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The static and dynamic problems of Bernoulli-Euler beams are solved analytically on the basis of strain gradient elasticity theory due to Lam et al. The governing equations of equilibrium and all boundary conditions for static and dynamic analysis are obtained by a combination of the basic equations and a variational statement. Two boundary value problems for cantilever beams are solved and the size effects on the beam bending response and its natural frequencies are assessed for both cases. Two numerical examples of cantilever beams are presented respectively for static and dynamic analysis. It is found that beam deflections decrease and natural frequencies increase remarkably when the thickness of the beam becomes comparable to the material length scale parameter. The size effects are almost diminishing as the thickness of the beam is far greater than the material length scale parameter. 相似文献
Homogenization methods utilizing classical elasticity-based Eshelby tensors cannot capture the particle size effect experimentally observed in particle–matrix composites at the micron and nanometer scales. In this paper, a new homogenization method for predicting effective elastic properties of multiphase composites is developed using Eshelby tensors based on a simplified strain gradient elasticity theory (SSGET), which contains a material length scale parameter and can account for the size effect. Based on the strain energy equivalence, a homogeneous comparison material obeying the SSGET is constructed, and two sets of equations for determining an effective elastic stiffness tensor and an effective material length scale parameter for the composite are derived. By using Eshelby’s eigenstrain method and the Mori–Tanaka averaging scheme, the effective stiffness tensor based on the SSGET is analytically obtained, which depends not only on the volume fractions and shapes of the inhomogeneities (i.e., phases other than the matrix) but also on the inhomogeneity sizes, unlike what is predicted by the existing homogenization methods based on classical elasticity. To illustrate the newly developed homogenization method, sample cases are quantitatively studied for a two-phase composite filled with spherical, cylindrical, or ellipsoidal inhomogeneities (particles) using the averaged Eshelby tensors based on the SSGET that were derived earlier by the authors. Numerical results reveal that the particle size has a large influence on the effective Young’s moduli when the particles are sufficiently small. In addition, the results show that the composite becomes stiffer when the particles get smaller, thereby capturing the particle size effect. 相似文献
Iswan Pradiptya Hassen M. Ouakad 《International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design》2018,14(3):393-415
This paper proposes to investigate the nonlinear size dependent behavior of electrically actuated carbon nanotube (CNT) based nano-actuator while including the higher-order strain gradient deformation, the geometric nonlinearity due to the von Karman nonlinear strain as well as the slack effect, and the temperature gradient effects. The assumed non-classical beam model adopts some internal material size scale parameters related to the material nanostructures and is capable of interpreting the size effect that the classical continuum beam model is unable to pronounce. The higher-order governing equations of motion and boundary conditions are derived using the so-called extended Hamilton principle. A Galerkin based reduced-order model (ROM) modal decomposition is developed to prescribe the non-classical nanotube mode shape as well as its static behavior under any applied DC actuation load. Results of the static analysis is compared with those obtained by both classical elasticity continuum and strain gradient theories. A Jacobian method is utilized to determine the variation of the natural frequencies of the nanobeam with the DC load as well as the slack level. A thorough parametric study is conducted to study the influences of the size scale dependent parameters, the geometric nonlinearity, the initial curvature, the gate voltage, and the temperature gradient effect on structural behavior of the CNT-based nano-actuator. It is found that the size effect based on the strain gradient deformation has significant influence on the fundamental nanotube natural frequency dispersion. Also, varying this size effect have revealed the offering of numerous possibilities of modes veering and crossing, all shown to be dependent of the strain gradient parameters as well as the CNT slack level. 相似文献
In this paper, static and free vibration analysis of a sandwich cylindrical shell is performed using theory of elasticity formulation. The core layer is made of functionally graded material with material properties varying along the thickness direction according to a simple power law. For the case of simply supported boundary conditions, equations of motion and equilibrium equations are solved analytically by applying a state-space technique along the radial direction and Fourier series expansion along the axial and circumferential direction. When boundary conditions are not simply supported, a semi-analytically solution is performed by using the differential quadrature method along the axial direction. The present approach is validated by comparing the obtained numerical results with those published in the available literature. Moreover, effects of boundary conditions, graded direction, mid-radius to thickness and length to mid-radius ratios on bending and vibration behavior are considered. 相似文献
