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水合物法分离捕集二氧化碳(CO2)是实现碳减排的重要技术。然而,受制于气体水合物形成分解微观机理的不明确,水合物形成速度慢及气体消耗量低两个关键问题还未得到解决,气体水合物CO2分离捕集技术还未得到商业应用。为了揭示气体水合物形成微观机理,本研究利用激光Raman光谱仪对不同实验条件下生成的CO2水合物进行测试,详细分析了生成的气体水合物的Raman峰,利用低温高压差式扫描量热仪(DSC)对含环戊烷(CP)体系中CO2水合物形成分解进行热表征。研究发现,恒容条件下,初始压力为2.5MPa时,气体消耗量为0.0187 mol/mol,CO2的Raman峰出现在1276.3 cm-1和1379.6 cm-1;初始压力为5.0MPa时,气体消耗量为0.744mol/mol,CO2的Raman峰出现在1276.1 cm-1和1379.6 cm-1。CO2水合物形成分解热结果表明,一方面,随着操作温度、压力条件的变化,形成水合物的种类与结构发生改变;另一方面,对于相同初始体系,最终形成的水合物不是单一的,而是多种水合物共存。此研究结果为进一步理清气体水合物形成微观机理提供了理论基础和重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

The direct recovery of methane from gas hydrate‐bearing sediments is demonstrated, where a gaseous mixture of CO2 + N2 is used to trigger a replacement reaction in complex phase surroundings. A one‐dimensional high‐pressure reactor (8 m) was designed to test the actual aspects of the replacement reaction occurring in natural gas hydrate (NGH) reservoir conditions. NGH can be converted into CO2 hydrate by a “replacement mechanism,” which serves double duty as a means of both sustainable energy source extraction and greenhouse gas sequestration. The replacement efficiency controlling totally recovered CH4 amount is inversely proportional to CO2 + N2 injection rate which directly affecting solid ‐ gas contact time. Qualitative/quantitative analysis on compositional profiles at each port reveals that the length more than 5.6 m is required to show noticeable recovery rate for NGH production. These outcomes are expected to establish the optimized key process variables for near future field production tests. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 1004–1014, 2015  相似文献   

盖层不封闭且胶结弱是海域天然气水合物储层开采面临的挑战之一。直接降压开采所得气水比低,还可能引发储层失稳。对此,一种基于水合物原理的储层改造方法被提出,即向水合物储层上方注入CO2形成人工CO2水合物盖层,从而构造出一个相对封闭的开采环境。在前期工作基础上,本文研究了注入CO2+N2混合气改造-开采CH4水合物储层的可行性。研究结果表明注入混合气体能够形成渗透性低、稳定性好的CO2水合物盖层,可以有效降低降压开采过程中的产水量及提高CH4采收率。当注入的混合气中N2比例较高时,过量的N2对CH4水合物的分解存在促进作用,但N2随甲烷采出增加了后续的分离难度。当注入的混合气中CO2的比例较高时,人工盖层阻水效果更强,但CO2产出量也随之增加,且限制了CH4采收率的进一步提高。后续研究需要进一步优化注-采工艺条件来提高开采效率和降低气体分离能耗。  相似文献   

雷晓  邓建强  张早校 《化工进展》2012,31(6):1338-1346
海底沉积物层内CO2封存被认为是缓解全球气候变暖的有效途径,本文介绍了CO2封存时水合物自封机理、水合物形成条件和水合物稳定带范围,描述了水合物生成动力学研究现状,包括成核动力学、生长动力学以及水合物结晶过程驱动力,水合物的成核模型有成簇成核模型、成簇成核扩展模型、界面成核模型、Chen-Guo模型,水合物生长动力学模型有Englezos、Kvamme生长模型、指数增长模型、流体流动模型以及LB模型,水合驱动力有化学势差、温差、吉布斯自由能差、浓度差、压差或逸度差。总结了多孔介质渗透率和孔隙度随水合物成核和生长的演化关系,有KC模型、NR模型、平行毛细管束模型、渗透率下降模型和Morisdis相对渗透率模型,最后介绍了CO2水合实验情况,展望了CO2海底沉积物层内封存与水合物相关的科学问题。  相似文献   

