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两轮自平衡车是检验各种控制算法的理想平台之一。设计了两轮自平衡车的实验平台,车体姿态数据采集采用新型加速度传感器和陀螺仪传感器组合,型号分别为ST公司的LIS331DLH和L3G4200D。姿态检测数据融合算法采用卡尔曼滤波算法,系统控制算法采用倾角环,角速度环与电流环的PID控制方法。最后,制作了两轮自平衡车的原型,并给予了初步运动控制验证。该实验平台能够初步实现自平衡功能,后续的研究将着重对各种控制算法在该平台的验证研究。  相似文献   

Underactuated robotic systems have become an important research topic aiming at significant improvement of the behavioural performance and energy efficiency. Adopting some bio-inspired ideas and properties, the self-organisation and main tasks of the robotic systems can be achieved by coordination of the subsystems and dynamic interaction with the environment. Conversely, biological systems achieve energy efficient and adaptive behaviours through extensive autologous and exogenous compliant interactions. The "trick" that give rise to the lifelike movements is appropriate application of the bio-inspired ideas and properties, and construction of control systems in a generally underactuated system. In this paper, we aim to strengthen the links between two research communities of robotics and control by presenting a systematic survey work in underactuated robotic systems, in which both key challenges and notable successes in bio-inspiration, trajectory planning and control are highlighted and discussed. One particular emphasis of this article lies on the illustration of roles of bio-inspired properties, control algorithms and prior knowledge in achieving these successes and specifically, how they contribute to the taming of the complexity of the linked domains. We demonstrate how bio-inspiration and control methods may be profitably applied, and we also note throughout open questions and the tremendous potential for future research.  相似文献   

针对具有非对角惯性矩阵和阻尼矩阵的欠驱动无人水面艇(USV)进行了轨迹跟踪控制方法的研究,提出了基于广义动态逆和滑模变结构理论的控制器,实现了闭环系统全局渐近稳定。同时,通过引入动态尺度逆克服动态广义逆可能导致的系统奇异,通过扰动零投影矩阵来避免零投影矩阵的不可逆问题。最后,通过Matlab/Simulink仿真证明了本文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

孙建波  潘幸华  杨良  陈万春  赵育善 《红外与激光工程》2020,49(9):20200279-1-20200279-7
对高升阻比滑翔飞行器,在线性伪谱模型预测控制基础上提出新的再入制导律,除了满足传统终端约束与路径约束,还能以特定航向角抵达终点。以高维多项式代理技术泛化升阻比,得到关于能量和攻角的表达式,攻角在线调节升阻比以增强规划能力。再入飞行分为下降段和滑翔段,下降段维持最大攻角和零倾侧角以限制热流率。滑翔段应用线性伪谱模型预测控制,用降阶动力学模型预测终端偏差,线性化模型获得误差传播方程。由于积分计算复杂,以高斯伪谱法获取控制量的修正值,修正攻角、倾侧角相关参数和两次倾侧反转的能量时刻消除终端偏差。方法简单易行,精度高,便于在线应用,仿真结果显示该方法能满足提出的规划需求。  相似文献   

为了解决电动两轮车不能远程防盗控制的缺陷,本文以STM32控制器为核心,设计出了一款电动两轮车新型远程控制系统.在传统钥匙开锁方式的基础上,增加了一个APP密匙,提高了安全保障,实现了在非法开锁的情况下自动锁车和报警的功能,有效地减少了被盗的可能性.通过手机APP,可随时随地查询车辆位置信息和远程控制,改善了远程锁车和...  相似文献   

智能自平衡两轮电动车是典型的非线性系统,智能自平衡两轮电动车是一种两轮式左右并行布置结构的自平衡系统,要在各种状态下保持动态平衡.采用超声波、陀螺仪传感器及其他传感器实现增稳系统.智能自平衡两轮电动车是严重非线性、非高斯系统,传统滤波算法无法解决传感器噪声问题,粒子滤波是一种基于Monte Carlo思想的非线性、非高斯系统滤波算法,完全突破Kalman滤波理论框架,它对系统的过程噪声和量测噪声没有任何限制.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the improvements acquired by the introduction of a tracking controller and a look-ahead trajectory-planning policy in part fabrication using the layer manufacturing process. The improvements are quantified not only in terms of tracking and contouring errors, but they are also quantified in terms of overfilled and underfilled areas, thus directly relating the quality of parts fabricated through such a process  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new robust control technique for single-phase boost high-power-factor rectifiers. The proposed circuit significantly improves the dynamic response of the converter to load steps without the need of a high crossover frequency of the voltage loop, so that a low distortion of the input current is easily achieved. A 250-W power-factor-correction rectifier with the proposed control scheme has been designed and implemented, validating the concept both analytically and experimentally.  相似文献   

