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正2020年是我国脱贫攻坚任务全面完成之年,也是《中共中央国务院关于实施乡村振兴战略的指导意见》发布实施的第三年,在"脱贫攻坚"和"乡村振兴"历史交替之际,中国农业大学农民问题研究所所长朱启臻教授接受了本刊记者专访,对脱贫工作标准化和乡村振兴政策内涵进行了解读。  相似文献   

目的:探讨流动儿童家庭功能、生活满意度、积极情感的特点及其关系,并检验生活满意度在家庭功能与流动儿童积极情感间的中介作用。方法:方便取样,采用家庭功能量表、学生总体生活满意度量表和积极情感量表对辽宁省沈阳市257名小学二年级至初中二年级的流动儿童进行调查。结果:(1)女生报告的家庭亲密度和适应性显著高于男生,男生报告的生活满意度和积极情感显著高于女生;(2)流动儿童家庭亲密度、适应性、生活满意度与积极情感存在显著正相关,亲密度、适应性和生活满意度的高低分组在流动儿童的积极情感上存在显著差异;(3)生活满意度在家庭功能和积极情感之间起部分中介作用。结论:家庭功能对流动儿童的积极情感有着更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于Adams和Jasso的两种分配公平理论以及自我和他人两类参照对象,本研究将分配公平感测量区分为自我参照的主观公平感、他人参照的主观公平感、自我参照的客观公平感和他人参照的客观公平感四类指标。通过采用大规模代表性样本,探讨四类公平感指标对工作满意度的影响及作用方式。结果表明,自我参照的主观公平感指标对工作满意度有显著预测作用,其他三类指标预测作用不显著;实际收入负向调节自我参照的主观公平感对工作满意度的影响。四类分配公平感指标中只有自我参照的主观公平感对工作满意度有预测作用;低收入群体自我参照的主观公平感对其工作满意度的预测作用更强。  相似文献   

牟成 《中国包装》2024,(3):105-107
乡村振兴旨在实现农村地区的全面发展,提高农民的生活质量,推动农村经济的持续增长。在这一背景下,包装设计作为一个与产业、农产品加工和乡村旅游等密切相关的领域,逐渐成为乡村振兴战略中不可忽视的一部分。本文旨在探讨在乡村振兴背景下,高职院校包装设计课程教学创新的重要性和可行性。通过分析当前包装设计领域的发展趋势和乡村振兴政策的背景,结合高职院校的特点,提出了一系列创新教学方法和策略,以提高学生的综合素质和包装设计实践能力,为乡村振兴提供有力支持。  相似文献   

目的探讨主、客观社会地位与人际信任的关系,以及核心自我评价的调节作用。方法采用问卷法对471名大学生进行调查。结果主观社会地位与客观社会地位、人际信任之间存在显著正相关;主观社会地位对人际信任的预测受到核心自我评价的调节。结论个体的主观社会地位是影响其人际信任水平的重要因素;核心自我评价在主观社会地位与人际信任的关系中起调节作用。  相似文献   

欧家尹  张寒凝 《包装工程》2022,43(20):336-342
目的 探究社会学领域的信任构建理论对乡村公共服务设计的指导意义,总结信任构建理论指导下的乡村公共服务的社会创新设计思维。方法 通过转变乡村公共服务设计的研究视角,以信任构建为设计思维,将乡村公共服务设计中的信任分为用户间人际信任及用户与组织间信任两个层次,提出了基于信任构建的乡村公共服务的社会创新设计思路,并通过典型案例进行研究论证,总结了基于信任构建的乡村公共服务的社会创新设计特征,构建了乡村公共服务设计中的信任构建模型,从而全面提升乡村公共服务设计协作质量与服务体验,满足多方利益相关者需求。结论 基于信任构建对乡村公共服务的指导意义和乡村公共服务案例的分析结果,根据信任构建的3种模式,提出了对应的3种服务设计思维,为服务提供者改善和提升自身服务体验指明了方向,也为今后相关乡村公共服务与社会创新设计领域的研究提供了思路,以期为相关领域设计中组织、社群、项目的可持续发展提供一种新的社会学的参考思路。  相似文献   

