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We present a new algorithm for efficient occlusion culling using hardware occlusion queries. The algorithm significantly improves on previous techniques by making better use of temporal and spatial coherence of visibility. This is achieved by using adaptive visibility prediction and query batching. As a result of the new optimizations the number of issued occlusion queries and the number of rendering state changes are significantly reduced. We also propose a simple method for determining tighter bounding volumes for occlusion queries and a method which further reduces the pipeline stalls. The proposed method provides up to an order of magnitude speedup over the previous state of the art. The new technique is simple to implement, does not rely on hardware calibration and integrates well with modern game engines.  相似文献   

The learning-based automated Assume–Guarantee reasoning paradigm has been applied in the last few years for the compositional verification of concurrent systems. Specifically, L* has been used for learning the assumption, based on strings derived from counterexamples, which are given to it by a model-checker that attempts to verify the Assume–Guarantee rules. We suggest three optimizations to this paradigm. First, we derive from each counterexample multiple strings to L*, rather than a single one as in previous approaches. This small improvement saves candidate queries and hence model-checking runs. Second, we observe that in existing instances of this paradigm, the learning algorithm is coupled weakly with the teacher. Thus, the learner completely ignores the details of the internal structure of the system and specification being verified, which are available already to the teacher. We suggest an optimization that uses this information in order to avoid many unnecessary membership queries (it reduces the number of such queries by more than an order of magnitude). Finally, we develop a method for minimizing the alphabet used by the assumption, which reduces the size of the assumption and the number of queries required to construct it. We present these three optimizations in the context of verifying trace containment for concurrent systems composed of finite state machines. We have implemented our approach in the ComFoRT tool, and experimented with real-life examples. Our results exhibit an average speedup of between 4 to 11 times, depending on the Assume–Guarantee rule used and the set of activated optimizations. This research was supported by the Predictable Assembly from Certifiable Components (PACC) initiative at the Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh.  相似文献   

Top-k query processing is a fundamental building block for efficient ranking in a large number of applications. Efficiency is a central issue, especially for distributed settings, when the data is spread across different nodes in a network. This paper introduces novel optimization methods for top-k aggregation queries in such distributed environments. The optimizations can be applied to all algorithms that fall into the frameworks of the prior TPUT and KLEE methods. The optimizations address three degrees of freedom: 1) hierarchically grouping input lists into top-k operator trees and optimizing the tree structure, 2) computing data-adaptive scan depths for different input sources, and 3) data-adaptive sampling of a small subset of input sources in scenarios with hundreds or thousands of query-relevant network nodes. All optimizations are based on a statistical cost model that utilizes local synopses, e.g., in the form of histograms, efficiently computed convolutions, and estimators based on order statistics. The paper presents comprehensive experiments, with three different real-life datasets and using the ns-2 network simulator for a packet-level simulation of a large Internet-style network.  相似文献   

A minimal framework for an object-oriented query language standard should (1) include a formal definition of a high-level data model and the syntax and semantics of associated query languages, (2) provide the functionality of relational query languages, and (3) support proofs of correctness of transformations for logical query optimization. In this paper, a high-level conceptual model for object-oriented query processing is discussed; the model includes widely-used structural abstractions such as the isa relationship, associations (properties) between complex objects and complex objects/values, and inheritance of properties. A formal, algebraic query language for the model, inspired by relational algebra, is presented. Operators of the algebra allow queries based on values, queries that manipulate entire objects, and queries that construct new objects from existing objects/values. All queries retain connections to existing database objects, providing logical access paths to data. Each query result is a class, so the algebra has the closure property. The intensional and extensional results of query operators are summarized. Two forms of logical query optimization supported by the query algebra are outlined: algebraic transformations and classifier-based optimizations (optimizations which employ inclusion and exclusion dependencies between classes).  相似文献   

