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Products affect the environment at many points in their life cycles. Once a product moves from the drawing board into the production line, its environmental attributes are largely fixed. Many researchers have focused on developing intelligent systems to provide a variety of design and manufacturing information to help designers make environmentally conscious decisions. However, in the early design stage, not all the information available is precise. A large amount of information, especially those that are based on designer experience, is fuzzy in nature. This paper presents an innovative method, namely green fuzzy design analysis (GFDA), which involves simple and efficient procedures to evaluate product design alternatives based on environmental consideration using fuzzy logic. The hierarchical structure of environmentally conscious design indices was constructed using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), which include five aspects: (1) energy, (2) recycling, (3) toxicity, (4) cost, and (5) material. After weighting factors for the environmental attributes are determined, the most desirable design alternative can be selected based on the fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making (FMADM) technique. The benefit of using such a technique is to effectively solve the design problem by capturing human expertise.  相似文献   

Products affect the environment at many points in their life cycles. Once a product moves from the drawing board into the production line, its environmental attributes are largely fixed. Many researchers focus on developing intelligent systems to provide a variety of design and manufacturing information to help designers make environmentally conscious decisions. However, in the early design stage, not all the information available is precise. A large amount of information, especially that which is based on designer experience, is fuzzy in nature. This paper presents an innovative method, namely, green fuzzy design analysis (GFDA), which involves simple and efficient procedures, to evaluate product design alternatives based on environmental consideration using fuzzy logic. The hierarchical structure of environmentally conscious design indices was constructed using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), which includes five aspects: (1) energy, (2) recycling, (3) toxicity, (4) cost, and (5) material. After weighting factors for the environmental attributes are determined, the most desirable design alternative can be selected based on the fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making (FMADM) technique. The benefit of using such a technique is to effectively solve the design problem by capturing human expertise .  相似文献   

Evaluation of flexibility in a manufacturing system development in operations management is important to determine the competitiveness of manufacturing system, and is being increasing discussed in the literature on manufacturing system. This paper presents a fuzzy group decision-making model with different linguistic term sets (multi-granularity linguistic term sets) for evaluating manufacturing flexibility development, where the performance rating of manufacturing systems under flexibility metrics and the importance grade of all flexibility dimensions are assessed in linguistic terms represented by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The linguistic term sets chosen by decision-makers will have more or less terms. This paper proposes a procedure to assess the degree of manufacturing flexibility in a fuzzy environment by a fuzzy fusion method of linguistic information. While evaluating the degree of manufacturing flexibility, one may find the need for improving manufacturing flexibility, and determine the dimensions of manufacturing flexibility as the best direction to improvement. Example using a case of leading Taiwan firm in the bicycle industry is used to illustrate the computational process of the proposed method.  相似文献   

为达到工艺资源重用和智能辅助工艺决策的目的,提出了一种不确定语言评价与多属性决策方法相结合的多工艺方案评价与决策模型。在该模型中,通过工艺聚类和关联,从企业工艺数据仓库中进行多工艺方案提取,在此基础上形成多工艺评价方案集。选择已建立的评价目标属性集作为评价依据,并结合企业生产的内外部条件,列出各属性的不确定语言型评价。在此基础上运用不确定拓展有序加权平均算子,对各工艺方案进行评估并排序,进而得到相对较优工艺方案。不确定拓展有序加权平均算子中所使用的加权向量需要按照加工任务的具体要求确定,从而提高了算法的灵活性。  相似文献   

基于改进不确定语言多属性决策的设计方案评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少语言型评价对设计方案决策的不利影响,提出了粗糙集与不确定语言多属性决策方法相结合的设计方案评价模型.客户需求的模糊性增强了设计方案的非唯一性,需要对满足相同或类似需求的多个方案进行评价和择优.通过建立面向方案集的多属性体系,对各方案进行特定属性或属性集条件下的语占型评价,由此得到多属性评估矩阵.同时,将粗糙集中属性重要性计算嵌入不确定语言多属性决策方法,在明确各属性重要性程度的基础上进行方案决策,以提高算法的客观性和有效性.在此基础上,运用不确定拓展有序加权平均算子,对各方案进行评价计算,得到特定属性集合综合影响下的相对合理方案.  相似文献   

