewisse linearelements of different lengths and slopes depending on the nature ofthe variation in recharge (discharge) rate. Application of thesolution for the prediction of water table fluctuations and in thesensitivity analysis is demonstrated in an example. 相似文献
Recharge to the aquifer leads to the growth of a groundwater mound. Therefore, for the proper management of an aquifer system, an accurate prediction of the spatio-temporal variation of the water table is very essential. In this paper, a problem of groundwater mound formation in response to a transient recharge from a rectangular area is investigated. An approximate analytical solution has been developed to predict the transient evolution of the water table. Application of the solution and its sensitivity to the variation of the recharge rate have been illustrated with the help of a numerical example.Notations
a =
Kh/e [L2/T]
A =
aquifer's extent in the x-direction [L]
B =
aquifer's extent in the y-direction [L]
e =
effective porosity
h =
variable water table height [L]
initial water table height [L]
h =
weighted mean of the depth of saturation [L]
K =
hydraulic conductivity [L]
m, n =
P =
constant rate of recharge [L/T]
initial rate of transient recharge [L/T]
final rate of transient recharge [L/T]
s =
t =
time of observation [T]
x,y =
space coordinates
length of recharge area in x-direction [L]
width of recharge area in y-direction [L]
z =
decay constant [T-1] 相似文献
Variation in the level of the water table is closely linked with recharge. Therefore, any uncertainty associated with the recharge rate is bound to affect the nature of the water-table fluctuation. In this note, a ditch-drainage problem of a sloping aquifer is considered to investigate the effect of uncertainty in the recharge rate on water-table fluctuation. The rate of recharge is taken as an exponentially decaying function with its decay constant as a Gaussian random variable. Expressions for the first two moments of the water-table height, i.e. mean and standard deviation, are presented. By using these expressions, the effect of uncertainty in the recharge rate on the water-table fluctuation has been analyzed with the help of a numerical example. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the use of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in community water supply in Finland and presents some international experiences for comparison. The framework of MAR consists of the natural environment and physical infrastructure, as well as socio-economic aspects, all of which are interrelated. Local conditions form the basis of an MAR system and to a large degree determine infiltration options and the most suitable methods. Finnish hydrogeology, climate and local conditions are highly comparable to those in Sweden but differ from those of other parts of Europe, Australia, the USA and Asia. This article provides a holistic view of MAR not only as a technical means of resource enhancement for water supply but also as an element interacting with the natural environment and society. 相似文献
The genetic algorithm (GA) is a nonconventional search technique which is patterned after the biological processes of natural selection and evolution. It has the ability to search large and complex decision spaces and handle nonconvexities. In this paper, the genetic algorithm is investigated and applied to solve the optimal operation problem of soil aquifer treatment (SAT) systems. This problem involves finding optimal water application time and drying time which maximize infiltration for a predetermined starting influent rate of waste water and subject to various physical and operational constraints. A new scaling method is developed and some improvements on the evolution procedure are presented. A comprehensive GA–SAT computer model was developed and applied to an example SAT problem. The results are encouraging, when compared with using the successive approximation linear quadratic regulator algorithm. It was found that genetic algorithms are easy to program and interface with large complicated simulators. 相似文献