Batch Nearest Neighbor Search for Video Retrieval   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To retrieve similar videos to a query clip from a large database, each video is often represented by a sequence of high- dimensional feature vectors. Typically, given a query video containing m feature vectors, an independent nearest neighbor (NN) search for each feature vector is often first performed. After completing all the NN searches, an overall similarity is then computed, i.e., a single content-based video retrieval usually involves m individual NN searches. Since normally nearby feature vectors in a video are similar, a large number of expensive random disk accesses are expected to repeatedly occur, which crucially affects the overall query performance. Batch nearest neighbor (BNN) search is stated as a batch operation that performs a number of individual NN searches. This paper presents a novel approach towards efficient high-dimensional BNN search called dynamic query ordering (DQO) for advanced optimizations of both I/O and CPU costs. Observing the overlapped candidates (or search space) of a pervious query may help to further reduce the candidate sets of subsequent queries, DQO aims at progressively finding a query order such that the common candidates among queries are fully utilized to maximally reduce the total number of candidates. Modelling the candidate set relationship of queries by a candidate overlapping graph (COG), DQO iteratively selects the next query to be executed based on its estimated pruning power to the rest of queries with the dynamically updated COG. Extensive experiments are conducted on real video datasets and show the significance of our BNN query processing strategy.  相似文献   

Ranked queries return the top objects of a database according to a preference function. We present and evaluate (experimentally and theoretically) a core algorithm that answers ranked queries in an efficient pipelined manner using materialized ranked views. We use and extend the core algorithm in the described PREFER and MERGE systems. PREFER precomputes a set of materialized views that provide guaranteed query performance. We present an algorithm that selects a near optimal set of views under space constraints. We also describe multiple optimizations and implementation aspects of the downloadable version of PREFER. Then we discuss MERGE, which operates at a metabroker and answers ranked queries by retrieving a minimal number of objects from sources that offer ranked queries. A speculative version of the pipelining algorithm is described.Received: 10 June 2002, Accepted: 11 June 2002, Published online: 30 September 2003Edited by: A. MendelzonWork supported by NSF Grant No. 9734548.  相似文献   

Stream processing systems are designed to analyze data arriving in real time and using continuous queries and respond when a specific event or sequence of events are detected. An important aspect of these systems is Streaming Analytics, which facilitates statistical calculations on continuous data within the stream. These systems must be designed to handle high volumes of data, be scalable, and accommodate a multitude of long‐lived concurrently running analytics. The challenges involved in the development of stream processing include on‐the‐fly transformation of data streams to match the query needs of users and the ability to model stream transformations to detect overlaps and possibilities for optimizations and to specify a methodology to deliver optimizations. In particular, this work focuses on exposing data stream application internals in order to detect reusable parts and then consolidate applications to optimize computational resource usage. The Streaming Data Analytics Model presented in this paper adopts a declarative approach that enables processing and manipulation of data streams in a simple manner while facilitating powerful optimizations necessary for managing high volumes of streaming data in real time. An evaluation is provided to demonstrate in both theoretical and quantitative aspects the high performance offered by our approach.  相似文献   

The Semantic Web’s promise of web-wide data integration requires the inclusion of legacy relational databases,1 i.e. the execution of SPARQL queries on RDF representation of the legacy relational data. We explore a hypothesis: existing commercial relational databases already subsume the algorithms and optimizations needed to support effective SPARQL execution on existing relationally stored data. The experiment is embodied in a system, Ultrawrap, that encodes a logical representation of the database as an RDF graph using SQL views and a simple syntactic translation of SPARQL queries to SQL queries on those views. Thus, in the course of executing a SPARQL query, the SQL optimizer uses the SQL views that represent a mapping of relational data to RDF, and optimizes its execution. In contrast, related research is predicated on incorporating optimizing transforms as part of the SPARQL to SQL translation, and/or executing some of the queries outside the underlying SQL environment.Ultrawrap is evaluated using two existing benchmark suites that derive their RDF data from relational data through a Relational Database to RDF (RDB2RDF) Direct Mapping and repeated for each of the three major relational database management systems. Empirical analysis reveals two existing relational query optimizations that, if applied to the SQL produced from a simple syntactic translations of SPARQL queries (with bound predicate arguments) to SQL, consistently yield query execution time that is comparable to that of SQL queries written directly for the relational representation of the data. The analysis further reveals the two optimizations are not uniquely required to achieve a successful wrapper system. The evidence suggests effective wrappers will be those that are designed to complement the optimizer of the target database.  相似文献   

Modern search engines employ advanced techniques that go beyond the structures that strictly satisfy the query conditions in an effort to better capture the user intentions. In this work, we introduce a novel query paradigm that considers a user query as an example of the data in which the user is interested. We call these queries exemplar queries. We provide a formal specification of their semantics and show that they are fundamentally different from notions like queries by example, approximate queries and related queries. We provide an implementation of these semantics for knowledge graphs and present an exact solution with a number of optimizations that improve performance without compromising the result quality. We study two different congruence relations, isomorphism and strong simulation, for identifying the answers to an exemplar query. We also provide an approximate solution that prunes the search space and achieves considerably better time performance with minimal or no impact on effectiveness. The effectiveness and efficiency of these solutions with synthetic and real datasets are experimentally evaluated, and the importance of exemplar queries in practice is illustrated.  相似文献   