大型水轮机设计方案多属性灰色模糊决策模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大型水轮机方案设计中属性信息的不完全性和不确定性,研究了复杂产品方案设计的决策问题,给出了基于灰色系统理论的灰区间数关联决策方法和基于模糊理论的模糊多属性决策方法的优属度的实现过程,建立了基于优属度的多属性灰色模糊决策模型.该模型综合考虑了决策过程中的灰色信息和模糊信息,通过比较设计方案与正负理想区间方案的接近程度,从整体的角度获得最优方案.最后,以大型水轮机方案设计为例,验证了该模型的有效性和可操作性.  相似文献   

This article is mainly targeted at establishing a set of Chinese and English expert systems for sheet bending design by using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method and fuzzy compositional evaluation using a personal computer. The fuzzy compositional evaluation in conjunction with the analytical hierarchy process method was used to solve the problem of the uncertainty faced by the users during the selection of the processing method. This system combines an AutoCAD graphic mechanism to form a complete system for items ranging from input of the shape and size of the component to the output of the inferred results of the system. At the same time, the fuzzy compositional evaluation and the analytical hierarchy process were employed to make the system more practical.  相似文献   

概念设计方案评价的模糊多准则决策模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种概念设计方案评估的模糊多准则决策方法,以降低决策者主观偏好以及评估过程中模糊和不确定因素对决策的影响.基于对影响产品竞争力因素的分析,建立了概念设计方案评价的层次结构.建立了概念设计方案评估的模糊多准则决策数学模型,并以三角模糊数代替常规层次分析法中的标度,提出了一种模糊层次分析方法来确定评价体系中各级评价准则的权重,充分考虑多领域专家的意见和产品开发过程的风险性.最后,以应用实例对提出模型的有效性和可行性进行了验证.  相似文献   

针对权晕信息不完全、决策者的偏好信息和决策矩阵元素均为区间数的不确定多属性群决策问题,提出了一种新的群决策方法.引入决策者的心态指标,得到带心态指标的决策矩阵,再通过求解主、客观偏好的最大总偏差最小化的优化问题,确定属性的权重.利用有序加权几何平均算子给出各方案的群体综合属性值和排序结果.应用实例验证了方法的可行性和合理性.  相似文献   

A two-grade fuzzy synthetic decision-making system with use of an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for evaluating the performance of grinding fluids is reported. Five different pairs of algorithms were used in the first evaluation. Their reliability was ordered according to the principle of least squires method. The first three algorithms were selected and used in the second-grade evaluation. The factor weight of the first-grade evaluation was calculated by the AHP for improving the reliability and objectivity of the evaluation results. As an example, three types of grinding fluid were compared and evaluated.  相似文献   

CAPP是CAD/CAM集成的桥梁和纽带,由于工艺决策问题约束复杂、随机性强,排序准则的确定需要根据具体的加工环境和加工对象来制定。为了便于工艺路线的自动生成,本文采用AHP(层次规划法),一种数学决策模型,进行排序优先级的确定。首先介绍了AHP模型及其构造算法,然后,以回转体零件在数控加工中心上的工步排序方案决策为例,用Visual Ba-sic编制程序,验证了基于AHP的柔性工艺优先排序决策方法的可行性。  相似文献   

模糊综合评价法在机床产品协同设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复杂产品的协同设计过程中,常常会遇到难于确定的多个设计方案,需要多领域专家集体评价.为保证异地专家网上评价的准确性,研究机床产品的模糊综合评价法,建立简化的数控车床概念设计评价模型,并以某一数控车床为对象,给出应用实例,为机床产品的协同设计方案提供了评价工具.  相似文献   

