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Emotional response is dependent on context and the individual. Increasingly consumer scientists are collecting emotional response data as it gives deeper insights over liking concerning engagement with food products. This research investigated the impact of context on consumer emotional response to tea-break snacks across different context including the use of mixed-reality. It also aimed to determine if consumers can be segmented according to their patterns of emotional response as opposed to liking. Consumers (n = 120) evaluated two tea-break snacks across three different contexts (sensory booth, evoked mixed-reality café, real life café) using a rate-all-that-apply EsSense 25 questionnaire. Cluster analysis reduced the 25 emotional terms to a more manageable nine categories of emotional response for data analysis. Using those categories, three emotion-based segments of tea-break snack consumers were identified. One emotionally disengaged, and two positively engaged but at different levels of intensity and for different attributes. For most consumers, mixed-reality evoked similar emotional responses and discrimination between the snacks as the real café suggesting it is a useful technique for evaluating ecologically valid consumer response. Responses in the sensory booths were different. This, suggests including context in consumer emotional response data collection is important. Furthermore, this research suggests that researchers should consider including context within consumer testing that involves emotional response and that mixed-reality serves as a promising approach to do this. It also highlights that average consumer emotional responses are unlikely to be representative and that segmenting consumers according to their emotional response will reveal deeper insights into product response.  相似文献   

In consumer studies, liking scores for a set of products are usually collected from a panel of consumers. When additional information is available both on products and consumers, the data can be organized in an L-shaped structure. The CLV (Clustering around Latent Variables) approach which was originally designed to identify segments of consumers according to their preferences is extended in order to take account of product characteristics data or/and consumer background information.  相似文献   

Wine consumption can help improve one’s social image. Given this social aspect of wine, we predict that because individuals who are high in narcissism strive for social admiration, wine represents a product of choice for them. In Study 1 (N = 654), we show that for narcissistic people, wine is associated with greater social attractiveness, which in turn leads to higher consumption of wine. We also draw a typology of narcissistic wine consumers. In Study 2 (N = 192), we replicate the mediation results of Study 1 and take a step further by examining the influence of anticipated emotional value. More specifically, we show that the sequence above whereby narcissistic people consume higher amounts of wine due to its social attractiveness not only holds, but is stronger when the emotional value that such people anticipate from wine consumption is low. In other words, narcissists engage more in wine consumption for social reasons when they do not (versus do) anticipate wine consumption as a pleasurable experience. We provide a discussion of the practical implications of our results for wine producers and policymakers.  相似文献   

Lysozyme used in wine production could present a risk for consumers allergic to hen's egg. Thus, precautionary labeling of lysozyme on wines has been adopted within the European Community by updating Annex IIIa by Directive 2007/68/EC on November 27, 2007. Since no scientific data is known about the actual amounts and risks of lysozyme in wines, various in vitro efforts and skin prick tests were applied in this study to evaluate the presence of lysozyme in wines and the reactivity of those residues in allergic individuals and to fulfill the claim of updating Annex IIIa announced in Directive 2003/89/EC. Depending on the wine's color (red or white wine) and fining with bentonite, which is known as an important step to remove unstable proteins mainly from white wines, diverse results were obtained concerning the amounts of lysozyme in finished wines and their in vitro and in vivo reactivity in humans allergic to hen's egg.  相似文献   

The development of emotional lexicons can be seen as a time- and resource-consuming activity. Several rapid methods have been developed for time-restricted studies, but the suitability of these methodologies in the development of emotional lexicons compared to conventional ones has not been investigated.The aim of this study was to test the suitability of a rapid method, as it is the Sorting Task, for emotional lexicon development compared to a conventional procedure. For this purpose, two different approaches (conventional vs rapid-method) were tested to evaluate wines.222 consumers participated in the lexicon development procedure. A common phase of generation and filtering of the terms was carried out for the development of both lexicons. Then, two approaches were used, one applying the procedures proposed in the literature (conventional, herein as Lexicon I) and the other applying Sorting Task (rapid-method, herein as Lexicon II). To test both lexicons, consumer studies (n = 185) were conducted using a set of seven commercial wines.Both methods were helpful in discriminating emotional responses. Lexicon I reported a wine effect for 10 of the 13 emotional categories, while the Lexicon II discriminated the samples in all 15 categories. Although multifactorial analysis showed a high agreement between configurations (RV = 0.985), the emotional map of both lexicons did not follow the theoretical circumplex model of emotions. SADNESS and NOSTALGIA feelings were related to the second axis.In conclusion, both methods provided similar maps of wines, but Lexicon II was more efficient in terms of time and resources during the lexicon development.  相似文献   

