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This paper presents chemical fractionation and contamination intensities of trace elements in stream sediments at the Sarcheshmeh mine, southeastern Iran, which is one of the world’s largest Oligo-Miocene porphyry copper deposits. Evaluation of environmental pollution indices and maximum probable background concentrations revealed that As, Cu, Cd, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se, S, and Zn are highly concentrated in the contaminated sediments, while Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, and Mn show lower enrichment values. Discharges of industrial effluents (especially those contaminated by tailings), reject waste from the semi-autogenous mill, and rock waste drainages are the main anthropogenic contaminant sources. High values of As, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, and Zn were associated with the oxidizable, primary sulfide, and residual sediment fractions. Relatively high percentages of Co (>92?%), Cr (>58?%), Cu (>79?%), Fe (>40?%), Mn (>97?%), Ni (>87?%), and Zn (>83?%) in the sediments associated with the rock waste drainages were readily released during the extraction of water-soluble, exchangeable, and carbonate fractions. Sediments that received reject waste drainages were also polluted by As (>351.7?mg?kg?1), Cu (>1.58?%), Mo (>91.8?mg?kg?1), Pb (>291.8?mg?kg?1), and Zn (>762.4?mg?kg?1). A large percentage of these contaminants were found to be adsorbed and co-precipitated with amorphous Fe-oxides and carbonate phases. The chemical fractionation pattern of the potentially hazardous trace elements corresponded well with the mineralogical composition of the contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - The effect of the electrokinetic process on the extraction of trapped water was evaluated in the Miduk copper mine’s tailings slurry. The effect of the...  相似文献   

Laboratory and field treatment tests were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of lime treatment for mitigation of environmental effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) at the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine. AMD associated with the rock waste dumps is contaminated with Al (>36,215 μg/L), Cd (>105 μg/L), Co (>522 μg/L), Cu (>53,250 μg/L), Mn (>42,365 μg/L), Ni (>629 μg/L), and Zn (>12,470 μg/L). The concentrations of other metals (Fe, Mo, Pb, and Se) are low or below detection limits (As, Cr, and Sb). Due to the very high Al and Mn content and the low concentration of Fe, a two-stage lime treatment method was chosen for the laboratory tests. In the first stage, the AMD was treated at four pH set points: 7.5, 8.9, 9, and 10. In the second stage, after removing the sludge at pH 9, treatment was continued at pH 10 and 11. The results indicated that a two-stage treatment method was not necessary because elements such as Al, Cu, Co, and Zn were easily treated at pH 7.5, while complete removal of Cd, Mn, and Ni only required a pH of 10. Increasing pH during the treatment process only caused a slight increase in Al. Field treatment tests support the laboratory results. Lime treatment of highly contaminated AMD from dump 11, using simple low density sludge pilot scale equipment, show that contaminant metals are treatable using this method. The mean treatment efficiency for contaminant metals was 99.4% for Al, % for Cd, 99.6% for Co, 99.7% for Cu, 98.5% for Mn, 99.7% for Ni, 99% for U, and 99.5% for Zn. The optimum pH for AMD treatment by lime was in the range of 9–10. The produced sludge in the treatment process was highly enriched in the contaminant metals, especially Cu (>7.34%), Al (>4.76%), Mn (>2.94%), and Zn (>1.25%). A correlation coefficient matrix indicates that the distribution pattern of the contaminant metals between soluble and precipitated phases is consistent with the hydrochemical behavior of the metals during the lime treatment process.  相似文献   

Precipitation, surface, and groundwater samples were collected during 2009–2010 in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine drainage basin, Kerman Province, Iran. Groundwater samples were collected from both shallow and deep aquifers. All of the samples were analyzed for stable isotopes, deuterium (2H), and oxygen-18 (18O), and some were analyzed for tritium (3H). The results show a more restricted range of isotopic composition in groundwater samples than in precipitation samples based on the isotopic composition of the precipitation. The isotopic composition of surface and groundwater samples plot to the right of the local meteoric water line of the Sarcheshmeh area and around the evaporation line, indicating that the groundwater within the study area originates from meteoric water that has undergone secondary evaporation before or during recharge. Tritium was below the detection limit in the deep groundwater samples while shallow groundwater samples had tritium concentrations between 1.2 and 1.7 TU, which indicates a longer residence time for deep groundwater.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was undertaken using mine tailings and soil columns to evaluate some of the natural processes that can control the mobility of metals at Pb–Ag mine tailings impoundments. The effects of buffering, pH, and salinity were examined with tailings from the El Arteal deposit. Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn were mobilized when the tailings were leached. However, when the mine tailings were placed above alluvial soils, Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn were retained, although Fe and Sr clearly remained mobile. Most of the metal retention appears to be associated with the increase in pH caused by calcite dissolution. The sorption of some metals (Cu, Pb, and Zn) onto oxyhydroxides of Fe and Mn, sulphates, clay materials, and organic matter may also explain the removal of these metals from the leachate.  相似文献   