Farshid Allahkarami Mansour Nikkhah-bahrami Maryam Ghassabzadeh Saryazdi 《International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design》2018,14(2):243-261
In this article, dynamic buckling analysis of an embedded curved microbeam reinforced by functionally graded carbon nanotubes is carried out. The structure is subjected to thermal, magnetic and harmonic mechanical loads. Timoshenko beam theory is employed to simulate the structure. Furthermore, the temperature-dependent surrounding elastic foundation is modeled by normal springs and a shear layer. Using strain gradient theory, the small scale effects are taken into account. The extended rule of mixture is employed to estimate the equivalent properties of the composite material. The governing equations and different boundary conditions are derived based on the energy method and Hamilton’s principle. Dynamic stability regions of the system are obtained using differential quadrature method. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of different parameters such as small scale effect, boundary conditions, elastic foundation, volume fraction and distribution types of carbon nanotubes, magnetic field, temperature and central angle of the curved microbeam on the dynamic stability region of the system. The results indicate that by increasing the volume fraction of CNTs, the frequency of the system increases and thus the dynamic stability region occurs at higher frequencies. 相似文献
The buckling behavior of size-dependent microbeams made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) for different boundary conditions is investigated on the basis of Bernoulli–Euler beam and modified strain gradient theory. The higher-order governing differential equation for buckling with all possible classical and non-classical boundary conditions is obtained by a variational statement. The effects of the power of the material property variation function, boundary conditions, slenderness ratio, ratio of additional material length scale parameters for two constituents, beam thickness-to-additional material length scale parameter ratio on the buckling response of FGM microbeams are investigated. Some comparative results are presented in tabular and graphical form in order to show the differences between the results obtained by the present model and those predicted by modified couple stress and classical continuum models. 相似文献
A. Ashoori 《先进材料力学与结构力学》2018,25(10):813-819
A geometric nonlinear first-order shear deformation theory-based formulation is presented to analyze microplates. The formulations derived herein are based on a modified strain gradient theory and the von Karman nonlinear strains. The modified strain gradient theory includes five material length scale parameters capable to capture the size effects in small scales. The governing equations of motion and the most general form of boundary conditions of an arbitrary-shaped plate are derived using the principle of virtual displacements. The analysis is general and can be reduced to the modified couple stress plate model or the classical plate model. 相似文献
The geometrically nonlinear governing differential equations of motion and the corresponding boundary conditions are derived for the mechanical analysis of Timoshenko microbeams with large deflections, based on the strain gradient theory. The variational approach is employed to achieve the formulation. Hinged-hinged beams are considered as an important practical case, and their nonlinear static and free-vibration behaviors are investigated based on the derived formulation. 相似文献
The Eshelby-type inclusion problem of an infinite elastic body containing an anti-plane strain inclusion of arbitrary-shape polygonal cross-section is analytically solved using a simplified strain gradient elasticity theory that incorporates one material length scale parameter. The Eshelby tensor (with four nonzero components) is obtained in a general form in terms of two scalar-valued potential functions. These potential functions, as area integrals over the polygonal cross-section, are first converted to two line (contour) integrals using Green’s theorem, which are then evaluated analytically by direct integration. The newly derived Eshelby tensor is separated into a classical part and a gradient part. The former does not contain any elastic constant, while the latter includes the material length scale parameter, thereby enabling the interpretation of the particle (inclusion) size effect. For homogenization applications, the area average of the new position-dependent Eshelby tensor over the polygonal cross-section is also provided in a general form. To illustrate the newly obtained Eshelby tensor, five types of regular polygonal inclusions (i.e., triangular, quadrate, hexagonal, octagonal, and tetrakaidecagonal) are quantitatively studied by directly using the general formulas derived. The components of the induced strain and the averaged Eshelby tensor inside the inclusion are evaluated. Numerical results reveal that the induced strain varies with both the position and the inclusion size. The values of the induced strain components in a polygonal inclusion approach from below those in a corresponding circular inclusion when the inclusion size or the number of sides of the polygonal inclusion increases. The results for the averaged Eshelby tensor components show that the size effect is significant when the inclusion size is small but may be neglected for large inclusions. 相似文献
