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In most industries the goods and money move in opposite directions, but in waste management the goods and money travel in the same direction. Consequently to the customer, quality of goods and service might be measured only by price. However, customers are now becoming more sensitive to factors such as environmental quality. They are also becoming aware of the range of disposal options, together with the names of the companies which operate these disposal or treatment sites. Essentially the options are: recyling and recovery, sea disposal, landfill, physico-chemical treatment, solidification, biological treatment and thermal destruction. The Control of Pollution Act 1974 requires that all landfill sites and treatment centres are licensed by the waste disposal authority. These authorities are obliged to act in the public interest, and hence there is a complex interaction of science and politics. This situation often gives rise to localized opposition to facilities which are needed by the community. The UK disposes of 83 per cent of its potentially difficult wastes to landfill whilst Holland disposes of 52 per cent via this route. The cost of disposal varies throughout Europe but, in general, prices in the UK are lower than in Europe, which has led to the importation of wastes from the continent. Economics applies to the waste-disposal industry as much as any other industry, therefore facilities are supplied in response to demand. Price alone will not always be adequate in obtaining the ‘best practical environmental option’. disposal the goods and the money go in the same direction, i.e. to the waste management contractor. This at first sight may not seem important until it is realized that the major control upon the quality of a service is, in fact, the satisfaction with the goods and service which the customer receives. In most cases it is sufficient that the customer disposes of the waste material in a legal manner. However, the judgement of quality of disposal could be of little consequence to him. The factors that concern a customer when he chooses a service include the price, the quality of service, market presentation and reputation. These factors apply in the waste management industry, but the difficulty for the customer is to judge the quality of the service and the market presentation or, more correctly in this case, the quality of operation of the waste contractor. If the latter two factors become difficult to judge, the price becomes a critical factor. This leads to a low standard of operation in the business where price competition becomes more important than the quality of the service. Companies are looking not just for the cheapest legal option but for the best option and what has been referred to as the ‘best practical environmental option’. In the UK the vast majority of hazardous waste disposal is carried out by private-sector companies. Therefore it is essential that the Government sets the correct framework, and that an examination is carried out as to whether the framework is satisfactory and whether it achieves the needs of the Government.  相似文献   

Measuring the value of information sharing (VIS) in different inventory policies can help general contractor to improve materials and equipments management in construction supply chain. The models for measuring the VIS under (s, S) and Periodic Review (PR) inventory policies are established. A method to compare the VIS is given in a two-level construction supply chain, which aims to measure the impacts of supply quantity information of materials on general contractor's service level and total inventory cost under different inventory policies. A numerical example is proposed to explore the gap of VIS between (s, S) and PR inventory policies in a rebar supply chain. The results show that general contractor's service level in (s, S) inventory is higher than PR's and total inventory cost in (s, S) inventory is lower than PR's in the case of no information sharing. In the case of information sharing, general contractor's service level in PR inventory policy is higher than (s, S) policy; however, it is implemented by the increase of total inventory cost. This research provides valuable information to help general contractor to make correct decision on inventory management in supply chain at firm-level.  相似文献   

The careless or unprofessional handling of hazardous wastes in many places around the world led to severe damage of nature, concurrent with considerable long-term health risks to human beings. This motivated several countries to develop new secure and sustainable waste management strategies in order to enhance the future quality of nature and life. The process of world globalization and the coalescence of its markets increased the importance of formulation and implementation of accepted environmental standards. The rising environmental and ecological awareness in Israel puts the contemporary and common waste handling practices under close scrutiny. An intensive exchange of experiences with other countries is called for, so that the responsible authorities can formulate improved and sustainable waste management strategies, which are specifically tailored to the particular environmental, demographic, economic and political conditions of Israel.The German environmental protection and waste legislation demands an underground disposal of highly contaminated wastes, in order to guarantee that harmful substances are excluded durably from the biosphere. In view of its size and the political situation in Israel, this way of waste disposal seems to be an appropriate waste management strategy aimed at minimising the environmental risks, and the harmful effect of hostile actions against deposits of hazardous wastes. The German waste management policies and practices, which are based on many years of experience, are reviewed first as a guideline for safe long-term underground disposal of hazardous wastes in Israel. Using these guidelines, potentially suitable locations in Israel are selected with special reference to their geohydrological, geological and geomechanical conditions, and then they were evaluated using environmental criteria derived from German standards of waste disposal. The results of this preliminary environmental evaluation, and some relevant geomechanical designs, are presented and discussed. Finally, economic aspects, and further steps, which are needed to safeguard future implementation of the underground disposal system, are considered.  相似文献   