Capture of CO2 by hydrate is one of the attractive technologies for reducing greenhouse effect.The primary challenges are the large energy consumption,low hydrate formation rate and separation efficiency.This work presents a new method for capture of CO2 from simulated flue gasCO2(16.60%,by mole) /N2 binary mixture by formation of cyclopentane(CP) hydrates at initial temperature of 8.1°C with the feed pressures from 2.49 to 3.95 MPa.The effect of cyclopentane and cyclopentane/water emulsion on the hydrate formation rate and CO2 separation efficiency was studied in a 1000 ml stirred reactor.The results showed the hydrate formation rate could be increased remarkably with cyclopentane/water emulsion.CO2 could be enriched to 43.97%(by mole) and 35.29%(by mole) from simulated flue gas with cyclopentane and cyclopentane/water(O/W) emulsion,respectively,by one stage hydrate separation under low feed pressure.CO2 separation factor with cyclopentane was 6.18,higher than that with cyclopentane/water emulsion(4.01) ,in the range of the feed pressure.The results demonstrated that cyclopentane/water emulsion is a good additive for efficient hydrate capture of CO2.  相似文献   

In this work, experimental dissociation data for clathrate hydrates of methyl cyclopentane, methyl cyclohexane, cyclopentane or cyclohexane+carbon dioxide are reported at different temperatures. The experimental data were generated using an isochoric pressure-search method. The reliability of this method is examined by generating new dissociation data for clathrate hydrates of methyl cyclopentane+methane and comparing them with the experimental data reported in the literature. The acceptable agreement demonstrates the reliability of the experimental method used in this work. The experimental data for all measured systems are finally compared with the corresponding literature data in the absence of the above mentioned cyclic compounds to identify their promotion effects.  相似文献   

A methodology for predicting the incipient equilibrium conditions for carbon dioxide gas hydrates in the presence of electrolytes such as NaCl, KCl and CaCl2 is presented. The method utilizes the statistical thermodynamics model of van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) to describe the solid hydrate phase. Three different models were examined for the representation of the liquid phase: Chen and Evans (1986), Zuo and Guo (1991), and Aasberg-Petersen et al. (1991). It was found that the model of Zuo and Guo (1991) gave the best results for predicting incipient CO2 gas hydrate conditions in aqueous single salt solutions. The model was then extended for prediction of CO2 gas hydrates in mixed salts solutions. The predictions agree very well with experimental data.  相似文献   

在CO2水合物浆流动传热特性测试实验系统上,采用套管式电加热的方法对CO2水合物浆进行了分解实验,并对CO2水合物浆的流动传热特性进行了分析。对CO2水合物浆的相变特性进行了研究,得到CO2水合物浆的相变温度在8~12℃。研究了在固相体积分数为13.2%以及流速为0.45m/s的条件下CO2水合物浆在内径为8mm的水平不锈钢管中的传热特性,计算得到CO2水合物浆在不锈钢水平圆管中的对流传热系数为1500~1800 W/(m2·K),并且其在流动传热过程中呈现先增大随后趋向平稳的趋势,在水合物的相变区相应的对流传热系数表现最大。研究了分解加热功率对管壁温和对流传热系数的影响,发现加热功率对管壁温度的影响较强。在实际应用中可利用CO2水合物浆的相变作用来增强传热,提高传热效率。  相似文献   

Hydrate dissociation conditions were studied for the CO2/refrigerant + sucrose/fructose/glucose solution systems as a continuation of previous work into alternate separation technologies for the sugar manufacturing industries. Experimental data were measured following the isochoric pressure method for the CO2 + sucrose/fructose solution systems. The refrigerants studied for the modeling purpose were R410a, R507, R134a, and R22 using literature data. The pressure and temperature ranges for the experimental data measured here were (1.80–4.10) MPa and (276.6–282.6) K, respectively, with solutions measured in the composition range between 0 to 0.40 mass fraction sucrose and fructose. Several models following the Van der Waals–Platteeuw solid solution theory were developed to predict the hydrate dissociation conditions of CO2/fluorinated refrigerant in the presence of sucrose/fructose/glucose solutions. The modeling results provide a satisfactory representation of the experimental data, with AARD(P) % model errors in the overall range between 0.03% and 4.40%.  相似文献   

总结了近年来国内外CO2置换CH4水合物的相平衡研究成果,包括置换机理、相平衡实验、混合水合物相平衡的影响因素及相平衡研究的应用。研究表明,电解质溶液、微波等体现了电场对水合物形成的作用力;表面活性剂、多孔介质需要考虑界面张力、吸附等作用对相平衡条件的影响;气体组分对水合物形成的影响与各自的水合物相平衡条件、组分之间的相互作用有一定关系。目前的相平衡实验研究多采用观察法,有一定的误差,并且无法研究多孔介质内的水合物形成情况,因此需要结合一些微观成像技术、色谱分析技术满足实验要求;液态或乳化液形式的CO2由于其运输、注入、分离、置换效果的优势受到了重视,但是相关的相平衡研究尚处于起步阶段;CO2置换的工程实际条件不同于实验室,注热或降压措施的影响范围较大,所以考虑多孔介质沉积层的多个物理场变化的相平衡研究将是今后研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

