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我国经济已经进入高质量发展时代,经济高质量发展要求营商环境高质量发展和产品质量高质量发展。本文基于中国2011—2019年30个省、市、自治区的面板数据,实证分析营商环境对企业产品质量的影响,并利用多种方法来验证基准回归的稳健性。研究表明,营商环境优化能够显著地促进企业产品质量的提升。中介效应检验表明,营商环境优化能够通过增强企业家的企业家精神来显著提升企业的产品质量。调节效应检验表明,企业研发投入和研发产出均能够在营商环境对企业产品质量的影响中起到调节作用。异质性分析结果表明,地区异质性、所有制异质性、企业家精神异质性、研发投入异质性和研发产出异质性均存在显著差异。  相似文献   

如何促进我国经济高质量发展是当前学术界和政府部门关注的重要议题,而经济政策不确定性指数趋高已成为新时代经济发展需要考虑的重要影响因素。在现有理论研究成果的基础上,从绿色全要素生产率视角出发,构建创新驱动区域经济高质量发展的计量回归模型,进一步引入经济政策不确定性作为调节变量,分析这一重要因素是否会影响创新驱动经济高质量发展的有效性,并采用我国2005-2016年30个省份面板数据,利用IVTobit方法进行实证检验,结果发现:(1)创新对区域经济高质量发展具有显著的促进作用;(2)经济政策不确定性对区域经济高质量发展具有显著的抑制作用,但是经济政策不确定性会正向调节创新对区域经济高质量发展的影响,这表明在EPU较高的环境中,地区会通过投入创新来化解市场风险,EPU与R&D形成了良好的耦合效应;(3)创新对经济高质量发展的影响以及经济政策不确定性的调节作用具有明显的区域异质性。研究的政策启示是,政府应鼓励企业提高研发投入以应对不确定的政策环境,经济政策的调整应以促进企业创新为前提,而且,各地区应制定差异化的政策,其中,中、西部地区应适度降低经济政策的不确定性,稳定市场预期。  相似文献   

作为政府治理的手段、科技创新的刚需和产业发展的标配,标准化在优化区域营商环境中的作用重大。本文以肇庆为例,从标准化治理逻辑出发,探讨标准化治理与营商环境优化间的内在逻辑,以此梳理肇庆市营商环境优化中标准化治理的显著成效。并以新发展理念为脉络,提出肇庆营商环境优化中标准化治理的发展路径。  相似文献   

<正>国务院总理李克强日前签署国务院令,公布《优化营商环境条例》,自2020年1月1日起施行。党中央、国务院高度重视优化营商环境工作。近年来,各地区、各部门按照党中央、国务院部署,顺应社会期盼,持续推进"放管服"等改革,我国营商环境明显改善。为了持续优化营商环境,不断解放和发展社会生产力,加快建设现代化经济体系,推动高质量发展,有必要制定专门行政法规,从制度层面为  相似文献   

高等教育通过促进人力资本积累能够带来科技创新的有效提升和经济社会的高质发展。本文在揭示高等教育经济功能运行机理的基础上,通过构建时间序列和面板数据的向量自回归模型,对我国改革开放40年以来高等教育直接影响经济增长以及通过科技创新间接影响经济绩效进行了实证检验。脉冲响应分析结果显示:首先,高等教育带来了显著的“改革红利”,即高等教育制度的良性改革能够有效地促进科技创新的提升进而共同推动了国民经济的增长;其次,高等教育的“大众化”发展模式至少在经济领域是有效的,因为其规模的扩张带来了经济的快速增长;最后,高等教育从数量扩张到质量提升的转变更有利于科技进步和创新提升,提升高等教育质量是促进经济高质量发展的关键。因此,继续深化高等教育制度改革,在稳步提高高等教育入学率的基础上进一步提升高等教育质量,是发挥高等教育经济功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