Redundant processing is a key problem in the translation of initial queries posed over an ontology into SQL queries, through mappings, as it is performed by ontology-based data access systems. Examples of such processing are duplicate answers obtained during query evaluation, which must finally be discarded, or common expressions evaluated multiple times from different parts of the same complex query. Many optimizations that aim to minimize this problem have been proposed and implemented, mostly based on semantic query optimization techniques, by exploiting ontological axioms and constraints defined in the database schema. However, data operations that introduce redundant processing are still generated in many practical settings, and this is a factor that impacts query execution. In this work we propose a cost-based method for query translation, which starts from an initial result and uses information about redundant processing in order to come up with an equivalent, more efficient translation. The method operates in a number of steps, by relying on certain heuristics indicating that we obtain a more efficient query in each step. Through experimental evaluation using the Ontop system for ontology-based data access, we exhibit the benefits of our method.  相似文献   

万静  姜蓉  易军凯 《计算机工程》2010,36(15):49-50,54
为实现各种形式的XML数据查询,介绍一种双路索引方法,采用倒排序技术建立绝对索引模型和相对索引模型,并提出相关查询处理的算法。绝对索引模型将查询路径表达式缩短,减少比较次数,相对索引模型建立父子索引表补全路径,用较小的索引结构替代原始查询。采用DBLP数据集进行测试,实验结果表明,该方法可以提高查询处理的性能。  相似文献   

Analyzing graphs is a fundamental problem in big data analytics, for which DBMS technology does not seem competitive. On the other hand, SQL recursive queries are a fundamental mechanism to analyze graphs in a DBMS, whose processing and optimization are significantly harder than traditional SPJ queries. Columnar DBMSs are a new faster class of database system, with significantly different storage and query processing mechanisms compared to row DBMSs, still the dominating technology. With that motivation in mind, we study the optimization of recursive queries on a columnar DBMS focusing on two fundamental and complementary graph problems: transitive closure and adjacency matrix multiplication. From a query processing perspective we consider the three fundamental relational operators: selection, projection and join (SPJ), where projection subsumes SQL group-by aggregation. We present comprehensive experiments comparing recursive query processing on columnar, row and array DBMSs to analyze large graphs with different shape and density. We study the relative impact of query optimizations and we compare raw speed of DBMSs to evaluate recursive queries on graphs. Results confirm classical query optimizations that keep working well in a columnar DBMS, but their relative impact is different. Most importantly, a columnar DBMS with tuned query optimization is uniformly faster than row and array systems to analyze large graphs, regardless of their shape, density and connectivity. On the other hand, there is no clear winner between the row and array DBMSs.  相似文献   

Query evaluation over probabilistic XML   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Query evaluation over probabilistic XML is explored. The queries are twig patterns with projection, and the data is represented in terms of three models of probabilistic XML (that extend existing ones in the literature). The first model makes an assumption of independence among the probabilistic junctions, whereas the second model can encode probabilistic dependencies. The third model combines the first two and, hence, is the most general. An efficient algorithm (under data complexity) is given for query evaluation in the first model. In addition, various optimizations are proposed, and their effectiveness is shown both analytically and experimentally. For the other two models, it is shown that every query is either intractable or trivial. Nonetheless, efficient (additive and multiplicative) approximation algorithms are given for these two models. Finally, Boolean queries are enriched by allowing disjunctions and negations of branches. The above algorithm for the first model is extended to handle these queries. For the other two models, there is an efficient additive approximation, and a multiplicative one also exists if there is no negation; in addition, it is shown that if the query is non-monotonic, then no efficient multiplicative approximation exists unless NP = RP.  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of XML has led to programming languages that support XML as a first class construct. In this paper, we present a method for analyzing and optimizing imperative XML processing programs. In particular, we present a program analysis, based on a flow-sensitive type system, for detecting both redundant computations and redundant traversals in such programs. The analysis handles imperative loops that traverse XML values explicitly and declarative queries over XML data in a uniform framework. We describe two optimizations that take advantage of our analysis: one merges queries that traverse the same set of XML nodes, and the other replaces an XPath expression by a previously computed result. We demonstrate performance improvements for selected XMark benchmark queries and XLinq sample queries.  相似文献   

