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A polyimide-based capacitive humidity sensor 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1985,32(7):1220-1223
The design of a relative humidity sensor is studied in which the principle of operation is based on the change of dielectric constant of a thin film of polyimide. The design of the sensor is established in such a way that it would be suitable for an integrated-circuit type of fabrication. The studies have shown that the experimental data are described well by the use of the Looyenga equation for dielectric constant behavior coupled with the Dubinin equation to describe the absorption as a function of relative humidity. 相似文献
随着工业的快速发展,对温度检测和控制日益严格,温度传感器已无法跟上人们的需求,通过优化湿度传感器的表面结构和对感湿材料微孔设计提高了感湿特性,增强感湿材料的感湿特性,并对湿度传感器测量电路进行改进,提高微小电容测量,设计湿度测试系统。通过实验验证了改进后的湿度传感器测量效果更优越。 相似文献
This paper presents a smart capacitive angle sensor suited for automotive and industrial use. To comply with tough constraints of such applications in terms of environmental conditions, unit costs, and physical size, a fully integrated solution is mandatory. However, the limitations and capabilities of a single mixed-signal integrated circuit have considerable impact not only on the hardware architecture of the digital and analog system components, but also on the feasible measurement algorithm. A thorough investigation of all major nonlinear effects leads to an accurate system-level model of the sensor which is used to design a robust and reliable fully integrated sensor system capable of handling signal offset and amplitude variations. In addition, the proposed system recognizes and reacts on electromagnetic disturbances. Measurements taken from a final prototype comply with the simulation results. 相似文献
A monolithic capacitive pressure sensor with pulse-period output 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1980,27(5):927-930
A new microminiature monolithic capacitive pressure transducer (CPT I) is 20 times more sensitive than piezoresistive strain-gauge pressure transducers, requires one percent of the power, and can be batch fabricated through current integrated circuit technology. A second device (CPT II) incorporates bipolar signal-processing electronics on the same silicon chip to produce a low-duty-cycle pulse-mode output with period related to pressure. This output format helps to re-solve the problem of shunting between leads, which is one of the principal causes of long-term drift in piezoresistive transducers designed for implantable medical applications. Because this device uses capacitance change as a transductional mechanism rather than piezo-resistivity, it is not susceptible to drift caused by temperature variations in the piezoresistive coefficient. Optimization for totally implantable biomedical applications places special emphasis on small size, high sensitivity, improved long-term baseline stability, and greatly reduced power consumption. These properties are also important for a wide range of pressure-sensing applications-from automotive to general industrial use. 相似文献
Kavadias S. Dierickx B. Scheffer D. Alaerts A. Uwaerts D. Bogaerts J. 《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》2000,35(8):1146-1152
CMOS image sensors with logarithmic response are attractive devices for applications where a high dynamic range is required. Their strong point is the high dynamic range. Their weak point is the sensitivity to pixel parameter variations introduced during fabrication. This gives rise to a considerable fixed pattern noise (FPN) that deteriorates the image quality unless pixel calibration is used. In the present work a technique to remove the FPN by employing on-chip calibration is introduced, where the effect of threshold voltage variations in pixels is cancelled. An image sensor based on an active pixel structure with five transistors has been designed, fabricated, and tested. The sensor consists of 525×525 pixels measuring 7.5 μm×10 μm, and is fabricated in a 0.5-μm CMOS process. The measured dynamic range is 120 dB while the FPN is 2.5% of the output signal range 相似文献
《Solid-state electronics》2006,50(11-12):1828-1834