营商环境作为一项软制度,是推动城市发展的重要力量,但其各类要素如何组合来赋能城市高质量发展是个有待研究的现实问题。本文基于组态和系统两大视角,运用定性比较分析方法,以全国36个城市作为样本,探究其复杂的因果机制。研究发现:营商环境助推城市高质量发展的组合路径存在3条,即人力-金融主导型、人力-投资主导型和资源-政务主导型;导致城市低质量发展的路径存在4条,路径结果存在显著的因果非对称性。研究结论揭示了营商环境与城市发展之间的关系,对于城市发展道路的选择和相关政策的制定具有重要理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

营商环境优化需要提炼中国特色的环境要素以优化评价标准,本文以长三角63份营商环境政策文本作为研究对象,通过高频词、词云图分析发现营商环境政策的关键要素,通过社会语义网络图、共线网络分析构建基于政策特征的营商环境评价标准,在与世界银行营商环境评价维度对比分析的基础上,提出从基础资源、监管效率、金融服务、市场活力、对外开放、创新环境和政务服务7个方面对营商环境评价标准进行优化的方案。  相似文献   

我国建筑业多年来保持着强劲的发展态势,但在效率、质量、安全、环境保护等方面依然存在提升空间;借助于新一轮工业革命浪潮,通过数字化科技创新将驱动我国建筑业转型升级,实现建筑业高质量发展。本文综合运用文献综述、专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,在梳理数字技术与建筑业变革之间关系的基础上,分析了建筑业数字化科技创新的发展现状;从政府部门、参与机构、市场环境3个层面分析归纳了我国建筑业数字化科技创新驱动的生态要素,提出了数字化科技创新驱动我国建筑业高质量发展的战略路径。本文可为推动实现数字化科技创新基础上的我国建筑业高质量发展提供政策建议和实施框架。  相似文献   

<正>2月10日,在新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府召开的自治区政法机关优化法治化营商环境50条措施新闻发布会上,自治区公安厅有关负责人就新疆公安机关贯彻落实50条措施、更好地优化法治化营商环境相关工作作了介绍。2019年以来,新疆公安机关秉持“法治是最好的营商环境”的理念,坚持以人民为中心发展思想,依法保障和服务经济高质量发展。在打击犯罪方面,坚持对破坏市场经济秩序、损害人民群众和经济主体利益违法犯罪依法精准打击。仅2022年,  相似文献   

自中美贸易冲突正式爆发以来,中美贸易冲突对我国经济发展影响几何、我国如何应对成为学者以及各行业关注的重心。此次中美贸易进程显示,中美贸易冲突的实质是全球治理中的大国博弈。美国试图通过加征关税和对个别企业采取限制措施等手段,压制中国在高新技术和精密制造等领域的崛起。我们分析发现,中美贸易冲突对我国宏观经济运行的一般均衡影响相对有限,虽然贸易冲突造成了中国对美出口的下滑,但我国对欧盟、东盟等地区出口的拉动抵消了一定的负面影响。同时,中美贸易冲突并未对我国整体的失业、通胀带来显著影响。尽管如此,中美贸易冲突却给我国企业面临的营商环境带来了显著影响。具体来说,美国通过对中国实施技术封锁影响了企业进一步的创新升级,通过阻碍中美正常的人才培养和交流限制了高层次人才交流渠道,这些都带来了营商环境的变化。而营商环境的改变不仅会降低企业的技术进步,影响企业的人才引进,还会收紧企业的融资约束并为市场与政策带来较大的不确定性。由此企业应以我为主,加强创新,促进技术进步;完善产品与服务,拓宽市场,扩大贸易伙伴范围;做好风控,积极进行实体投资,转变增长方式;把握机遇,响应政策号召,推动自身的转型升级。  相似文献   