A new 750 cm3 pilot test rig based on the “isochoric pressure method” was designed and commissioned for the hydrate measurements to concentrate sucrose solutions. The reactor included an improved agitation system and enabled sampling of the sucrose solutions. The experimental method was validated be performing dissociation measurements for the CO2 + water system. Gas hydrate kinetic and sampling data were measured for the CO2 + sucrose solutions at sucrose concentrations between (12–60) oBrix, within the temperature range of (274.65–276.15) K and at pressures up to 3.70 MPa. Results showed that sucrose is a kinetic inhibitor. The data were modeled to obtain hydrate formation rate, storage capacity, gas consumption and apparent rate constant. Stage-wise concentration measurements were performed with reactor conditions at 274.65 K, 3.70 MPa and 130 rpm mixer speed with liquid sample withdrawal. A final sucrose product of approximately 60 oBrix was obtained.  相似文献   

赵光华 《化工进展》2016,35(Z2):396-400
利用季铵盐类化合物[四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)、四丁基氟化铵(TBAF)]作为热力学促进剂对CO2(9.06%,摩尔分数)+N2(90.94%,摩尔分数)混合气体进行水合分离实验。结果表明:在279.15 K、2.0 MPa下,0.293% TBAF溶液中,CO2能够在水合物相中富集到37.73%(摩尔分数),分离因子13.23,回收率28.44%。TBAF对CO2的富集程度和分离效果要优于TBAB。同时将实验结果与文献中季铵盐类化合物以及同样实验条件下四氢呋喃(THF)水合分离实验结果进行比较,发现本实验的分离效果要低于文献中CO2-N2-TBAB体系,分离因子高于同样实验条件下CO2-N2-THF体系,但回收率低于CO2-N2-THF体系。  相似文献   

Sugar cane juice concentration via evaporation is the traditional method, though the downside in this technique is the product loss due to sucrose inversion. Gas hydrate separation is an emerging technology applied in desalination, carbon capture, and in this study, for concentrating fruit juice by trapping the water in the form of crystalline cages. A 750 cm3 hydrate reactor was used for hydrate formation experiments to concentrate the sugar cane juice, with a sampling of the concentrate to determine the final solids content. Hydrate formation experiments showed the successful concentration of a 0.12 mass fraction feed to approximately 0.56 mass fraction using four batchwise concentration stages. A comparison of the energy usage between the evaporation train as used in sugar factories and a single batch hydrate formation stage, to concentrate a 0.12 mass fraction feed to 0.30 mass fraction showed an energy reduction of approximately 20% for the hydrate method.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate is a nonstoichiometric crystal compound formed from water and gas. Most nonvisual studies on gas hydrate are unable to detect how much water is converted to hydrates, and thus, the hydrate stoichiometry calculations are inaccurate. This study investigated the CO2 hydrate formation process in porous media directly and quantitatively. The characteristics of the time-variable consumption of hydrate formation indicated a two-stage formation, hydrate enclathration and continuous occupancy. The enclathration stage occurred in the first 20 min of the formation when considerable heat is released. The continuous occupancy stage lasted longer than the hydrate enclathration because the empty cages in previously formed hydrates would also be occupied. The higher formation pressures can accelerate water consumption and increase cage occupancy. The compositions of completely formed CO2 hydrates at 2.7, 3.0, and 3.3 MPa and 275.15 K were determined as CO2·6.90H2O, CO2·6.70H2O, and CO2·6.49H2O, respectively.  相似文献   

向海底地层和枯竭油气藏中注入CO2气体形成稳定的CO2水合物是一种极具前景的CO2封存技术。为了进一步探究这一技术,本文利用水合物法进行了多组3MPa、5℃天然湿砂的CO2封存实验模拟。初始水饱和度设置为10%、40%、70%,分别进行了纯水封存实验和3.5%(质量分数)NaCl溶液的封存实验,还利用自主研发的反应釜系统探索了3种不同进气方向(顶部进气、横置进气、底部进气)下的CO2封存效果。结果发现横置进气的封存量普遍大于顶部进气的封存量,底部进气的封存量最小,而且横置进气的封存速度最快;初始水饱和度越高,水合物饱和度就越高,但水合物转化率越低,CO2固态封存比例也越低;与纯水实验相比,盐的存在降低了CO2的封存量,固态封存比例也会低于纯水实验,但封存速度更快。本文为实际工程操作时合理控制封存地层水饱和度、盐度以及合适的进气方向提供了依据。  相似文献   

