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赵颖博  董刚  杨银堂 《半导体学报》2015,36(4):045011-8
TSV-TSV耦合会对三维集成电路的性能造成影响,主要的负面效应就是引入了耦合噪声。为了能够在初期设计阶段准确的估计TSV间的耦合强度,本文首先提出了存在于TSV间的基于二端口网络的阻抗级耦合通道模型,然后推导出了TSV间的耦合强度公式用来描述TSV-TSV耦合效应。通过与三维全波仿真结果的对比,公式的准确度得到了验证。另外,本文提出了一种减小TSV间耦合强度的设计方法。通过SPICE仿真,所提出设计方法不仅可以应用在简单TSV-TSV的电路结构中,还可以应用在含有多个TSV的复杂电路结构中,从而体现了所提出设计方法的可行性,并且为设计者提供了改善三维集成电路电学性能的可能性。  相似文献   

A novel electrochemical method for contactless electrodeposition of copper onto silicon wafers has been investigated. Deposition parameters such as applied current, concentrations of deposition solution and supporting electrolyte were optimized to achieve high deposition rates as well as homogenous deposition of copper. Copper sulfate solution temperature of about 65 °C was shown to be suitable for achieving stable and high values of current density that translated to copper deposition rates of~2.4 µm/min with good deposition uniformity.  相似文献   

3-D (stacked device layers) ICs can significantly alleviate the interconnect problem coming with the decreasing feature size and is promising for heterogeneous integration. In this paper, we concentrate on the configuration number and fixed-outline constraints in the floorplanning for 3-D ICs. Extended sequence pair, named partitioned sequence pair (in short, P-SP), is used to represent 3-D IC floorplans. We prove that the number of configuration of 3-D IC floorplans represented by P-SP is less than that of planar floorplans represented by sequence pair (SP) and decreases as the device layer number increases. Moreover, we applied the technique of block position enumeration, which have been successfully used in planar fixed-outline floorplanning, to fixed-outline multi-layer floorplanning. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Using a combination of copper (Cu) thermocompression bonding and silicon wafer thinning, a face-to-face silicon bi-layer layer stack is fabricated. The oxygen content in the bonded Cu layer is analyzed using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Copper-covered wafers that are exposed to the air for 12 h and 12 days prior to bonding exhibit 0.08 at.% and 2.96 at.% of oxygen, respectively. However, prebonding forming gas anneal at 150°C for 15 min on 12-day-old Cu wafers successfully reduces the oxygen content in the bonded Cu layer to 0.52 at.%.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》2015,46(5):377-382
Coaxial through silicon via (TSV) technology is gaining considerable interest as a 3D packaging solution due to its superior performance compared to the current existing TSV technology. By confining signal propagation within the coaxial TSV shield, signal attenuation from the lossy silicon substrate is eliminated, and unintentional signal coupling is avoided. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a coaxial TSV 3D fabrication process. Next, the fabricated coaxial TSVs are characterized using s-parameters for high frequency analysis. The s-parameter data indicates the coaxial TSVs confine electromagnetic propagation by extracting the inductance and capacitance of the device. Lastly, we demonstrate the coaxial TSVs reduce signal attenuation and time delay by 35% and 25% respectively compared to the shield-less standard TSV technology. In addition, the coaxial interconnect significantly decreases electromagnetic coupling compared to traditional TSV architectures. The improved signal attenuation and high isolation of the coaxial TSV make it an excellent option for 3D packaging applications expanding into the millimeter wave regime.  相似文献   

Metallic carbon nanotubes(CNTs) have been proposed as a promising alternative to Cu interconnects in future integrated circuits(ICs) for their remarkable conductive, mechanical and thermal properties. Compact equivalent circuit models for single-walled carbon nanotube(SWCNT) bundles are described, and the performance of SWCNT bundle interconnects is evaluated and compared with traditional Cu interconnects at different interconnect levels for through-silicon-via-based three dimensional(3D) ICs. It is shown that at a local level, CNT interconnects exhibit lower signal delay and smaller optimal wire size. At intermediate and global levels, the delay improvement becomes more significant with technology scaling and increasing wire lengths. For 1 mm intermediate and 10 mm global level interconnects, the delay of SWCNT bundles is only 49.49% and 52.82% that of the Cu wires, respectively.  相似文献   

