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针对海洋环境干扰下的无人艇轨迹跟踪问题,提出一种预设性能轨迹跟踪抗扰控制方法。首先,该方法通过引入具有约束作用的性能函数设计预设性能反演控制器。同时采用干扰观测器精确补偿外界未知扰动,并引入带σ修正漏项自适应律对海洋环境干扰的界进行估计,实现了无人艇轨迹跟踪抗扰控制,且同时保证其暂态性能和稳态性能。然后根据李雅普诺夫稳... 相似文献
Zi-Jiang Yang 《International journal of systems science》2019,50(5):989-1005
The distributed consensus output tracking problem is dealt with for a class of nonlinear semi-strict feedback systems in the presence of mismatched nonlinear uncertainties, external disturbances and uncertain nonlinear virtual control coefficients of the subsystems. The systems are under a directed communication graph, where the leader node is the root. The controller is designed in a backstepping manner, and the dynamic surface technique is adopted to avoid direct differentiation. At each step of virtual controller design, a prescribed performance controller is constructed to achieve prescribed transient performance so that the system states remain in the feasible domain. Then each virtual controller is enhanced by a finite-time disturbance observer which estimates the disturbance term in a finite-time. The properties of the control system are analysed theoretically. It is clarified that the prescribed performance control technique ensures that the system signals stay in the feasible domain, whereas sufficiently small ultimate control errors can be achieved by the finite-time disturbance observers. Finally, the performance of the proposed methods is confirmed by numerical studies. 相似文献
This paper concerns the problem of global output regulation for a class of strict‐feedback nonlinear systems subject to mismatched nonvanishing disturbances. A composite control scheme is developed using a nonlinear disturbance observer‐based control approach. A novel idea is that the disturbance estimation is introduced into the design of virtual control laws in each step. Global stability analysis for the closed‐loop system is presented by the direct Lyapunov function method. It is shown that the system output asymptotically converges to zero in the presence of mismatched nonvanishing disturbances without the requirement of solving any partial differential equations involved with the traditional output regulation theory. An application design example of a single‐machine infinite‐bus system with static var compensator is presented with simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对四旋翼无人机存在的不匹配干扰和执行器故障等现象,提出了一种基于有限时间观测器的飞行控制方案。从无人机的运动学模型出发,构建了受执行器故障和不匹配干扰影响的控制模型。将干扰观测器与非奇异终端滑模控制(NTSMC)方法相结合,以实现复合抗干扰和容错控制器设计。首先,设计了两个非线性有限时间扰动观测器来估计不匹配扰动和执行器故障,有限时间观测器使得估计误差在有限时间内收敛到零。其次,将观测器与NTSMC控制方法结合,以在有限的时间内实现跟踪,并有效地减少抖振。最后,从理论和仿真验证了控制方法的有效性和所期望的控制性能。 相似文献
针对存在参数不确定以及外界干扰的高超声速飞行器跟踪性能问题,提出一种基于有限时间预设性能的反演控制方案.首先,为便于控制器设计,将高超声速飞行器模型划分为速度和高度子系统,针对子系统分别设计预设性能控制器以提高系统的瞬态和稳态性能;然后,通过设计一种有限时间性能函数,使得跟踪误差能够在预设时间内收敛至稳态值;接着,考虑到反演设计中虚拟指令导数难以获取以及干扰项对系统的影响,基于干扰观测器提出一种扰动估计方法,目的是在取得良好的观测扰动效果的同时,使得控制器设计流程简化、复杂度降低;最后,基于Lyapunov稳定理论证明系统的跟踪误差最终一致有界,并通过仿真验证该方法的有效性. 相似文献
《International journal of systems science》2012,43(13):2437-2448
ABSTRACTThis paper investigates the fixed-time prescribed performance tracking control for the n-DOF uncertain manipulator. First, a novel Barrier Lyapunov Function (BLF) is proposed to guarantee the prescribed performance for the manipulator tracking error. Then, we introduce a disturbance observer to estimate the system uncertainty and disturbance accurately in a predefined time. Next, a composite controller based on the nonsingular fast integral terminal sliding mode is constructed. It is strictly proved that the closed-loop system is stable in fixed-time, which is independent of the initial conditions. Moreover, both transient and steady-state performances of the outputs can be preserved. Finally, numerical simulations and experimental studies are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. 相似文献
对于带有不匹配干扰的动态系统,设计具有高资源利用率的抗干扰控制算法具有重要意义.本文在双事件触发机制框架下,研究了非匹配干扰系统的积分滑模抗干扰控制以及动态性能分析问题.首先,基于增广模型构建干扰观测器,实现对未知不匹配干扰的动态估计.为了降低数据冗余并保证传输的同步性,以反馈状态及干扰估计的单触发条件为基础,本文构建了“先到同触发”的双事件触发理论框架.在此框架下,设计积分滑模面和对应的双触发抗干扰控制器,保证被控系统的状态收敛到滑模面.基于Lyapunov稳定性分析方法,计算控制器和观测器增益,保证增广闭环系统具有良好的稳定性和动态跟踪性能.进一步分析了由触发引起的Zeno现象将不会发生.最后,基于典型的A4D模型进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明本文所提的方法具有良好的抗干扰性能. 相似文献
针对一类非匹配受扰非线性系统在输出受限条件下的跟踪控制问题,本文在预设性能控制过程中引入非递归设计框架,提出了一种降维非递归预设性能控制方案,以缓解常用的递归预设性能控制过程中出现的复杂性爆炸问题,大幅简化了系统的控制器设计过程,便于实际工程应用.本文设计的降维非递归控制策略能够实现控制器设计过程与稳定性分析的分离,并且具有控制器形式简洁、控制参数选取机制简单的优点.最后,选取具有代表性的数值仿真和永磁同步电机位置跟踪控制实验阐释了所提出的控制策略的有效性及简洁性. 相似文献