王俊  许林  岳东  李德亮  王悦 《信息技术》2013,(8):179-182,185
介绍了一种基于线阵CCD图像传感器的两轮自平衡循迹智能车系统设计与开发。系统基于第八届飞思卡尔智能车大赛准则,通过陀螺仪与加速度计测量智能车姿态进行反馈调节实现动态自平衡和速度调节,并根据CCD获取的赛道信息控制智能车转向实现自动循迹。系统在控制算法上采用了增量式数字PID控制,使系统更加稳定,改善了系统鲁棒性,最终实现了智能车动态自平衡和自动循迹功能。  相似文献   

微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems,MEMS)陀螺仪和MEMS加速度计在两轮平衡车姿态测量中存在扰动和噪声,引起姿态角度测量误差。通过对陀螺仪和加速度计输入信号进行滑动扣除均值方法来抑制直流分量,利用滑动滤波算法抑制加速度计高频噪声,引入互补滤波算法将预处理后的陀螺仪和加速度计信号进行融合,得到更加准确稳定的角度测量值,分析了融合算法中加权因子与滤波频率特征之间的关系。该方法应用到两轮平衡车的运行姿态角度控制中,提高了对姿态角度测量的精度。  相似文献   

出口道左转交叉口通过改变部分出口道的车道功能,可为左转交通提供额外的通行能力。本文基于传统跟驰模型和换道模型,建立以通行效率和车队运行稳定性为目标的最优控制模型,在Matlab环境下使用CasADi求解器中的BONMIN算法对模型进行求解。将常规交叉口放行策略与本文所提出的最优放行策略进行对比分析。结果表明,模型计算给出的3种通行策略不仅能合理使用对向出口车道,同时车辆通过交叉口的次序得以提前,从而使得交叉口的通行效率有一定程度的提升。  相似文献   

This paper considers the position-tracking problem of a magnetic levitation system in the presence of modeling errors due to uncertainties of physical parameters. A robust nonlinear controller is designed to achieve excellent position-tracking performance. The recently developed dynamic surface control is modified and applied to the system under study, to over-come the problem of "explosion of terms" associated with the backstepping design procedure. Input-to-state stability of the control system is analyzed, and the advantages of the dynamic surface control technique over the conventional backstepping technique are verified through both theoretical and experimental studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel average current-mode control (ACC) strategy for the control of multimodule parallel pulsewidth modulation DC-DC converters, which represents a drastic improvement over conventional ACC. This new method consists of the addition of an auxiliary controller into the control loop, besides the current and voltage regulators. The reference-model-based auxiliary controller improves the robustness of the ACC dynamics in buck-derived distributed power systems, preserving loop gain crossover frequency and stability margins over significant changes of the number of connected modules, the load and the line voltage. Moreover, this control scheme shows much better disturbance rejection properties, i.e., closed-loop output impedance and audiosusceptibility, than conventional ACC. From a control theory point of view robust performance is achieved, preserving stability. A multimodule buck prototype has been experimentally tested with different numbers of modules on stream, line, and load conditions, including discontinuous conduction mode. Measurements of the small-signal frequency response of the converter have been carried out, showing the improvement achieved by the proposed control scheme. The empirical large-signal response of the converter under load steps is also shown in order to validate the concept  相似文献   

星间激光通信具有传输速率高、传输距离远、抗干扰能力强的优点,已成为卫星组网的重要趋势.星间激光网络存在高移动、点对点、波束窄等特点,已有的自由空间网络(FSO)拓扑控制策略应用于星间激光通信,存在计算复杂度高、网络延迟大的不足,无法满足星间激光组网需求.文中提出了一种基于代数连通度的星间激光组网动态拓扑控制方案,通过分布式构建卫星网络连通图与网络增强方法,实现网络动态重构,并通过基于矩阵摄动理论的相关方法,降低了网络动态重构计算复杂度.该方案具有分布式、自组织、近实时的优点,可满足空间激光通信网络的动态拓扑控制需求,提高卫星快速响应能力.  相似文献   