2021年我国592个国家扶贫开发工作重点县正式宣布全部脱贫,走向乡村振兴的新发展阶段。这一类县域和其他国家非贫困县在产业发展方面具有不同的特征。那么,政府通过什么手段能够更好地促进乡村产业发展,本文提出区域公用品牌对于刚刚摆脱贫困走向乡村振兴的脱贫县是不是更好的路径选择呢?本文就研究这一问题。为了证明这一研判的确切性,本文从供给侧、需求侧分析了我国特色农产品市场需求及供给状况,接着对影响乡村产业发展的“三农”问题进行了深入剖析,随后将区域公用品牌产业与其他产业优劣势进行了比较分析。研究发现,区域公用品牌是脱贫县产业发展的有效选择,“政府-市场-社会”多方主体参与的“集体人力资本”是区域公用品牌产业有效、有序发展的保障。为了验证这一推断,通过一个脱贫村的案例进行了检验。为了更进一步探究全国范围内区域公用品牌对脱贫县产业发展的有效性,本文通过双重差分法进行了准自然试验实证分析。DID回归结果表明,区域公用品牌是脱贫县产业发展的有效路径,只是存在品牌所属地区和使用范围的异质性。本文的研究结论对于我国脱贫县乡村产业发展具有重要的政策启示。  相似文献   

吴璇 《中国标准化》2024,(8):313-316
目的:分析标准化护理对中老年脑梗死患者康复的影响。方法:选取蚌埠医科大学第二附属医院2019年7月至2023年10月接收的50例中老年脑梗死患者,采用数字分配法分为对照组和观察组,每组各25例患者,对照组采用常规护理,观察组采用标准化综合护理。对两组护理过程中的日常生活能力评定量表(ADL)评分、生活质量评分以及护理满意度进行比较。结果:护理后观察组日常生活能力、生活质量各个指标评分以及总满意度显著高于对照组,两组差异明显(P<0.05)。结论:标准化护理能够进一步改善中老年脑梗死患者生活能力,提高生活质量,更加容易获得患者及家属的认可,具有较高的临床推广价值。  相似文献   

通过对湖湘女红文化元素的梳理,综合比较并吸收国内外文化创意产品设计经验,将湖湘传统女红技艺创新性对接到乡村文旅产品创新设计中,培育影响更多的湖湘乡村女性在女红文化艺术领域中实现创新创业、居家就业,助力脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴。  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略实施为乡村旅游迎来了良好的发展契机,乡村旅游的良性发展可以是解决"三农"问题的重要途径,促进消费帮扶,也是丰富旅游产业的重要手段.乡村旅游是指以各种类型的乡村为背景,以乡村文化、乡村生活和乡村田园风光为旅游吸引物而进行的兼带观光、度假、休闲性质的旅游活动.乡村旅游的蓬勃发展,为偏远贫困地区的脱贫减贫、经济发展发挥着越来越重要的作用,已成为贫困地区农民脱贫致富的新农村建设的最好产业之一.  相似文献   

Understanding how smart city implementation influences quality of life (QOL) is of major importance to the goal of improving the citizens’ QOL within a smart city. This study adopted the generalized ordered logit model to explore the impact of core smart city investments—Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and human capital—on subjective QOL using cross-sectional data from the 2018 China Family Panel Studies. Subjective QOL was measured by three indicators: life satisfaction, frequency of happy emotions, and frequency of depressed emotions. Results show that ICT is negatively associated with life satisfaction and the frequency of happy (positive) emotions, but not associated with depressed (negative) emotions. Human capital, by contrast, has a positive impact on life satisfaction and the frequency of happy emotions but has a negative impact on the frequency of depressed emotions. Further, ICT and human capital can affect subjective QOL through perceived government corruption and government performance. In addition, the impact of smart city investments on subjective QOL varies greatly according to age and education level. Policy implications are proposed to improve subjective QOL by making full use of smart investments.  相似文献   