Mode I steady-state crack growth is analyzed under plane strain conditions in small scale yielding. The elastic-plastic solid is characterized by the mechanism-based strain gradient (MSG) plasticity theory [J. Mech. Phys. Solids 47 (1999) 1239, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 48 (2000) 99]. The distributions of the normal separation stress and the effective stress along the plane ahead of the crack tip are computed using a special finite element method based on the steady-state fundamental relations and the MSG flow theory. The results show that during the steady-state crack growth, the normal separation stress on the plane ahead of the crack tip can achieve considerably high value within the MSG strain gradient sensitive zone. The results also show that the crack tip fields are insensitive to the cell size parameter in the MSG theory. Moreover, in the present research, the steady-state fracture toughness is computed by adopting the embedded process zone (EPZ) model. The results display that the steady-state fracture toughness strongly depends on the separation strength parameter of the EPZ model and the length scale parameter in the MSG theory. Furthermore, in order for the results of steady crack growth to be comparable, an approximate relation between the length scale parameters in the MSG theory and in the Fleck-Hutchinson strain gradient plasticity theory is obtained. 相似文献
Dang Van-Hieu Nguyen Dong-Anh Le Minh-Quy Duong The-Hung 《International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design》2020,16(2):289-308
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design - The nonlinear vibration of a nanobeam under electrostatic force is investigated through the nonlocal strain gradient theory. Using... 相似文献
In this paper, the thermoelastic behavior of a functionally graded nanodisk is studied based on the strain gradient theory. It is assumed that the nanodisk thickness is constant, and a power-law model is adopted to describe the variation of functionally graded material properties. Furthermore, the nanodisk angular acceleration is taken to be zero while it is subjected to an axisymmetric loading. Also, it is assumed that any variation in temperature occurs only in the radial direction. The equilibrium equation and the boundary conditions are deduced from Hamilton’s principle. The obtained results are compared with those of classical theory. These results show that both theories predict the same trend for the variation in radial displacements. The differences between the stresses obtained from classical and strain gradient theories are clearly highlighted. Increasing the value of the material inhomogeneity parameter, n, considerably affects the magnitudes and the corresponding peak values of the high-order stress \(\bar{\tau }_{rrr}\). Any rise in temperature at the outside radius has a direct effect on the total stresses and radial displacements in the nanodisk. Also, the effects of external load at the inner and outer radii on radial displacement as well as stress components are fully investigated. 相似文献
Background/purposeThis paper deals with analysis of biaxial buckling behavior of double-orthotropic microplate system including in-plane magnetic field, using strain gradient theory.MethodsTwo Kirchhoff microplates are coupled by an internal elastic medium and also are limited to the external Pasternak elastic foundation. Utilizing the principle of total potential energy, the equilibrium equations of motion for three cases (out-of-phase buckling, in-phase buckling and buckling with a plate) are acquired. In this study, we assumed boundary conditions of all the edges are simply supported. In order to get exact solution for buckling load of system, Navier approach which satisfies the simply supported boundary conditions is applied.ResultsVariations of the buckling load of double-microplate system subjected to biaxial compression corresponding to various values of the thickness, length scale parameter, magnetic field, stiffness of internal and external elastic medium, aspect ratio, shear stiffness of the Pasternak foundation and biaxial compression ratio are investigated. Furthermore, influence of higher modes on buckling load is shown. By comparing the numerical results, it is found that dimensionless buckling load ratio for in-phase mode is more than those of out of phase and one microplate fixed. Also it is shown that the value of buckling load ratio reduces, when non-dimensional length scale parameter increases.ConclusionHowever, we found when properties of plate are orthotropic the buckling load ratio is more than isotropic state. Also, by considering the effect of magnetic field, non-dimensional buckling load ratio reduces. 相似文献