In 1996, the Tab-Simco site, an abandoned coal mine 10 km southeast of Carbondale, Illinois, was listed as one of the most highly contaminated AMD sites in the mid-continent region. A suite of impacted soil and water samples were collected from various locations to characterize the current extent of AMD pollution, following standard U.S. EPA protocols. The mean pH of soil and water samples were found to be 2.69 and 2.07, respectively. The mean sulfur content of the soil samples was 0.5 %. The AMD-impacted soils contained high concentrations of Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, and As. The AMD also contained high concentrations of Fe, As, Zn, Pb, Cr, Al, Cd, Cu, and Ni, as well as \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{2 - }\), all of which were significantly above their U.S. EPA permissible limits for surface water.  相似文献   

This study focused on acid neutralization reactions and the effects of water composition on the release and mobility of metals from mine tailings. The aims of this study were to: investigate leaching of metals from neutral mine tailings, determine the factors responsible for metal leaching, and investigate potential metal filtering by the soil. Tailings and soil samples were collected from an iron mine and analyzed. Equilibrium thermodynamic data and metal fractionation were then used to predict precipitation/dissolution of minerals and ion adsorption/desorption. Three column experiments were designed. The first column was filled with tailings, while the second column contained tailings above a layer of soil; both were leached with distilled water as rainfall. The third column was packed with soil and percolated with synthetic groundwater. The results indicated that iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) mobility are mainly controlled by precipitation–dissolution mechanisms, while sorption onto oxides and carbonates limit the mobility of copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni). Cadmium (Cd) and manganese (Mn) mobility are affected by both mechanisms. Water discharging from column 3 (soil washed with groundwater) contained high concentrations of dissolved metals, indicating that water composition played an important role in metal mobility. Buffering minerals like carbonates and hornblende, chlorite, and albite decreased acid generation.  相似文献   

金属矿山的尾矿库、排土场由于含有大量的重金属,在长期的风化、淋溶作用下缓慢释放,从而污染土壤与地下水。本文对江西某铜矿排土场、尾矿库、疏干井排水口淤泥进行了取样测试。浸出毒性判别结果表明排土场土壤、尾矿砂及淤泥为不具有浸出毒性的危险废物,但浸出液浓度超过《地下水质量标准》中III类水标准,尤其是铜、铅、镉元素超标严重,对地下水环境构成威胁。重金属释放实验显示,随时间增加重金属释放量也增加,酸性降水条件下重金属释放量明显高于中性条件。因此,为避免土壤及地下水受到污染,应采取控制与修复措施。  相似文献   

菲律宾某尾矿中金的赋存状态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
菲律宾某尾矿库中矿样是金矿全泥氰化的浸渣,古Au0.88g/t,含Ag4.94g/t.在传统显镜观察及化学物相分析等研究办法基础上,结合矿物自动分析仪MLA查明尾矿库中金的赋存状态.矿样中82.95%的金以自然金、银金矿形式存在,17.05%以碲金矿、碲金银矿形式存在.自然金、银金矿产出粒度一般小于0.125mm,碲金矿、碲金银矿产出粒度均小于0.020mm,金矿物产出特征复杂,主要以硫化矿物包裹体、褐铁矿包裹体、石英及方解石等脉石矿物包裹体形式存在.  相似文献   

某铜矿的尾砂氨浸研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为充分回收某铜矿中铜资源 ,研究氨浸溶浸采矿法回收尾砂中金属铜的工艺。得最佳浸出条件是 :尾砂与 2 5 %~2 8%浓氨水质量之比 1∶1 6;浸出温度 3 0℃ ;浸出周期 16d ;助浸剂用量 0 2 2mol/L。试验条件下 ,铜浸出率达 85 4%。试验结果对氧化型铜矿的浸出具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The Hydrogeochemistry of Arsenic in the Clara Mine,Germany   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract.   The oxidative dissolution of primary arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals in barite-fluorite veins is a potential source of arsenic in the Clara Mine. Geological structures, especially the mineral veins, provide potential pathways for the water. The highest arsenic concentrations are found in ground water within the eastern part of the mine. Arsenic and major ions are positively correlated and provide evidence that arsenic is likely derived locally from the water-vein/water-rock interaction. Geochemical modeling with PHREEQC shows all the arsenate mineral phases to be significantly undersaturated, although secondary arsenate minerals are common in the oxidized part of the deposit. The mine waters plot near the boundary of Fe(OH)3 and Fe2+ in the pH-Eh diagram for the As-Fe-S-H2O-system. Arsenic occurs as the 5-valent species and . Statistical analysis illustrates a strong association between As, Fe, pH, and HCO3. Oxidation of the primary As-bearing minerals, such as pyrite and arsenopyrite, and the subsequent behavior of the oxyanion, arsenate, generally controls the distribution and speciation of arsenic. The low concentrations of dissolved As is due to co-precipitation and adsorption of arsenate by Fe, Al, and Mn (oxy)hydroxides.  相似文献   

