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The paper presents a new service application in education area,namely credit bank.Credit bank is a service provided by authorized education organizations so that customers can save,manage and exchange education credits.The paper focus on establishing a service oriented information system to support the idea of credit bank.After introducing its concept,the paper studies the requirement of credit bank from both business and technical point of view.Then it presents a practical step-by-step guideline to identify services in the system.The guideline is applied to design credit bank information system(CBIS)as a case study.The contributions of the paper are:(i)It gives a new idea about how service can be used to benefit education;(ii)It presents a useful method for service identification in system design with case Study.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于SOA的呼叫中心系统。该系统在分析了面向服务架构SOA模型的基础上,采用企业服务总线ESB原理及Web Service技术搭建,实现了松耦合、模块化以满足更加灵活的业务需求,并应用于实际电信系统建设  相似文献   

王建  江婷 《微型机与应用》2012,31(14):14-16,20
详细地论述SOA及企业服务总线的基本概念、工作原理,借助IBM消息中间件MQ和总线产品MB为商业银行分析设计出面向服务架构的企业服务总线,打造一个随需而变的银行SOA企业应用平台,以应对不断变化的市场环境和用户需求。  相似文献   

基于SOA架构的银行核心系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了国内银行系统的发展及应用状况,阐述了快速发展的银行业务对商业银行IT架构的灵活性提出了更高的要求。介绍了SOA及其特性以及采用SOA技术构建核心系统的可行性和必要性;结合银行的业务需求与IT规划,提出了一种基于SOA的银行核心业系统的应用架构。  相似文献   

近年来,在工程项目管理系统中业务流程的动态可调控引起业内的广泛关注。在深入研究面向服务架构和柔性流程建模技术后,提出了基于SOA架构的柔性流程管理体系结构,构建了柔性流程管理系统模型,并将其应用到水电工程项目管理系统中,最后给出流程调控系统的实现过程。  相似文献   

基于SOA的仿真服务系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何强  郝建国  黄健 《计算机仿真》2007,24(5):98-102
分布式仿真技术的发展离不开Web技术的推动,当前也只有与Web兼容才能满足不同领域仿真应用的需求.当前Web领域正经历着深刻的变化,新标准和新技术不断出现,如何将Web领域的最新成果集成应用到建模与仿真系统中以弥补现有仿真技术的不足及提高仿真系统的能力是目前仿真技术发展面临的主要问题.Web服务技术是当今IT业的新兴力量,Web服务技术的成熟使面向服务的架构在企业级应用集成中得到了广泛应用.在详细介绍SOA及其实现技术Web服务的基础上,结合分布式仿真的特点提出了基于SOA的仿真服务系统的概念,为建立基于Web的建模与仿真系统给出了一种解决方案.  相似文献   

随着未来软件行业的发展,大规模业务流程处理将变得更加复杂。对于动辄几百个流程步骤,不仅数据变得巨大,而且调用后台SOA服务变得越来越多,开发人员的工作任重而道远。本课题以小型出纳提现审核业务流程系统为例,选用简单的方法实现并验证业务流程开发,完善调用SOA服务机制,从而使业务流程开发更加便捷,并通过出纳管理财务收入支出,统计财务报表。  相似文献   

针对法人库服务系统建设中存在的部门间信息标准不统一、共享程度低的问题,将SOA(Service-Oriented Architectures)思想贯穿于法人库服务系统建设当中,设计基于SOA模型的法人库服务系统建设方案,实现资源重用、松散耦合和分层开发,为实现法人库各部门间信息资源的互连互通,消除信息孤岛,提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

研究面向服务的体系架构的原理方法。针对Web服务技术的具体应用研究基于SOA体系架构的实现方法,着重解决不同平台,不同语言开发的Web服务之间的相互通信。  相似文献   

通过对当前政务系统建设的现状分析,结合SOA系统构建的相关方法和技术,提出了政务综合服务系统的一种SOA参考模型和基于应用平台技术实现的参考架构,以此来解决电子政务建设中由于缺乏对系统的整体规划和有效整合而带来的政务系统结构僵硬、"信息孤岛"、资源得不到有效利用等问题。给出一个应用此参考模型和架构的应用案例。  相似文献   

