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铂族金属汽车尾气净化催化剂研发及应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要探讨国内外铂族金属尾气净化催化剂最新的研发及应用进展,通过供需数据分析近年来铂族金属在汽车尾气净化催化剂领域的应用情况,通过国内外文献及专利技术揭示铂族金属在汽车尾气净化催化剂领域的研发动向,重点分析了近年来如何减少使用铂族金属和如何提高催化性能的相关技术,此外还涉及到载体、蜂窝结构、捕集器、过渡金属氧化物、柴油尾气净化、尾气催化剂回收和对生物圈的影响等方面的研发进展。从研发技术趋势来看,铂族金属在汽车尾气催化净化剂方面的应用与研发更多的倾向于资源的合理应用、高效利用、以及尽可能的降低成本等方面,采取的措施包括比较昂贵的铂被较廉价的钯等替代、强化对铂族金属的性能活化、改善气体扩散性、设计合理的结构(包括比表面、孔径和孔体积等)、粒径的合理设置等方面。未来铂在个体汽车尾气净化催化剂上的用量将进一步减少,其他金属(如过渡金属氧化物)在协同铂族金属尽可能发挥催化活性的同时减少铂族金属的用量,以求在成本和效率方面找到最佳平衡点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了汽车工业的发展概况及汽车板的生产、供求现状。提出了目前急需开发的汽车板品种,并对其需求量作了预测。  相似文献   

基于GPS和GIS的可视物流管理信息系统设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李一波  张志勇 《冶金自动化》2005,29(5):11-15,20
建立可视的物流管理信息系统或者透明物流供应链已成为企业取得竞争优势、减少库存及其牛鞭效应、加快资金周转的有效手段和途径.具有生产连续性和物质流动巨量性的钢铁企业物流供应链的管理在其生产和经营中占有极其重要的地位,可视物流管理信息系统建设对其提高竞争力尤其重要.本文介绍一个处于国内领先的某钢铁企业可视物流管理信息系统的设计和应用.该系统采用全球定位系统(GPS)获取承运船舶或汽运运载工具的经纬定位信息,再借助地理信息系统(GIS)实现经纬信息到地理信息的映射,并采用先进的J2EE和XML等开放式的技术标准实现了企业全物流的一体化、可视化调度、管理与监控,系统中实现了与企业ERP系统的直接对接,还内嵌有承运商物流信息管理、调度、监控模块,实现了和物流企业的双赢.  相似文献   

6xxx系铝合金板材是汽车覆盖件轻量化的首选材料。文章综述了汽车覆盖件用6xxx系铝合金板材开发的最新进展、需求以及供给的现状,并提出了我国覆盖件用6xxx系铝合金板材产业化的发展建议。  相似文献   

This article investigates the health economic impacts of aging populations, using scenario techniques and economic systems analysis. Age-related data on hospital utilization and health care expenditure are linked with demographic models for Germany from 1990 to 2040. Findings indicate that the demographic component may not play a major role in determining long-term trends as compared with other, not yet fully elucidated components of utilization and expenditure, both of which are the result of the interplay between supply and demand in health care, and of interactions with the general economy. This acts as a deterrent against the use of simple extrapolations of current indicators (or their trends), but more adequate theoretical economic models are still lacking.  相似文献   

温颖琦 《中国锰业》2012,30(2):57-59
绿色物流是指以降低对环境的污染、减少资源消耗为目标,利用先进物流技术,规划和实施的运输、储存、包装、装卸、流通加工等物流活动。绿色物流要求在企业供应链中时时处处考虑环保与可持续发展,采取与环境和谐相处的态度和全新理念去建立和管理物流系统。  相似文献   

刘清梅  张福明  李海波  骆振勇 《钢铁》2019,54(10):117-124
 以“减量化 再利用 再循环”的 3R 原则为指导,以实现钢铁流程固体废弃物再利用为目标,设计了钢铁流程固体废弃物资源化利用逆向供应链体系。结合各类固体废弃物的成分特性,设定有价元素为新资源,构建了钢铁流程固体废弃物资源化利用逆向供应链组合方案,并配置了流程自循环、外部利用和产物升级的梯级实施路径。为了达到逆向供应链操作过程的动态有序、协同连续和集约高效,建议引入固体废弃物全生命周期绿色化管理体系,并贯穿到固体废弃物资源化利用逆向供应链组合方案的初步规划与具体实施中,这将有利于降低企业固体废弃物环境管理投入成本和取得优良的钢铁全流程绿色化效果。  相似文献   