研制了一台能够连续制备蓄冷用CO2水合物的压缩式循环实验装置,并在该装置上研究了充注压力对水合物的预冷时间、生成质量、水合比例和潜热蓄冷量的影响。实验结果表明水合物在CO2气泡上升过程中生成,在气液界面处堆积。高的充注压力有着更理想的蓄冷特性,当充注压力为4.2 MPa时,预冷时间为8 min、水合物生成质量为8.44 kg、水合比例为75.1%、水合物潜热蓄冷量为4.22 MJ。充注压力为3.8 MPa及以上时,水合物生成量大,水合物阻碍釜内各部分的传热,使釜内中层、下层的温差较大。水合物生成过程后期,水合放热量减少,液体CO2在反应釜内的蒸发吸热效应使得釜内温度继续降低,一直到低于0℃,充注压力越高,此现象越明显。  相似文献   

水合物法捕集CO2技术因其清洁环保、工艺简单等优点成为研究热点。但气液传热传质速度慢导致的形成速率慢、储气能力低等关键问题亟待解决。利用13X分子筛耦合四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)促进剂在279.15~280.65K、3.0~6.0MPa研究了CO2/H2(39.8% CO2/60.2% H2)水合物的形成过程的压降曲线和气体消耗量,并对比分析了TBAB浓度、压力对其促进效果的影响。实验结果表明,与采用搅拌方式的TBAB/CO2/H2水合物形成过程相比,13X分子筛可显著提高TBAB/CO2/H2水合物的压降速率和气体消耗量。在279.15K、3.0MPa,随着TBAB溶液浓度增大,CO2/H2水合物形成过程的气体消耗量先增大后减小;而当温压条件为280.65K、3.0MPa时,气体消耗量随耦合促进剂中TBAB浓度变化仍遵循类似规律。此外,13X分子筛耦合TBAB促进剂对CO2/H2水合物压降速率和气体消耗量的影响随着实验压力升高而升高。  相似文献   

Based on its low cost and low water adsorption capacity, compared to synthetic zeolites (A-type, X-type and Y-type), natural, untreated clinoptilolite was examined as a potential adsorbent for a separation process targeting on removal of CO2 from flue gas. Taking into consideration typical flue gas composition and temperature, adsorptive properties of binary CO2/N2 mixtures were tested in the temperature range of 268 to 403 K and compared with literature data. The results showed that CO2 concentration, total pressure, and temperature strongly affect selectivity and working capacity, restricting the conditions under which the material could be used as an efficient adsorbent.  相似文献   

添加剂对水合物法回收烟气中二氧化碳影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了目前基于添加剂环境下水合物法分离烟气中CO2的研究进展,主要对烟气水合物热力学、动力学、分离效果3个方面的研究状况进行了总结。重点对当前应用于烟气体系研究较多的几类添加剂——四正丁基溴化铵(TBAB)、四氢呋喃(THF)、环戊烷(CP)的性质、原理、优势及不足进行了介绍和对比,对一级水合物法处理烟气的研究现状进行了分析和评价,并预测了有效提高水合物法分离效果的可行方法。  相似文献   

为明确CO2水合物在管道中的流动及堵塞特性,通过高压可视水合物环路研究了不同持液量下的水合物生成及堵塞特性,研究结果表明:水合物生成诱导时间随着持液量的增大出现非线性变化,呈V形,先减小后增大;管道持液量越大,水合物生成量越少,水合物发生堵塞时的临界体积分数降低,如在持液率86.6%下,堵塞时水合物体积分数为4.32%,持液率为66.7%时,堵塞时水合物体积分数为7.45%。通过可视管路发现当CO2水合物大量生成后,管道中压降将突然增大,颗粒之间快速聚集生长,流速迅速降低,CO2水合物快速充满管道使管道发生堵塞,水合物颗粒不断生长及在聚集层处的聚集导致流动阻力的增加是其产生堵塞的根本原因。研究结果可为CO2水合物浆液流动保障提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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