By rearranging the data,data layout optimizations improve the utilization of a cache line between two of its successive refills,thus reducing the total number of cache line refills and improving the performance of a program.In this paper,we show that to enable structure data layout optimizations to be effective,two parameters,namely intra-instance affinity and inter-instance affinity,need to be considered at the same time in order to model the cache line utilization more accurately.We also propose a lightwe...  相似文献   

Continuous queries applied over nonterminating data streams usually specify windows in order to obtain an evolving–yet restricted–set of tuples and thus provide timely and incremental results. Although sliding windows get frequently employed in many user requests, additional types like partitioned or landmark windows are also available in stream processing engines. In this paper, we set out to study the existence of monotonic-related semantics for a rich set of windowing constructs in order to facilitate a more efficient maintenance of their changing contents. After laying out a formal foundation for expressing windowed queries, we investigate update patterns observed in most common window variants as well as their impact on adaptations of typical operators (like windowed join, union or aggregation), thus offering more insight towards design and implementation of stream processing mechanisms. Furthermore, we identify syntactic equivalences in algebraic expressions involving windows, to the potential benefit of query optimizations. Finally, this framework is validated for several windowed operations against streaming datasets with simulations at diverse arrival rates and window specifications, providing concrete evidence of its significance.  相似文献   

当前,布尔公式学习算法的研究大多数是理论上的模型建立和推导,很少有人考虑到布尔公式学习算法在实际应用中的效率改进。现在较成熟的布尔学习算法主要利用的是询问模型,而询问模型需要依赖外部的SMT 工具进行询问问题的回答。虽然,布尔公式学习算法可以在多项式次数的询问之后得到正确结果,但是,减少询问的次数可以减少使用 SMT 工具进行问题计算的次数,即减少问题计算的时间。主要针对布尔公式学习算法在实际系统中的应用问题,提出了利用单调理论中的最小赋值向量的方法,来减少布尔公式学习算法的询问次数,提高算法效率和适用性。  相似文献   

The Bayesian classifier is a fundamental classification technique. In this work, we focus on programming Bayesian classifiers in SQL. We introduce two classifiers: Naive Bayes and a classifier based on class decomposition using K-means clustering. We consider two complementary tasks: model computation and scoring a data set. We study several layouts for tables and several indexing alternatives. We analyze how to transform equations into efficient SQL queries and introduce several query optimizations. We conduct experiments with real and synthetic data sets to evaluate classification accuracy, query optimizations, and scalability. Our Bayesian classifier is more accurate than Naive Bayes and decision trees. Distance computation is significantly accelerated with horizontal layout for tables, denormalization, and pivoting. We also compare Naive Bayes implementations in SQL and C++: SQL is about four times slower. Our Bayesian classifier in SQL achieves high classification accuracy, can efficiently analyze large data sets, and has linear scalability.  相似文献   

We introduce a predictive modeling solution that provides high quality predictive analytics over aggregation queries in Big Data environments. Our predictive methodology is generally applicable in environments in which large-scale data owners may or may not restrict access to their data and allow only aggregation operators like COUNT to be executed over their data. In this context, our methodology is based on historical queries and their answers to accurately predict ad-hoc queries’ answers. We focus on the widely used set-cardinality, i.e., COUNT, aggregation query, as COUNT is a fundamental operator for both internal data system optimizations and for aggregation-oriented data exploration and predictive analytics. We contribute a novel, query-driven Machine Learning (ML) model whose goals are to: (i) learn the query-answer space from past issued queries, (ii) associate the query space with local linear regression & associative function estimators, (iii) define query similarity, and (iv) predict the cardinality of the answer set of unseen incoming queries, referred to the Set Cardinality Prediction (SCP) problem. Our ML model incorporates incremental ML algorithms for ensuring high quality prediction results. The significance of contribution lies in that it (i) is the only query-driven solution applicable over general Big Data environments, which include restricted-access data, (ii) offers incremental learning adjusted for arriving ad-hoc queries, which is well suited for query-driven data exploration, and (iii) offers a performance (in terms of scalability, SCP accuracy, processing time, and memory requirements) that is superior to data-centric approaches. We provide a comprehensive performance evaluation of our model evaluating its sensitivity, scalability and efficiency for quality predictive analytics. In addition, we report on the development and incorporation of our ML model in Spark showing its superior performance compared to the Spark’s COUNT method.  相似文献   

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