以高质量创新促进中国经济高质量发展是贯彻新发展理念的重要途径,企业是市场的主体也应当成为技术创新的主体。近年来的减税政策是否推动企业高质量创新成为值得关注的议题。基于2011-2019年沪深A股上市公司面板数据,采用渐进式双重差分模型,以固定资产加速折旧政策为例,探究了减税对企业高质量创新产生的影响。研究表明:(1)减税显著推动了企业高质量创新的发展,该结论经过一系列稳健性检验后依旧成立;(2)减税主要通过“外延扩张”推动企业高质量创新,政策实施后新增的创新产出数量是推动企业创新质量提升的主要机制,但该政策未能“纵向深化”原有创新的质量,平均专利质量并未提升;(3)减税对企业高质量创新的影响存在异质性效果,其对非制造、规模较大以及存续时间较长企业的激励效果更佳。鉴于此,政府应继续实施减税政策,同时为了发挥更为广泛的激励效应,也应做出诸如增强减税普惠性、分层次有针对性地优惠以及注重政策组合效应等调整。  相似文献   

社会经济飞速增长,竞争激烈的国际形势要求中国企业大力发展科技,快速提升创新能力。在增加投入的同时提高效率,增加创新成果与提升创新质量是保证企业持续发展的关键路径。文章以2010-2017年的中国上市公司为样本,探讨企业创新成果与创新质量的影响因素。研究了企业创新的同群效应以及行业竞争对同群效应的调节作用。研究发现:企业创新成果受到同群企业的影响。对于强竞争行业中的企业,它们的创新成果受同群公司的影响更大。以实用新型专利和外观设计专利为表现形式的低质量创新产出也具有同群效应,然而这种同群效应会受到行业竞争的负向调节。由此,同群企业对企业的创新成果具有促进作用;有效的竞争环境可以进一步增加创新成果,并通过减少低质量的创新比率的方式增加高质量的创新产出。研究结论丰富了同群效应的理论探索,同时为促进企业与总体社会经济创新的多成果高质量发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

The paper utilizes an endogenous innovation growth model including high-speed railway (HSR) fares and speeds to explain how HSR affects regional technological innovation. Difference-in-Difference (DID) regression analysis shows that HSR has significantly promoted innovation growth and innovation convergence in China, with the effect value of 14.73% and 5.91% respectively. The conclusion that HSR promotes innovation growth is still valid through endogenous treatment of instrumental variable method. Various robustness analyses show that the more stations or lines connection, the more conducive to promoting innovation growth and innovation convergence. The conclusion is still robust after different time bandwidth is set. Further analysis shows that HSR has significantly promoted the innovation development and innovation convergence within and between the three regions of eastern China, central China and western China. The innovation spillover range of innovation center cities to non-innovation cities is 300 km. In addition, it is found that cities that have not opened HSR can also benefit from the connection of HSR in neighboring cities, thus promoting innovation growth, but the impact on innovation convergence is not as significant as the direct connection of HSR. The policy enlightenment of this paper is that in the face of innovation gap and regional innovation development inequality, in the planning and construction of HSR, it is suggested to coordinate the regional layout of investment in high-speed rail construction, which is not only conducive to promoting the innovation growth of these regions, but also conducive to narrowing the regional innovation development gap. In addition, remote and backward areas should seize the opportunity of opening high-speed railways to promote regional innovative growth, instead of making high-speed railways a channel for factors such as human capital to escape.  相似文献   

China's traditional automobile industry lags behind that of the developed countries, but the development of New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) is an opportunity to catch up with the global automobile industry. In China, there has been a widespread attempt to “overtake on the curve” by developing cleaner technology for NEVs. To help with this transition, the Chinese government has introduced a large number of policies to promote the development of the NEV industry. In this study, we examined whether these policies have been effective by analyzing data about policies for China's NEV industry from 2006 to 2018, as well as the NEV patents filed in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Korea, and China from 1988 to 2018. This paper uses quantitative analysis of policies and factor analysis. The results of the policy quantification regression analysis show that China's industrial policy has a significant influence on the number of patents. For example, China's aim to promote technological progress has been effective in developing an indigenous NEV industry, but whether China will succeed in “overtaking on the curve” is still unclear. The current state of development of NEV patents does not show China have a leading edge in NEV technology. China's NEV industry policies should be further strengthened, especially the core policies on technological innovation.  相似文献   

