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The pathway involving the signalling protein p21Ras propagates a range of extracellular signals from receptors on the cell membrane to the cytoplasm and nucleus. The Ras proteins regulate many effectors, including members of the Raf family of protein kinases. Ras-dependent activation of Raf-1 at the plasma membrane involves phosphorylation events, protein-protein interactions and structural changes. Phosphorylation of serine residues 338 or 339 in the catalytic domain of Raf-1 regulates its activation in response to Ras, Src and epidermal growth factor. Here we show that the p21-activated protein kinase Pak3 phosphorylates Raf-1 on serine 338 in vitro and in vivo. The p21-activated protein kinases are regulated by the Rho-family GTPases Rac and Cdc42. Our results indicate that signal transduction through Raf-1 depends on both Ras and the activation of the Pak pathway. As guanine-nucleotide-exchange activity on Rac can be stimulated by a Ras-dependent phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase, a mechanism could exist through which one Ras effector pathway can be influenced by another.  相似文献   

We have previously described human (HsSWAP) and mouse (MmSWAP) homologs to the Drosophila alternative splicing regulator suppressor-of-white-apricot (su(wa) or DmSWAP). DmSWAP was formally defined as an alternative splicing regulator by studies showing that it autoregulates splicing of its own pre-mRNA. We report here that mammalian SWAP regulates its own splicing, and also the splicing of fibronectin and CD45. Using an in vivo system of cell transfection, mammalian SWAP regulated 5' splice site selection in splicing of its own second intron. SWAP enhanced splicing to the distal 5' splice site, whereas the SR protein ASF/SF2 enhanced splicing to the proximal site. SWAP also regulated alternative splicing of the fibronectin IIICS region by promoting exclusion of the entire IIICS region. In contrast, ASF/SF2 stimulated inclusion of the entire IIICS region. Finally, SWAP regulated splicing of CD45 exon 4, promoting exclusion of this exon, an effect also seen with ASF/SF2. Experiments using SWAP deletion mutants showed that splicing regulation of the fibronectin IIICS region and CD45 exon 4 requires a region including a carboxyl-terminal arginine/serine (R/S)-rich motif. Since R/S motifs of various splicing proteins have been shown to interact with each other, these results suggest that the R/S motif in SWAP may regulate splicing, at least in part, through interactions with other R/S containing splicing factors.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are pore-forming proteins found in the outer mitochondrial membrane of all eucaryotes. VDACs are the major pathway for metabolites through the outer mitochondrial membrane and, in mammals, bind several cytosolic carbohydrate kinases. Whereas yeast contain a single VDAC (YVDAC), to date three isoforms have been described in the mouse that constitute a gene family. We have observed an additional isoform of VDAC3 that appears to be generated via the tissue-specific alternative splicing of a 3-base exon (ATG). The exon is predicted to introduce a methionine 39 amino acids downstream of the amino terminus of the polypeptide. Between exons 3 and 4 is an intronic sequence that potentially encodes the exon, with flanking splice enhancer elements. Expression of this alternative form in the mouse is limited to brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Complementation of YVDAC-deficient yeast by the two isoforms and with other sequence variants of VDAC3 suggests this residue is an important modulator of VDAC3 function. In transfected mammalian cells both isoforms localize to mitochondria. A similar variant is present in humans.  相似文献   

Aqueous two-phase protocols have been established which successfully generate highly purified preparations of small inclusion bodies (IBs) from whole cell homogenates. Particle size analysis of disruptates confirmed that intense disruption (concomitant with maximal product release) was compromised by the corelease of contaminating solutes and the micronisation of cell debris yielding a similar particle size range to the IBs (100-200 nm). PEG 300-phosphate systems enabled partial recovery of IBs in the top phase of ATPS. In contrast, PEG 8000-phosphate systems partitioned IBs more efficiently as a discrete sediment within the lower phase, whilst the majority of micronised debris remained in the interphase. The alpha-glucosidase IB yield and purity in ATPS was bettered only by analytical sucrose density gradient centrifugation, which is not readily scaleable for application in process operations. The successful recovery of such small IBs from complex homogenates highlights a generic role that ATPS techniques might play in the recovery and purification of new bioparticulate products (viral and plasmid gene therapy vectors, particulate protein vaccines etc.).  相似文献   

