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This paper considers the problems of formation and obstacle avoidance for multiagent systems.The objective is to design a term of agents that can reach a desired formation while avoiding collision with obstacles.To reduce the amount of information interaction between agents and target,we adopt the leader-follower formation strategy.By using the receding horizon control (RHC),an optimal problem is formulated in terms of cost minimization under constraints.Information on obstacles is incorporated online as sensed in a limited sensing range.The communication requirements between agents are that the followers should obtain the previous optimal control trajectory of the leader to each update time.The stability is guaranteed by adding a terminal-state penalty to the cost function and a terminal-state region to optimal problem.Finally,simulation studies are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Move blocking strategies in receding horizon control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to deal with the computational burden of optimal control, it is common practice to reduce the degrees of freedom by fixing the input or its derivatives to be constant over several time-steps. This policy is referred to as ‘move blocking’. This paper will address two issues. First, a survey of various move blocking strategies is presented and the shortcomings of these blocking policies, such as the lack of stability and constraint satisfaction guarantees, will be illustrated. Second, a novel move blocking scheme, ‘Moving Window Blocking’ (MWB), will be presented. In MWB, the blocking strategy is time-dependent such that the scheme yields stability and feasibility guarantees for the closed-loop system. Finally, the results of a large case study that illustrate the advantages and drawbacks of the various control strategies discussed in this paper and the implementation of the MWB scheme on a mechanical system are presented.  相似文献   

We consider the control of interacting subsystems whose dynamics and constraints are decoupled, but whose state vectors are coupled non-separably in a single cost function of a finite horizon optimal control problem. For a given cost structure, we generate distributed optimal control problems for each subsystem and establish that a distributed receding horizon control implementation is stabilizing to a neighborhood of the objective state. The implementation requires synchronous updates and the exchange of the most recent optimal control trajectory between coupled subsystems prior to each update. The key requirements for stability are that each subsystem not deviate too far from the previous open-loop state trajectory, and that the receding horizon updates happen sufficiently fast. The venue of multi-vehicle formation stabilization is used to demonstrate the distributed implementation.  相似文献   

The performance of container terminals needs to be improved to adapt the growth of containers while maintaining sustainability. This paper provides a methodology for determining the trajectory of interacting machines that transport containers between the quayside area and the stacking area in an automated container terminal. The behaviors of the interacting machines are modeled as a combination of discrete-event dynamics and continuous-time dynamics. An event-driven receding horizon controller (RHC) is proposed for achieving energy efficient container handling. The underlying control problems are hereby formulated as a collection of small optimization problems that are solved in a receding horizon way. Simulation studies illustrate that energy consumption of container handling can indeed be reduced by the proposed methodology. Moreover, an assessment is made of performance of the proposed RHC controller under different types of uncertainties.  相似文献   

Tams  Francesco  Gary J. 《Automatica》2006,42(12):2105-2115
We present a detailed study on the design of decentralized receding horizon control (RHC) schemes for decoupled systems. We formulate an optimal control problem for a set of dynamically decoupled systems where the cost function and constraints couple the dynamical behavior of the systems. The coupling is described through a graph where each system is a node, and cost and constraints of the optimization problem associated with each node are only function of its state and the states of its neighbors. The complexity of the problem is addressed by breaking a centralized RHC controller into distinct RHC controllers of smaller sizes. Each RHC controller is associated with a different node and computes the local control inputs based only on the states of the node and of its neighbors. We analyze the properties of the proposed scheme and introduce sufficient stability conditions based on prediction errors. Finally, we focus on linear systems and show how to recast the stability conditions into a set of matrix semi-definiteness tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an output feedback receding horizon control for a class of SISO nonlinear systems. A globally stabilizing state feedback receding horizon control scheme is combined with a discretized high gain observer. This is motivated by the fact that measurable system’s outputs are only available at specific sampling intervals. Our result follows from the application of a separation principle applicable to a class of sampled-data nonlinear systems. It is shown that the output-feedback scheme recovers the performance (rate of convergence) achieved under state feedback receding horizon control for a sufficiently large observer gain and sampling frequency.  相似文献   