为了支持SOA系统开发,需要对各种形式的服务进行有效地管理.在前期工作的基础上,提出了一个语义增强服务库,用于基于语义的服务注册、搜索和组装.重点介绍其中的服务注册库部分,包括服务注册库的功能、所用的服务描述规范,并用一个实例说明了服务注册、发布的整个过程.该服务库通过支持多种形式的服务,可以有效地管理企业现有的各种软件资源,并为基于SOA的系统开发提供支持.  相似文献   

Service selection has been widely investigated by the SOA research community as an effective adaptation mechanism that allows a service broker, offering a composite service, to bind at runtime each task of the composite service to a corresponding concrete implementation, selecting it from a set of candidates which differ from one another in terms of QoS parameters. In this paper we present a load-aware per-request approach to service selection which aims to combine the relative benefits of the well known per-request and perflow approaches. Our service selection policy represents the core methodology of the Plan phase of a self-adaptive service oriented system based on the MAPE-K reference loop. Since the service broker operates in a variable and uncertain environment where the QoS levels negotiated with the service providers can fluctuate, it requires some mechanism to enforce the QoS constraints with its users. To this end, we also propose an algorithm for the Analyze phase of MAPE-K which is based on the adaptive Cusum algorithm and allows to determine whether a change in the QoS level requires a service selection replanning. We present experimental results obtained with a prototype implementation of a service broker. Our results show that the proposed load-aware approach is superior to the traditional perrequest one and combines the ability of sustaining large volume of service requests, as the perflow approach, while at the same time offering a finer customizable service selection, as the per-request approach. Furthermore, the results show that the adaptive Cusum algorithm can quickly detect changes in the execution environment and trigger a new optimization plan before the system performance degrades.  相似文献   

结合基于 Web的 EDI技术和采用 SET协议的 CA认证技术 ,提出了网上银行信用证业务的系统设计方案 ,并着重研究了数据传输和支付流程及其安全策略  相似文献   

综合业务软件作为我国商业银行的主要业务软件,历来受到我国商业银行业内人士及软件界人士的高度关注.在科学技术日新月异、商业银行业务蓬勃发展的今天,我国商业银行综合业务软件的开发结构又将走向何方?本文从一个银行从业人员的角度,就我国商业银行综合业务软件结构的走向作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种将数据库同Web服务技术相结合的方法,一方面使得数据库可以将其存储的数据以Web服务的形式提供给外部使用,另一方面也可以在数据库内部直接使用SQL语句或存储过程调用外部的Web服务对数据进行处理或取得数据,该方法具有使得数据库能够不依赖应用程序而直接同Web服务进行交互的特点。  相似文献   

As a popular approach to dependable service oriented architecture (SOA), a service pool collects a set of services that provide the same functionality by different service providers for achieving desired reliability. However, if the tradeoff between reliability and other important qualities, e.g., performance, has to be considered, the construction and management of a service pool become much more complex. In this paper, an automated approach to this problem is presented. Based on the investigation of service pools in the typical triangle SOA model, two challenges critical to the effectiveness and efficiency of service pools are identified, including which services should be held by a pool and what order these services are invoked in. A set of algorithms are designed to address the two challenges and then a service pool can be automatically constructed and managed for given reliability and performance requirements in polynomial time. The approach is demonstrated on a J2EE based service platform and the comparison results between different pooling algorithms are evaluated.  相似文献   

传统构架下的ERP软件,在实际应用中出现了许多问题.文章介绍了一种新的软件架构方法--面向服务架构(SOA)的理念及其特点,并对面向服务架构的ERP和面向对象架构的ERP分别在体系结构和开发方法上作比较,最后选取SAP公司的NetWeaver和ESA产品设计理念作为案例,进一步阐述了SOA思想在ERP设计中的应用特点和优势.  相似文献   

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