This study adapts a climate change mitigation model to assess impacts of municipal solid wastes in the Middle East and North Africa region, taking into account the future development of integrated waste management infrastructure involving collection, treatment and disposal. Mitigated and unmitigated disposal scenarios including waste growth reduction are used to estimate disposal methane emission changes at regional and subregional level. This study shows that unmitigated regional emissions by 2050 could rise to 296 542 GgCO2eq from a current level in 2015 of 128 184 GgCO2eq additionally decreasing annually by up to 8.75% falling to 10.16% due to waste characterisation changes as developing countries in the region progress to developed country status. A further annual rise, due to hotter drier climate conditions experienced as desertification, of up to a range of 1.70% increasing to 2.29% is also demonstrated. The findings enable regional planners to better assess and develop plans for implementation of integrated waste management policies.  相似文献   

The capacity planning problem examined in this paper has a number of applications in the environmental management area including municipal solid waste management, hazardous waste treatment and disposal, and municipal wastewater sludge management. A dynamic programming formulation is presented for the specific capacity planning problem, and considerations of problem structure that allow computational efficiencies are discussed. This long-term planning model is applied to hypothetical and case-study problems from the municipal solid waste management area. The problem is generalized and compared to other problem types in the capacity planning literature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper develops a solid-waste management model that tracts the composition and amount of waste flow in an urban area from Waste generation through to recycling, waste collection, and waste disposal. It also calculates the environmental, economic and fiscal impacts waste management activities. The model is applied to a case study of the compatibility of recycling and a proposed energy-from-waste plant in Toronto, Canada. The results indicate that the two waste management options have a number of interdepedencies, but that not all are conflicting.  相似文献   

This paper compares the land-based disposal of municipal and hazardous waste in Europe and North America, and the various disposal options are examined for each type of waste. It is concluded that landfill is still the most widely practised disposal method for most wastes in both continents. Other methods include composting, land farming, trenching/spraying, and deep underground disposal. More stringent controls on waste disposal are being introduced and a trend to seek greater uniformity of practice and standards is developing. However, local conditions, such as the nature of the wastes and the availability and nature of disposal sites, continue to work against this trend. There is no single method which is suitable for all wastes and for all conditions. The best environmental option for waste management will vary from place to place and waste to waste, therefore an imposed uniformity of practice is not in the best environmental interest.  相似文献   

王婷  王家远  武冬 《建筑经济》2016,(2):100-103
梳理建筑废弃物填埋对环境影响的主要因素,结合系统动力学方法,运用Vensim软件构建建筑废弃物填埋处置的环境影响动态模型。以深圳市为例,借助社会支付意愿的概念将环境影响转化为货币形式进行建筑垃圾填埋对环境影响的定量计算,结合模拟分析对制定建筑废弃物处置政策提出建议。  相似文献   

The quantities of hazardous wastes generated in New Zealand are relatively small, both in total volume and on a per capita basis: they consist principally of liquids and solids derived from primary industries such as horticulture and forestry, and from the Petroleum, chemical and manufacturing industries. There is no satisfactory inventory of hazardous waste quantities or relative toxicity at the national level, nor is there any central coordinating organisation responsible for the implementation of sound management strategies. Current legislation involves several Government departments in statutory or advisory roles connected with hazardous waste management, but administration of disposal practices devolves to regional and local authorities. The occasional uncontrolled discharge of chemical wastes, unsatisfactory past practices regarding landfill siting and leachate management, and the development of major petrochemical industries, together require better coordinated and enforced policies concerning hazardous waste disposal. The most widely advocated method of hazardous waste disposal for New Zealand is codisposal in appropriately sited and controlled landfills, with particular emphasis on protection of freshwater resources, both surface and subsurface. The secure landfill solution adopted for the Waireka chemical dump site near New Plymouth demonstrates that containment is a necessary management strategy in particular situations: alternative methods of disposal such as incineration of certain intractable wastes should also be promoted as technically feasible and environmentally acceptable. Greater use of replacement, recycling or reprocessing must be encouraged in order to minimise the quantities, and toxicity of hasardous wastes requiring disposal in New Zealand.  相似文献   

