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We have developed an algorithm based on synthetic division for deriving the transfer function that cancels the tail of a given arbitrary rational (IIR) transfer function after a desired number of time steps. Our method applies to transfer functions with repeated poles, whereas previous methods of tail-subtraction cannot. We use a parallel state-variable technique with periodic refreshing to induce finite memory in order to prevent accumulation of quantization error in cases where the given transfer function has unstable modes. We present two methods for designing linear-phase truncated IIR (TIIR) filters based on antiphase filters. We explore finite-register effects for unstable modes and provide bounds on the maximum TIIR filter length. In particular, we show that for unstable systems, the available dynamic range of the registers must be three times that of the data. Considerable computational savings over conventional FIR filters are attainable for a given specification of linear-phase filter. We provide examples of filter design. We show how to generate finite-length polynomial impulse responses using TIIR filters. We list some applications of TIIR filters, including uses in digital audio and an algorithm for efficiently implementing Kay's optimal high-resolution frequency estimator  相似文献   

FIR与IIR频率选择滤波器的设计,被广泛应用于数字信号处理领域之中。文章以雷达回波信号的数字处理为例,首先分别设计FIR,IIR滤波器完成了对信号特定频率分量的滤除。进而,针对IIR滤波器的非线性相位,基于最优化设计全通系统实现了相位补偿,并对FIR,IIR滤波器进行了综合比较。  相似文献   

An algorithm for designing an infinite-impulse-response (IIR) stable filter using a finite-impulse-response (FIR) given filter, with the objective of reducing the delay and order, is described. The design is in the time domain using the least-squares-inverse algorithm, which is briefly described. In this method, the numerator of the approximated filter is part of the FIR filter itself and no calculations and minimization are needed to find the numerator coefficients (except finding the FIR roots). An error analysis between the given FIR and approximated IIR filters is provided. This error analysis enables the designer to fix a design parameter, often unnoted, keeping the energies of the approximated and original filters equal. Results and two illustrative examples are presented  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for the characterization of a stable IIR filter matching a finite portion of the impulse response and autocorrelation coefficients of a given FIR filter. It is shown that the problem is reduced to the solution of a set of linear equations derived using the impulse response and autocorrelation data. The method is characterized by its computational simplicity and is illustrated by some examples to show its superior performance when compared to the existing methods  相似文献   

Weighted least-squares approximation of FIR by IIR digital filters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a method for the weighted least-squares approximation of finite impulse response (FIR) filters by infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. It is shown, how a solution to this approximation problem can be obtained by solving a related pure least-squares approximation problem. For the latter, we utilize a generalized version of a previously published technique with low computational complexity and guaranteed stability of the IIR filters. Unlike the well-established model-reduction approaches that are carried out in the state space, our method works directly with the numerator and denominator coefficients of the transfer functions. Thus, the influence of finite-precision arithmetic on the results is small. This makes our approach applicable for the approximation of large-order FIR filters and allows the usage of arbitrarily shaped weighting functions. It is shown that our method can successfully be employed to achieve a uniform approximation  相似文献   

This correspondence describes a synthesis technique for IIR digital filters which allows the use of approximation methods already developed for designing FIR filters. The technique is based on the definition, by means of a suitable transformation, of a FIR filter associated to the desired IIR filter. An example of application is given and the related results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, the design of sampled-data infinite impulse response (IIR) filters based on time-mode signal processing (TMSP) circuits is presented. Time-mode signal processing, defined as the processing of sampled analog information using time-difference variables, is still a relatively new technology, and therefore, there is still much development needed to extend the technology into a general signal-processing tool. In this work, a set of general building blocks will be introduced that perform the most basic mathematical operations in the time-mode. By arranging these basic structures, higher-order time-mode systems, specifically, time-mode IIR filters, will be realized. A second low-pass time-mode IIR filter is implemented using discrete components. Measured results confirmed that the circuit performed low-pass filtering, providing a maximum SNR of 45.2?dB and SNDR of 35.3?dB.  相似文献   

This work addresses the design of LoG filters in the frequency domain within a structure formed by the cascade of quasi-Gaussian and discrete Laplacian filters. The main feature of such a structure is that it requires half the number of convolutions of the classical structure in which the LoG transfer function is expressed as the sum of two separable transfer functions of 1-D Gaussian and LoG type. Such a perspective allows one to rephrase the design of IIR and FIR filters for edge detection as a frequency domain approximation problem solvable by standard digital filter design tools. The zero-phase IIR solutions have a good performance at low orders and approximation errors practically independent of the aperture parameter. The characteristics of the nearly linear-phase IIR filters solving the problem suggest the consideration of linear-phase FIR filters with zeros constrained on the unit circle. The use of such filters leads to remarkable computational savings with respect to the filters designed by impulse response sampling. The agreement between the edge values obtained by the filters designed according to the scheme proposed in this work and those obtained by standard techniques is very good.Work carried out with the financial support of the C.N.R.-Progetto Finalizzato Robotica, contract no. 91.01942.PF67.  相似文献   