以某铅锌浮选尾矿为研究对象,采用尾矿再磨—铅锌混合浮选—活化选锌工艺对原尾矿中的有价金属元素进行综合回收试验研究。结果表明,在磨矿细度-74μm占82%的条件下,以乙硫氮和丁基黄药为铅锌混合浮选捕收剂,锌浮选采用硫化钠和硫酸铜活化,以丁基黄药和异戊基黄药为捕收剂,开路试验所得浮选产品中铅锌混合精矿中铅、锌的回收率分别为36.4%和18.0%,锌粗精矿中锌的回收率达到57.6%,原尾矿中有价金属元素得到了有效回收。  相似文献   

贵州某金矿尾矿综合利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为给贵州某金矿综合利用其尾矿资源提供初步的技术基础,进行了试验研究,试验采用浮选的方法先将金富集在金精矿中,然后对这种金精矿采用焙烧-氰化浸出的方法进行处理。试验取得了较好的效果:金精矿品位达到43.4g/t,回收率达到90.56%,尾矿品位为0.21 g/t;焙烧后金精矿的浸出率可达80.94%。因此,在该金矿进行尾矿的综合利用是完全可行的。  相似文献   

对江西某铜矿排土场、尾矿库、疏干井排水口淤泥进行了取样测试。浸出毒性判别结果表明排土场土壤、尾矿砂及淤泥为不具有浸出毒性的危险废物,但浸出液重金属浓度超过《地下水质量标准》中Ⅲ类水标准,尤其是铜、铅、镉元素超标严重,对地下水环境构成威胁。重金属释放实验显示,随时间增加重金属释放量也增加,酸性降水条件下重金属释放量明显高于中性条件。因此,为避免土壤及地下水受到污染,应采取控制与修复措施。  相似文献   

平水铜矿尾矿回收重晶石的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对平水铜矿尾矿性质、筛细分析,重晶石主要富集在-200目粒级,如果把占产率22.66%的 200目粒级分离出去,其平均品位为2.30%,回收率仅损失4.54%.在重选分离效果不太明显的条件下,进行浮选试验.采用捕收剂十二烷基硫酸钠(150g/t),抑制剂硅酸钠(800g/t),调整剂碳酸钠(2 000g/t),在闭路试验中,取得了品位91.68%,回收率80.43%的指标.  相似文献   

从国内外几个典型尾矿坝事故分析入手,就导致尾矿坝失事的原因进行论述,认为管理、洪水、渗透及液化等是导致尾矿坝失事的主要原因,从而阐述应吸取的教训。  相似文献   

张兴旺  孙志勇 《现代矿业》2020,36(11):117-120
某金矿尾矿含金0.68 g/t,含银4.50 g/t,具有较高的综合利用价值,为进一步回收有用元素,对某金矿尾矿进行了工艺矿物学和选别工艺流程研究。原矿物相分析结果表明,金以自然金和包裹金的形式存在,其中自然金占56.50%。浮选试验结果表明:在-0.074 mm 80%的条件下,采用1粗1扫3精的浮选工艺流程,可获得金品位27.68 g/t、银品位107.311 g/t、金回收率72.18%、银回收率42.77%的金精矿,综合回收效果较好。  相似文献   

某铁矿尾矿综合回收工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张亚辉  施维  周超  李妍  季婷婷 《金属矿山》2011,40(7):153-156
对某含铁21.77%、铜0.20%、硫1.03%的尾矿砂的化学成分及主要矿物物相进行了分析,并针对性地制定了铁、铜、硫回收试验的弱磁-强磁-还原焙烧-弱磁-铜硫混浮-铜硫分离原则流程,在试验确定的最优工艺技术条件下,获得了产率20.39%、铁品位61.62%、回收率57.71%的铁精矿,铜品位14.57%、回收率3.21%的铜精矿,硫品位38.21%、回收率10.95%的硫精矿。得出铁矿物回收经济效益显著、铜硫矿物回收效益不理想的结论。  相似文献   

陕西某铜尾矿资源化利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢建宏  崔长征  宛鹤 《金属矿山》2009,39(4):161-164
对陕西某铜尾矿进行了包括再选和再选尾矿制砖的资源化利用研究。结果表明:原尾矿经螺旋溜槽1次选别,可抛弃产率达85.53%的预选尾矿;预选精矿经磨矿后进行铜硫依次浮选,可得到品位为15.86%,对预选精矿回收率为83.24%的合格铜精矿和品位为41.68%,对预选精矿回收率为85.96%的合格硫精矿。将再选全尾矿与水泥及当地建筑砂配合,可制备出强度达到MU10标准的尾矿免烧砖。  相似文献   

Mu  Wenping  Wu  Xiong  Ding  Hanghang  Geng  Fuqiang  Yu  Shuai  Zhang  Xiao 《Mine Water and the Environment》2022,41(4):906-920
Mine Water and the Environment - Comprehensive analysis of hydrogeological conditions at a typical coal mine in northwestern China allowed us to establish a groundwater numerical model, which we...  相似文献   

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