科学测度信息共享在建筑供应链决策中的价值,对提高承包商的运作绩效具有重要意义。借鉴传统供应链信息共享价值分析的研究思路,结合建筑供应链管理实践,建立建筑供应链信息共享价值测度模型。以总承包商和材料设备供应商组成的供应链为例,建立供应商是否同总承包商共享供货信息对总承包商的服务水平和库存成本的影响的信息共享价值测度模型;以钢筋的采购管理为例,对该模型进行模拟分析。结果表明:共享信息可以提高总承包商的服务水平,降低总库存成本;供应商服务水平越低、供货提前期越大,信息共享对总承包服务水平和总库存成本的影响越大。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of a multi-channel monitoring system for recording, processing, and analyzing volatile organic compound (VOC) levels discharged to the atmosphere from a walk-in hood in a hazardous waste management facility. The monitoring system consists of an array of PID (photo ionization detector) sensors and a networked control program that provides operational schematic diagram, performs data analyses, and illustrates real-time graphical displays. Furthermore, the system records potential worker exposures, exhaust filtration efficiency and environmental release levels. Multi-channel continuous monitoring of VOCs is successfully implemented during chemical bulking operations. It is shown that a real-time monitoring system is effective for early warning detection of hazardous chemicals and for predicting the performance of adsorption filters used for VOC removal. In addition, a connected local weather visualization system supports efforts to minimize potential health and environmental impacts of VOC emissions to surrounding areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results obtained during a decade of scientific activities in the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory(URL)located on the eastern boundary of the Paris Basin,in the Callovo-Oxfordian clay rock formation.The URL was built in the framework of ANDRA’s research program into the feasibility of a reversible deep geological disposal of high-level and intermediate-level long-lived radioactive(HL,ILLL)waste.Its underground drifts have been used to study a 160-million-year old clay layer.The 2006 Planning Act adopted this disposal concept as the reference solution for the long-term management of HL and ILLL radioactive waste.Today,research is continuing into the design and sitting of the disposal facility which could be commissioned by 2025 if its license is granted in 2016.Through these programs, the laboratory will help ANDRA develop a concrete approach with a view to proposing suitable architectures and management methods for a deep disposal facility,to allow by 2016 the decision for the start of the construction of the shafts and drifts of the new disposal facility.  相似文献   

System analysis for solid waste management has received wide attention from both economic and environmental planners because of the complex nature of these multi-faceted linkages between source generation, collection, recycling, treatment, and disposal. One of the recent issues in the operational program is how to properly handle the impacts due to various solid waste streams generated with varying heating values in different service area, which have to be destined for incineration and disposal. This paper explores a new idea that the optimal shipping strategy could be rearranged or reorganized from time to time with respect to the varying quantity and quality of solid waste streams in order to meet both the energy recovery and throughput requirements simultaneously in a solid waste management system. Through the application of goal programming models, research findings in this paper clearly indicate that such a management strategy may provide flexibility for those metropolitan regions where the problems of rapid growth of solid waste generation, residents' reluctance to adopt recycling activities, and insufficient incineration capacity must be taken into account at one time. A case study for the western Taipei County in Taiwan shows the application potential of such a methodology.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes present a critical environmental challenge for the United States in the 1980s. Part of the challenge involves cleaning up or containing abandoned and uncontrolled waste disposal sites. The larger part of the challenge is to properly manage the hazardous wastes that are keyed to the productivity of the national economy. This article briefly overviews what the wastes are and how much exists; what their potential is for adverse human health effects and environmental degradation; federal legislation designed to regulate hazardous wastes; and the nature of public opposition toward siting new facilities. This summary precedes a more in-depth discussion of research designed to assess land use suitability for siting new hazardous waste facilities based on water supply, and other physical and cultural siting criteria. Results indicate that initially suitable sites do exist for siting new facilities. Planners can play an important role by identifying suitable sites through their knowledge of land use, environment regulation, and with the aid of the screening process reported here.  相似文献   

