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Steatohepatitis: a tale of two "hits"?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article addresses J. R. Anderson and L. M. Reder's (see record 1999-05245-004) account of the differential fan effect reported by G. A. Radvansky, D. H. Spieler, and R. T. Zacks (see record 1993-16287-001). The differential fan effect is the finding of greater interference with an increased number of associations under some conditions, but not others, in a within-subjects mixed-list recognition test. Anderson and Reder concluded that the differential fan effects can be adequately explained by assuming differences in the weights given to concepts in long-term memory. When a broader range of data is considered, this account is less well supported. Instead, it is better to assume that the organization of information into referential representations, such as situation models, has a meaningful influence on long-term memory retrieval. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Public policy is increasingly asking: What public policy objectives are achieved by a particular law regulating private acts or licensing a profession? These questions are particularly being asked of the health professions. There is a growing feeling that state legislatures are using licensing laws for purposes other than consumer protection and quality assurance, which are widely believed to be the only legitimate goals of occupational regulation. Are we protecting the profession or the public? These questions will not go away. Two jurisdictions, Ontario and Maine, illustrate this debate.  相似文献   

Examined 2 multivariate classification models for making personnel selection decisions among military applicants using the Personality Research Form, Form E (PRF-E). The 1st model, based on multiple discriminant analysis, was tested with 2,617 Ss in 14 groups. Four significant discriminant functions were identified: (a) risk taking vs dominance, intellectual curiosity; (b) independence vs social orientation; (c) impulse expression; and (d) aggressive orientation vs dependence. The 2nd model, based on a sequential clustering rationale, sought to identify frequently occurring PRF-E profiles and group individuals into homogeneous classes on the basis of similarity to 1 of the modal profiles. Five PRF-E "modal profiles" were identified which replicated across 15 samples of 1,975 Ss, with an average classification hit rate of 64.48%: (a) work orientation vs impulse expression, (b) dependence vs autonomy, (c) outgoing playfulness vs defendency, (d) dominant leadership vs compliance, and (e) social ascendency vs aesthetic interests. (French summary) (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To provide support for the theoretical distinction between 2 facets of pride, authentic and hubristic (J. L. Tracy & R. W. Robins, 2004a), the authors conducted 7 studies. Studies 1-4 demonstrate that the 2 facets (a) emerge in analyses of the semantic meaning of pride-related words, the dispositional tendency to experience pride, and reports of actual pride experiences; (b) have divergent personality correlates and distinct antecedent causal attributions; and (c) do not simply reflect positively and negatively valenced, high- and low-activation, or state versus trait forms of pride. In Studies 5-7, the authors develop and demonstrate the reliability and validity of brief, 7-item scales that can be used to assess the facets of pride in future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Purpose: An accumulation of disaster mental health research literature in the last few decades has contributed knowledge to direct disaster mental health interventions. However, no single set of principles can necessarily outline all anticipated mental health needs to be encountered in a particular disaster. Methods: To illustrate how different disaster scenarios may yield a divergence of mental health needs, this article compares mental health findings from two distinctly different studies of two very different populations affected by two very different disasters: directly exposed survivors the Oklahoma City bombing and sheltered evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Results: Research on the two disasters reviewed illustrates many facets and complexities of postdisaster mental health needs in different populations in different settings after different types of disasters. The major findings of the Oklahoma City bombing study related to posttraumatic stress disorder and the main findings of the Hurricane Katrina study involved need for treatment of preexisting chronic mental health and substance abuse problems. Conclusion: The disaster studies in this review diverged in type of disaster, affected populations, setting, and timing of the study, and these studies yielded a divergence of findings. One disaster mental health model clearly cannot adequately describe all postdisaster scenarios. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research examined the self-regulatory depletion model (e.g., M. Muraven & R. F. Baumeister, 2000). Although numerous studies support this model’s prediction of decrements in self-regulation across tasks, the majority of this research has relied on a single paradigm in which two tasks are performed in succession. Other work related to learned industriousness (R. Eisenberger, 1992) and adaptation-level theory (H. Helson, 1964) indicates that self-regulatory behavior may remain stable or even improve as a result of prior self-regulatory activities in situations involving additional tasks. Three studies examined these differing perspectives with 2- and 3-task designs. Results indicated that, relative to low initial self-regulatory exertion, high exertion can lead to poorer or better subsequent self-regulation. These findings are consistent with an adaptation view of self-regulation, suggesting that the depletion effect may be only part of the picture of self-regulatory behavior over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of a nonsanction seat belt law enforcement program in two experimental communities of contrasting size in a state with a mandatory belt law. The main ingredients of the program were seat belt "salutes," public information and education, and limited use of inexpensive economic incentives. Driver shoulder belt use data collected before, during, and after the experimental programs, compared to similar data collected in a comparison community, showed the approach to be effective. While standard seat belt enforcement activities without incentives have been shown to be effective, many police departments, especially in smaller communities, are reluctant to make wholesale increases in seat belt citations. Although requiring some additional level of manpower and resources, a nonsanction approach to seat belt law enforcement can provide an alternate way of increasing belt use in these communities.  相似文献   