C.C. Chen  L. Shaw 《Automatica》1982,18(3):349-352
Receding horizon feedback control (RHFC) was originally introduced as an easy method for designing stable state-feedback controllers for linear systems. Here those results are generalized to the control of nonlinear autonomous systems, and we develop a performance index which is minimized by the RHFC (inverse optimal control problem). Previous results for linear systems have shown that desirable nonlinear controllers can be developed by making the RHFC horizon distance a function of the state. That functional dependence was implicit and difficult to implement on-line. Here we develop similar controllers for which the horizon distance is an easily computed explicit function of the state.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple receding horizon (or model predictive) control for state delayed systems is presented and its solution is given in a closed form by a reduction method. While the control for a time-delay system is usually complex, the proposed controller is simple to construct and therefore can be simply implemented in real applications. To check the closed-loop stability of the proposed controller, a sufficient condition is provided by linear matrix inequalities. In addition, a numerical algorithm is presented for computing the eigenvalues of systems with distributed time delays, which can be used as a necessary and sufficient condition to check closed-loop stability. It is shown by simulation that this simple control can be a stabilizing control for time-delay systems.  相似文献   

Optimal regulation of stochastically behaving agents is essential to achieve a robust aggregate behavior in a swarm of agents. How optimally these behaviors are controlled leads to the problem of designing optimal control architectures. In this paper, we propose a novel broadcast stochastic receding horizon control architecture as an optimal strategy for stabilizing a swarm of stochastically behaving agents. The goal is to design, at each time step, an optimal control law in the receding horizon control framework using collective system behavior as the only available feedback information and broadcast it to all agents to achieve the desired system behavior. Using probabilistic tools, a conditional expectation based predictive model is derived to represent the ensemble behavior of a swarm of independently behaving agents with multi-state transitions. A stochastic finite receding horizon control problem is formulated to stabilize the aggregate behavior of agents. Analytical and simulation results are presented for a two-state multi-agent system. Stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed using the supermartingale theory. Almost sure (with probability 1) convergence of the closed-loop system to the desired target is ensured. Finally, conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to relax the terminal conditions typically used to ensure stability in model predictive control, thereby enlarging the domain of attraction for a given prediction horizon. Using some recent results, we present novel conditions that employ, as the terminal cost, the finite-horizon cost resulting from a nonlinear controller u=−sat(Kx) and, as the terminal constraint set, the set in which this controller is optimal for the finite-horizon constrained optimal control problem. It is shown that this solution provides a considerably larger terminal constraint set than is usually employed in stability proofs for model predictive control.  相似文献   

A general receding horizon control (RHC), or model predictive control (MPC), for time-delay systems is proposed. The proposed RHC is obtained by minimizing a new cost function that includes two terminal weighting terms, which are closely related to the closed-loop stability. The general solution of the proposed RHC is derived using the generalized Riccati method. Furthermore, an explicit solution is obtained for the case where the horizon length is less than or equal to the delay size. A linear matrix inequality (LMI) condition on the terminal weighting matrices is proposed, under which the optimal cost is guaranteed to be monotonically non-increasing. It is shown that the monotonic condition of the optimal cost guarantees closed-loop stability of the RHC. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed RHC effectively stabilizes time-delay systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fast numerical algorithm for nonlinear receding horizon control is proposed. The control input is updated by a differential equation to trace the solution of an associated state-dependent two-point boundary-value problem. A linear equation involved in the differential equation is solved by the generalized minimum residual method, one of the Krylov subspace methods, with Jacobians approximated by forward differences. The error in the entire algorithm is analyzed and is shown to be bounded under some conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to a two-link arm whose dynamics is highly nonlinear. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is faster than the conventional algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper a receding horizon control approach for multi-product production plants is presented. Specifically two-stage plants are considered. In the first stage, a set of parallel production lines generates intermediate products from raw materials. In the second stage, the intermediate products are assembled into final products. A set of buffers for the intermediate products connects the production lines and the assembly line thus allowing a continuous production flow.