建筑业采用集成式的供应链管理是降低建设工程成本的重要方法。为解决传统工程采购模式存在的合作度低、采购效率低下、对不确定性的应变能力差等缺陷。对比了建筑供应链管理环境下与传统工程采购模式的特点,基于供应链契约理论,构建了承包商与供应商之间的数量弹性采购契约模型,并证明了该契约模式可以有效应对工程采购中需求的不确定性。结论表明,建筑供应链管理下的数量弹性采购契约模式可以使承包商灵活地进行特定的采购活动,进而使建筑供应链上下游企业在一定程度上达到协调。  相似文献   

基于业主、总承包商、分包商之间的多级委托代理关系,分别构建“业主—总承包商” 一级激励机制模型和“业主—总承包商—两个分包商” 二级激励机制模型,分析信息结构对多级工程供应链中多边决策行为的影响。研究发现: 无论是一级激励还是二级激励, 多边不对称信息的存在使得总承包商获得信息租金,从而扭曲总承包商工作努力和业主的收益; 业主在选择合作伙伴时, 委托代理链越长, 越要谨慎考察总承包商的能力水平;随着委托代理链的增长,业主和总承包商宁愿降低自身收益,以激励总承包商和分包商努力工作。  相似文献   

With nuclear energy production certain to increase worldwide in the coming decades, long-term nuclear waste storage and disposal must finally become a reality. Expansion in nuclear energy offers the potential to limit global carbon dioxide emissions in the coming decades of expected growth in demand and supply of electricity worldwide. Australia stands to continue to profit from its role as a major supplier of uranium to the world's nuclear industry. Australia is regarded as a preferred country from a range of perspectives. It is argued that Australia should give serious consideration to hosting an international depository. This paper describes the issues of high level waste management and how they relate to a possible facility in Australia.  相似文献   

在我国城镇化转向注重质量发展背景下,传统公服设施配置思路已难以适应居民多元化需求,尤其在用地紧张的老城区,公服设施需求与供给的矛盾十分突出。以广州越秀老城区为例,基于公服设施POI数据和步行轨迹大数据解析老城区现有公服设施存在问题,同时结合对越秀区梅花街道86位居民的访谈调研,以不同人群活动特征为出发点,通过测度设施布局与人群活动轨迹特征,提出有别于新区的老城公服设施优化策略。研究表明:现有相关设施配置标准更多是解决“有”与“无”的问题,而忽视设施实际设施使用效果;老城区设施规划应区别新区集中式设施服务中心,结合不同人群生活需求和出行特征,以点状分散、路径串联的模式优化设施布局,可以一定程度上改变老城区发展困境。  相似文献   

围绕石油化工行业危险废物特征,结合危险废物的常规处置技术,探讨适合于该行业的危险废物处置技术.鉴于水泥窑协同处置技术的独特优势和发展前景,分析了其在石油化工行业危险废物处置上的可行性.  相似文献   

工程供应链物流管理对于工程系统绩效具有十分重要的意义。根据工程物流的实际运作情况,构建出工程供应链物流管理的概念模型并对其进行系统分析。在此基础上,提出了工程供应链物流管理的特点及其面临的关键问题;并遵循工程供应链物流管理的协调优化思想给出几点策略建议:构建"集成"、"协调"与"共享"的物流运作原则;统一规划物流运作系统,构建可靠的物流运作网络;与供应商构建战略伙伴关系,整合物流运营商的运输能力;构建施工承包商与物资供应商的信息共享机制等,旨在为提高工程供应链中物流管理的绩效提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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