A low voltage charge coupled device (CCD) image sensor has been developed by adjusting the electron potential barrier in the electron sensing structure. A charge injection to the gate dielectrics of a MOS transistor was utilized to optimize the electron potential level in the output structure. A DC bias generating circuit was added to the reset structure which sets reference voltage and holds the signal charge to be detected. The generated DC bias is added to the reset pulse to give an optimized voltage margin to the reset operation, and is controlled by adjustment of the threshold voltage of a MOS transistor in the circuit. By the pulse-type stress voltage applied to the gate, the electrons and holes were injected to the gate dielectrics, and the threshold voltage could be adjusted ranging from 0.2 V to 5.5 V, which is suitable for compensating the incomplete reset operation due to the process variation. The charges trapped in the silicon nitride lead to the positive and negative shift of the threshold voltage, and this phenomenon is explained by Poole–Frenkel conduction and Fowler–Nordheim conduction. A CCD image sensor with 492(H) × 510(V) pixels adopting this structure showed complete reset operation with the driving voltage of 3.0 V. The image taken with the image sensor utilizing this structure was not saturated to the illumination of 30 lux, that is, showed no image distortion. 相似文献
Sang-Pil Sim Krishnan S. Petranovic D.M. Arora N.D. Kwyro Lee Yang C.Y. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2003,50(6):1501-1510
In this paper, we propose a compact on-chip interconnect model for full-chip simulation. The model consists of two components, a quasi-three-dimensional (3-D) capacitance model and an effective loop inductance model. In the capacitance model, we propose a novel concept of effective width (W/sub eff/) for a 3-D wire, which is derived from an analytical two-dimensional (2-D) model combined with a new analytical "wall-to-wall" model. The effective width provides a physics-based approach to decompose any 3-D structure into a series of 2-D segments, resulting in an efficient and accurate capacitance extraction. In the inductance model, we use an effective loop inductance approach for an analytic and hierarchical model construction. In particular, we show empirically that high-frequency signals (above multi-GHz) propagating through random signal lines can be approximated by a quasi-TEM mode relationship, leading to a simple way to extract the high-frequency inductance from the capacitance of the wire. Finally, the capacitance and inductance models are combined into a unified frequency-dependent RLC model, describing successfully the wide-band characteristics of on-chip interconnects up to 100 GHz. Non-orthogonal wire architecture is also investigated and included in the proposed model. 相似文献
Jian Liu 《Microelectronics Journal》2007,38(2):210-215
A micromachined piezoresistive cantilever magnetometer, with a self-calibration function on-chip integrated is presented . When the cantilever is subjected to a magnetic field to be measured, the magnetic force will exert upon the magnetized nickel thin-film pattern that is located at the cantilever end. The magnetic force bends the micromechanical cantilever, which is further read out by an integrated piezoresistor. For realizing the self-calibration function, an aluminum spiral is integrated around the cantilever to provide an artificial magnetic field, when an electric current flows through the spiral coil. The artificial magnetic field can be used to drive the cantilever bending and causes a self-calibration output signal. With this on-chip self-calibration scheme, the detection of magnetic field can be immune to the long-term drift in remanence of the magnetized nickel pattern, thereby, improving the sensing stability. Bulk micromachining technologies are used to fabricate the sensors. The formed sensor is used for magnetic-field measurement, resulting in the piezoresistive sensitivity as 1.06×10−4/mT and the sensing resolution 4.58 μT. 相似文献
《Microelectronics Journal》2014,45(12):1648-1655
The state-of-the-art mass sensing so far has been rather developed along the resolution axis, reaching atomic-scale detection, than into the direction of high-speed. This paper reports a novel self-calibrating technique, making high-speed inertial mass sensors capable of instant high-resolution particle detection and weighing. The sensing nanoelectromechanical resonator is embedded into a phase-locked loop and the sensor-inherent nonlinear phase–frequency relation is exploited for auto-calibration. A tunable on-chip carbon nanotube based mass balance serves as a case study of small-size and low-cost environmental and healthcare applications. Tunability and a phase-locked loop topology make the system widely universal and invariant to nanotube characteristics. Operational for tube eigenfrequencies up to 385 MHz, the circuit integration in a 180 nm technology achieves instantaneous zeptogram resolution, while yoctogram precision is obtained within the tenth of a second. These figures of merit range at the physical limits of carbon nanotube resonators, in both mass- and time-resolution. 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1983,18(5):554-561
