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In June 2000 and July 2002, two mucous aggregation events of large proportion occurred in the Adriatic Sea. In order to assess the possible effects that the events had on the macrofauna, we studied macro-zoobenthic assemblages and mussel culture (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Structural parameters of macro-zoobenthos and growth parameters of mussels were recorded. The study area was a mussel farm located 5 nautical miles off Porto Caleri (Rovigo, Italy) in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Between May 2000 and August 2002, two sites were sampled in this area and univariate and multivariate techniques were used to describe the macrobenthic community. Two-way ANOVA showed that mean values of species number, density (individuals m(-2)) and Shannon-Wiener's diversity were significantly influenced (p<0.01) by site and period of sampling and by the interactions of these factors. The Pielou's J averages were significantly influenced only by period (p<0.01). Application of Tuckey's HSD test (p<0.05) to factors detected to be significant by ANOVA did not show significant differences between samples collected after the mucous aggregation events and the other periods. Cluster analysis and MDS ordination did not allow a clear distinction between the samples. Concerning mussels, one-way ANOVA showed that mean values of the shell length and the condition index (dry weight/shell weight) were significantly influenced (p<0.001) by the months. The mean values both for shell length and condition index were higher in 2001. The shell length trend revealed a slowing down of growth in June-July 2000 and July-August 2002, and the condition index trend showed a significant fall in samples of June 2000 and July 2002. The growth of M. galloprovincialis might be influenced negatively by mucous aggregates, whereas the soft-bottom macro-zoobenthos seems not to be directly affected by the event.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the particle flow movement and deposition in a 90° bend after a straight duct, utilizing the Lagrangian particle-tracking model incorporated with a particle–wall collision model. Particle turbulent dispersion is introduced by employing the ‘eddy lifetime’ model, and particle deposition velocity in the bend is proposed by counting the number of deposited trajectories in a time period. The developed models are validated for both airflow and particle flow by previous experimental data. Particle distribution and deposition behavior at five size groups (1, 3, 5, 9, and 16 μm) are investigated. The simulation results show that, compared with traditional ‘Trap’ model, the particle–wall collision model postpones the emergence and slows the increase of the ‘particle free zone’ as the particle diameter increases. Particle deposition velocity in the duct bend is also generally predicted by the proposed estimation equation under the simulated conditions. This reveals that adopting the particle–wall collision model obtains a reasonable prediction of particle distribution and deposition in the duct bend. This work will benefit the understanding and application of microparticle flow in curved duct systems.  相似文献   

Mendell MJ  Heath GA 《Indoor air》2005,15(1):27-52
To assess whether school environments can adversely affect academic performance, we review scientific evidence relating indoor pollutants and thermal conditions, in schools or other indoor environments, to human performance or attendance. We critically review evidence for direct associations between these aspects of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and performance or attendance. Secondarily, we summarize, without critique, evidence on indirect connections potentially linking IEQ to performance or attendance. Regarding direct associations, little strongly designed research was available. Persuasive evidence links higher indoor concentrations of NO(2) to reduced school attendance, and suggestive evidence links low ventilation rates to reduced performance. Regarding indirect associations, many studies link indoor dampness and microbiologic pollutants (primarily in homes) to asthma exacerbations and respiratory infections, which in turn have been related to reduced performance and attendance. Also, much evidence links poor IEQ (e.g. low ventilation rate, excess moisture, or formaldehyde) with adverse health effects in children and adults and documents dampness problems and inadequate ventilation as common in schools. Overall, evidence suggests that poor IEQ in schools is common and adversely influences the performance and attendance of students, primarily through health effects from indoor pollutants. Evidence is available to justify (i) immediate actions to assess and improve IEQ in schools and (ii) focused research to guide IEQ improvements in schools. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: There is more justification now for improving IEQ in schools to reduce health risks to students than to reduce performance or attendance risks. However, as IEQ-performance links are likely to operate largely through effects of IEQ on health, IEQ improvements that benefit the health of students are likely to have performance and attendance benefits as well. Immediate actions are warranted in schools to prevent dampness problems, inadequate ventilation, and excess indoor exposures to substances such as NO(2) and formaldehyde. Also, siting of new schools in areas with lower outdoor pollutant levels is preferable.  相似文献   