Twenty-two years of monthly values of birth data for the USA, 1967 through 1988, were analyzed by visual inspection. The data were transformed to remove the influence of length of month and of linear trend, and the values were lagged 9 months to approximate the time of conception. Then, 11-year monthly averages were obtained and plotted as standard scores. Thus two 11-year sets of data were independently analyzed, providing the opportunity of replication. Four distinct temporal patterns were found, differing in month of occurrence of the initial trough and peak and the relative sizes of the two troughs; these characteristics of the temporal pattern change systematically with latitude in the eastern and midwestern states. Data from two other continents, the United Kingdom and Australia, also were analyzed using the same method and found to exhibit a temporal pattern during the year similar to the northern states of the USA. Two biologically relevant variables, temperature and photoperiod, were considered as possible controllers and regulators of the annual rhythmicity. Comparisons of the trends in conceptions with these environmental variables, and inspections of the temperatures and photoperiods at which peaks and troughs in conceptions were found, indicated that these environmental variables could not account for the annual rhythmicity in conceptions.  相似文献   

Facial expressions serve as cues that encourage viewers to learn about their immediate environment. In studies assessing the influence of emotional cues on behavior, fearful and angry faces are often combined into one category, such as “threat-related,” because they share similar emotional valence and arousal properties. However, these expressions convey different information to the viewer. Fearful faces indicate the increased probability of a threat, whereas angry expressions embody a certain and direct threat. This conceptualization predicts that a fearful face should facilitate processing of the environment to gather information to disambiguate the threat. Here, we tested whether fearful faces facilitated processing of neutral information presented in close temporal proximity to the faces. In Experiment 1, we demonstrated that, compared with neutral faces, fearful faces enhanced memory for neutral words presented in the experimental context, whereas angry faces did not. In Experiment 2, we directly compared the effects of fearful and angry faces on subsequent memory for emotional faces versus neutral words. We replicated the findings of Experiment 1 and extended them by showing that participants remembered more faces from the angry face condition relative to the fear condition, consistent with the notion that anger differs from fear in that it directs attention toward the angry individual. Because these effects cannot be attributed to differences in arousal or valence processing, we suggest they are best understood in terms of differences in the predictive information conveyed by fearful and angry facial expressions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Political orientation is often operationalized as a unidimensional left–right continuum. However, some research suggests that this conceptualization might be overly simplistic. The present study examined the structure of political orientation in a sample of 190 politicians who were candidates in the 2006 Canadian federal election. Participants completed measures of attitudes toward specific political issues (social conservatism issues, economic competition issues), ideological beliefs (right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation), and abstract values (conservation, self-enhancement) as indicators of political orientation. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the structure of political orientation was explained best by 2 moderately correlated dimensions: social left–right and economic left–right. Differences in the political orientation indicators between political parties are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper, queuing theory is tested through an examination of the occupational attainment of six groups of non-whites in London and New York. Workers in the dominant economy are distinguished from those in the niche economy and emphasis is placed on the former. Black male immigrants in New York and black female immigrants in London hold more favorable occupational status. These results reflect differences in (1) the presence of indigenous minorities--African Americans and Puerto Ricans--in New York but not London, and (2) the relatively low position of indigenous minority males compared to the relatively middling position of indigenous minority females in New York's labor queue.  相似文献   

