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We have purified an approximately 60 kDa endoribonuclease from Xenopus liver polysomes with properties expected for a messenger RNase involved in the estrogen-regulated destabilization of serum protein mRNAs (Dompenciel et al., 1995, J Biol Chem 270:6108-6118). The present report describes the cloning of this protein and its identification as a novel member of the peroxidase gene family. This novel enzyme, named polysomal RNase 1, or PMR-1 has 57% sequence identity with myeloperoxidase, and like that protein, appears to be processed from a larger precursor. Unlike myeloperoxidase, however, PMR-1 lacks N-linked oligosaccharide, heme, and peroxidase activity. Western blot and immunoprecipitation experiments using epitope-specific antibodies to the derived protein sequence confirm the identity of the cloned cDNA to the protein originally isolated from polysomes. The 80 kDa pre-PMR-1 expressed in a recombinant baculovirus was not processed to the 60 kDa form in Sf9 cells and lacks RNase activity. However, the baculovirus-expressed mature 60-kDa form of the enzyme has RNase activity. The recombinant protein is an endonuclease that shows selectivity for albumin versus ferritin mRNA. While it does not cleave at consensus APyrUGA elements, recombinant PMR-1 generates the same minor cleavage products from albumin mRNA as PMR-1 purified from liver. Finally, we show estrogen induces only a small increase in the amount of PMR-1. This result is consistent with earlier data suggesting estrogen activates mRNA decay through a posttranslational pathway.  相似文献   

Yeast cells mutated in YRB2, which encodes a nuclear protein with similarity to other Ran-binding proteins, fail to export nuclear export signal (NES)-containing proteins including HIV Rev out of the nucleus. Unlike Xpo1p/Crm1p/exportin, an NES receptor, Yrb2p does not shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm but instead remains inside the nucleus. However, by both biochemical and genetic criteria, Yrb2p interacts with Xpo1p and not with other members of the importin/karyopherin beta superfamily. Moreover, the Yrb2p region containing nucleoporin-like FG repeats is important for NES-mediated protein export. Taken together, these data suggest that Yrb2p acts inside the nucleus to mediate the action of Xpo1p in at least one of several nuclear export pathways.  相似文献   

We identified, in the facultative intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, a previously unknown Clp ATPase, unique among the HSP100 proteins because of the presence of a short N-terminal region with a potential zinc finger motif. This protein of 726 amino acids is highly homologous to ClpE of Bacillus subtilis, and is a member of a new subfamily of HSP100/Clp ATPases. The clpE gene is transcribed as a monocistronic mRNA from a typical consensus sigma A promoter. clpE is not stimulated by various stresses, but is upregulated in a clpC mutant. This is the first example of cross-regulation between Clp ATPases. By constructing a clpE mutant of L. monocytogenes, we found that ClpE is required for prolonged survival at 42 degrees C and is involved in the virulence of this pathogen. A double mutant deficient in both ClpE and ClpC was avirulent in a mouse model and completely eliminated in the liver. Electron microscopy studies did not show any morphological alterations in clpE or clpC mutants. In the clpE-clpC double mutant, however, cell division was affected, indicating that ClpE acts synergistically with ClpC in cell septation. These results show that the Clp chaperones play a crucial role in both cell division and virulence of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

A survey of 108 individuals from a coastal Aboriginal community in north Western Australia revealed that two species of gastrointestinal protozoan parasites (Giardia duodenalis--39.8%, Entamoeba coli--40.7%) and five gastrointestinal helminths (Hymenolepis nana--54.6%, Hookworm [Ancylostoma duodenale]--30.6%, Enterobius vermicularis--6.5%, Trichuris trichiura--2.8%, Strongyloides stercoralis 1.9%) were present. A total of 29 individuals infected with hookworm were offered treatment with either pyrantel pamoate at a single dose rate of 10 mg/kg body weight or albendazole (single 400 mg dose). Seven days after treatment stool samples were examined. Pyrantel had no significant effect against hookworm. In contrast, albendazole cleared hookworm infections completely and reduced the prevalence of Giardia. The former result suggests that locally A. duodenale is resistant to pyrantel and despite its relatively low cost and wide availability, should not be considered a drug of choice at this dose rate in the treatment of hookworm infections (A. duodenale) in endemic regions.  相似文献   