A Wine Neophobia Scale (WNS) was created from The Food Neophobia Scale (FNS) modified by substituting the word ‘food’ with ‘wine’ and discarding one item. Respondents (n = 207) completed the WNS in order to identify scale items. Analysis indicated that the item “I am very particular about the wine I drink” should be removed. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) provided a unidimensional model that was internally reliable. The final WNS contained eight items, rated on a 9-point scale, and giving a maximum score of 72. The WNS was test/retested, checked for reliability and validated using a cohort of 471 Australian wine consumers and was then applied to 1000 Australian respondents who had consumed wine in the past two weeks. WNS scores were split into quartile segments and respondents who scored 39 or more were identified as wine neophobics.The degree of wine neophobia increased with age, but decreased with higher education and greater income. The demographic categories where wine neophobics predominated were: in the older than 55 years of age group; having no tertiary education; and an average household income of less than AUD$75 K. Wine neophilics were mostly younger than 54 years of age, with a tertiary education and an average household income above AUD$75 K. These results confirmed the potential of the WNS to be used as a tool for pre-screening and segmentation of wine consumers.  相似文献   

Past experimental laboratory and correlational data from observational research has shown that knowledge of the price of wine influences the consumer’s subjective experience. However, there is limited prior research that has explicitly manipulated price information in a realistic wine tasting setting. A total of 140 participants tasted three different low-, mid- and high-priced wines with open, deceptive, or no price information and rated them for taste intensity and pleasantness. In our community sample, intensity of taste ratings for open, deceptive and blind price information reflected retail prices, thus more expensive wines were rated as more intense in taste. However, while pleasantness ratings did not differ for open and no price information, deceptive up-pricing of low-price wine significantly influenced ratings for pleasantness, whereas deceptive down-pricing of high-price wine had no effect on pleasantness ratings. Thus, pricing information differentially influences the consumer’s subjective experience of wine, with no effects on intensity of taste ratings and no effects on pleasantness ratings with correct or no price information, but increased pleasantness of low-price wine when provided with a deceptive higher price. Thus, in wine may lay the truth, but its subjective experience may also lie in the price.  相似文献   

Understanding quality perception requires focusing both on product proprieties and consumers’ representations. The goal of this study was to access the representations of perceived extrinsic wine quality of consumers from two different wine regions in two European countries with an important wine tradition: La Rioja-RJ-(Spain) and Côtes du Rhône-CdR-(France).Twenty commercial red wines (ten from RJ and ten from CdR) were evaluated in terms of quality by means of a categorization task. Ninety-five French and 93 Spanish consumers had to categorize the 20 wines according to four levels of quality going from very low to very high quality.Three clusters of French and two of Spanish consumers have been identified. Country-of-origin of wine arises as the most important extrinsic cue for less-involved French and Spanish consumers, while more-involved consumers with higher knowledge in wine are able to interpret and use a wider range of cues. Consumers’ knowledge, involvement and nationality appear to be good predictors of quality perception.These results are relevant for the field of sensory analysis in that they help understanding the construction of quality perception. The wine industry can benefit also from these results, especially when exporting wines. This cross-cultural study may help them to develop marketing strategies able to enhance the quality perception of wines and to make use of different extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

This study aimed to further the development and application of the Global profile approach, by (1) extending it to another product category, alcoholic cocktails; (2) investigating the relationship between sensory-emotions-context appropriateness in consumers differing for liking patterns; and (3) integrating the approach beyond product differentiation to consumer differentiation, thus improving and gaining a further insight into differences among consumers (consumer characterization). This was done taking into account consumer differences in oral responsiveness, personality traits, familiarity, explicit responses to products and implicit attitudes towards brand.Six alcoholic bitter-based cocktail samples were rated for liking, sensory properties, emotions and context appropriateness. Three clusters with different liking patterns for alcoholic cocktails were identified: ‘Fruit-bitter lovers’, ‘New-bitter lovers’ and ‘Classic-bitter lovers. Very small differences in sensory evaluation were found between the three clusters, while instead large differences were found for emotions and, to a lesser extent, for context appropriateness. Furthermore, the relationships among emotions, contexts and sensory properties were different in the three clusters.Clusters differed partly by gender, personality traits and alcohol consumption. A higher percentage of females was found in ‘Fruit-bitter lovers’; these consumers were also characterized by a higher Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) scores and a lower level of alcohol consumption. ‘New-bitter lovers’ liked cocktails with very different sensory characteristics who were associated with specific contexts of consumption. These consumers were less involved with cocktails than the other clusters. ‘Classic-bitter lovers’ cluster liked a broader variety of cocktails and also showed a more implicit positive attitude towards the bitter ingredient brand and a higher familiarity for cocktails in general. The information collected through this multidimensional approach will allow a better understanding of the differences in liking patterns among different groups of cocktail consumers and may be used to improve strategies for product innovation and consumer targeting.  相似文献   