Suggests that R. Glaser (see record 1984-32635-001) carries forward the trend in cognitive psychology to shift the emphasis in theories of expertise from domain-general processes to domain-specific knowledge (DSK). Learning, problem finding, and cognitive monitoring are discussed in this context. It is concluded that processes of degrees of domain generality are critical to the acquisition and utilization of DSK, just as DSK is critical to the acquisition and utilization of further DSK. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Out of a total of 72 undergraduates, 24 males and 24 females viewed the videotaped professional self-presentation of a presumed counselor who was either physically attractive or unattractive. Ss then indicated their impressions of the counselor on 12 traits and their expectancies of the counselor's helpfulness for 15 personal problems. Relative to the physically unattractive counselor, the attractive counselor generally was perceived more favorably by both sexes, especially with regard to his intelligence, friendliness, assertiveness, trustworthiness, competence, warmth, and likeability. The attractive counselor also elicited more favorable counseling outcome expectancies for 8 of the specific personal problems. 2 control groups who listened to the tapes but were unaware of the counselor's appearance did not differ from each other in their ratings of the counselors. Results are discussed in the context of previous and further research on the physical attractiveness variable and in the context of their implications for counseling. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The biphenyl dioxygenases (BP Dox) of strains Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 and Pseudomonas cepacia LB400 exhibit a distinct difference in substrate ranges of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) despite nearly identical amino acid sequences. The range of congeners oxidized by LB400 BP Dox is much wider than that oxidized by KF707 BP Dox. The PCB degradation abilities of these BP Dox were highly dependent on the recognition of the chlorinated rings and the sites of oxygen activation. The KF707 BP Dox recognized primarily the 4'-chlorinated ring (97%) of 2,5,4'-trichlorobiphenyl and introduced molecular oxygen at the 2',3' position. The LB400 BP Dox recognized primarily the 2,5-dichlorinated ring (95%) of the same compound and introduced O2 at the 3,4 position. It was confirmed that the BphA1 subunit (iron-sulfur protein of terminal dioxygenase encoded by bphA1) plays a crucial role in determining the substrate selectivity. We constructed a variety of chimeric bphA1 genes by exchanging four common restriction fragments between the KF707 bphA1 and the LB400 bphA1. Observation of Escherichia coli cells expressing various chimeric BP Dox revealed that a relatively small number of amino acids in the carboxy-terminal half (among 20 different amino acids in total) are involved in the recognition of the chlorinated ring and the sites of dioxygenation and thereby are responsible for the degradation of PCB. The site-directed mutagenesis of Thr-376 (KF707) to Asn-376 (LB400) in KF707 BP Dox resulted in the expansion of the range of biodegradable PCB congeners.  相似文献   

Psychological determinants of contraceptive use were investigated in Great Britain and Germany, using national data obtained in 1992. It was hypothesised that current contraceptive use among sexually active, fertile women aged 15-45 was related to their attitude towards the various contraceptive methods, social influences, perceptions of being able to use a method correctly and consistently, a correct estimation of fertility, and communication with their partner. Effects of age and country were also taken into account. The attitude of respondents towards the various contraceptive methods was ambivalent and no method was seen as ideal. On medical methods (OCs, IUDs and sterilisation) many respondents expressed doubts as to their safety for health. Social influences most frequently concerned the use of OCs. Respondents considered themselves able to use oral contraceptives correctly, but expressed general fear about intrauterine devices and sterilisation, and many women believed they were not able to use condoms and periodic abstinence consistently. Multifactorial analyses revealed that current contraceptive use was principally determined by social influences, attitude and self-efficacy with respect to medical methods. Age and country, and, for use of unreliable methods, fertility awareness also played a role. Communication with the partner was less relevant. Contraceptive choice (and the use of non-medical methods) depended greatly on encouragement to use and being in favour of medical methods. A lack of social support for use of medical methods and a negative attitude towards them was related to higher use rates of condoms, periodic abstinence, withdrawal and reliance on 'luck'. In the case of withdrawal and/or no method, underestimation of fertility played an additional role. Contraceptive choice appears to be determined more by a general like or dislike of medical methods rather than on a weighing of the merits of individual available methods.  相似文献   

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