This article analyses the recent progressive increase in resourcequantity and production quantity of unconventional natural gas in China, describes its natural properties and the concepts, strategies and approaches of its development, summarizes the special techniques, management concepts and development modes formed in the process of its development, and puts forward proposals to accelerate the development of unconventional natural gas of China. The technically recoverable reserve of unconventional natural gas is 1.7 times that of conventional natural gas and its output in 2012 accounted for 41.8% of the total output in China. Chinese tight gas development has gained success, coal-bed methane development and shale gas production pilots have made important progresses. As the key feature of unconventional natural gas is "low grade", for the effective scale development, developers must build up the engineering concept of low-grade resources development, adhere to the low cost strategy, take the development route of "a step backward and then a step forward", apply such ideas and methods of engineering management as low cost dualistic integrative innovation, full control network management, economic limit theory, integrated operation and "four orientations" engineering management, establish a "two lows" engineering management system, and take reference of the successful development mode of the tight gas in Sulige and the coal-bed methane in the Qinshui basin. In order to achieve the objective of rapid development of nonconventional natural gas in China and to accelerate the development pace, the government should continue to increase support, to speed up the reform of natural gas price adjustment, to set up national comprehensive development and utilization demonstration areas, to input in sustainable technological research and to promote engineering management innovation.?  相似文献   

A body of theoretical and practical research suggests technology innovation is the driving force for enterprise survival and development and that maintaining business ethics is an important guarantee in sustaining these enterprises developments. Fulfilling the “hard responsibility” of product quality based on technical standards and the “soft responsibility” of product quality based on business ethics is an important principle stimulating the benign interaction and continuous progress of technological innovation and business ethics, and realizing a balanced development of enterprises and society, which could promote positive brand and enterprise image to both stakeholders and consumers, helping consumers choose high-quality products in the market and social competition. However, the strange marketing phenomena of “salable fake goods” and “unsalable quality goods” shows that no systematic marketing strategies have been identified to date, that enterprises could adopt to effectively promote the recognition of consumers and turn them into a loyal customer group and have a stable market share. Based on customer buying behavior theory, cognitive consistency theory, signal theory, and social identity theory, this study explored the influencing mechanism of quality responsibility on brand loyalty of consumers and the mediating role of corporate reputation and brand identification, using 224 valid questionnaires from 16 communities (residents) in Shanxi and Henan provinces of China tested by SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 25.0. Results show that quality responsibility has a significant positive influence on brand behavior loyalty and brand attitude loyalty, and both corporate emotional reputation and brand identification play mediating roles in the relationship between quality responsibility and brand behavior loyalty, and quality responsibility and brand attitude loyalty. Additionally, corporate cognitive reputation only plays a mediating role in the relationship between quality responsibility and brand behavior loyalty. Obtained conclusions in the study provide references for enterprise managers and government decision-makers in exploring management strategies of expediting future technological development and next-generation upgrades & transformations, improving quality and technology benchmarks, optimizing product quality responsibility system and promoting sustainable social development.  相似文献   

China’s energy supply-and-demand model and two related carbon emission scenarios, including a planned peak scenario and an advanced peak scenario, are designed taking into consideration China’s economic development, technological progress, policies, resources, environmental capacity, and other factors. The analysis of the defined scenarios provides the following conclusions: Primary energy and power demand will continue to grow leading up to 2030, and the growth rate of power demand will be much higher than that of primary energy demand. Moreover, low carbonization will be a basic feature of energy supply-and-demand structural changes, and non-fossil energy will replace oil as the second largest energy source. Finally, energy-related carbon emissions could peak in 2025 through the application of more efficient energy consumption patterns and more low-carbon energy supply modes. The push toward decarbonization of the power industry is essential for reducing the peak value of carbon emissions.  相似文献   

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