Protein intake is important for the maintenance of health, independence, and quality of life especially for older adults, yet the expanding older population is at risk of not consuming adequate levels. Notwithstanding its importance in terms of health, dietary protein choice has major ramifications for the state of the environment and for climate change, with meat holding the most weight in the environmental impact of diets. To support older consumers in making environmentally sustainable dietary protein choices, this study aims to gain deeper understanding of older consumers’ meat consumption behavior by profiling older consumer segments on the basis of their meat consumption and liking. Results were obtained through a 2019-survey among 2,500 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years or above in Finland, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Three segments of older consumers were identified by means of a two-step cluster analysis: heavy meat consumers, medium meat consumers, and light meat consumers. The segments differed significantly in several socio-demographics and background characteristics, appetite, protein intake, attitudes towards meat and plant-based ‘meat’ substitutes, and liking of protein sources other than meat. Health and sustainability food choice motives were important determinants for being classified as a medium or light meat consumer compared to a heavy meat consumer whereas food fussiness, sensory appeal, and familiarity were important determinants for being classified as a heavy meat consumer compared to a light meat consumer. Understanding older consumers’ meat consumption behavior has important implications for designing dietary strategies to meet older consumers’ protein needs in an environmentally sustainable way.  相似文献   

During the past decades, sensory evaluation of food quality has evolved and grown into a discipline that covers sensory and consumer research of foods and beverages. The present review deals with those aspects of the development in which I have been personally involved and have considered inspiring and important subject matters in the field. They are consumer responses to (1) salt, (2) fat, and (3) unfamiliar foods; (4) food choice and socio-cognitive segmentation, (5) responses to food in the elderly and young; and (6) genetic origins of food preferences. Perspectives of the field and of these specific areas are discussed, and some “words of wisdom” are offered for the younger generation of sensory-consumer researchers.  相似文献   

Brettanomyces spp. is an indigenous yeast that can grow during wine fermentation and impact its flavor. The characteristic flavor is often described as phenolic/medicinal, spices, cloves, earthy, barnyard, and horsy. The acceptability of Brettanoymces-induced flavors depends on the flavor intensity, personal preference, and consumer expectations. The yeast has been isolated from grapes, barrels, and winery equipment. It impacts wines from all the top producing regions in the world, with associated flavors most often found in red wines. Prevention of growth of this yeast in wine involves attention to fruit quality and winery sanitation, control of sulfite and oxygen levels, and the use uncontaminated barrels. Greater understanding of how Brettanomyces and its metabolites contribute to wine flavor is required to recognize its impact on consumer acceptability.  相似文献   

There is little research on the emotions expressed by wine estate websites and whether the emotions conveyed are related to or can significantly predict the positive or negative sentiment articulated by these websites. In order to examine the emotions and sentiment of wine estate websites, content from the websites of 10 wine estates from 5 countries well known for their diverse and high-quality wines (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, France, the USA) were selected and analyzed using IBM’s Watson. IBM’s Watson assessed the emotions and sentiment expressed on each website, and an output was then used in a multiple regression analysis with emotions predicting sentiment. The findings show that emotions are not related significantly to the overall sentiment on the winery websites. Finally, this research shows how wine estates and wine marketers can test whether the content of their websites mirrors the emotions that they desire to express to consumers and visitors, which can assure that appropriate expectations are set for the consumption experience.  相似文献   

我国葡萄酒市场的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代后,我国葡萄酒市场获得了长足的发展,国产品牌崛起,占据了国内大部分市场,中国加入WTO后,葡萄酒业应尽快与国际接轨,树形象,立品牌,大力开拓农村市场,以便在与洋酒的竞争,立于不败之地。  相似文献   

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