王昱  冯蕾 《标准科学》2016,(9):63-70
从产品、服务、工程和环境等角度对全国31个省的15,500名居民进行抽样调查,得到我国居民的质量满意度。通过有序响应Logit模型进行实证分析,探讨质量满意度的相关影响因素。研究发现,我国大部分居民认为质量是值得全社会关注的重点问题;目前我国居民对质量基本满意,但是满意程度不高,其中工程质量满意程度最高,其次是服务质量、产品质量;居民对环境质量不满意。计量模型结果显示质量提升与质量的满意度有很强的正相关关系,其中权重排序为环境、工程、服务、产品;城市居民、高学历、高收入、老年人等对质量需求高、预期高的群体的质量满意度低。我国的质量状况的地域差异较大,但是质量的提升都会提高当地居民的质量满意度。  相似文献   

梁璐  刘宇峰  史晓峰 《声学技术》2021,40(5):702-709
以太原站和太原南站站前广场为例,采用客观测量和主观问卷相结合的方式,对站前广场的声环境进行调查研究。调查结果表明,两个站前广场声环境质量基本达标,但有部分区域噪声值超标。得益于整体规划合理并设有绿化带等原因,太原南站站前广场声环境满意度较高。社会生活噪声是站前广场的主要声源,其中以广播宣传声为主;铁路列车声是站前广场特有的声源。基于语义差别法和因子分析法对站前广场声环境的研究分析表明,站前广场声环境的舒适度和趣味性一般,声源强度和丰富度较高。最后针对站前广场目前存在的声环境问题提出改善建议,旨在提高声环境质量并为此类空间声景营造提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Yamaoka  Kazue 《Behaviormetrika》2010,37(1):37-54

It is well known that health and social factors are closely related. The aim of this study is to examine subjective health through the analysis of cross-national comparative surveys to clarify cultural characteristics of subjective health (self-rated health). I examined countries/areas using the results of our past surveys (Table 1. Yoshino, Nikaido & Fujita, 2009, Behaviormetrica, 36, 2, 89–113). In this analysis, I examined self-rated health symptoms, health satisfaction, life satisfaction, and sense of anxiety as well as other social factors. Multidimensional data analyses of all items on subjective health and on social factors showed a similar pattern between countries/areas. Furthermore, multidimensional scaling for Japanese emigrants and their offsprings and their related countries showed meaningful cultural links of comparison but not so large generational difference between 2-SEI and 3-SEI with respect to health and life satisfactions.


There is a growing interest to use quality of life as one of the dialysis outcome measurement. Based on the Malaysian National Renal Registry data on 15 participating sites, 1569 adult subjects who were alive at December 31, 2012, aged 18 years old and above were screened. Demographic and medical data of 1332 eligible subjects were collected during the administration of the short form of World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL‐BREF) in Malay, English, and Chinese language, respectively. The primary objective is to evaluate the quality of life among dialysis patients using WHOQOL‐BREF. The secondary objective is to examine significant factors that affect quality of life score. Mean (SD) transformed quality of life scores were 56.2 (15.8), 59.8 (16.8), 58.2 (18.5), 59.5 (14.6), 61.0 (18.5) for (1) physical, (2) psychological, (3) social relations, (4) environment domains, and (5) combined overall quality of life and general health, respectively. Peritoneal dialysis group scored significantly higher than hemodialysis group in the mean combined overall quality of life and general health score (63.0 vs. 60.0, P < 0.001). Independent factors that were associated significantly with quality of life score in different domains include gender, body mass index, religion, education, marital status, occupation, income, mode of dialysis, hemoglobin, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular accident and leg amputation. Subjects on peritoneal dialysis modality achieved higher combined overall quality of life and general health score than those on hemodialysis. Religion and cerebral vascular accident were significantly associated with all domains and combined overall quality of life and general health.  相似文献   

