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Potential solutions to high soil salinity levels and waterlogging problems are investigated on a regional scale using calibrated finite-difference flow and mass transport modeling for a portion of the Lower Arkansas River Valley in Colorado. A total of 38 alternatives incorporating varying degrees of recharge reduction, canal seepage reduction, subsurface drainage installation, and pumping volume increases are modeled over three irrigation seasons (1999–2001). Six performance indicators are used to evaluate the effectiveness of these alternatives in improving agroecological conditions, compared to existing conditions. Predicted average regional decrease in water table elevation (as great as 1.93 m over the irrigation season) is presented for selected alternatives, as well as the spatial mapping of results. Decrease in soil salinity concentration (with regional and seasonal average reduction as high as 950 mg/L) is also predicted and mapped. Estimated groundwater salinity changes, reduction in total salt loading to the river, increase in average regional crop yield, and changes in net water consumption indicate the potential for marked regional-scale enhancements to the irrigation-stream-aquifer system.  相似文献   

Saline high water tables pose a growing threat to the world’s productive irrigated land. Much of this land lies along arid alluvial plains, where solutions must now be developed in the context of changing constraints on river management. Findings are presented from the preliminary phase of a project aimed at developing, through well-conceived data collection and modeling, strategies to sustain irrigated agriculture in the salinity-threatened lower Arkansas River Basin of Colorado. Extensive field data from a representative subregion of the valley reveal the nature and variability of water table depth and salinity, irrigation efficiency and salt loading, and soil salinity. The shallow water table had an average salinity concentration of 3,100 mg/L and an average depth of 2.1 m, and was less than 1.5 m deep under about 25% of the area. Evidence reveals low irrigation efficiencies and high salt loading under each of six canals serving the subregion. Water table depths less than 2.5–3 m contributed to soil salinity levels that exceed threshold tolerances for crops under about 70% of the area. Preliminary steady-state modeling indicates that only limited improvement can be expected from vertical drainage derived from increased pumping, or from decreased recharge brought about by reduced overirrigation. Investments in canal lining, horizontal subsurface drainage, and improved river conditions also will need consideration.  相似文献   

In many agricultural regions of the West, decades of intensive irrigation have produced shallow water tables under not only cultivated fields but also the nearby uncultivated land. It is possible that the high water tables under the uncultivated lands are substantially increasing evapotranspiration (ET) rates, which would represent an unnatural and potentially nonbeneficial consumptive use. The objective of this paper is to quantify loss of water that occurs from uncultivated lands in a semiarid irrigated river valley (the Lower Arkansas River Valley in southeastern Colorado). A remote-sensing algorithm is used to estimate actual ET rates on 16 dates on the basis of Landsat satellite images. On the same dates, water table depths, soil moisture values, and soil water salinities are measured at up to 84 wells distributed across three study sites. On the basis of a water balance of the root zone, it is estimated that 78% of the ET is supplied by groundwater upflux at these sites. It is also observed that the ET and groundwater upflux decrease with increasing water table depth. A regression analysis indicates that the spatial variations in ET are most closely related to variations in vegetation-related attributes, whereas soil moisture and water table depths also explain substantial amounts of the variation. Valley-wide implications for reducing nonbeneficial ET through water table control also are discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient water management is one of the key elements in successful operation of irrigation schemes in arid and semiarid regions. An integrated water management model was developed by combining an unsaturated flow model and a groundwater simulation model. These combined models serve as a tool for decision making in irrigation water management to maintain the water tables at a safe depth. The integrated model was applied on a regional scale in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, covering about a 0.42 million ha area in the northwestern part of Haryana, India, which is faced with serious waterlogging and salinity problems in areas underlain with saline ground irrigated by the canal network. The model was calibrated using the agrohydrologic data for the period 1977–1981 and validated for the period 1982–1990 by keeping the calibrating parameters unchanged. The model was used to study the long-term impact of two water management interventions related to the canal irrigation system—change in pricing system of irrigation water, and water supply according to demand—on the extent of waterlogging risk. Both of these strategies, if implemented, would considerably reduce aquifer recharge and consequently waterlogging risk, compared to the existing practice. The water supply according to demand strategy was slightly more effective in reducing aquifer recharge than the water pricing intervention. The implementation of the proposed water pricing policy would pose no problem in fitting into the existing irrigation system, and thus it would be easier to implement, compared to the water supply according to demand strategy, when taking technical, financial, and social considerations into account.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic instruments are increasingly being used for in situ analysis and mapping of soil salinity in irrigated soils. This study develops calibration models for salinity assessment over regional scales on the order of tens of thousands of hectares. These models relate apparent soil electrical conductivity measured with the EM-38 electromagnetic induction meter (Geonics Ltd.) to traditional laboratory-measured saturated paste electrical conductivities (ECe). The study area is located in the Lower Arkansas River Valley, Colo. and is divided into two regions. At each of 414 randomly selected calibration sites, an EM-38 reading was taken and multiple soil samples were extracted for analysis. The sites chosen have soil ECe values ranging from 1?to?18?dS/m, gravimetric water contents (WC) from 0.02 to 0.4, and textures ranging from sands to clays. The best model for predicting soil ECe in both study regions is bivariate nonlinear and includes EM-38 vertical readings (EMV) and WC as covariates. Uncertainty in the calibration equations is addressed and tests are conducted at 48 independent sites. Results indicate that, while uncertainty is considerable in regional scale surveys, electromagnetic instruments can be calibrated for rapid reconnaissance of soil water salinity, providing reasonably accurate identification of salinization categories.  相似文献   