Most of the methodologies available in the scientific literature for measuring ongoing sustainable efforts at municipal levels are from affluent regions (Europe, US, and Canada). Due to context idiosyncrasies, the models available to measure ongoing sustainable efforts in affluent cities are not suitable for cities in Latin America. Issues related to the lack of infrastructure, the absence of primary and sustainable services, and the problems derived from economic, social, and political environment constraints, which are remarkable in some Latin American cities, have been mostly overcome in the western global north cities. A mere reproduction of successful technological solutions adopted by some cities of the Global North does not mean that the results achieved there will be equally obtained in Latin America. Latin American cities are unevenly developed and in need of different and customized solutions. In the absence of a conceptual and widely accepted methodology to evaluate the smartness of a city considering the Latin America context and in accordance to the literature, this research proposes an innovative model and indicators, levelling up the importance of dimensions less remarkable in previous models. Latin American cities must use their own model to measure their ongoing sustainable efforts that consider the idiosyncrasies of the region while not being tempted to use models from affluent regions, avoiding the risk of reiterating a top-bottom approach and thus using an inappropriate tool.  相似文献   

An exploratory focus group study of people with different types of disabilities, e.g. mobility, visual and auditory, was carried out to explore how evacuation safety in historical buildings can be improved for people with various disabilities. Accounts of real life experiences on how well evacuation routes in historical buildings are adapted to people with different types of disabilities, as well as suggestions for safety enhancing measures, were collected. Some examples of reported problems were level differences on the way to and in evacuation routes for people with mobility impairments. Other examples were problems with orientation for people with visual disabilities and problems with detecting the evacuation alarm signal for people with auditory disabilities. In general the participants expressed different problems and needs depending on their type of disability. A common view amongst all the participants were that organizational parameters concerning evacuation of people with disabilities have to be improved. One conclusion from the study was that there are shortcomings in the physical environment as well as in the organization of evacuation in historical buildings today. This means that emergency evacuation safety must be properly focused on when improving accessibility in historical buildings. Measures must be taken to address the different needs of people with various types of disabilities as well as to make improvements for all user groups.  相似文献   

We report a comparative study using three different chemometric techniques to evaluate both spatial and temporal changes in Suquía River water quality, with a special emphasis on the improvement obtained using discriminant analysis for such evaluation. We have monitored 22 parameters at different stations from the upper, middle, and beginning of the lower river basin during at least two years including 232 different samples. We obtained a complex data matrix, which was treated using the pattern recognition techniques of cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis/principal components (FA/PCA). and discriminant analysis (DA). CA renders good results as a first exploratory method to evaluate both spatial and temporal differences, however it fails to show details of these differences. FA/PCA needs 13 parameters to point out 71% of both temporal and spatial changes, consequently data reduction from FA/PCA in this case is not as considerable as expected. However, FA/PCA allows to group the selected parameters according to common features as well as to evaluate the incidence of each group on the overall change in water quality, specially during the analysis of temporal changes. DA technique shows the best results for data reduction and pattern recognition during both temporal and spatial analysis. DA renders an important data reduction using 6 parameters to afford 87% right assignations during temporal analysis. Besides, it uses only 5 parameters to yield 75% right assignations during the spatial analysis of four different basin areas. DA allowed us to greatly reduce the dimensionality of the starting data matrix, pointing out to a few parameters that indicate the biggest changes in water quality as well as variation patterns associated with seasonal variations, urban run-off, and pollution sources, presenting a novel approach for water quality assessments.  相似文献   

Adolf Hitler constructed his Nazi ideology as a universal worldview aimed at the German Reich's eastward expansion; the ‘Generalsiedlungsplanung Ost’ programme was officially launched in 1940. The forcible establishment of multiple administrative units in 1938/1939 created the conditions for an architecture that would serve the totalitarian regime. Thus began an enormous planning process and the targeted institutionalization of urban development and spatial planning and research. This programme included not only German government agencies and research institutions specifically established or reorganized for this purpose, but increasingly also involved communal politics and independent or government architects. The author pursues the thesis that this Germanization concept, formulated within the framework of the ‘Generalsiedlungspläne Ost’, allowed the relevant agencies to increase their influence or eliminate any opponents. From this basis, the study identifies the role that GBI (Generalbauinspektor) for Berlin Albert Speer, his architects, and local architects played in the planning process in Czechoslovakia and Poland, and analyses the architectural evidence of the Nazi rulers’ Germanization and colonization policies. The initial comparison of the urban planning models applied in ‘Großreich Deutschland’ with those in the annexed regions in today's Poland and Czech Republic offers relevant arguments related to this far-reaching sociological and architecture–historical topic.  相似文献   

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