Quadratic filters for signal processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polynomial (or Volterra) filters are introduced, and the quadratic filters are presented as the simplest example of such filters. The principle aspects and properties of quadratic filters are derived in the framework of the discrete Volterra expansion. Fixed as well as adaptive filters are considered in one-dimensional and multidimensional environments. Such issues as design and efficient realizations are thoroughly addressed, and standard and advanced adaptation algorithms are presented. Several examples of signal processing applications requiring quadratic filters are discussed  相似文献   

This paper considers the design of an FIR digital filter by interconnecting a number of identical FIR subfilters with the aid of a few additional multipliers and adders. The overall structure is in the form of a tapped cascaded FIR subfilters. A composite method to determine the tapping coefficients along with the coefficients of the subfilter to approximate overall frequency response characteristic is proposed. Several numerical examples illustrating the proposed method are included.  相似文献   

This paper introduces two classes of cosine-modulated causal and stable filter banks (FBs) with near perfect reconstruction (NPR) and low implementation complexity. Both classes have the same infinite-length impulse response (IIR) analysis FB but different synthesis FBs utilizing IIR and finite-length impulse response (FIR) filters, respectively. The two classes are preferable for different types of specifications. The IIR/FIR FBs are preferred if small phase errors relative to the magnitude error are desired, and vice versa. The paper provides systematic design procedures so that PR can be approximated as closely as desired. It is demonstrated through several examples that the proposed FB classes, depending on the specification, can have a lower implementation complexity compared to existing FIR and IIR cosine-modulated FBs (CMFBs). The price to pay for the reduced complexity is generally an increased delay. Furthermore, two additional attractive features of the proposed FBs are that they are asymmetric in the sense that one of the analysis and synthesis banks has a lower computational complexity compared to the other, which can be beneficial in some applications, and that the number of distinct coefficients is small, which facilitates the design of FBs with large numbers of channels.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of noise suppression for multichannel data, such as colour images. The proposed filters utilize adaptive data dependent nonparametric techniques. Simulation results indicate that the new filters suppress impulsive as well as Gaussian noise and preserve edges and details.  相似文献   

A method for the design of linear-phase digital filters by the tapped cascaded interconnection of identical subfilters is presented. The method is an extension of the method proposed by Saramaki (1987). An example is given to show that the number of distinct multipliers of the filter determined by the proposed method is less than that of filters determined by Saramaki's method (1987). We also consider the case in which the subfilters are determined by multiple use of a single filter. In particular, if we can make the subfilters multiplierless then the number or multiplications per sample required to implement the overall filter is less than that required by the direct-form minimax method. Methods for the design of computationally efficient filters are also developed based on the proposed transformation method. The multiplication rate of the overall filter is the same as that of the prototype filter. It is very low as compared to that designed by the equivalent direct-form minimax method. With the proposed transformation method, methods for the design of a filter having nth-order tangency at both ends (0, π) are also developed. This is an extension of Vaidynathan's method (1985) and the proposed transformation method. The advantages of the method are that the resulting filters have very flat passbands and the stopbands are computationally efficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient procedure for the design of interpolated FIR (IFIR) filters with linear phase. The algorithm uses the uniform B-spline function as an interpolator and solves the optimal Chebyshev approximation problem on the optimal subinterval. The technique can be used for the design of general lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters. While the number of multiplications of the IFIR filter is dependent on the bandwidth and the center frequency of the desired filter, it provides the minimum number of multiplications achievable and nearly always provides a substantial reduction when compared to Parks-McClellan designs.  相似文献   

A new technique for the design of a passband linear-phase infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filter is presented. This technique is based on computing orthonormal bases, which span the left and right invariant subspaces associated with the large and small eigenvalues of the cross-Gramian matrix Wc0, which tends to be symmetric and easily constructed. The orthonormal bases are computed by using the ordered real Schur form decomposition, which has been proved to be robust and numerically stable. The proposed technique is illustrated by several examples  相似文献   

The design of two-channel linear-phase nonuniform-division filter (NDF) banks constructed by infinite impulse response (IIR) digital allpass filters (DAFs) in the sense of L/sub /spl infin// error criteria is considered. First, the theory of two-channel NDF bank structures using two IIR DAFs is developed. Then, the design problem is appropriately formulated to result in a simple optimization problem. Utilizing a variant of Karmarkar's algorithm, we can efficiently solve the optimization problem through a frequency sampling and iterative approximation method to find the coefficients for the IIR DAFs. The resulting two-channel NDF banks can possess approximately linear-phase response without magnitude distortion. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is achieved by forming an appropriate Chebyshev approximation of a desired phase response and then to find its solution from a linear subspace in a few iterations. Several simulation examples are presented for illustration and comparison.  相似文献   

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