为了更好地理解怎样培育关键要素以提高关系质量,取得外包成功,对关系互动的作用进行了探索.基于一个物流采购平台系统外包的案例,结合外包生命周期阶段的早期研究,采用IMP关系互动和产业网络关系互动的理论来分析在外包生命周期3个阶段中伙伴间关系互动的特征.3个阶段中特别提出了转换阶段,识别了其活动特征.研究指出发展信息技术外包伙伴关系应当采取产业网络视角.融入到3个生命周期阶段的重要活动事件中,去发展关系互动的3个关键维度,如信息和知识分享、有效交流和参与协调将有助于提高外包关系绩效.而且这3个关系互动的维度发展不应仅存在于外包方和提供方之间,而应存在于整个产业网络中.  相似文献   

新日铁-安赛乐全球战略联盟以汽车板业务合作为核心,建立了完善的运行机制和配备了相应的人员。通过战略联盟合作,双方不仅构建了符合汽车制造业发展要求的汽车板产品全球供应及服务体系,而且在采购、环保及可持续发展、定标比超等合作领域也取得了进展。安赛乐与米塔尔合并后,新日铁与新公司签署了新的合作协议而使这一战略联盟得以延续。  相似文献   

为了讨论供应链系统稳定性与牛鞭效应之间的关系,建立了生产库存控制系统的离散微分方程模型.基于Z-变换理论研究了生产库存系统的动态性.在库存充足和库存不充足2种运作机制下,研究了使生产库存系统稳定和不稳定的参数范围;在2种运作机制以及实际系统下,分别在稳定区域和不稳定区域中,基于不同的需求模式研究了生产交付速率波动性、系统稳定与不稳定性以及牛鞭效应,并给出了相应的数值仿真.结果显示,合理地选择库存和订单决策参数,不仅能够保证系统稳定,而且可以减小系统的牛鞭效应.基于稳定性分析的分段线性化是研究具有非线性特性生产库存订购系统的一种有效方法.该研究为改善供应链系统的库存和订单决策提供了有益的建议.  相似文献   

钛工业的开发现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简单地介绍了钛的物理化学住质及矿藏资源在世界各地的分布情况.详细地叙述了钛工业在航空航天、军事、石油化工、舰船、汽车、冶金、医疗、农牧业等方面的开发与应用现状.预测了至2005年世界钛市场的供需情况.  相似文献   

矿产资源的开发利用对地方经济的发展具有极为重要的推动作用.如何实现“开发资源,发展经济,造福社会,保护环境”的发展目标,是地方政府、生产加工企业都需要认真思考和面对的问题.凉山州作为四川最为重要的矿产资源富集地,不仅要加大矿产资源的勘查力度,摸清矿产资源状况,做好开发利用规划,规范开采秩序,尽可能延伸矿产资源开发利用的...  相似文献   

Community involvement is an important factor for sustainable highway construction. Information and communication technologies provide a new and more effective approach to facilitate community involvement. However, there are too many parameters with conflicting and subjective definitions related to sustainability and too many stakeholders with varying degrees of interest and sophistication. There is a need for an effective tool to communicate project impacts on sustainability to local communities. This paper presents an ontology for stakeholder management and sustainability in highway construction. An ontology is a conceptual semantic model that attempts to capture human knowledge (both explicit and tacit) in a consistent manner. Ontologies include three main elements: a taxonomy (common vocabulary presented in concept trees), set of relationships (linking concepts across trees), and axioms (limitation/constraints on the behavior of concepts). The ontology was used to develop a portal for broadcasting highway design features to local communities. By browsing through the portal, a user can learn about project elements, the impacts of each element on sustainability issues, who is sponsoring such element, and what efforts have been made to reduce any impacts of such elements on local communities.  相似文献   