This paper investigates command filter-based finite-time stability of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) dynamic systems with prescribed performance constraints and external disturbances. A novel finite-time differentiator is introduced into command filter-based control scheme, which improves transient performance of each subsystem. Meanwhile, disturbance observers are utilized to eliminate negative effects on control system caused by external disturbances. Furthermore, featured with a selected performance function, it can be guaranteed that tracking errors remain in prescribed performance region. Stability analysis of the proposed controller is presented by using a Lyapunov function including transformed filter errors, parameter errors of neural networks, and observed errors of lumped disturbances. Effectiveness of proposed control method is verified by a numerical example and a practical system of inverted pendulums, respectively. 相似文献
以伺服电机驱动的连铸结晶器振动位移系统为研究对象,针对系统输入和状态受限问题,考虑系统存在的参数不确定性和负载转矩扰动影响,设计一种基于观测器的预设性能自适应控制器.首先,针对系统存在的参数不确定性、负载转矩扰动等问题,基于Lyapunov函数设计变增益扩张状态观测器,在保证观测精度的同时,削弱峰值现象;其次,考虑状态和输入受限的情况,将预设性能函数与Backstepping技术相结合设计控制器,构建指令滤波器解决“计算膨胀”问题,引入动态补偿量对观测器及受限状态产生的误差进行补偿,并对所设计的控制器进行稳定性分析;最后,通过仿真对比实验验证控制器的有效性. 相似文献
A generalized extended state observer (GESO) is devised to improve the disturbances rejection performance in a repetitive‐control system (RCS) for a class of single‐input, single‐output nonlinear plants with nonintegral chain form and mismatched disturbances. By appropriately choosing a disturbance compensation gain and incorporating the disturbance estimate into a repetitive control law, a GESO‐based RCS is established. In this system, the repetitive controller ensures tracking of a periodic reference input, and the incorporation of the disturbance compensation into the control input enables attenuating the lumped disturbance from the system output. Stability criteria and design algorithms have been developed for the system. A case study on the speed control of a rotational control system exhibits that the GESO‐based RCS delivers not only a promising disturbance rejection performance but also a superior property of tracking performance. 相似文献
This paper investigates the relative position tracking and attitude synchronization control for spacecraft close-range proximity missions with input saturation and model uncertainties. A robust saturated relative motion controller is proposed for this purpose. Prescribed performance functions are designed to guarantee the transient and steady-state response of the system and the full-state constraints. Then, a nonlinear disturbance observer is developed to estimate the lumped disturbance that comprises the effects of parametric uncertainties and kinematic couplings. At the same time, a linear compensator system is incorporated into the controller design to deal with the control input saturation. Finally, it can be proved via the Lyapunov theory that the closed-loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded stable. Simulation results on the spacecraft close-range rendezvous and docking mission validate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach. 相似文献
A novel disturbance-observer-based control method is investigated to attenuate the high-order mismatched disturbances. First, a finite-time disturbance observer (FTDO) is proposed to estimate the disturbances as well as the derivatives. By incorporating the outputs of FTDO, the original system is then reconstructed, where the mismatched disturbances are transformed to the matched ones that are compensated by feed-forward algorithm. Moreover, a feedback control law is developed to achieve the stability and tracking performance requirements for the systems. Finally, the proposed composite control method is applied to an unmanned helicopter system. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control method exhibits excellent control performance in the presence of high-order matched and mismatched disturbances. 相似文献
以一种折叠式高超声速变外形飞行器(Hypersonic morphing vehicle, HMV)为研究对象, 综合考虑变形引起的气动特性、动力学特性的动态变化和模型不确定性、外部干扰的影响, 开展飞行器建模与固定时间预设性能控制方法研究. 首先, 建立高超声速变外形飞行器的运动模型和姿态控制模型; 然后, 采用固定时间干扰观测器实现对模型不确定性和外部干扰构成的复合总扰动的精确估计, 并设计一种新型固定时间预设性能函数以定量描述期望性能约束, 在此基础上, 基于预设性能控制架构并结合动态面控制技术设计预设性能姿态控制器, 利用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明闭环系统的固定时间稳定性; 最后, 通过数值仿真验证所提出方法的有效性和鲁棒性. 相似文献
考虑暂稳态约束、控制参数优化及参数摄动和负载扰动等对感应电机位置跟踪控制性能的影响,本文提出了一种基于龙伯格观测器的预设性能优化控制方法.首先,针对电机转子磁链在实际中不可测的问题,采用龙伯格观测器对其进行了快速准确的估计.其次,基于反步法完成感应电机位置预设性能控制器的设计,基于变增益指数趋近律完成感应电机磁链滑模控制器的设计,通过构造干扰观测器对电机系统中由参数摄动和负载扰动引起的不确定项进行观测,实现了对系统给定值准确的跟踪控制.再次,将遗传算法(GA)与改进的粒子群优化(IPSO)算法相结合,对所设计的控制器参数进行优化整定,进一步提高了系统的收敛速度和稳态精度.基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论分析表:所设计的控制器能够保证位置跟踪误差一直处于预设边界内,且整个闭环系统是全局一致有界稳定的.最后,通过仿真和模拟实验对比分析验证了本文所提方法的有效性及在实际电机系统中应用的可行性. 相似文献