Recent in vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that the synthesis and import of mitochondrial proteins are very tightly coupled and that a co-translational import reaction may be mandatory for some proteins. These results are entirely consistent with early experiments which suggested that import occurs co-translationally and that cytosolic polysomes synthesizing mitochondrial proteins are bound to protein import sites on isolated mitochondria. This article discusses and seemingly contradictory reports concerning the involvement of co-translational and post-translational mechanisms in the import process and examines the impact of recent developments in the field.  相似文献   

C766T, a polymorphism in exon 3 of the gene for the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), was found to be associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). We developed a PCR-restriction enzyme-based assay to analyze this allele in 234 AD patients and 103 controls. We confirmed that the LRP C766T polymorphism was in disequilibrium with AD--the C/C genotype was present in 76% of AD patients and 60% of controls (p < 0.01); however, the LRP polymorphism did not influence age at onset of AD.  相似文献   

SPARC (Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine) regulates the transendothelial flux of macromolecules through a paracellular pathway. We now have demonstrated that SPARC-induced increments in albumin flux across postconfluent endothelial cell (EC) monolayers are mediated, in part, through protein tyrosine phosphorylation. SPARC increased tyrosine phosphorylation of EC proteins up to 12-fold within 1 h. The phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were immunolocalized to the intercellular boundaries. Two substrates for SPARC-induced tyrosine phosphorylation were identified as beta-catenin and paxillin. Inhibition of tyrosine kinases with herbimycin A or genistein reversed the barrier dysfunction induced by SPARC by 71% and 49%, respectively. Herbimycin A also protected against SPARC-induced intercellular gap formation. In contrast, inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases with sodium orthovanadate or phenylarsine oxide enhanced the loss of barrier function associated with SPARC treatment by 120% and 88%, respectively. These data indicate that SPARC influences EC-EC interactions through a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Smad genes are recently identified intracellular effectors for receptor signaling in the BMP/activin/TGF-beta pathway. Since TGF-beta ligands are known to inhibit embryonic lung branching morphogenesis, we tested the hypothesis that Smad genes negatively regulate lung organogenesis. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were designed to attenuate Smad3 and Smad2 gene expression in embryonic (E11) mouse lungs over 4 days in culture. Endogenous Smad3 and Smad2 mRNA levels were suppressed by 97 and 91%, respectively, in cultured embryonic lungs when antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (40 microM) to Smad was added, compared to scrambled and sense sequence controls. The corresponding Smad3 and Smad2 protein amounts were also decreased respectively by 86 and 90% in lungs treated with Smad3 and Smad2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide. Phenotypically, Smad antisense oligodeoxynucleotides resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in lung branching: embryonic lung branching was stimulated by up to 53% in culture with 40 microM antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, whereas both scrambled and sense controls showed no stimulatory effect. Thus, inhibition of endogenous Smad3 and Smad2 gene expression resulted in stimulation of embryonic lung branching similar to that caused by inhibition of TGF-beta type II receptor expression and signaling (J. Zhao et al., 1996, Dev. Biol. 180, 242-257). Abrogation of Smad4 (DPC4), the downstream mediator of Smad3 and Smad2 proteins, with antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, also resulted in increased branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, while TGF-beta alone inhibited lung branching morphogenesis in culture, addition of exogenous TGF-beta 1 could not overcome the stimulatory effect on lung branching of Smad antisense oligodeoxynucleotide treatment. By immunohistochemistry, Smad proteins were localized mainly to the epithelial cells lining the branching distal airways, indicating that Smad genes could regulate lung morphogenesis through mesoderm-endoderm interaction. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that abrogation of Smad2 and Smad3 or of Smad4 gene expression stimulated early mouse embryonic lung branching morphogenesis in culture, possibly through reversing the negative influence of endogenous TGF-beta signaling upon lung branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The lipogenic enzyme fatty acid synthase (FAS) is elevated in various human primary cancers and certain human cancer cell lines. FAS overexpression in human neoplasia has clinical relevance because of its association with tumor aggression and potential chemotherapeutic intervention. Here, we surveyed FAS in cell lines established from normal murine mammary epithelium (NMuMG) and from mammary tumors induced by either rodent polyoma (Py) virus or murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV). Western blotting revealed greater content of FAS in Py-transformed A1-1 and T1 than NMuMG or MMTV-transformed Mm5MT, RIIIMT and MMT060562. These data suggest that signaling events mediated by Py transformation may increase cellular amounts of FAS. Although FAS content was elevated to similar levels in A1-1 and T1, specific activities were significantly different as enzyme activity in T1 was 3-fold higher than A1-1. Likewise, FAS activity in NMuMG was about 0.5-fold higher than the MMTV-transformed lines, even though enzyme content was similar. Immunoprecipitation studies employing anti-phosphoamino acid antibodies followed by immunoblot analysis with anti-FAS antisera (and vice versa) were used to characterize the constitutive phosphorylation state of the enzyme. Phosphoserine and phosphothreonine residues were detected in the more active FAS from T1 and NMuMG, but not in the less active FAS from Mm5MT or A1-1. Discovery of phosphorylated FAS suggests that the enzyme may have more immediate control over lipogenesis than previously thought. High-dose (10-4 M) dexamethasone induced FAS content and activity in NMuMG and MMTV-transformed lines but not Py-transformed cells. Lower concentrations (10-8, 10-6 M) of dexamethasone also activated FAS but without concomitant elevation of its protein content, which was consistent with a phosphorylated form of FAS. Finally, cell lines were treated with the FAS inhibitor cerulenin: almost all breast cancer lines were growth inhibited at significantly lower amounts of drug than normal cell lineages, suggesting that FAS plays a greater role in viability of tumor cells than normal cells. Pretreatment with palmitate (a primary end-product of FAS) prior to cerulenin rescued A1-1 cells only slightly from growth inhibition, whereas pretreatment with oleate (a monounsaturated fatty acid synthesized from palmitate) synergized cerulenin's cytotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is an X-linked hematopoietic disease that manifests itself in platelet deficiency and a compromised immune system. Analysis of hematopoietic cells from affected individuals reveals that mutations in the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) result in structural and functional abnormalities in the cell cortex, consistent with the suggestion that WASP is involved with regulation of the actin-rich cortical cytoskeleton. Here we report that WASP interacts with a recently described cytoskeletal-associated protein, PSTPIP, a molecule that is related to the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cleavage furrow regulatory protein, CDC15p. This association is mediated by an interaction between the PSTPIP SH3 domain and two polyproline-rich regions in WASP. Co-expression of PSTPIP with WASP in vivo results in a loss of WASP-induced actin bundling activity and co-localization of the two proteins, which requires the PSTPIP SH3 domain. Analysis of tyrosine phosphorylation of PSTPIP reveals that two sites are modified in response to v-Src co-transfection or pervanadate incubation. One of these tyrosines is found in the SH3 domain poly-proline recognition site, and mutation of this tyrosine to aspartate or glutamate to mimic this phosphorylation state results in a loss of WASP binding in vitro and a dissolution of co-localization in vivo. In addition, PSTPIP that is tyrosine phosphorylated in the SH3 domain interacts poorly with WASP in vitro. These data suggest that the PSTPIP and WASP interaction is regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation of the PSTPIP SH3 domain, and this binding event may control aspects of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Following acute intracerebroventricular injections of 1 ng of apamin and chronic apamin infusion (0.4 ng/microl, 0.5 microl/h, 14 days), the rat brains exhibited bilateral damage only in the cerebellum. The argyrophilic cells were Purkinje cells in copula pyramis, flocculus, paraflocculus, and paramedian lobules. These data demonstrate that the inactivation of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels by apamin induces a non-limbic neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The amplification of target nucleic acids before hybridization is one of the most powerful approaches for the detection of low copy number RNA and DNA. The best known amplification reaction is PCR which has many applications. However, certain drawbacks of the PCR reaction provide a role for alternative amplification methods. One of these methods is the self-sustained sequence replication (3SR) reaction, which is an isothermal method for RNA amplification depending on the action of three enzymes. 3SR has been used in several in vitro applications and has also been modified for in situ use (IS-3SR). We have studied IS-3SR with the measles virus as a model and have found that it can significantly amplify the amount of intracellular RNA. Such a level of amplification could raise the amount of single copy RNA to the level of detection by conventional in situ hybridization. Although careful controls to insure its specificity must be carried out, IS-3SR has several advantages, including ease of use, preserved cell morphology, and specificity for RNA amplification, which make it an attractive alternative to the in situ PCR method.  相似文献   