This is a report on our investigation of the epitaxial growth of Si-on-spinel-on-Si double-heterostructure integrated circuit material. The spinel epitaxial layers were grown on the Si substrate with an open-tube Al-HCl-MgCl2-CO2H2 VPE system. High electron Hall-mobility and low defect density in the active Si layers were achieved with optimum growth conditions for spinel and silicon. Bipolar transistors, MOS devices and high-voltage bipolar ICs were fabricated in the active Si layers on epitaxially grown spinel.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Reliability》2014,54(9-10):1949-1952
The reliability results for barrier/liner systems in different high aspect ratio (5 × 50 μm) through silicon vias (TSV) are presented. Quite a few factors can influence the TSV barrier/liner reliability performance, including the TSV trench etch process, the oxide liner material/thickness, etc. The challenges for more advanced TSV technology nodes (e.g. 3 × 40 μm) are also discussed and possible solutions are proposed.  相似文献   

本文基于超大规模集成电路特征尺寸进入超深亚微米层次下的金属互连(interconnects)特性,研究并提出了布局布线优化步骤:局部布局和搜索提炼、轨道分配和搜索修补.并结合synopsys公司的超深亚微米布局布线系统APOLLO-Ⅱ有效地解决了金属互连的拥挤和时序问题.  相似文献   

We present the analysis and design of high-power millimetre-wave power amplifier (PA) systems using zero-degree combiners (ZDCs). The methodology presented optimises the PA device sizing and the number of combined unit PAs based on device load pull simulations, driver power consumption analysis and loss analysis of the ZDC. Our analysis shows that an optimal number of N-way combined unit PAs leads to the highest power-added efficiency (PAE) for a given output power. To illustrate our design methodology, we designed a 1-W PA system at 45 GHz using a 45 nm silicon-on-insulator process and showed that an 8-way combined PA has the highest PAE that yields simulated output power of 30.6 dBm and 31% peak PAE.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable models can support Through Silicon Via (TSV) testing methods and improve the quality of 3D ICs. A model for expressing resistance and inductance of TSVs at frequencies up to 50 GHz is proposed. It is based on the two-parallel transmission cylindrical wires model, known also as the Transmission Line Model and improved through the fitting to ANSYS Q3D simulation results. The proximity effect between neighbouring TSVs that alters the paths through which current flows is empowered at high frequencies. The consideration of the dependence of the proximity effect on frequency for calculating TSV resistance and inductance is the main contribution of this work. Additionally, the modelling of resistance is extended to accurately correspond to a TSV in an array. The proposed models are in good agreement with the simulator results with an average error below 2% and 5.4% for the resistance and the inductance, respectively. The maximum error is 3% and 9.1%, respectively. In the case of the resistance of a TSV in an array, the maximum error is 4.7%. As long as the coefficients of the proposed equations have been extracted, the time for resistance and inductance calculation based on the presented models is negligible, compared to the time-consuming EM simulation.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art multi-core computer systems are based on Very Large Scale three Dimensional (3D) Integrated circuits (VLSI). In order to provide high-speed vertical data transmission in such 3D systems, efficient Through-Silicon Via (TSV) technology is critically important. In this paper, various Radio Frequency (RF) TSV designs and models are proposed. Specifically, the Cu-plug TSV with surrounding ground TSVs is used as the baseline structure. For further improvement, the dielectric coaxial and novel air-gap coaxial TSVs are introduced. Using the empirical parameters of these coaxial TSVs, the simulation results are obtained demonstrating that these coaxial RF-TSVs can provide two-order higher of cut-off frequencies than the Cu-plug TSVs. Based on these new RF-TSV technologies, we propose a novel 3D multi-core computer system as well as new architectures for manipulating the interfaces between RF and baseband circuit. Taking into consideration the scaling down of IC manufacture technologies, predictions for the performance of future generations of circuits are made. With simulation results indicating energy per bit and area per bit being reduced by 7% and 11% respectively, we can conclude that the proposed method is a worthwhile guideline for the design of future multi-core computer ICs.  相似文献   