We describe the identification of the ERG-2 gene products using an antibody raised against recombinant human ERG-2 protein. ERG-2 is a nuclear phosphoprotein and binds to purine-rich sequences (C/G)(C/a)GG-AA(G/a)T. ERG-2 protein, with a half-life of 21 h, is considerably more stable than the short-lived ETS-1 or ETS-2 proteins. Its phosphorylation is stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), but not by Ca2+ ionophore treatment. ETS-1 protein is phosphorylated by Ca(2+)-dependent events, whereas ERG-2 protein is phosphorylated by activation of protein kinase C, suggesting their involvement in distinct signal transduction mechanisms. The expression of ERG-2 protein is restricted to few cell types and is high in early myeloid cells, indicating that it may function at an early stage of hematopoietic lineage determination. The DNA-binding sequence for ERG-2 protein is identified by using a random oligonucleotide selection procedure. The selected sequence is very similar to the binding sequence determined for human ETS-1 using the same method. Like other ets proteins, ERG-2 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein and is expressed at higher levels in early myeloid cells than in mature lymphoid cells. These results suggest that it may act as a regulator of genes required for maintenance and/or differentiation of early hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The rat treated with bile duct ligation (BDL) and furan is a unique animal model of massive bile ductular hyperplasia in which normal liver parenchyma is largely replaced with well-differentiated proliferated bile ductules. We have now developed a simple cell isolation procedure to obtain and culture viable bile ductular epithelial cells in high numbers and with a high degree of purity from the livers of BDL/furan-treated rats. Primary monolayer cell cultures were readily established when the isolated bile ductular epithelial cells were cultured in plastic tissue culture wells coated with rat tail tendon type I collagen plus bovine plasma fibronectin. Under these conditions, epidermal growth factor (EGF) was mitogenic for the cultured cells, and they retained phenotypic features typical of hyperplastic bile ductular epithelium but did not show evidence of ductal morphogenesis in vitro. In contrast, when the isolated bile ductular cells were cultured for 7 to 16 days in the presence of 25 ng EGF/mL and 10% fetal bovine serum on type I collagen gels, they formed into branching ductal structures whose ultrastructural features very closely resembled those of polarized hyperplastic bile ductules/ducts in vivo. Histological preparations of these gel cultures further showed that numerous ductal structures with defined lumens were present. Phenotypically, these ductal structures were completely surrounded by a thickened basement membrane that was strongly immunoreactive for laminin. Like their in vivo biliary cell counterparts, the epithelial cells comprising these ductal structures in culture also exhibited strong immunocytochemical staining reactions for cytokeratins 8 and 19, for glutathione S-transferase pi 7, and for luminal gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, but they did not express immunoreactive albumin or alpha-fetoprotein. Occasional epithelial cells of the ductal structures, when examined in 10-day-old primary gel culture, showed strong nuclear staining for incorporated 5-bromo-2'deoxyuridine, indicating active cell proliferation. Our results support the development of a novel biliary epithelial cell culture model that has the potential of serving as a powerful tool for investigation of factors that regulate hyperplastic bile ductular morphogenesis, cell proliferation, and polarized cell functions in a structural form in vitro that mimics that of hyperplastic bile ductules induced in vivo.  相似文献   

The responses to a questionnaire on subjective burden are reported for 52 primary caregivers of a group of persons with traumatic brain injuries sustained an average of 6 years previously. The aim of the study was to examine satisfaction with social support, perception of coping skills, and appraisal of symptoms as predictors of strain in the carers. A range of responses, both positive and negative, to the work of caring for a relative with a head injury was reported. A high prevalence rate of emotional and behavioural changes in the persons with head injuries was found and the amount of distress caused by these symptoms was found to be predictive of burden. The other factor important in predicting burden was the carers' ratings of their satisfaction with their ability to cope with the work of caregiving. Social support, injury severity, and the demographic characteristics of the persons with head injury and their carers were not significant predictors. Depression in the carers was also investigated and the variable most predictive of elevated depression scores was coping satisfaction. These findings reinforce the importance of strengthening carers coping resources in rehabilitation work with head injured persons and their families.  相似文献   

Persons dying suddenly are very likely to be taken to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department. The task of informing and counselling bereaved relatives therefore frequently falls to the staff of these Departments. Adequate preparation is important in allowing such situations to be dealt with in a sensitive and appropriate manner. Advice on coping with different aspects of sudden death is given and some common reactions discussed. Special problems are also considered (eg, the death of a child, criminal violence, communication difficulties). Aftercare must also not be forgotten and staff should receive training in the care of the bereaved.  相似文献   

The high-affinity K+ uptake system of plants plays a crucial role in nutrition and has been the subject of extensive kinetic studies. However, major components of this system remain to be identified. We isolated a cDNA from barley roots, HvHAK1, whose translated sequence shows homology to the Escherichia coli Kup and Schwanniomyces occidentalis HAK1 K+ transporters. HvHAK1 conferred high-affinity K+ uptake to a K(+)-uptake-deficient yeast mutant exhibiting the hallmark characteristics of the high-affinity K+ uptake described for barley roots. HvHAK1 also mediated low-affinity Na+ uptake. Another cDNA (HvHAK2) encoding a polypeptide 42% identical to HvHAK1 was also isolated. Analysis of several genomes of Triticeae indicates that HvHAK1 belongs to a multigene family. Translated sequences from bacterial DNAs and Arabidopsis, rice, and possibly human cDNAs show homology to the Kup-HAK1-HvHAK1 family of K+ transporters.  相似文献   

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