A model is introduced that utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) to predict relative reductions in crop yield due to salinity and waterlogging at a field-scale by incorporating spatially and temporally variable crop, climatic, and irrigation data to simulate crop yields. This model utilizes soil and water data commonly collected in field-scale studies. The model’s algorithms are integrated into a GIS (ARCVIEW 3.2) as an extension. The result is a model that does not require extraordinary data collection but will provide practical insight into the spatial effects of salinity and waterlogging on crop yields.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a major environmental factor limiting the productivity of agricultural lands. To determine the effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching on soil salinity and consequently wheat yield, a field experiment was conducted on a silty clay soil, a typical soil of Rudasht region, Isfahan province, Iran, with three irrigation water salinity levels of 2, 8, and 12?dS/m with/without leaching levels of 4, 19, and 32% with two different irrigation water managements, using factorial design with four replications for each treatment. The results showed that as the irrigation water salinity and consequently soil salinity increases, the yield components such as grain yield, straw yield, 1,000-grain weight, crop height, spike length, and leaf area index decreases significantly. Leaching caused the yield components to increase significantly. An increase in seed protein percentage was noted as the salinity of irrigation water increased. The interaction effects of irrigation management and leaching on yield and yield components was significant. The results of best fit line to relative yield data versus soil ECe showed that the parameters of the above linear relation are site specific, and there is no significant difference between the parameters obtained in this study as compared to the other researchers’ results and the study validates the established relationships between wheat yield and salinity obtained by other researchers. The recycled drainage water could be used in combination with less saline river water as an alternative and less expensive irrigation water to grow salt-tolerant crops such as wheat, to produce profitable yield and to improve the agricultural economy of arid land regions.  相似文献   

This study uses five years of field data from the Land Retirement Demonstration Project located in western Fresno County of California to develop a comprehensive theoretical and numerical modeling framework to evaluate the specific site conditions required for a sustainable land retirement outcome based on natural drainage. Using field data, principles of mass balance in a control volume, the HYDRUS-1D software package for simulating one-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media, and a model-independent parameter optimizer, the processes of soil water and solute movement in root zone and deep vadose zone were investigated. The optimization of unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters and downward flux (natural drainage) from the control volume against observed vadose zone salinity levels and shallow groundwater levels yield difficult to obtain natural drainage rate as a function of water table height within the control volume. The results show that the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties and the downward flux from the soil profile are the critical parameters. A “natural drainage approach” to sustainable land management for drainage-impaired land is proposed. With this approach it is feasible to design a sustainable land use regimen for drainage-impaired lands in general and retired lands in particular.  相似文献   

As urban and suburban areas expand, the problem of sewage disposal spreads as well. Inappropriate planning of a sewage management system could impair water quality, destroy habitat, and threaten public health. Simply building a sewage interceptor system along the urban river corridor to handle the wastewater effluents without regard to the impacts from combined-sewer overflows (CSOs) in the storm events cannot fulfill the ultimate goal of environmental restoration in the receiving water body. This study therefore carries out a system-based assessment to search for the optimal operating strategy of the interceptor facilities with respect to biocomplexity or biodiversity in an urban river system. In particular, it focuses on the richness of the fish community in the biological systems, the effect of stress on the fish community by storm events, and their capacity for adaptive behavior in response to the CSOs’ impact in the Love River estuarine system, South Taiwan. By integrating the biological indicators in an environmental context, two simulation models describing the quality and quantity of storm water and their impact on the river water quality are calibrated and verified. The interactions of natural systems and engineered systems covering both spatial and temporal aspects can then be explored in terms of the predicted levels of dissoved oxygen (DO) along the river reaches so as to strengthen an ultimate optimal search for the best operational alternative for the interceptor system. In view of the inherent complexity of integrating simulation outputs at various scales to aid in building the optimization step, three regression submodels were derived beforehand. These submodels present a high potential for exhibiting, eliciting, and summarizing the nonlinear behavior between the CSO impacts and the DO levels in the river reaches. With the aid of such findings, this study finally applies a linear programming model to determine the optimal size of a constructed storage pond (i.e., a detention pond), based on several types of storm events in the study area. This is proved essential for minimizing the ecological risk in such a way so as to indirectly improve the biodiversity in the estuarine river system.  相似文献   

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