A 100 ns 8K /spl times/ 8 CMOS EPROM has been developed. Internal clock signals generated by address transition detection are used to reduce power consumption. As a result, power dissipation is less than 5 mW/MHz in the active mode, and less than 1 /spl mu/W in both the standby mode and the active quiescent mode (chip enabled, but no address transitions sensed). Three special test features incorporated in the design can be used to reduce the time required for final test and reliability screening. 相似文献
The porous polysilicon capacitive sensor used for measuring relative humidity has the advantages of low cost, ease of fabrication and CMOS compatibility. However, the capacitance of the sensor, which is a function of concentration of water vapour, also depends on ambient temperature. Thus, variation of ambient temperature causes error in the performance of sensor outputs. In this paper, two ANN models have been developed. The first model is used to simulate the behavior of the capacitive humidity sensor (CHS). This model can also be used for on line monitoring of the fault of the sensor. The second model is based on inverse modeling, which can be used to compensate the effect of ambient temperature error. It is found from the simulation studies that the error of the direct model is within ±2% of full scale and for the inverse model the error is within ±0.5% of full scale over a temperature range from 20 to 70 °C. A hardware implementation scheme for realization of the CHS model is also proposed. 相似文献
In this work we present a low-power, low-area and high-speed fully CMOS quadrature clock generator for on-chip SerDes applications. The device utilizes a couple of differential prescalers for high speed frequency division and four duty cycle adjusters to set the duty cycle of the produced clock signals at 50% of the clock period. The circuit was implemented with the STMicroelectronics 65 nm process technology using only 125 transistors and it occupies an active area of under 2.34 μm2. With a power supply of 1.1 V the complete circuit consumes 89.56 μW at room temperature. 相似文献
Sangsik Park Author Vitae Hyungsoo Uh Author VitaeAuthor Vitae 《Microelectronics Journal》2006,37(8):778-782
A charge coupled device (CCD) image sensor operating with 3.0 V-reset has been developed using a charge injection to the gate dielectrics of a MOS structure. A DC bias generating circuit was added to the reset structure, which sets reference voltage and holds the signal charge to be detected. The generated Dc bias is added to the reset pulse to give an optimized voltage margin to the reset operation, and is controlled by adjustment of the threshold voltage of a MOS transistor in the circuit. By the pulse-type stress voltage applied to the gate, the electrons and holes were injected to the gate dielectrics, and the threshold voltage could be adjusted ranging from 0.2 to 5.5 V, which is suitable for controlling the incomplete reset operation due to the process variation. The charges trapped in the silicon nitride lead to the positive and negative shift of the threshold voltage, and this phenomenon is explained by Poole-Frenkel conduction and Fowler-Nordheim conduction. A CCD image sensor with 492(H)×510(V) pixels adopting this structure showed complete reset operation with the driving voltage of 3.0 V. The image taken with the image sensor utilizing this structure was not saturated to the illumination of 30 lux, that is, showed no image distortion. 相似文献
JIAO Yu zhong 《微纳电子技术》2003,(Z1)
1 IntroductionCapacitivepressuresensorsareknowntohavehighsensitivity ,robuststructure ,lowsensitivitytoouterenvironmenteffectsandnoturn ontemperaturedrift.However ,largenonlinearityisthedrawbackofsuchdevicesduetotheinverserelationbetweenca pacitanceandspacingbetweentwoelectrodes.Muchefforthasbeenmadetoimprovethelinearityofca pacitivepressuresensors .Amongthoseattempts ,touchmodecapacitivepressuresensorisamoresuc cessfuldesignforinthatnotonlygoodlinearityisgotten ,butalsolargeopera tingpressur… 相似文献
JIAO Yu-zhong 《微纳电子技术》2003,40(7):492-495
To achieve the characteristics of better linearity, a new type of touch mode capacitive pressure sensor named as DDTMCPS is devised, which has a pair of deformable sensing diaphragms. Compared to present touch mode capacitive pressure sensors, the new sensor is characterized by better linearity, and large linear operation range. Such a device also has high sensitivity, and other advantages of normal touch mode capacitive pressure sensor. In the case of such a novel sensor, the second diaphragm served as bottom electrode plays great roles in modifying the deflection of the first diaphragm served as top electrode, furthermore optimizing the performance of touch mode sensors. Silicon fusion bonding technology is advised to fabricate the novel device. 相似文献