The focus is on plants where the switch between product types is less frequent than in the assembly line. The latter is mostly dictated by the external demand, while the first one is the main scheduling variable. A systematic event-based control approach using receding horizon control (RHC) techniques is proposed; specifically the production line flow is controlled in order to satisfy the time-varying request from the assembly line while minimizing the intermediate products storage and processing time. Experimental results underline the benefits resulting from the application of the proposed approach to a car engine manufacturing process.  相似文献   

We propose a novel way for sampled-data implementation (with the zero order hold assumption) of continuous-time controllers for general nonlinear systems. We assume that a continuous-time controller has been designed so that the continuous-time closed-loop satisfies all performance requirements. Then, we use this control law indirectly to compute numerically a sampled-data controller. Our approach exploits a model predictive control (MPC) strategy that minimizes the mismatch between the solutions of the sampled-data model and the continuous-time closed-loop model. We propose a control law and present conditions under which stability and sub-optimality of the closed loop can be proved. We only consider the case of unconstrained MPC. We show that the recent results in [G. Grimm, M.J. Messina, A.R. Teel, S. Tuna, Model predictive control: for want of a local control Lyapunov function, all is not lost, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 2004, to appear] can be directly used for analysis of stability of our closed-loop system.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of motion planning for parallel robots in the presence of static and dynamic obstacles has been investigated. The proposed algorithm can be regarded as a synergy of convex optimization with discrete optimization and receding horizon. This algorithm has several advantages, including absence of trapping in local optimums and a high computational speed. This problem has been fully analyzed for two three-DOF parallel robots, ie 3s-RPR parallel mechanism and the so-called Tripteron, while the shortest path is selected as the objective function. It should be noted that the first case study is a parallel mechanism with complex singularity loci expression from a convex optimization problem standpoint, while the second case is a parallel manipulator for which each limb has two links, an issue which increases the complexity of the optimization problem. Since some of the constraints are non-convex, two approaches are introduced in order to convexify them: (1) A McCormick-based relaxation merged with a branch-and-prune algorithm to prevent it from becoming too loose and (2) a first-order approximation which linearizes the non-convex quadratic constraints. The computational time for the approaches presented in this paper is considerably low, which will pave the way for online applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decentralized motion planner for a team of nonholonomic mobile robots subject to constraints imposed by sensors and the communication network. The motion planning scheme consists of decentralized receding horizon planners that reside on each vehicle to achieve coordination among flocking agents. The advantage of the proposed algorithm is that each vehicle only requires local knowledge of its neighboring vehicles. The main requirement for designing an optimal conflict-free trajectory in a decentralized way is that each robot does not deviate too far from its presumed trajectory designed without taking the coupling constraints into account. A comparative study between the proposed algorithm and other existing algorithms is provided in order to show the advantages, especially in terms of computing time. Finally, experiments are performed on a team of three mobile robots to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An obstacle avoidance scheme of a two-wheeled mobile robot is shown by selecting an appropriate Lya- punov function. When considering the obstacle, the Lyapunov function may have some local minima. A method which erases the local minima is proposed by using a function which covers the minima with a plane surface. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Based on the double integrator mathematic model, a new kind of potential function is presented in this paper by referring to the concepts of the electric field; then a new formation control method is proposed, in which the potential functions are used between agent-agent and between agent-obstacle, while state feedback control is applied for the agent and its goal. This strategy makes the whole potential field simpler and helps avoid some local minima. The stability of this combination of potential functions and state feedback control is proven. Some simulations are presented to show the rationality of this control method.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a receding horizon control scheme for a set of uncertain discrete-time linear systems with randomly jumping parameters described by a finite-state Markov process whose jumping transition probabilities are assumed to belong to some convex sets. The control scheme for the underlying systems is based on the minimization of the worst-case one-step finite horizon cost with a finite terminal weighting matrix at each time instant. This robust receding horizon control scheme has a more general structure than the existing robust receding horizon control for the underlying systems under the same design parameters. The proposed controller is obtained using semidefinite programming.  相似文献   

给出了寻求无人飞行器的最优轨迹的一种方法,其问题描述为使飞行器从初始状态飞行到目标状态,同时避免撞到障碍物。基于混合整数规划的滚动时域优化方法用来求解飞行器的轨迹规划问题。给出的仿真结果显示此方法的有效性以及在复杂环境下的可实时计算性。  相似文献   

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