Multiple biomass-for-energy feedstock resources have been proposed and many or all of these may ultimately be needed. This paper focuses on perennial lignocellulosic feedstocks. In the United States, Perlack and colleagues estimated that by 2050 1.3 billion Mg of biomass could be sustainably harvested annually. However, over half of the herbaceous biomass in their estimate was derived from crop residues, a source that presents numerous concerns. Availability of land resources and the economic prospects for diverting land from food to energy production is further clouded by unknown variables such as the impact of increased human populations and higher living standards. Much effort is currently being given to corn and other starch or grain crops that can be readily converted to ethanol. Although these crops have served to jumpstart the fuel ethanol industry, they have much less potential to meet the growing demand, much greater potential for negative environmental impacts, and their use feeds the “food versus fuel” debate. The 2007 Energy Bill mandated annual production of 136 billion L of fuel (ethanol, etc.) from renewable feedstocks by 2022, a goal that will greatly impact U.S. agriculture. From 2009, all increases in renewable fuel production are to come from nonstarch sources, yet production of “cellulosic ethanol” is currently limited by the conversion technologies. In addition to conversion constraints, all bioenergy technologies will require equipment systems that can cost effectively collect, store, and deliver bulky distributed biomass to the bioenergy plant. These systems will emulate commercial systems that move herbaceous crops (e.g., cotton and sugarcane) to processing plants; however they must be fine tuned to address the requirements of the crop and the constraints of the land base. Important interactions occur between each component of the supply chain—agronomy, logistics, and processing—that are best not studied in isolation. Significant social issues also stand to influence landowner decisions regarding market entry and these will affect the function and profitability of a bioenergy plant. The business plan must provide a “win-win” for both the feedstock supplier and the plant owner. Other large questions about the development of bioenergy resources reside outside the system, e.g., bioenergy systems may be more cost competitive if the policy allows them to benefit from the potential ecosystem services they provide such as sequestering carbon.  相似文献   

我国汽车维修行业的现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析我国汽车维修行业的现状,并结合国外汽车维修市场的发展,汽车快修服务采用连锁经营方式是汽车维修市场的必然趋势,国家政策也在引导传统汽车维修业转向连锁经营.我国汽车售后服务体系将形成两种主导形式:以4S店为主体的高档次售后服务和以独立连锁快修店为主体的大众化售后服务.  相似文献   

The sourcing of a construction program has always been a fluid process for many construction owners. A construction owner must balance the performance of all construction functions between internal staff and external service providers. Described herein are recent sourcing trends of construction programs identified through a survey of nonresidential construction owners. The survey data is representative of 170 respondents with varying demographic characteristics that account for about $72 billion in annual construction spending. Included are outsourcing trends of specific functions across the construction lifecycle and the sourcing strategy employed for each. A comparison of the outsourcing volume reported and the sourcing strategy employed is presented. A clear relationship between the amount of outsourcing and the sourcing strategy employed for the performance of construction is shown. The paper provides the academic community with new outsourcing data for construction lifecycle functions. It also provides contractors with new information about the current behavior of construction owners while providing owners with a better understanding of the relationship between sourcing and outsourcing.  相似文献   

基于有色金属矿产的资源特点和国家“十三五”规划战略思想的大背景,认为湖南省有色金属产业正面临着机遇与挑战并存的局面。将资源安全与市场经济结合进行研究,从有色金属的市场供求关系入手,利用弹性系数法进行定性定量分析,测算了2006~2015年湖南省有色金属年均消费、生产弹性系数及未来5年的市场供需情况。建立矿产资源供需安全度评定指标,分析了10年内湖南省有色金属安全状况及未来发展形势。结果显示,湖南有色金属资源综合利用率较低,产业结构配置不平衡,产品精制程度低且科技含量不高,预计未来将出现供需严重失衡现象,资源安全性大大降低。最后,以平衡市场供需压力为基点,从5个方面为保障湖南省有色金属资源安全与产业经济发展提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on the supply of, and demand for nurse. It examines the utility of various data indicators of nursing shortages and highlights potential shortcomings in their application. The paper also assesses the links between nurses' pay and nurses' labour market behaviour, reviewing the comparatively few papers that have taken a UK perspective on this issue. The current mismatch between nurses' supply and demand in the UK is also examined, with the clear indication that there is potential for an increase in mismatch as demand increases, while future supply appears problematic.  相似文献   

为了开发满足排气系统高温端零件使用要求的不锈钢产品,在实验室研究了化学成分、热处理制度对B441不锈钢性能的影响.结果表明,稳定化元素Nb、Ti的添加对改善B441不锈钢的综合性能有利.生产试制结果表明,生产的B441铁素体不锈钢产品具有优良的常温力学性能和耐高温性能,能够满足汽车排气系统高温端使用要求.  相似文献   

中国不锈钢市场与发展中的宝钢不锈钢事业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了世界不锈钢市场供需变化的基本特征、供需区域转移的基本趋势及中心转移的中国因素,剖析了中国不锈钢行业的竞争态势、机会与挑战,阐述并提出了宝钢进一步发展不锈钢事业的主要方向:积极进取,实现不锈钢技术创新能力的提升;统筹规划,优化、整合宝钢内外不锈钢资源;立足国内,面向全球,开拓多层次不锈钢消费市场;扩大合作领域,营造具有可持续竞争能力的不锈钢供应链;努力维护不锈钢行业持续、健康发展的良好环境.  相似文献   

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