In this article, dynamic stability analysis of the viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate reinforced by functionally graded single-walled carbon nanotubes (FG-SWCNTs) based on modified strain gradient theory (MSGT) is explored. The viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate reinforced is subjected to hydrothermal and electro-magneto-mechanical loadings. The viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate is rested on viscoelastic foundation. Uniform distribution (UD), various functionally graded (FG) distribution types such as FG-V, FG-X, and FG-O are considered for single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The extended mixture approach is applied to estimation of the elastic properties. The equations of motion are derived by Hamilton's principle. The resonance frequency or the parametric resonance is obtained then dynamic stability region is specified. There is a good agreement between the present work and the literature result. Various parametric investigations are performed for the influences of the small scale parameters, direct and alternating applied voltage, magnetic field, viscoelastic foundation coefficients, and aspect ratios on the dynamic stability region of the viscoelastic piezoelectric polymeric nanocomposite plate. The results indicated that SWCNT agglomeration and surface stress have significant effects on the dynamic stability region and the parametric resonance. Dynamic stability region increases with increasing of thickness to width ratio, magnetic field, applied voltage, static load factor, viscoelastic foundation parameters, and surface density constant, and decreasing of length to width ratio and residual surface stress constant. Also, the dynamic stability region shifts to lower parameter resonance with increasing of temperature and moisture changes. The results can be employed for design of micro-electro-mechanical systems and nano-electro-mechanical systems. 相似文献
Ali Nazari 《Computational Materials Science》2011,50(11):3238-3244
Functionally graded ferritic and austenitic steels were produced through electroslag refining by setting the austenitic stainless steels and plain carbon steel with appropriate thickness as electrode. Fracture toughness of the specimen in terms of JIC was studied and modeled regarding the mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity theory. The yield stress of each layer was related to the density of the dislocations of that layer and assuming Holloman relation for the corresponding stress–strain curves, tensile strengths of the constituent layers were determined via numerical method. Fracture toughness of each layer was related to the corresponding area under stress–strain curve of that layer and finally by applying the rule of mixtures, fracture toughness of functionally graded steels was determined. The obtained results of the proposed model are in good agreement with the experimental ones. 相似文献
Investigated herein is the free vibration characteristics of microbeams made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) based on the strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory. The material properties of the functionally graded beams are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to the Mori–Tanaka scheme. Using Hamilton’s principle, the equations of motion together with corresponding boundary conditions are obtained for the free vibration analysis of FGM microbeams including size effect. A detailed parametric study is performed to indicate the influences of beam thickness, dimensionless length scale parameter, and slenderness ratio on the natural frequencies of FGM microbeams. Moreover, a comparison between the various beam models on the basis of the classical theory (CT), modified couple stress theory (MCST), and strain gradient theory (SGT) is presented for different values of material property gradient index. It is observed that the value of gradient index play an important role in the vibrational response of the microbeams of lower slenderness ratios. It is further observed that by increasing the length-to-thickness ratio of the microbeam, the value of dimensionless natural frequency tends to decrease for all amounts of the gradient index. 相似文献
《Composite Structures》2012,94(1):221-228
Investigated herein is the free vibration characteristics of microbeams made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) based on the strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory. The material properties of the functionally graded beams are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to the Mori–Tanaka scheme. Using Hamilton’s principle, the equations of motion together with corresponding boundary conditions are obtained for the free vibration analysis of FGM microbeams including size effect. A detailed parametric study is performed to indicate the influences of beam thickness, dimensionless length scale parameter, and slenderness ratio on the natural frequencies of FGM microbeams. Moreover, a comparison between the various beam models on the basis of the classical theory (CT), modified couple stress theory (MCST), and strain gradient theory (SGT) is presented for different values of material property gradient index. It is observed that the value of gradient index play an important role in the vibrational response of the microbeams of lower slenderness ratios. It is further observed that by increasing the length-to-thickness ratio of the microbeam, the value of dimensionless natural frequency tends to decrease for all amounts of the gradient index. 相似文献