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The corrosion resistance of molybdenum, molybdenum disilicide, and a SiC( p )/Al2O3 composite to molten E-glass at 1550deg;C was studied. Mo showed no tendency to oxidize as it was immersed in soda-lime silicate glass in a parallel study. MoSi2 was corroded by soluble molecular oxygen, leaving a Mo5Si3 interface behind. The SiC( p )/Al2O3 composite was corroded at a more rapid rate wherein the SiC component was oxidized to form amorphous silica and CO bubbles. Based on these results, the activity of soluble molecular oxygen in E-glass was determined to be in the range of 2.4 × 10-14 to 2.0 × 10-8.  相似文献   

本文以熔铸耐火材料为研究对象进行抗盖板玻璃熔体侵蚀试验,采用化学分析、岩相分析和电子显微镜能谱分析等测试分析方法,对比研究钠钙玻璃熔体、高铝玻璃熔体和锂铝玻璃熔体对熔铸耐火材料的侵蚀行为。结果表明,玻璃熔体中的碱金属离子向耐火材料中的玻璃相扩散,导致玻璃相黏度降低,同时耐火材料中刚玉相溶解,斜锆石分散,主体结构遭到破坏,并形成界面层。界面层内存在富铝含锆的玻璃相,由于高铝玻璃和锂铝玻璃氧化铝含量高,表面张力大,界面层内的玻璃相聚集在试样周围且扩散慢,从而阻止了侵蚀的发展。玻璃熔体的侵蚀速率为钠钙玻璃熔体>高铝玻璃熔体>锂铝玻璃熔体。  相似文献   

在以前的研究中,发现熔渣中陶瓷材料的腐蚀主要依赖于渣的粘度和陶瓷与熔渣之间的碱性缝隙。本研究是在腐蚀测试的基础上,推荐用渣的粘度和碱性缝隙函数方程来预测陶瓷材料在熔渣中的腐蚀率。Cr2O3-Al2O3陶瓷材料是放在SiO2-CaO-B2O3碱性熔渣中进行测试的。  相似文献   

Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to map the Vickers indentation-induced densification on a window glass (soda-lime silicate glass), from the correlation between Raman spectrum and density. Both top surface and cross-section of the residual imprints were investigated. It is shown that the sample preparation needed for the investigation of the in-depth densification does not alter the results. The maximum densification ratio measured is about 3.8%, which is 60% of the maximum densification measured after a high-pressure hydrostatic loading. Within the experimental errors, densification maps are self-similar for the two indentation loads used 10 N and 20 N. A comparison with finite element results based on a constitutive model developed for silica is discussed.  相似文献   

针对玻璃电熔与电助熔中,三相电极非对称布置下的电极内部等效电阻的求解,在电工理论基础上,用作图法或解析法解决这一问题,并对比了作图法、CAD法与解析法计算结果。得出结论:融熔玻璃液负荷的阻抗特性是带弱容抗的电阻性负载,对单相电极而言,电流越前电压的相角在8~10°左右;从工程的角度,完全可以把玻璃液当成是纯电阻负荷;利用向量方程可以用图解法或解析法,求解出三相电极非对称布置时的相电流、相电阻与相功率等。该结论长期应用于玻璃纤维电助熔与电熔窑的设计与研究。  相似文献   

介绍了玻璃纤维的耐腐蚀性对复合材料的影响,描述了玻璃纤维酸腐蚀的机理,玻璃纤维的酸腐蚀主要是因为其成分中的硼,硼的质量分数越高越容易导致在酸性介质中的纤维失效。通过对比不同的酸腐蚀性能测试方法和结果,可以得出不同的玻璃纤维在耐酸性上有较大的差异。为了保证复合材料使用的安全性,在复合材料的设计中应选择合适的玻璃纤维,了解不同纤维的耐酸性以及选择正确的方法对玻璃纤维进行评价。  相似文献   

选择纯单斜氧化锆(m-ZrO2)、含3%(mol) Y2O3部分稳定氧化锆(3Y-PSZ)和含12%(mol) CeO2部分稳定氧化锆(12Ce-PSZ),添加30%(j)金属Mo,采用粉末冶金方法制备了相对密度大于95%的致密金属陶瓷试样,将金属陶瓷于1600℃下在IF钢液和Al2O3-CaO-MgO预熔渣中静态侵蚀4 h. 结果表明,金属陶瓷在不同介质中的侵蚀行为与陶瓷基体相关,纯m-ZrO2基体金属陶瓷抗钢液侵蚀性能较好,3Y-PSZ基体金属陶瓷抗熔渣侵蚀性能较好. 钢液对金属陶瓷的侵蚀主要是形成铁钼金属间化合物,熔渣的侵蚀主要是陶瓷基体与渣中CaO反应生成CaZrO3.  相似文献   