Global minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new approach based on interval analysis is developed to find the global minimum-jerk (MJ) trajectory of a robot manipulator within a joint space scheme using cubic splines. MJ trajectories are desirable for their similarity to human joint movements and for their amenability to path tracking and to limit robot vibrations. This makes them attractive choices for robotic applications, in spite of the fact that the manipulator dynamics are not taken into account. Cubic splines are used in a framework that assures overall continuity of velocities and accelerations in the robot movement. The resulting MJ trajectory planning is shown to be a global constrained minimax optimization problem. This is solved by a newly devised algorithm based on interval analysis and proof of convergence with certainty to an arbitrarily good global solution is provided. The proposed planning method is applied to an example regarding a six-joint manipulator and comparisons with an alternative MJ planner are exposed  相似文献   

Force control strategies that are robust against disturbance and parameter variations are proposed. These strategies are expansions of disturbance observer-based control strategy, and require little computation. Observers are proposed that estimate parameter variations of the dynamic environment on which the force is imposed are introduced. Since the observer-based control represents a nominal system, a second derivative of force can be controlled. A force control strategy for controlling the second derivative of force is also proposed. The force response similar to the force command is realized by these strategies in spite of the disturbance and the parameter variations of the control object. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is confirmed by simulation and experimental results  相似文献   

Due to its inherent characteristics of flexible mobility, unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) is exploited as a cost-efficient mobile platform to assist remote data collection in the 5 th generation or beyond the 5 th generation(5 G/B5 G) wireless systems. Compared with static terrestrial base stations, the line-of-sight(LoS) link between UAVs and ground nodes are stronger due to their flexibility in three-dimensional(3 D) space. Due to the fact that flexible mobility of UAVs requires high propulsion p...  相似文献   

Robust speed control of IM with torque feedforward control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors describe a digital signal processor-based (DSP-based) robust speed control for an induction motor (IM) with the load-torque observer and the torque feedforward control. In the proposed system, the load torque is estimated by the minimal-order state observer based on the torque component of a vector-controlled IM. Using the load-torque observer, a speed controller can be provided with a torque feedforward loop, thus realizing a robust speed control system. The control system is composed of a DSP-based controller, a voltage-fed pulsewidth modulated (PWM) transistor inverter and a 3.7 kW IM system. An eccentric load with an arm and a weight is coupled to the IM and it generates the sinusoidal gravitational fluctuating torque. Experimental results show robustness against disturbance torque and system parameter change  相似文献   

基于一种求解最优控制问题的方法-Gauss伪谱法(Gauss Pseudospectral Method-GPM),研究了高超声速滑翔飞行器滑翔段迹优化问题。本文利用微分形式高斯伪谱方法将飞行器三自由度滑翔段轨迹优化问题转化为非线性规划问题,选取高斯节点上的状态量和控制量作为待优化参数,并将最优性能指标选为纵程最大,然后对滑翔段轨迹进行了求解。以某高超声速滑翔式飞行器为对象进行轨迹优化计算,仿真结果验证了本文的轨迹优化方法具有一定的精度和计算效率。此外,仿真过程还说明高斯伪谱法对状态猜测值并不敏感,算法容易收敛,适用于轨迹优化问题的求解。  相似文献   

The design of connection admission control (CAC) for a simple Markovian model of a multiservice statistical multiplexer is considered. The paper begins by laying the foundation through several fundamental analytic concepts, such as a semi-Markov decision process formulation of the design problem and time scale decomposition, before progressively leading up to real-world requirements, like robustness and simplicity of design. Several numerical illustrations are given. The salient contributions of the paper are as follows. (1) A unified treatment of multiclass cell and call QoS. (2) A CAC design which is robust, fair, and efficient. (3) Simplicity in the CAC design, together with an evaluation of the tradeoff with performance. (4) An analytic technique for computing the feasibility region in the space of call arrival rates where some control exists to satisfy QoS. (5) The discovery of near linearity of the boundary of the feasible region, which is then used to decompose the design problem. (6) A unified treatment of aggressive and conservative forms of CAC, the latter being conventional and the former yielding better call level performance. (7) An effective bandwidth definition based on the aggressive form of CAC, which influences the CAC design. (8) A demonstration of the beneficial impact on performance of cell level control. (9) An asymptotic theory of the joint behavior of cell loss and call blocking. (10) A rigorous development of time scale decomposition. (11) A numerical evaluation of the accuracy of the notion of nearly completely decomposable Markov chains  相似文献   

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