The alternatively spliced 290-nucleotide NS2-specific exon of the parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM), which is flanked by a large intron upstream and a small intron downstream, constitutively appears both in the R1 mRNA as part of a large 5'-terminal exon (where it is translated in open reading frame 3 [ORF3]), and in the R2 mRNA as an internal exon (where it is translated in ORF2). We have identified a novel bipartite exon enhancer element, composed of CA-rich and purine-rich elements within the 5' and 3' regions of the exon, respectively, that is required to include NS2-specific exon sequences in mature spliced mRNA in vivo. These two compositionally different enhancer elements are somewhat redundant in function: either element alone can at least partially support exon inclusion. They are also interchangeable: either element can function at either position. Either a strong 3' splice site upstream (i.e., the exon 5' terminus) or a strong 5' splice site downstream (i.e., the exon 3' terminus) is sufficient to prevent skipping of the NS2-specific exon, and a functional upstream 3' splice site is required for inclusion of the NS2-specific exon as an internal exon into the mature, doubly spliced R2 mRNA. The bipartite enhancer functionally strengthens these termini: the requirement for both the CA-rich and purine-rich elements can be overcome by improvements to the polypyrimidine tract of the upstream intron 3' splice site, and the purine-rich element also supports exon inclusion mediated through the downstream 5' splice sites. In summary, a suboptimal large-intron polypyrimidine tract, sequences within the downstream small intron, and a novel bipartite exonic enhancer operate together to yield the balanced levels of R1 and R2 observed in vivo. We suggest that the unusual bipartite exonic enhancer functions to mediate proper levels of inclusion of the NS2-specific exon in both singly spliced R1 and doubly spliced R2.  相似文献   

The genetic defect in a patient with hereditary type I protein S (PS) deficiency was investigated. All the exons and intron-exon junctions of the patient's PS gene were amplified by PCR and subjected to heteroduplex screening. Only the PCR product of exon 4 revealed heteroduplex bands. A novel nonsense mutation, Ser62 (TCA) to Stop (TGA) was found in exon 4. RT-PCR detected the aberrant mRNA in the patient's platelets, which was markedly reduced in amount and lacked the region of exon 4, suggesting that the nonsense mutation affected the mutated mRNA metabolism and induced exon skipping. The skipping of exon 4 causes an in-frame deletion of 29 amino acids which just construct the thrombin-sensitive region of the PS molecule. The loss of such an important domain as well as the quantitative decrease in the mutated mRNA appear to be responsible for the type I PS deficiency in this patient.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare formula intake, the time of weaning, and growth in preterm infants (< or = 1750-g birth weight, < or = 34-wk gestation) fed a standard term or preterm infant formula after initial hospital discharge. Infants were randomized at hospital discharge to be fed a preterm infant formula from discharge to 6 mo corrected age (group A), a term formula from discharge to 6 mo (group B), or the preterm formula (discharge to term) and the term formula (term to 6 mo (group C). Infants were seen biweekly (discharge to term) and monthly (term to 6 mo), when intake was measured and anthropometry and blood sampling were performed. The results were analyzed using ANOVA. Although nutrient intake was similar, at 6 mo girls were lighter (6829 versus 7280 g) and shorter (64.4 versus 66.0 cm) than boys (p < 0.05). Patient characteristics were similar between the treatment groups. Although the volume of intake differed (B > C > A; p < 0.001), energy intake was similar in the groups. Because of differences in formula composition, protein, calcium, and phosphorus intakes differed (B < C < A; p < 0.001). Lower protein intakes were related to lower blood urea nitrogen levels (B < C < A; p < 0.001). At 6 mo, infant boys in B and C were lighter (6933, 6660 < 7949 g), shorter (65.3, 64.9 < 67.1 cm), and had a smaller head circumference (43.7, 43.7 < 44.8 cm; p < 0.05) than infants in group A. Preterm infants were found to increase their volume of intake to compensate for differences in energy density between formulas. After hospital discharge, infant boys fed a preterm formula grew faster than infant girls fed a preterm formula or infant boys fed a term formula.  相似文献   

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