工艺质量知识是设计决策支持知识的重要组成部分。为设计者提供所需的工艺质量知识有助于设计决策的有效性。在分析机械电子产品设计活动的基础上,详细阐述了设计活动和设计方法的工艺质量知识需求。采用IDEFO方法建立设计活动模型证实了支持设计活动的工艺质量知识流。在此基础上,运用UML方法构建了工艺质量知识对象模型,该模型支持工艺质量知识的获取、组织和管理,可以为设计决策提供不同层次和粒度的工艺质量知识。  相似文献   

Twelve-inch wafer slicing is the most challenging process in semiconductor manufacturing yield. This study applies the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) not only to construct the multi-criteria decision problem and determine criteria weights, but also to assess the expected contributions of alternatives to previously defined objectives. Therefore, the fuzzy AHP-based proposed algorithm is applied to select evaluation outcomes and evaluate the precision of optimal performing machines. Additionally, a case study and the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart are presented to demonstrate and verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, sensitivity analysis is conducted to test the stability of the priority ranking and help online engineers understand multi-criteria decision scenarios that reflect alternative future developments or different perspectives regarding the relative importance of the criteria.  相似文献   

木薯挖掘铲多目标决策方法及其仿生设计应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决木薯收获机挖掘铲结构优化设计方案选型问题,提出一种基于层次分析法的木薯挖掘铲多目标灰色关联决策方法。根据结构优化设计方案多层次、多指标的特点,建立了木薯挖掘铲设计方案优选决策目标体系。以静力学性能、抗振性、轻量化性能为目标函数构造木薯挖掘铲设计方案优选决策的数学模型,采用灰色关联分析法和层次分析法进行模型求解。将所提出的多目标灰色关联决策方法用于一种挖拔式木薯收获机挖掘铲设计方案选型,获得了综合性能最优的仿生型木薯挖掘铲结构,并为其后续的结构优化设计指明了目标函数。研究表明,所提出的基于层次分析法的木薯挖掘铲多目标灰色关联决策方法具有较高的工程实用性。  相似文献   

圆柱面过盈联接的模糊稳健优化设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
郭惠昕 《机械设计》2002,19(1):14-17
以圆柱面过盈联接设计为例,对可控因素和噪声因素对普通模糊优化设计的稳健性影响进行了分析研究,给出了模糊约束条件的可行稳健性准则;在此基础上,提出了模糊稳健设计思想,给出了一种模糊稳健优化设计建模方法,并针对圆柱面过盈联接给出了模糊稳健优化设计实例。模糊稳健设计是一种新的稳健设计方法,具有广阔的研究和应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍零件配合模糊设计的思路 ,给出软件流程及软件设计中的关键技术  相似文献   

圆柱螺旋弹簧的模糊优化设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将模糊优化方法应用于圆柱螺旋弹簧设计,建立了圆柱螺旋弹簧模糊优化设计的数学模型。求解该模型,可得到整体最优的结构设计方案,使弹簧在满足承载能力和强度要求条件下,可靠度最高、重量最轻。文中给出了设计实例。  相似文献   

装载机轮边减速器的多目标模糊可靠性优化设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在充分考虑轮边减速器各设计参数的随机性和模糊性的基础上 ,建立以体积和齿宽最小为双目标的模糊可靠性优化数学模型 ;给出求解此模型的方法 ,并对实例进行模糊可靠性优化设计  相似文献   

基于多目标决策的协同设计冲突消解方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
针对单一的冲突消解方法的缺点,将冲突对象分为参数层、特征层、结构层和方案层4个层次,着重研究了方案层次的冲突消解。首先,采用多目标决策的目标向量空间的概念对冲突的产生加以数学描述,并对冲突的原因进行了数学解释;然后,根据求解多目标决策问题的优化算法,提出了在方案层次上进行冲突消解的算法,详细描述了该算法的具体实现步骤,以便从多个可行方案中找到符合各方设计人员要求的唯一优化解;最后,应用该算法对某车床纵向进给部件协同设计冲突进行消解,说明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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