通过加速腐蚀试验,从腐蚀痕迹、微观形貌、质量变化、强度保留率等方面对比分析了3种类型玻璃纤维复合材料耐腐蚀情况。结果表明,普通ER玻璃纤维在酸性环境下性能下降非常明显,而改进型的无硼无氟ECT玻璃纤维耐酸性能与典型的E-CR玻璃纤维一样出色,可应用于对耐酸性能、力学强度和使用寿命都有较高要求的应用领域。  相似文献   

The reaction of soda-lime-silicate glassware with model cleaning solutions gives rise to a systematic pattern of inhomogeneous corrosion. This corrosion is not uniform on the entire surface, but is localized only to certain regions of the glassware. The surface composition, as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and the microstructure, as characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy, vary considerably in different regions of the glassware. The visibly heterogeneous corrosion pattern, which correlates with the compositional and structural inhomogeneities, is explained in terms of surface conditions that exist during different stages of glass manufacturing. The role of sodium disilicate in solution is also explored for promoting inhomogeneous glass corrosion.  相似文献   

金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料耐腐蚀性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了三元硼化物金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料在5%H2SO4和在20%NaOH溶液中的耐腐蚀性能。结果表明,三元硼化物金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料的覆层在5%H2SO4和在20%NaOH溶液中的耐腐蚀性能远远好于16Mn和Q235钢的耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

列出采用三种独立的方法对锂铝硅酸盐型玻璃陶瓷(OTM-357型材料)抗侵蚀性介质作用的研究数据,表明其结果近似,而且材料的抗化学侵蚀性极高,从而使其应用范围扩大。  相似文献   

研究了陶瓷材料在酸碱中的抗化学侵蚀能力及其测定方法。确定了各种不同陶瓷材料在酸碱中抗化学侵蚀性的数据值。有可能根据预先规定的抗酸碱侵蚀性数值来研究陶瓷材料的抗化学侵蚀性。  相似文献   

茶色中性玻璃在电炉中熔化,选用二氧化锰(或高锰酸钾)+铁红着色,其着色稳定,电炉运行良好。但是该着色玻璃对熔窑的耐火材料——41#锆质刚玉转侵蚀速度特别快。本文从二氧化锰的高温分解反应、玻璃液流方面进行原因分析。  相似文献   

彩色显像管的发展和玻璃材料的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
论述了阴极射线管、液晶显示器、等离子体显示器等平面显示器的主要特点和发展,并对显示器玻璃材料的应用研究作了简要评述。  相似文献   

Electrochemical corrosion of Mo and MoSi2 in a molten soda-lime silicate glass environment was studied using a two-electrode cell with Pt as the counterelectrode. XRD, SEM, and EDS were used to characterize the corroded specimens. When Mo was cathodically polarized (-1 V), no corrosion and a Mo surface were observed after 12 h of electrochemical corrosion. Under anodic polarization (+1 V), higher corrosion (0.42 mm) was observed due to formation of MoO2, which did not form a coherent passive layer. Cathodic protection occurred by electrostatic repulsion of oxygen ions, thus discouraging oxidation of Mo. Anodically polarized (+1 V) MoSi2 showed a significant decrease in recession at the glass line due to formation of SiO2 product which attenuated convective flow currents. Accelerated corrosion was observed under cathodic polarization (-1 V), where streams of Mo particles were observed flowing downward in the melt. MoSi2 was interpreted to decompose into neutral molybdenum and silicon anions, which were rejected into the melt.  相似文献   

本文研究了900℃碳化硅材料在气/冰晶石/铝液三相区介质的抗蚀情况。用扫描电镜和X衍射仪观察分析了试样在熔液区的界面形貌与物相组成。研究结果表明:碳化硅材料除在电解质/空气界面有较明显的侵蚀外。在熔融的冰晶石与铝液的混合介质中表现出良好的抗腐蚀能力,用作电解铝热电偶保护管有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

陆莹  钱达兴 《玻璃》2008,35(4):3-9
用广东石井特种耐火材料厂生产的铬砖(Cr2O3>94%)和洛阳浮法玻璃有限公司生产的蓝色浮法玻璃为实验材料,参照GB 1020488<玻璃熔窑用耐火材料在静态下抗玻璃液侵蚀实验方法>,使用扫描电子显微镜测试分析手段.研究了侵蚀前后铬砖显微结构和侵蚀界面附近元素组成的变化,探索了铬砖的耐侵蚀机制.实验结果表明:铬砖的耐侵蚀性与其显微结构有关,也与玻璃的组成有关,碱金属氧化物能降低其耐侵蚀性.  相似文献   

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