In the paper, an analytical model for ground bounce noise evaluation taking into account the interdependence between IDD switching current and VDD noise voltage is presented. The model shows the discrepancies from general accepted assumption of independence between the two variables. The main conclusion is that noise calculations using the independence assumption cause an overestimation of the noise levels. The results are verified through realistic simulations and for different technology nodes and accurate analysis of two canonical circuits.  相似文献   

在后摩尔时代,3D芯粒(Chiplet)通常利用硅通孔(TSV)进行异构集成,其复杂的工艺流程会提高芯片制造的难度和成本。针对背照式(BSI)CMOS图像传感器(CIS)的倒置封装结构,该文提出了一种低成本、低工艺复杂度的3D Chiplet非接触互联技术,利用电感耦合构建了数据源、载波源和接收机3层分布式收发机结构。基于华润上华(CSMC)0.25 μm CMOS工艺和东部高科(DB HiTek)0.11 μm CIS工艺,通过仿真和流片测试验证了所提出的互联技术的有效性。测试结果表明,该3D Chiplet非接触互联链路采用20 GHz载波频率,收发机通信距离为5~20 μm,在数据速率达到200 Mbit/s时,误码率小于10–8,接收端功耗为1.09 mW,能效为5.45 pJ/bit。  相似文献   

A CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) used in wireless communication systems, such as WLAN and CDMA, must have low noise figure, high linearity, and sufficient gain. Several techniques have been proposed to improve the linearity of CMOS LNA circuits. The proposed low noise amplifier achieves high third-order input intercept point (IIP3) using multi-gated configuration technique, by using two transistors, the first is the main CMOS transistor, and the second is bipolar transistor in TSMC 0.18 m technology. Bipolar transistor is used to cancel the third-order component from MOS transistor to fulfill high linearity operation. This work is designed and fabricated in TSMC 0.18 m CMOS process. At 5 GHz, the proposed LNA achieves a measurement results as 16 dBm of IIP3, 10.5 dB of gain, 2.1 dB of noise figure, and 8 mW of power consumption.  相似文献   

Schemes and key technologies of wafer-level three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D IC) are reviewed and introduced in this paper. Direction of wafer stacking, methods of wafer bonding, fabrication of through-silicon via (TSV), and classification of wafer type are options for 3D IC schemes. Key technologies, such as alignment, Cu bonding, and TSV fabrication, are described as well. Better performance, lower cost, and more functionality of future electronic products become feasible with 3D IC concept application.  相似文献   

3D封装及其最新研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了3D封装的主要形式和分类。将实现3D互连的方法分为引线键合、倒装芯片、硅通孔、薄膜导线等,并对它们的优缺点进行了分析。围绕凸点技术、金属化、芯片减薄及清洁、散热及电路性能、嵌入式工艺、低温互连工艺等,重点阐述了3D互连工艺的最新研究成果。结合行业背景和国内外专家学者的研究,指出3D封装主要面临的是散热和工艺兼容性等问题,提出应尽快形成统一的行业标准和系统的评价检测体系,同时指出对穿透硅通孔(TSV)互连工艺的研究是未来研究工作的重点和热点。  相似文献   

MOVPE生产用高纯水中硅的去除   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了硅对砷化镓材料生长及有机金属化合物气相淀积(MOVPE)工艺中的影响和电脱盐(EDI)技术以及用EDI降低高纯水中硅浓度的机理和方法,通过大量实验比较不同制水设备脱硅效果,得出用EDI技术严格控制pH(8~11)时脱硅效果最好,能使高纯水中Si的浓度<0.5μg/L,满足了MO源生产及MOVPE工艺用水中Si浓度<3μg/L的需要.  相似文献   

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