目的 探讨青年员工主观幸福感与社会责任心、忠诚度的关系及影响.方法 采用方便抽样的方法选取213名青年员工并对其进行问卷调查.结果 社会责任心对主观幸福感和忠诚度起部分中介作用,生活满意度对快乐度和社会责任心起调节作用.结论 提高青年员工主观幸福感有利于增强社会责任心和忠诚度,而提高生活满意度是快乐度促进社会责任心的重要条件.  相似文献   

With the progress of epidemic containment, the Chinese government has relaxed its regulatory policies on street vending, hoping to help people who have lost their livelihoods and to assist in the restoration of social and economic order. In response, Chinese people poured into the stall economy, especially individual peddlers, with great expectations for street vending. Street vending has become a hot topic on Chinese social network sites (SNSs). Based on the push-pull-mooring framework, SNS information overload theory was introduced and combined with the actual situations of street vending in China, and a structural equation model was established to study factors affecting individual Chinese peddlers' intention to engage in street vending and the effects of SNS information overload on these factors. Results revealed that perceived policy benefits, subjective norms, and switching cost perceptions of individual peddlers were positive factors affecting their intention to engage in street vending. SNS information overload positively affected individual peddlers' dissatisfaction with their original business model, anxieties over their livings, perception of policy benefits, and subjective norms but negatively affected individual peddlers’ perception of switching costs.  相似文献   

Mobile health represents the future trend of health care due to its great potential in improving health care efficiency, accessibility and quality. It is particularly beneficial for chronic disease patients who require long-term and regular services. To improve the products, mobile health developers need to understand patient needs, values and preferences, and assess the key factors that influence their mobile health adoption intentions. This study focuses on identifying the influential factors of patients’ adoption intention of m-Health. A structural equation model is constructed, and the confirmatory factor analysis and standard path coefficient are used to explore the key factors in chronic disease patients’ adoption process of m-Health. The results show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have the strongest positive effect on patients’ adoption intention. Meanwhile, subjective norm, existing degree of satisfaction, network effect, and cost factor also influence adoption intention. Finally, the House of Quality method is used to examine the relative importance of various properties of m-Health. The Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch method is applied to resolve the contradictions between these properties. Our study offers important insights for mobile health developers on how to optimally design a product, thereby increasing users’ adoption intention and overall satisfaction.  相似文献   

A number of proxy measures have been used as indicators of journal quality. The most recent and commonly employed are journal impact factors. These measures are somewhat controversial, although they are frequently referred to in establishing the impact of published journal articles. Within psychology, little is known about the relationship between the ‘objective’ impact factors of journals and the ‘subjective’ ratings of prestige and perceived publishing difficulty amongst academics. In order to address this, a cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted in the UK to investigate research activity and academics’ views of journals within three fields of psychology; cognitive, health and social. Impact factors for each journal were correlated with individual academic’s perceptions of prestige and publishing difficulty for each journal. A number of variables pertaining to the individual academic and their place of work were assessed as predictors of these correlation values, including age, gender, institution type, and a measure of departmental research activity. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to perceptions of journal prestige and publishing difficulty, higher education in general and the assessment of research activity within academic institutions.  相似文献   

冯蕾  武少鹏  熊政 《标准科学》2017,(10):101-106
本文通过对全国31个省(区、市)的44,884个居民进行政府质量工作公众满意度问卷调查,从全国总体、地理区域、主要经济圈、受访人群特征等不同的维度进行分析,期望透过民意,客观地得到公众对政府质量工作的总体感受和评价,了解政府在产品质量、工程质量、服务质量、环境质量、质量意识5大方面的成效与不足.调查结果显示,总体上社会公众对于政府质量工作满意度逐年提升,其中工程质量满意度最高,环境质量满意度最低,环境质量和部分产品质量满意度尚有较大提高空间;质量满意度受地理区域差异和城乡收入水平差异影响较大.  相似文献   

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